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Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT - PG

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:14 am
by heartagram_lala
[x]Title: Tick Tock Boom
[x]Author: Heartagram_LaLa
[x]Rating: PG
[x]Warning: None
[x]Pairing: Mick/Beth
[x]Genre: Urm... no idea.
[x]Words: 264
[x]Spoilers: None
[x]Summary: The timer on the bomb that is Mick and Beth's relationship is nearing detonation point.
[x]Disclaimer: Not my toys, im just borrowing them =D

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Tick tock goes the clock.

But this is no ordinary clock, no, it is a timer.

A timer on a bomb.

The bomb that is the relationship, connection, friendship, thing, or whatever the hell you want to call it, between Beth and I.

The timer has been speeding up and nearing detonation point for the past few months, every time we see each other we get closer to seeing the outcome of the explosion that is sure to rock both our worlds.

The question is what will happen when the bomb explodes?

Will it bring us together or tear us apart?

Will it kill Beth or will it kill me, or will it kill us both?

Will the shrapnel from the explosion run through all our friends and family until we are the only two left standing, or will we go down in flames with everyone else?

Or by some miracle will the shrapnel and consequences of the bomb, our relationship, miss everyone and everything we care about, flinging into oblivion until all that is left is a happy unconventional couple?

There are a million possibilities as to what may happen, but one thing is for certain, the bomb is going to explode and soon.

As Beth enters my apartment I try to avoid her eyes, hearing the ticking of the bomb in my ears, we are nearing detonation point.

She walks past me and is looking at me when I turn around.

Our eyes connect and I hear the last few ticks of the timer before the bomb explodes.


Comments make my day

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:25 am
by mitzie
Great story! I loved the analogy of the bomb about to explode and the shrapnel affecting others around them!! :mrgreen:


Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:55 am
by heartagram_lala
mitzie wrote:Great story! I loved the analogy of the bomb about to explode and the shrapnel affecting others around them!! :mrgreen:

Thanks Mitzie =P

I felt it fitted with them well, seeing as the whole Human/Vamp thing will effect others around them in ways we cannot imagine, especially Josef =P

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the comment!

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:08 am
by Moonlighter
Oooo, this was a good one! There is sure to be some sort of explosion when these two get together. I just have one word of advice: DUCK!

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:52 am
by heartagram_lala
Moonlighter wrote:Oooo, this was a good one! There is sure to be some sort of explosion when these two get together. I just have one word of advice: DUCK!
there sure is!

but why duck... then u miss all the good stuff!!! lol

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:16 pm
by jenstc2003
Awesome analogy! There will definitely be some serious fireworks when they do finally get together, and God knows what the results will be or who will be impacted. Love it!

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:03 pm
by heartagram_lala
jenstc2003 wrote:Awesome analogy! There will definitely be some serious fireworks when they do finally get together, and God knows what the results will be or who will be impacted. Love it!
Thank you =D

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT - PG

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:28 pm
by francis
Great imagery, lala. Yes, they are dancing around each other, and he's so afraid the bomb might explode, but I think she only sees the firework that will be. She's pushy that way.
Nice little story with a lot of insight.

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT - PG

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:11 pm
by heartagram_lala
francis wrote:Great imagery, lala. Yes, they are dancing around each other, and he's so afraid the bomb might explode, but I think she only sees the firework that will be. She's pushy that way.
Nice little story with a lot of insight.
Thanks, yeah i think Beth can be a little ignorant at times, although it's not all her fault, Mick does hide a lot of the 'nasty' vampire things from her.

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT - PG

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:45 pm
by jen
I see a lot of fireworks and some heat, but no real damage.

Love it!

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Tick, Tock, Boom - Mick/Beth - ONESHOT - PG

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:03 am
by heartagram_lala
jen wrote:I see a lot of fireworks and some heat, but no real damage.

Love it!

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
=D i see a LOT of fireworks and a HELL OF A LOT of heat =P But yeah not real damage =D

thanks again