Bonded - PG-13

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Bonded - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

I'm big on "what if"'s in the Moonlight world. This is one of them.

A thousand thank-yous to starbucksjunkie for reading through this and correcting errors.

I hope you enjoy it.

Usual disclaimers apply. CBS owns Moonlight - I just like to play with the toys.


Josef wearily climbed up the steps of his home, then turned to watch his valet climb behind the wheel of the Ferrari to park it in the garage. He would have done it himself, but he felt the need to take in the night. He stood quietly on the porch, a denizen of the night he felt swirling around him. The raft of weariness that threatened to claim him floated on a sea of deep satisfaction.

The door opened quietly behind him and Natalia stepped out on the porch.

“Is it done, Mr. Konstantin?”

“It is. Everything is as it should be.”


Josef had known the minute Mick limped into his temporary office after Josh’s funeral that he had taken that goddamned cure. He hadn’t had to see the cuts and bruises on Mick’s face; he could smell the sickly sweet odor of impending death that all humans innately carried. Josef was coldly furious, but he’d had centuries to learn exquisite control. It was a moot point, actually—Mick couldn’t smell his emotions, nor could he see under the mask Josef kept ruthlessly in place. Mick’s betrayal of himself, of the Community he was a part of burned like acid in the ancient vampire's gut, but it was imperative he kept it to himself.

“So…I see you found your loving ex-wife and she helped you rejoin the mortal coil. Looks like the experience hasn’t been that much fun so far.”

Mick had blushed—had BLUSHED, for sweet Christ’s sake, and Josef could almost taste the blood rushing to Mick’s cheeks. He was surprised at how hard it was to refrain from licking his lips.

“Yeah. I’d forgotten how painful it was to get my ass kicked. But the food…I ate myself into a coma and it was worth every bite. I was out in the sun today, Josef. It didn’t make me sick. It felt…amazing.”

Josef barely kept himself from sniffing derisively at the dreamy smile on Mick’s face—he was so ridiculously happy Josef actually felt his stomach roll over.

“And Blondie? How’d she react to your presence at her dead boyfriend’s funeral? You know the one—the guy you refused to Turn at her insistence?”

Mick winced and Josef twisted the knife just a bit further. “You’re a brave soul, showing up at that funeral after she so charmingly informed you that you would be better off dead. And since you’re standing here instead of availing yourself of that soft body, I’m assuming she still doesn’t want you anywhere near her.”

Mick held up a hand. “Enough, Josef. She just needs time.”

Josef smirked. “Does she realize how little of it you have?”

Mick put his hands on his hips and dropped his head. “I can’t force her to want to be with me, Josef. She has to come to it herself—she had to make that decision without any pressure or interference from me. I won’t use my humanity against her.”

Josef rolled his eyes as his cell phone started vibrating in his pocket. Snapping it open, he made a “shoo”-ing motion with one hand while he barked at the caller.

“This better be good!” He put his hand over the mouthpiece.

“Go out and enjoy your dubious gift while you still have it.”


After Natalia had gone back inside, Josef stood on the porch. The night belonged to him—and now the night belonged to Mick again as well.

He closed his eyes, remembering the stubborn look on Mick’s face as he prepared to rush headlong into what would have been his certain death. He’d had to take a drastic step to prove to Mick just how fragile he was—he’d had to attack him as a vampire. It had almost broken Josef in two.

This is how you want it to end??

Josef had barely been able to keep himself from burying his fangs in Mick’s neck at that moment, but he’d let Mick push him away. Mick paced away from him, ran his hand through his hair. Josef had watched him patiently.

Say it, Mick…come on…

He could feel it, the second Mick made the decision. He’d had to turn away from Mick briefly to hide the smile of triumphant satisfaction.

You have to Turn me back.

Josef had put up a protest and he’d almost meant it. In spite of Mick’s betrayal, Josef still loved him. He hated to be the one to take away the thing Mick wanted most in the world, even more than he wanted Beth—to be human, to feel life again, to recapture what had been taken from him so many decades ago.

He has my Beth.

Josef’s icy heart had cracked at the desperation in Mick’s voice, his own eyes welling in concert with Mick’s. He hated that Mick’s love was causing him pain. He hated that a human was the cause of it.

Please, brother.

Mick had called him “brother” and it had been his undoing. He knew Mick put his trust in him and he'd almost divulged the truth before the cold hand of reason stopped him.

He’d known Mick’s blood would be sweet to the taste—it slid down his throat like gold. He could taste everything Mick kept inside him; his love for Beth, his sorrow at giving up his taste of humanity, his dread at giving the vampire back control and his hatred and helplessness at his human weakness. He’d almost faltered when the taste of Mick’s respect and affection for him flooded over his tongue, but he’d persevered. Josef had cradled him gently in his arms as he’d laid him down and couldn’t help brushing his lips against the marks he’d left.

You won’t regret it, Mick.

He’d watched Mick lick at the blood that dripped down onto his lips and prayed to whatever deity might be listening that this would work—that Mick wouldn’t become another Sarah. He’d nearly wept with relief when Mick had reached for his arm and started suckling gently, like a newborn babe at its mother’s breast. He’d winced when Mick began to suck harder, Josef’s blood mixing with tears.

Come on Mick…rise and shine.

Josef had felt a surge of almost fatherly pride when Mick sat up, tears on his cheeks. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face when Mick had roared, reclaiming his true self—the vampire.

This is who you are. This is who you were meant to be. Embrace it, my friend. Revel in your power.

Josef shivered as he remembered the thrill of hunting with Mick once more. He hadn’t realized until that very moment how much he had missed it. Usually Josef wasn’t one to get his hands dirty—he had worked for centuries to attain a certain lifestyle and status that afforded him the luxury of hiring people to handle such unpleasantness for him. But he’d taken a special pleasure in the symmetry of the hunt—it was like he and Mick had never ceased. They moved as one, they fought as one—they killed as one. The blood of one ran through the veins of the other, forging a bond that was closer than any flesh and blood brotherhood could ever be. The only disappointment was that Mick had insisted the new D.A. remain living. Josef snorted; leave it to Mick to leave a loose end that could come back and bite him on the ass because of his soft spot for the mortal ones.

As Mick had led Beth away and taken her home, he hadn’t been able to stop touching her, almost as if he needed to reassure himself that she was alive and alright. Josef had slipped quietly into the darkness after the police had arrived to take the D.A.’s statement. He hoped Mick realized this human was tenacious and wouldn’t be satisfied with Beth’s weak excuses and explanations—or that this one wasn’t controlled by his dick, like the dead boyfriend had been.

Josef opened his eyes as he heard the front door open once again. Another figure slid up beside him.

“Thank you for calling me, Guillermo.”

Guillermo sighed deeply. “I care about him too, Josef. His being human was unnatural and was going to get him killed.” Josef inclined his head in agreement.

“It all worked out to everyone’s benefit. Mick’s back to his true nature, Ms. Turner is safe and Anders has been stopped.”

Guillermo studied the ancient vampire. Josef was a well-respected—and well-feared—member of the Community and that status afforded him the luxury of not being questioned about his actions or motives. However, Guillermo needed to know.

“What are you going to do about Anders’ demise, Josef? Will you find someone else to take over?”

Josef smiled. “It’s a lucrative business, my friend. There are other physicians out there that can adequately fill the vacancy he left behind—others that will be more careful and discreet.” The only regret Josef had at losing Anders was that he hadn’t completed the simple task of draining a few pints of Beth’s blood. Her AO negative blood would have brought a king’s ransom on the vampire black market. He was sure the traces of her blood flowing in Mick’s veins had made Mick's blood so sweet.

“How did you know? How did you know that Anders would take Beth?”

Josef turned smoothly and Guillermo instinctively took a step back from the look in Josef’s eyes. They were silver, glowing with an unholy sense of victory. Josef grinned, his fangs white in the blackness.

“Anders was greedy and foolish. He allowed himself—and us—to be exposed by causing the death of humans and he needed to be dealt with. Once our Ms. Turner started poking around and asking questions, Anders would have been desperate to keep her silent and keep his sideline from being discovered. Disposing of Anders gave me the perfect opportunity to show our young friend the frailty of being human.”

“Mick will never know the circumstances of his re-Turning. If he does find out, I’ll know who told him and the consequences won’t be to your liking.” Josef hesitated briefly. “I hope I’m completely understood.”

Guillermo swallowed thickly and nodded. “Understood.” He faded into the shadows, leaving Josef to his thoughts and the night.

Mick…forgive me. Josef had asked Mick’s forgiveness, but not for the reasons Mick had thought. Mick thought he was granting Josef absolution for turning him back into the thing he hated the most. Josef knew he was asking forgiveness for so much more.

He had no shame at manipulating a golden opportunity as Anders’ failure to his own advantage. Mick had spent enough time on his foolish pursuit of the cure, and he’d had plenty of time to enjoy his frivolity. However, it had been time for him to be brought back into the fold.

Anders had been abject in his apologies when Josef had paid him a visit and informed him the editor of Buzzwire had started an investigation into the people that had died on Anders’ operating table. He had assured Josef he would handle the problem personally; it had almost been embarrassing how he’d groveled. He’d done everything except beg Josef to spare his life. Josef, however, had no intention of disposing of Anders until he’d served his purpose—and he had served it very well.

Mick was vampire once again and was moving closer to accepting his nature than he’d ever been before. As much as Josef despaired of Mick being involved with a human, she had proved instrumental in getting Mick to embrace his true self. Mick may fancy himself in love with Beth, and she may even return his love; the matter was inconsequential to Josef. He could be patient--after all, what was the fleeting expanse of a lifetime compared to eternity?

They weren’t just friends now—not just brothers. He and Mick were a part of each other now...two becoming one in the truest, most basic sense of the words.

Mick belonged to him.

Josef couldn’t be happier.

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by starbucksjunkie »

Just chilling, my friend. Chilling.

I love your take on Josef. Manipulating, scheming, arrogant and cunning. So unlike Mick.

I like to think we would have seen more of that side of Josef if we had gotten a Season Two.

My favorite line:
Josef’s icy heart had cracked at the desperation in Mick’s voice
Well done.

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by mitzie »

That was very intense and powerful and yes a little scary. He owns Mick. Excellent story!! Actually I think this is one of your best out of your stories I've read so far!!!! Bravo!

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

this is an incredibly well written, devastating piece of fiction. We knew Josef had a dark side, we just didn't know how dark until now. I love this story. Josef's behind the scenes maneouvering is absolutely breathtaking. Keep writing PNWgal. I need more.
Last edited by Luxe de Luxe on Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Okay, it might come as a surprise, but I love it when you write dark, manipulative Josef. And it's because I think his character has such intelligence, and such experience, that of course he'd think that way...and act accordingly. The vamp didn't get to be 400, and filthy rich, by being a brainless party boy. (I just think he tends to show his freshies a different side of his personality, is all!)

I really like this scenario, and it strikes me as entirely plausible.

Great job!

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by mitzie »

I just re-read this one. I have to say it was a very chilling look into Josef but entirely realistic! I would imagine as the eternal years pile up that you would move further away from humanity. I love this story!!!! :heart:

To me, it is definately one of your best ones!!!! :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :heart: :rose: Bravo!

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

I'm tickled to see this one come back to light.

SBJ, even though it's taken me two months, thank you. Josef is all of the above, yet I believe he loves Mick. It may have suited his purpose to Turn Mick back, but I think he did it out of love.

Thank you, Luxe! No offense to the Josefites, but I think this suits Josef to a "T". I completely see him as capable of this type of manipulation and only a twinge of conscience at doing something like this.

I AM a tad surprised that you like it when I go dark with Josef, Lucky - but I agree with you. Josef, to me, is deeply complex and multi-layered and not above going about accomplishing something like this to serve his own ends.

mitzie, thanks for reading this - twice! :hug: I think you're right - the longer a vampire exists, the less human he would be.

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

While Mick says it gets harder to remember what human things are like, I also have this theory that to survive, a successful older vamp would be trying as hard as possible to hang onto what humanity he/she could...because that numbness would end in immortality being a cold, empty, terrible place. And I do see Josef as keeping in touch with his human side, his emotions through his contacts with humanity....because he is nothing if not a chameleon, blending in with the mass of humanity.

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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by Kelly »

WOW! That was amazing...a really thought-provoking "what if"

I loved it!

Thanks SirenSong for the gorgeous MickCora tag


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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by Moonlightsonata »

I read this story since it was mentioned by someone in the Coffee House. You really show a very dark side of Josef here but he felt he had to do what was necessary. The writing was so vivid I could picture it in my mind. Thank you.
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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by tucutecats »

We barely saw the real Joseph in season one. he is many layers, and I would have loved to see more of them in season2, but we were robbed of the chance. What ever Joseph is and is capable off, he loves Mick, He couldn't stand Mick human, Mick taken away from him. I just love dark Joseph, please write more on this theme. :mob:
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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, Pgal, this story really is chillingly wonderful. This is the Josef who told Beth, "You know how I'm gonna handle it." He is a consummate pragmatist.

And he wants Beth's blood? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *shudder*

I figure that there are a whole lot of things about Josef that he will never allow Mick to know...

Brilliant--I'm so glad the Coffee House led me here! :notworthy:
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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by coco »

:wave: PNW. The Coffee House brings me here.

A chillingly dark Josef here who is very much in control of everything. :yes:

Wonderful PNW.
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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by jen »

Just read this stunning piece again and was reminded of an illlustration I once read that a particular character was like an onion and kept you busy peeling away the layers. Josef is like that here.

This is not just darkness. This is darkness distilled, refined and practiced to the point that it is an art.


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Re: Bonded - PG-13

Post by maggatha3 »

PNWgal wrote:Mick…forgive me. Josef had asked Mick’s forgiveness, but not for the reasons Mick had thought. Mick thought he was granting Josef absolution for turning him back into the thing he hated the most. Josef knew he was asking forgiveness for so much more.
They weren’t just friends now—not just brothers. He and Mick were a part of each other now...two becoming one in the truest, most basic sense of the words.

Mick belonged to him.

Josef couldn’t be happier.
Woa!! I could have never have thought that there could be so much more behind that story...and that Josef could have actually manipulated the situation that way..Yikes, that is Josef as I actually thought of him while watching Moonlight and before reading any fanfic...Hmmm, fanfic has turned me soft... :chin:
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