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Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:00 pm
by Catmoon
Note: I think I'm just gonna post them as Francis requests them. ;)

Title: Déjà vu
Author: Cat Moon
Genre: mickbeth
Rating: PG13
Warning/spoiler: nods to 12:04 am, takes place after TMC.
Disclaimer: I do not own them, nor do I make any profit from them.
Summary: just another story where Mick and Beth finally grow up and get a clue…

Déjà vu’
By Cat Moon

Mick St. John stood in the shadows of the roof, staring out over his city as he’d done so many times in the past. The difference was there, of course: tonight he couldn’t hear the traffic below as if he were in the middle of it; couldn’t smell the blood and decay and garbage. It felt like being wrapped in cotton. It was both disturbing and pleasant; but then that pretty much summed up his entire life, especially lately.

People would have felt sorry for him if they knew it had been so many years since he’d allowed himself the touch of another – but in actuality is was safe, comforting. The misery began after you let your guard down, allowed someone close. You knew you shouldn’t, tried to avoid it but eventually the loneliness got too be too much. So you tentatively let down your shields a bit. Then more and more… until one day you were entertaining the crazy thought that maybe it could actually work out.

And that’s when your heart was crushed under the cruel heel of fate.

Mick had told her that human/vampire relationships don’t end well. Truth was, no relationship Mick had ever had ended well. Human/human, vampire/vampire, didn’t seem to matter. As the decades went by, and he had nothing but time to think, he had to start wondering why.

“I don’t deserve you.”

The thought was so close to what he’d been thinking about himself that he gaped at the woman next to him in shock. He wasn’t used to people being able to sneak up on him either, it was disconcerting.

“What are you talking about?” he asked her incredulously.

Beth looked away before answering. “You’ve taken care of me, watched over me since I was little. Since I’ve known you these past few months you’ve done nothing but save my life, tried to protect me… and I’ve treated you badly.”

“How do you figure that?” She had to know he didn’t blame her for anything, didn’t she? Most of it was his fault.

“Truth is, I treated you both badly.”

“Beth…” he began, without any real idea of what he
wanted to say.

“I kept brushing off Josh’s anger, denying his concerns. At least he died at peace, thinking things were okay again with us – and for awhile I felt guilty about that too, like I would have felt so much better if I’d broken his heart before he died,” she mocked herself.

“I don’t know what you’re—“

“Did I break your heart, too?”

Oh God. What the hell should he say to her? “None of it is your fault.”

“I have to disagree with you, Mick. I definitely have some fault, here.”

“Maybe we all do then,” he answered, shifting uncomfortably at the conversation they were having.

“You think human life is so sacred, so precious; what about the ugliness inside of us sometimes, what do you think of that?”

“I don’t know what you want me to say…”

“The truth would be a start. Maybe if you stop pretending… I can stop pretending.”

He rubbed his hand across his face. “Maybe it was always a mutual decision,” he answered curtly, letting just a little bit of truth out.

“I said some hurtful things. I was punishing you, you know.” He clenched his jaw, remained silent. “Because you kept pushing me away, denying how you felt. God, I was acting like such a spoiled brat!” she exclaimed. “All you were doing was trying to protect me, and I was too selfish to understand.”

“Maybe I wasn’t just doing it to protect you,” he finally admitted. “Maybe I had other reasons.”

“Wow. Déjà vu, huh? We’ve been here before.”

He had to agree; it felt like that night again, for some reason. When she’d confronted him on the roof, another emotional conversation he dreaded, and she was determined to have. “If I had ever been here before, on another time around the wheel I’d probably know just how to deal,” he quoted with a wry grin.

“After your time, weren’t they?” she said without sting.

“A vampire’s gotta keep up with the times.”

“Question is, is it gonna end the same way?”

“How’s that?” he dared question.

“I kiss you and you walk away.”

He couldn’t help a slight smile from curving his lips. “Are you gonna kiss me?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Depends on how it ends.”

“What if it doesn’t end well?” he asked, turning towards her, willing himself to meet her gaze this time. The sun was just starting to rise; today he had no need to hide from it. Maybe he could stop hiding from her, too.

She gave a harsh bark of laugh. “In case you hadn’t noticed, it already ended badly.”

He nodded in agreement. “Too true.”

“As long as no more innocents get hurt because they have the unfortunately luck of getting in the middle of “Us”, I’ll be okay with it.”

There was some wisdom in her words, he decided. Who knows how things would have gone if there was total honesty on both sides from the start. It might not have ended any better, but those kinds of thoughts were nothing but speculation.

“I’m willing to give it a shot if you are,” he answered in a casual voice that belayed the nervous butterflies in his churning stomach; the rapid, skipping beat of his temporarily mortal heart. Would he have had the courage to contemplate such things if he wasn’t human at this moment?

“What if I don’t want you to be my guardian angel anymore?” she challenged.

“I think I stopped being that a long time ago,” he admitted. “Well, a few months ago anyway,” he corrected.

She put her hand up to his face, just barely touching it. “So what are you gonna do if I kiss you?”

He took her hand and pressed it against his cheek. The panicky feeling increased, but he resolved to ignore it. Just this once. Take a chance. “I’m going to take you downstairs and make love to you,” he began in a low, seductive voice. “Then hours from now, when we’re both exhausted, I’m going to hold you in my arms and answer all the questions I didn’t before.”

Even without vampire senses, he could see her eyes darken in desire at his words. Looking into those eyes, suddenly vulnerable in a way he’d never noticed before, he saw all his mistakes. He saw the truth.

“So, have you decided yet?” Mick asked, slowly drawing her body closer to his.

The sun had risen, but Mick didn’t notice. She’d made her decision.

The end
*Déjà vu, song by Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:20 pm
by francis
Wonderful. I love this dialogue. He is so insecure, and she is pushy, and finally she sees her own mistakes and treats him the way she should have. And this opens them up for a whole different way to handle the last episodes. Makes me think about what could have been. Thanks.

Note: I think I'm just gonna post them as Francis requests them.
Well, then, Echoes is next. :D

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:31 pm
by coco
Oh how I love this one Catmoon :D
Perfect scenario ;)

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:55 pm
by wpgrace
OOOhh... shivvers!!

As always, totally love your dialogue between them!

I don't remember this one but it's great... sorta takes care of that pesky bitchy Beth problem from LLF... I can like her again now.

And he's cute as ever here... always enjoy your Mick.

And kudos to francis for the request... we all depend upon her, you know.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:09 pm
by Catmoon
Francis: Your wish is my command. ;) It'll have to wait till after work tonight though. I'm heading off to bed shortly.

Coco: Thanks!

Wpgrace: I'm always pleased to get compliments on my dialogue, as you know it's what I'm "into". Yes, as I recall you and I are of similar mind re: LLF.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:00 am
by one.zebra
Oh excellent! M&B moving FORWARD!

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:29 am
by mitzie
Love this! Mick and Beth acting like adults!! :o Now this should have been in the show!!!! *scream* *scream* *scream* *thud*


Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:49 pm
by Catmoon
Mitzie & One.Zebra: I strive to write about adults, and I'm a big believer in characters moving forward, so you can probably expect that from my writing. :) Thanks for reading and commenting.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:39 am
by Fleur de Lisa
OMG this is amazing. Those lines at the end were truly thud worthy:
I’m going to take you downstairs and make love to you,” he began in a low, seductive voice. “Then hours from now, when we’re both exhausted, I’m going to hold you in my arms and answer all the questions I didn’t before.”
I was nodding my head in agreement with that admission from him! Finally, some honesty, and a promise of explanations, so they can move forward.

love, love, love this.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:27 pm
by Catmoon
Fleur de Lisa wrote:OMG this is amazing. Those lines at the end were truly thud worthy:
I’m going to take you downstairs and make love to you,” he began in a low, seductive voice. “Then hours from now, when we’re both exhausted, I’m going to hold you in my arms and answer all the questions I didn’t before.”
I was nodding my head in agreement with that admission from him! Finally, some honesty, and a promise of explanations, so they can move forward.

love, love, love this.
Yes, a refreshing change for Mick, wasn't it? :lol: Unlike on the show where you definitely got the feeling he was still keeping a lot from Beth even after they started dating. Thanks for reading and sharing your comments with me, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:38 pm
by Moonlighter
Catmoon wrote:She put her hand up to his face, just barely touching it. “So what are you gonna do if I kiss you?”

He took her hand and pressed it against his cheek. The panicky feeling increased, but he resolved to ignore it. Just this once. Take a chance. “I’m going to take you downstairs and make love to you,” he began in a low, seductive voice. “Then hours from now, when we’re both exhausted, I’m going to hold you in my arms and answer all the questions I didn’t before.”
Oh good Lord! When I read that line, I literally said "Oh God" out loud. Damn, finally some forward movement with these two. Well done, Cat. Loved it. Off to read some old ones and some new ones (to me, anyway).


Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:45 pm
by helloeeze
Great little story. I loved the dialogue. It was a little edgy. They are still unsure and not letting their whole love come out. The dialogue seemed great for a noir scene.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 10:36 am
by Catmoon
helloeeze wrote:Great little story. I loved the dialogue. It was a little edgy. They are still unsure and not letting their whole love come out. The dialogue seemed great for a noir scene.
Thanks. I didn't try to make the dialogue noir-ish on purpose, but it's really cool that it comes across that way.
Moonlighter wrote:Well done, Cat. Loved it. Off to read some old ones and some new ones (to me, anyway).
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Re: Deja vu (One shot, PG)

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:56 pm
by jen
Stopped in for a reread.

Loved this before, love is now.

So very, very nice.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :hearts: