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The Gift of Life: Chapters 1-5 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:38 pm
by Kelly
Disclaimer: I own no recognizable characters, sets, etc.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef, Simone, Coraline, OC
Warning: some mild adult themes

The Gift of Life

Mick stood nervously outside Beth’s front door, his fingers running along the velvety surface of the small square box in his coat pocket. Beth opened the door slowly and when she saw Mick standing there, she smiled brightly. “Mick? What are you doing here?” she asked, genuinely happy to see him.
“I just came by to…um…I think we should talk. Can I come in?” he replied uneasily.
“Of course,” Beth motioned for him to come inside, but she was unnerved by his strange behavior. What was so difficult for him to tell her? Mick stepped inside, his eyes cast downwards. “So what is it?” Beth asked.
“Well, uh…I’ve been thinking a lot lately about…well…about us,” Mick explained.
“What about us?” Beth asked warily.
“About our relationship. You know that I want what’s best for you, Beth. Don’t you?” he didn’t give her a chance to answer before he continued, “And there are things that I’ll never be able to give you…”
“What things?” Beth interrupted.
“Well…a child, for example,” Mick answered, sounding somewhat embarrassed, “I know you dream of someday having a child, and it’s perfectly justifiable. Parenthood is a natural part of life, and you should get to experience it. You…”
Beth interrupted him yet again, irritation seeping into the tone of her voice, “What is this Mick? Shouldn’t it be up to me to decide what I want?!”
“Yes, but I’m only stating the facts,” he replied, his voice slightly raised. He could sense her anger, but was unsure of how to deal with it.
“Are they the facts?” she was practically shouting.
“Well, to the vast majority of people they are!” he replied.
“Well I know what I want!” she huffed, “What are you trying to do here, Mick?!!”
“I’m trying to ask you to…” he was nearly shouting, but his voice faded into silence.
“Well, You…” Beth stopped cold, “Ask me to what?”
“To marry me, Beth,” he answered quietly, “I wanted to ask you to marry me.”
“What...?” Beth was speechless, “Why?”
“Definitely not the reaction I had hoped for,” he observed.
“Huh…?” Beth asked somewhat dazed.
Mick smiled at her innocent confusion, and reached into his pocket and extracted the small box. He opened the lid and held it for her to see, “Beth…I love you…I’ve always loved you, and I want to marry you.”
“Why me?” Beth managed to say. She had dreamt of this moment time and time again, but never had she believed that it would ever really happen. She had come to learn that Mick, although outwardly strong, was emotionally vulnerable. She knew that he loved her, but their unique situation made a long-term relationship seem unlikely. The sight of him, standing before her with the glistening ring in his outstretched hand seemed unreal.
“Because you don’t see the monster inside me, only the man that I strive to be. And because your smile lights up even the darkest day,” he said this last part somewhat playfully, and Beth couldn’t help smiling and blushing self-conscientiously, “Because whenever we part, the only thing on my mind is when I’ll see you again. You are my life, Beth, the life that I thought was lost to me long ago. You are the only thing that I want…so, Beth, will you…?”
Overcome by her emotions, Beth nodded, tears welling in her eye. “You make it kind of hard to say no,” she replied, smiling through her tears. At that, Mick pulled her close and kissed her passionately, love flooding their bodies.

Mick admired Beth’s sleeping form beside him, bathed in the silky blue light of the moon. To him, she was perfect, and her beauty seemed almost unearthly. The ring on her finger sent shimmering reflections dancing along the otherwise dark walls of her apartment, and Mick couldn’t help smiling. Since Beth had accepted his proposal, they had been practically inseparable. He would never have believed how involved and particular Beth was over the formalities of the coming event, but she had surprised him. She insisted on having a traditional wedding ceremony with her family and a few friends present. She fussed over every detail like a giddy teenager. Mick, however, found her behavior adorable, and, although he never admitted it, he was just as excited as Beth.
Beth began to stir, and her eyes fluttered open. “You’re still here?” she mumbled, “I thought you’d left.”
“I was going to,” Mick replied, “But then I was distracted.”
“By what?” Beth asked curiously.
“By you,” Mick teased.
“I must be really interesting, if I kept you here all this time.” Beth joked.
“Trust me, you were,” Mick’s voice was truly sincere, “ but I really should be going. I was going to meet Josef, and you are going back to sleep.”
“Since when do you give me orders?” Beth asked playfully.
“Why? Is it a problem?” Mick replied, his tone teasing.
“No. I like it,” Beth answered, reaching up to pull him down to her level, “Now you listen to what I say and kiss me.” Mick hovered over her, his lips brushing gently over hers before they met in a long lingered kiss.
“I really do have to be going now,” Mick observed when their kiss broke, “but I’ll be back later.” He moved towards the door and opened it. He turned before leaving and whispered, “Bye, Beth.”
He left the room and was pulling the door shut when he heard Beth’s voice calling out behind him, “Don’t forget to ask him!!”
“I won’t,” he replied hesitantly.

Mick stood in the entry of Josef’s newly renovated home, staring incredulously at a vase of purple orchids on the table. He could hear Josef come up behind him. “Flowers, Josef?” he couldn’t help it. It was just too easy.
“They’re Simone’s doing,” Josef responded, sounding quite embarrassed, “I swear, since that woman moved in, she’s been changing everything. She decorates everything. I’d rethink this thing with Beth, if I were you. You know, sometimes I wish I’d never gone through with it when Simone begged me to turn her. Things would be so much easier.”
“No you don’t,” Mick spoke seriously.
“No…I don’t,” Mick noticed a slight smile on Josef’s lips, and could hear the love in his voice. Mick was glad that Josef had finally found someone to spend his life with. Josef, underneath all his sarcasm, had a kind heart, and he deserved to be happy.
“Mick, how nice to see you!” Simone had just entered the room and was walking towards them, “How’s everything going with the wedding?”
“Actually, that’s why I’m here,” Mick answered, “Beth wanted me to ask Josef to…to…” He was reluctant to finish.
“To what?” Simone asked.
“To be my…best man,” he cringed in anticipation of Josef’s inevitable response.
Josef’s mouth dropped open, “You’re what?!! You’ve got to be joking!”
Mick shook his head, “Regretfully, I’m not.”
“No! Absolutely no!” Josef replied.
Simone pulled Mick aside and walked him towards the door, “He’ll come around. Trust me. You go be with your fiancé.”
Josef, who had followed them to the door, continued his rant, even though no one was really listening, “I don’t do weddings! Do I look like the kind of guy who enjoys joyous events, and dancing to sappy love songs?!”
“Goodbye, Josef,” Mick called over his shoulder as he left.
However, he could still hear Josef protesting to Simone, behind him, “I won’t do it!”
“Stop acting like a child,” Simone demanded, “You’ll do it…and that’s that.” Their voices faded as Mick moved farther away, but he couldn’t help chuckling to himself at Josef’s dilemma. Simone would get her way. She always did when it came to Josef.

Tomorrow! The wedding was tomorrow! Beth’s mind was racing in excitement. There were times when she thought the day would never come, but looking back, it had arrived so quickly. Mick and Beth were standing in the of the Los Angeles airport waiting for Beth’s parents to arrive. She was excited about seeing them after such a long time. They had moved to Florida years before to enjoy their retirement, and Beth had not seen them since.
“Are you sure about this, Beth?” Mick asked nervously.
“Of course….It will be fine. Everyone is nervous when they’re about to meet their future in-laws,” Beth answered.
“You’re forgetting that this is a very unique situation, Beth,” Mick retorted, “And besides, I HAVE met your parents. Are you sure they’ll believe us?”
“Everything will be fine,” Beth assured him, “To them, you’re Mick St. John Jr. Trust me, ‘Vampire’ will never cross their minds.” She smiled teasingly at him, “Oh wait! There they are!! Mom! Dad!” She made her way as quickly as she could towards her parents. Mick, who had gotten caught in the mob of people flocking into the room, could see Beth tearfully throwing her arms around her parents. “Mick! Mick! Come here!!” she waved him over. “Mom…Dad…meet Mick,” she wrapped her arm around him as she spoke.
“I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Turner,” Mick said, reaching out to shake the proffered hands.
“Well we’re pleased to meet you as well,” Mrs. Turner replied and took a step closer to Mick, studying his face, “Well, if I didn’t know better, I’d believe I was looking at your father. I’m so sorry to hear about his death. I can’t tell you how grateful I will always be. He saved my baby’s life.” Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke, “Oh look at me getting all emotional, and at such a special time too.” She dried her eyes before continuing, “You know, I sent your father several letters over the years, thanking him and letting him know how Beth was doing. I remember that once I even sent him a card that Beth had drawn for him. It was cute, really.”
“I actually found that card in my father’s old things,” Mick informed her, “I still have it somewhere.”
“You never told me that,” Beth stared at him incredulously, “I don’t even remember drawing it.”
“I’ll show it to you later. It’s quite a masterpiece.” Mick teased.
“Well, we had better be going,” Beth’s mother piped up, “Why don’t we stop somewhere for lunch? Our treat.”
“Actually, Mom, Mick and I have already eaten, but I have a ton of stuff at my place. You’re welcome to anything you like,” Beth answered hurriedly, and Mick sent her a grateful look. Such a situation could have been awkward.
“Well, okay. I suppose we could do lunch some other time,” Mrs. Turner gave in, “Let’s go.”

Mick stood anxiously in the back room of the church. The ceremony would begin in less than an hour, and he was nervously getting ready. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so unnerved. Why couldn’t he calm down? Because this was Beth…his Beth. Despite his nerves, he was happier than he’d ever been in his life. He felt certain that nothing could go wrong…everything was perfect. However, a voice from behind him, an all too familiar voice, broke his confidence, “It brings back memories, doesn’t it, Mick.”

His heart sank as he turned to face the last person on earth he wanted to see at that moment. “Coraline? What are you doing here? And why now?”
“You may not believe me, but I’m not here to cause trouble,” Coraline spoke quietly but forcefully, “I just wanted to talk. I realize that we didn’t part on good terms, and I’m sure you’re not thrilled about seeing me…especially now, but I just wanted to make things right. I also, wanted to apologize to you…for everything.” She didn’t elaborate on what that “everything” was, but she didn’t have to. Mick knew what she meant.
“But I don’t understand,” Mick spoke up, “Why aren’t you trying to interfere…you know…with Beth and me.”
“Oh, Mick…do you see me as that heartless?” Her voice sounded sad, “I’ve known for a long time that you and I weren’t truly meant to be together. Actually, I think I’ve always known. What we had, those many years ago, really wasn’t love. Passion…lust… that is all we were. But I’ve seen you with Beth. I’ve seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. It’s something we’ve never had… that quiet and unspoken, yet powerful, devotion. I have to say, though, I am envious, but I would never step between you two. Happiness, love…you deserve them, Mick.”
Mick didn’t know how to respond. This was so unlike the Coraline that he knew. “Thank you,” is all that he could manage to say.
“Oh and I have something for you, Mick…a gift,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet pouch and handed it to him. Mick stared incredulously at its contents.
“How?” he asked with disbelief.
“How’s not important. Just take it, along with my sincere congratulations,” she replied with a slight smile, “I need to be going, and you should be out there. Goodbye, Mick.” She leaned up towards him and kissed him softly on the side of his face. He didn’t try to move away. He knew that whatever was left of their broken relationship was gone now. She pulled away and moved to leave, but before she did, she whispered to him softly, “Good luck.” She was gone. This time, however, he knew that she would never again enter his life. He also knew that, at long last, he was able to forgive her.

Mick stood at the altar, waiting. Josef, dressed in a stiff tuxedo, stood fidgeting beside him. He glanced about the church at the smiling faces all around him. Beth’s mother and younger sister sat in the front pew, along with various other members of her family. Simone was there, as was Logan, who, since his moment of glory, had finally come to realize that life outside his basement did, in fact, exist. Suddenly, the sound of an organ filled the silence. The doors at the far end of the church opened, and there, looking more beautiful than ever…was Beth, his Beth. He had experienced so much in his long life, but no moment could ever surpass this one. The sight of Beth, walking gracefully down the long aisle towards him would forever be ingrained in his memory. When she was nearing him, Beth reached out and placed her small, delicate hand into Mick’s. He clasped his hand protectively around hers and led her the final few steps to the altar, where they would become joined forever.

Mick pulled his car up outside a small, quaint cottage about an hour from the church. It was very secluded and faced the breathtaking coast.
“Oh, Mick,” Beth sighed, “It’s beautiful.” Mick had wanted to surprise her, so he hadn’t told her where they were going. He hopped out of his car and ran around to the other side to help Beth out. He walked her to the front door and opened it. Beth was about to step inside when he scooped her off her feet completely unannounced, and she squealed with delight.
“You can put me down now,” Beth observed once they were inside.
“Maybe I don’t want to,” Mick replied, his voice filled with love, and kissed her gently.
Eventually he lowered her to the ground, and she was able to look around. It was small, with only a bedroom and a sitting room slash kitchen. However, it was quite picturesque. The blazing fire in the hearth lit the room with a warm, flickering glow. A soft gasp escaped Beth’s lips when she took in the beautiful scene.
“Do you like it?” Mick asked, already certain of the answer.
“Oh, Mick, I love it,” she replied in a whisper.
“Would you like to see the rest then?” he asked. All she could do was nod. Mick led her through a closed door to the bedroom. Beth couldn’t believe the sight before her eyes. The room glowed entirely with candlelight, and bouquets of dark red roses were piled everywhere.
“What’s with all the roses?” Beth asked inquisitively.
“Well…Josef advised me to scatter their petals around,” He answered.
“Wait…Josef?!” Beth inquired incredulously.
“Yeah,” Mick laughed, “But it seemed a shame to tear apart the flowers. They’re perfect just as they are. Just like you.”
“I never knew you were such a romantic,” Beth teased.
“Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you,” he said, “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He left the room, and Beth sat on the edge of the bed to wait. He returned with a small wrapped package and what looked like a letter. Mick sat beside her and handed her a somewhat wrinkled envelope. She opened it and smiled at its contents: a picture, scribbled with crayons on a piece of construction paper, of a man in a dark coat holding a small blonde child.
“I can’t believe you kept this,” she spoke quietly, “It’s a horrible likeness.”
“I don’t know about that,” he responded, “I think it’s sweet.”
“You’re teasing me,” she giggled like a small child, and Mick couldn’t help smiling. “So what‘s that?” Beth said, pointing to the package in his hand.”
“Open it and see,” he said and handed it to her. Beth undid the wrapping, and discovered a small wooden box. She opened it, revealing a beautiful crystal, intricately carved into the shape of a rose.
“Oh, Mick! It’s beautiful!” she was thoroughly delighted but couldn’t help teasing him, “But don’t you think you’ve given me enough roses?”
“Yes, but this one’s different. You see, I bought this one impulsively many years ago. I was going to send it to you after I received your drawing, but I backed out. I thought it best to stay out of your life,” he explained.
“But you didn’t,” Beth observed, “Mick? I’ve always wondered…why did you decide to reveal yourself to me that night by the fountain? What changed?”
“I don’t know. From the moment I met you… since I first held you in my arms, you intrigued me, but I think I was afraid to let you really see me, see the monster I was underneath. But you changed me, Beth. You made me want to be better, to make myself worthy,” Mick’s voice was sad.
Beth reached up and placed her hand on the side of his face, “But you have always been worthy, Mick. If you hadn’t been, you never would have saved me. Like I told you before, you were…are… my guardian angel.”
“You know,” Mick replied sincerely, “I think you were as much my angel as I was yours.” At that Beth embraced him tightly, not wanting to let go. “Beth,” Mick whispered, still in her arms.
“Yes Mick?”
“I need to show you something,” at that he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the small pouch that Coraline had given him.
“What is it?” Beth asked curiously.
“It’s the compound,” he replied.
“What?” she was confused. How had he gotten it?
“Some of it, anyway,” he continued, as if he hadn’t heard her.
“But how?”
“Coraline. She showed up this morning and gave it to me. She said it was a gift,” he explained.
“Coraline?!” Beth sounded nervous, “Is she back?”
“No, she left as soon as she gave it to me, and I don’t think she’ll be back… Do you know what this means, Beth…for us?”
“No,” was all she could say.
“It means we can have a family,” he sounded so excited, “I can give you what you’ve always wanted!!”
“Wait,” Beth was beginning to catch on, and some of Mick’s enthusiasm was beginning to rub off on her, “Are you sure?”
“It’s worth a shot,” he replied.
“How much of it is there? Beth questioned.
“Well, I figure that if I set some away to do tests on, there would still be enough to use several times,” he explained.
“Mick…this is wonderful!!” Beth sounded elated.
“You’re happy?” Mick asked, even though he knew what her answer would be.
“Very,” Beth’s voice, a bit calmer, was filled with emotion, “So when are you going to use it?”
“When do you think?” he asked.
“How about now?” she responded.
“Beth, are you sure? We could wait a while. It might be better,” he didn’t want pressure her into anything too soon.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” was her truthful reply. Mick kissed her quickly but forcefully and then raced out of the room. He soon returned with a knife that he had retrieved from the kitchen. He sat down again and sliced a small gash into the skin of his forearm and then dabbed some of the compound into it. The wound stayed open, not healing as it normally would. Slowly, he could feel the warmth of life reentering his body. His eyesight and hearing dulled, but other sensations, sensations he had forgotten he had, were awoken, as if from sleep.
“Did it work?” Beth’s voice broke the silence.
“Yeah…it did,” Mick replied, his words flooded with emotion. Beth threw her arms around his neck and clung to him tightly. Mick held her too, relief washing over him. He pulled away slightly and began kissing her all over…her face, her neck, her lips, her hands.
“I love you, Beth…Oh, God, I love you,” his words were urgent, but loving. At that moment, he felt close to her, closer than ever. Longing surged through their bodies. Mick’s heart, his now living heart, throbbed with love, love he couldn’t contain. He needed her. He needed his Beth.
“Beth?” he mumbled in between kisses.
“Yes?” she whispered.
“Just promise me you’ll stay out of trouble this time,” his voice was muffled.
“That depends on what kind of trouble you mean,” she replied with a mischievous grin and pushed him playfully onto his back.

Note* I have since turned extremely pro-MickCora, so I'm finding it difficult to finish this story. However, I have posted an epilogue, which is set 4 years in the future. It's called "Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble."

Re: The Gift of Life: Chapters 1-5 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:12 pm
by francis
Oh, Kelly, I love how Josef is falling for domesticity with Simone. And how reluctant he is. I love Beth's reaction to Mick's proposal, and his awkwardness. Well done storyline. Now that he is human, what will happen? I read the sequel, but I'm sorry that there won't be more. It can't be helped, the muses always win. Thank you for this glimpse. :heart:

Re: The Gift of Life: Chapters 1-5 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:19 pm
by coco
You may be pro MickCora these days Kelly but you do write MickBeth beautifully. Shame this won't be continued :hankie:

Re: The Gift of Life: Chapters 1-5 (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:12 am
by maggatha3
wonderful, just wonderful, a Mick Beth to remember, thanks Kelly!