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Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:21 pm
by lila
Disclaimer: If they were mine, there would be more leather pants involved.
AN: the title is still tentative; if I come up with something more suited to the story line it'll be changed. There is a single line here that isn't mine (He could smell the sunlight on her skin), and if you've watched TB you'll pick it out at once ;) .Other than that, this is set some time in a post Sonata future.
AN2: as always, ConCrit and any type of feedback is very welcome. I'd love to know what you disliked and liked.

AN the last, but never the least: Thank you very, very much to Red, Sleo, Phoenix and Rijane , and every one else at the Mini Writer's Workshop at ML4ever for reading this chapter and giving me priceless advice and honest critique. You're are amazing, each and every one of you.

Summer - Chapter One

Beth murmured and turned in her sleep to face him. Summer was here and Beth was tanned, all golden tones and warmth; he could smell the sunlight on her skin. Last night they had forgotten to close the drapes, and the sun dripped onto her skin. Mick closed his eyes as he tightened his arm around Beth. The sun stung but it was a good hurt. For a little more time in bed he'd take it. Beth stirred at the pressure of him against her.

“Mmm,” she said. “It’s hot.”

Mick smiled and stretched out, his cool skin soothing her. “Yes it is.”

Her eyes opened and she blinked blearily at the bright sun. Then she sat up and looked down at Mick; the sheets pooled around her waist.

“Are you okay or is it too bright?”

Mick propped his head up in his palm. He let his eyes wander a hot path across a bare Beth.

“No, I think the light is just bright enough, Beth.”

He loved her blush. It spread from her cheekbones to her neck and collarbone and warmed the air with its color. He opened his arms to her and she slid against him, slipping her legs between his with an easy sigh. He pressed his lips against her hair and felt her awaken, inch by inch and a blink at a time.

Beth slid her warm mouth against his collarbone, his neck, his temple, small brushing and lingering kisses; he shivered and rolled them until she was splayed across his chest. He leaned up to kiss her but she set her head more firmly against the crook of his neck.

“No,” she said. “Morning breath.” With her head against his chest, she heard his deep laughter bubbling up and she smiled.

“You smell delicious to me.”

“I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: vampires make really bad liars.”

In reply, Mick stroked her back and her hair for a few moments. The sun began to burn: first his skin tingled, sensitive, then his sight clouded with spots and dancing lines, pain etched deep inside his muscles. His flesh rippled. Mick flipped them over and dropped a kiss on Beth’s surprised lips.

“I’ll get coffee if you want to take a quick shower,” he said.

“Good for sex and coffee. I just might keep you, Mick St John.”

“But who says I’ll keep you?”

That earned him a swat and a snort.

As Mick made his way to the kitchen, Beth rolled over in the bed groaned. She was so tired that she only sneaked a couple of looks at Mick as he moved away, bare. He must have felt the weight of her gaze on him, because he turned and gave her one of the looks she loved, hot and smoky, before breaking her caught breath and bitten lips with a half-smile, and a robe.

She slowly got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, left hand tangling in her hair. The shower she took was cool and soothing in the heat. Beth finished washing up before the cold seeped in too deep and stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a robe and a towel around her head. She brushed her teeth and put on some make-up, checked her general appearance in the mirror.

Muted and hushed voices drifted in from the kitchen.

Mick’s voice was unmistakable to her and the other person sounded like Josef but she wasn’t sure. She hesitated, then instead of blowing her hair dry, she opened the bathroom door a crack (to let the steam out, of course, she thought), and began to towel her hair dry.

The voices drifted in.

“….Why now?” Mick said.

Beth wished she could hear more than snippets.

“How am I… She thinks that…”

“Josef, it doesn’t make any…”

There was a loud bang, fist against metal counter, and Beth started.

“Mick, this is dangerous… maybe leave…”

Did he say leave the country? she wondered and laid off the toweling to hear better.

“…not… she won’t run me off.”

“…Beth say?”

There was a moment of ugly silence. Beth nudged the door open a bit more and stepped into her room softly.

“Beth doesn’t know, does she?”

Another moment of quiet, broken by Josef’s ironic laugh.

“I’d have thought Blondie would know all about it by now.”

“Josef, I can’t just… She wouldn’t… It isn’t that easy, okay?”

“That’s fine. That’s good. Just don’t come sulking to me when she tries to dump your ass. Again.”

“She won’t find out about this if you know what’s good for you,” Mick said.

Beth thought that she could hear a bit of a growl in Mick’s voice. And what did he think? That she was that naïve? Of course she’d know something was wrong. She was a reporter. She was paid to be nosy. It had become her way of life since she’d been six and taken and decided that chance wasn’t a fair way of living.

Beth edged closer to the open bedroom door and caught sight of Josef as he opened her front door.

“Sure, sure.” Josef waved dismissively. He paused just before closing the door, and smirking, he turned to look directly at her, “Oh, hey, Beth. Good to see you.”

Mick whirled around and his eyes snapped to her.

Damn, Beth thought, and I was so close.

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:58 am
by kpyle
This is very interesting! Will you continue it? Just wondering what they were talking about and what he will be in trouble for with Beth once she finds out!

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:03 am
by lila
Thanks for your comment, kpyle!

You know, I'm a procrastinator by nature. I already have the second chapter pretty much ready, but it's been lurking in one of my folders for ages. But since one of my New Year's resolutions is to be less of... well, to be less tardy, I think I'll post it later today ;)

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:18 am
by kpyle
I think we all have a little problem with procrastination!! Glad to hear there is more and I will keep checking back for more! Thanks for the heads up!

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:43 pm
by coco
Excellent first chapter lila :)
I am intrigued and off to read chapter 2 :D

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:50 pm
by lila
Thanks, coco! Chapter Two is up :D

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:05 pm
by francis
The sun began to burn: first his skin tingled, sensitive, then his sight clouded with spots and dancing lines, pain etched deep inside his muscles. His flesh rippled.
Amongst the sensual hotness of picturing Mick with Beth in bed leisurely waking up, this little paragraph caught my eye. I'm no vampire, but now I feel like I know what it's like to be so sun sensitive.

And I can't wait to see what the conversation was about.

Re: Summer Chapter One

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:58 pm
by lila
francis, thanks for your kind words! In return, I offer a secret: the feeling of the sun burning Mick was fashioned after how I feel when I get a particularly bad migraine. My family has a running joke that about once I month I creep away into my cave :lol:

Re: Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:52 am
by mitzie
Very intriguing first chapter!!!! :yahoo: :juggle: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: Off to read the next one!! :yahoo:


Re: Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:20 am
by lila
I'm delighted that you liked it, mitzie! :hug:

Re: Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:55 am
by Shadow
Love the way you begin this, lila - all that wonderful romance and sexiness is there but it's very clear, with the pain the sunlight causes Mick, that this is no normal human couple.

And that conversation with Josef is so intriguing. I really like the hints that Mick is keeping some deep secrets from Beth, in spite of how far their relationship has progressed.

I'm eager to read the next part but I'm going to try to save it for just a bit longer!

Re: Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:24 am
by lila
Shadow wrote:Love the way you begin this, lila - all that wonderful romance and sexiness is there but it's very clear, with the pain the sunlight causes Mick, that this is no normal human couple.

And that conversation with Josef is so intriguing. I really like the hints that Mick is keeping some deep secrets from Beth, in spite of how far their relationship has progressed.

I'm eager to read the next part but I'm going to try to save it for just a bit longer!
Thanks, Shadow! It makes me ecstatic that you've liked this fic, since I adore the way you weave yours.

And yeah, I see Mick as always holding a little bit of himself back... and that's not exactly conducive to a healthy, long relationship, is it? ;)

Re: Summer Chapter One (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:10 am
by wollstonecraft61
Okay, this story has me hooked, especially since I started with Summer Chapter Two first. What the hell did Mick do?????? :gasp: