Why we have banner rules

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Why we have banner rules

Post by Phoenix »

We love the cast of our beloved Moonlight, and wish them all every success in their future careers. We are also excited about their new projects, and have created a special forum – Our Beloved Moonlight Cast – so that there is a place to discuss the actors and their new jobs.

However, the banner-art makes up a huge amount of the visual impact of our forum. We allow massive banners here, so that we can all enjoy being reminded of our favourite Moonlight moments. Those banners are a lovely reminder that our forum is 100% Moonlight ... forever, because after all, we are self-confessed Moonlightaholics. That is why we insist that all banners are Moonlight-related, i.e. the images in banners are from Moonlight.

We do allow pictures of the cast members as themselves, and you can include images from their other roles as part of your banners, providing that main focus remains on Moonlight.

Since our MLA family has grown to more than 300 strong now – and there are only six mods to keep the place running smoothly – we are asking everyone to check their own banners please and make sure that they comply with the guidelines. (Sorry, but CM and Three Rivers banners are not allowed.)

If you are uncertain if your banner has sufficient Moonlight content, or you have any other queries or concerns, please either post in this thread or PM me or any of the mods.

Any members whose banners do not comply with the guidelines will be asked to exchange them.

Beautiful tag courtesy of SirenSong.
Image My fanfic index. My banner art.

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Re: Why we have banner rules

Post by redwinter101 »


Click here for my story index

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Re: Why we have banner rules

Post by Lilly »


My Fanfic Index
Avatar from "Matasaburo of the Wind" © 2009 Alex Gross, used with the permission of the artist
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Re: Why we have banner rules

Post by allegrita »

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Re: Why we have banner rules

Post by Lilly »


My Fanfic Index
Avatar from "Matasaburo of the Wind" © 2009 Alex Gross, used with the permission of the artist
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Re: Why we have banner rules

Post by lafluffy »

:cloud9: I just want to say how much I appreciate that. It's jarring for me to come across other banners on a Moonlight site, even Alex banners. I'm so happy that I don't have to wade through a variety of posts to get to the ML threads. I'm happy to hang out with other Moonlightaholics (and I don't even read the fanfic), to whom ML continues to be special, not just another show consumed.

I love that this site is, indeed, 100 proof Moonlight. I'm drunk on it; mixers just dilute the taste. :thanks: :redwine: :drinking: :cloud9:
lafluffy, Queen of the Damned Fluffies
.......................Fabulous screencap by the ever fabulous lighterthanair.
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