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A Little Alex Love

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:24 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
I recently joined a private FB group for the author Rhys Bowen. She has some stand alone novels you might have heard of (In Farleigh Field, The Tuscan Child; The Venice Sketchbook, The Paris Assignment, plus others) and she also has 3 mystery series. I haven't read her Constable Evans Mysteries but others in the FB group (which is called Tea with Rhys) seemed to love it so I will give it a try soon. The other 2 series I have read all the books and eagerly await each new one. Molly Murphy Mysteries (turn of the century New York City) and The Royal Spyness Mysteries, set in London in the 1930s. Of course there are murders and mysteries they help to solve, a love interest, etc.

ANYWAY, the reason this is posted in the general Alex thread, is that someone asked what actor reminded us of the heartthrob Darcy in the Royal Spyness series. I posted a picture of Alex from his Moonlight days (the long hair is essential for Darcy, complete with a curl at the back of the neck).


I don't know who Aiden Turner is, but he has 44 likes/loves. Others have 20+. Some don't have any. Our dear Alex has 3 likes and 1 love. :hearts: No way of knowing if they are fans of Alex or if they just liked the picture. But I'm not the only one to share Alex love and I just wanted to share with all of you.

Re: A Little Alex Love

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:21 am
by allegrita
Ooh, I will look for her books! I love that you posted Alex's picture. :heart: If you've seen the new(ish) BBC Poldark series, Aiden Turner played the lead. He is darkly handsome and very brooding, and since he played a historical character I can totally see why he might have lots of appreciation as a romantic love interest. I'm very glad Alex got some love as well. Hmm, maybe if you posted a picture or two of Alex from Mary Bryant, he'd get more likes. :melts:



Re: A Little Alex Love

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:36 pm
by aolver
:heart: He is so beautiful…much more than that Poldark guy. :hearts: