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What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:15 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Beta: Much thanks and appreciation goes to my superbeta, Barb (Bank1115). She’s awesome. This story wouldn’t be where it is without her.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

What Are You, Mick St. John?—Chapter 5

Josh was putting away the leftovers of the chicken dish he’d made for dinner when he heard Beth’s cell ring in the living room.

“Beth?” he called down the hall to the bathroom. “Your phone!”

He listened a moment, then heard the shower running. He shrugged and went to look at her phone. Mick St. John. He frowned, but decided to answer it.


Uh, hi—Josh?—is Beth there?”

“Yeah, but she’s in the shower.”

Oh—well, I was just calling to see how she was—you know, after last night.”

“Yeah, that must’ve been pretty crazy, huh. Glad you’re okay, and Julia.”

Yeah, thanks, man. And thanks again for getting that statement released. That made it all possible.”

“Glad I could help.”

So, um, can you maybe just ask Beth to give me a call when she gets out?”

“Sure. No problem.” Josh touched the screen to end the call. He tapped the phone against his leg a few times, then put it back on the coffee table.

He was on his way back to the kitchen when his phone rang. “Well…I bet that’s not Mick St. John,” he snorted to himself.

“Lindsey,” he answered curtly.

Yeah, Josh, it’s Carl Davis. Are you at Beth’s place?”

“Yeah, why?”

Would now be a good time for me to drop by and ask her a few questions? It’s about St. John.”

“Yeah, sure that’s fine. She’s in the shower, but she should be out by the time you get here.” Josh frowned. “You know, he just called a minute ago for her.”

Really. Well, that’s interesting, because I just left St. John’s place. He refused to give me a DNA sample and suggested that Beth could confirm he wasn’t injured that night.”

“His timing is certainly interesting, isn’t it? Well, I’ll make sure she doesn’t talk to him before you get here.”

Yeah, good, thanks. Man, I gotta tell you—that guy had me a little nervous.”

“Why?” Josh’s heart started pounding a little.

He’s got this intense stare, and…I dunno. After he’d refused the DNA sample, he got a phone call he had to take in his office. I found a glass in his sink and took it for analysis. There’s no way he could have known I took it, but I swear, he knew I had been up to something while he was in the other room.”

Josh heard the shower stop. “Hey—I think Beth’s getting out of the shower. I’ll see you when you get here.” He quickly disconnected the call.

He threw himself down on the sofa and grabbed a book just moments before he heard the bathroom door open and Beth came wandering down the hall in her pyjamas.

“I decided I’m just gonna veg out in front of the TV tonight,” she grinned. “Maybe watch Pride and Prejudice…again… Care to join me?”

“Again?” Josh rolled his eyes, but returned her smile until he saw her glance in the direction of her phone and said quickly, “Oh, but Beth, Carl Davis just called. He’s gonna come by in a few minutes. Needs to ask you a couple more questions.”

“Oh. Okay...I’ll just go put on my robe.”

A few minutes later, Josh ushered Carl to a seat facing the couch and sat down beside Beth.

“Beth, are you absolutely positive that Lee Jay did not shoot Mick St. John?” Carl began.

“Well, I know he shot at him, but as for shooting him successfully, no, he didn’t. I think I would have noticed if Mick had blood all over him.” She smiled.

“Is it possible he was wearing Kevlar?”

“No, because then there still would have been bruising from the impact, wouldn’t there?”

“Yeah. But unless you have X-ray vision…” Carl tapped his notebook with his pen.

“Oh, I saw him without a shirt on. No wounds, no bruises.”

“You saw Mick without a shirt on?” Josh blurted out.

“Oh…yeah, sorry. I went by his place for a little while, to see how he was. It was then he realized that he didn’t smell so good, so he grabbed a clean shirt from a laundry basket that was nearby and changed right there.”

“Do you think he changed in front of you on purpose?”

Beth stared at Carl. “What kind of question is that?!”

“He offered to do that for me, too.”

“Um, what?”

“Oh—to, you know, prove he didn’t have any injuries.” Carl reddened slightly.

Beth cocked an eyebrow. “Okay…so? What are you suspecting, he spontaneously healed and is trying to keep it secret by showing everyone how not injured he is?” She pursed her lips, seeming amused.

Carl bristled. “Well, no, of course not. I’m just trying to tie up some loose ends,” he grumbled. “We found unidentified blood spatter at the scene that didn’t match any of the deceased or the victim.”

“I see…” Beth crossed her arms. “And you think it’s Mick’s?”

“Well, it’s not yours, is it?”

“No, of course not. Nobody touched me.”

“And Mick took out three guys without getting a scratch?”

Beth shrugged. “Apparently.”

“Are you trying to cover up for him? Did he threaten you?”

“No, of course not!” Beth cried, sitting up straight. “Why would he do that, after saving my life only a couple weeks ago?”

“I don’t know. Look, I’m just asking questions, Beth.”

“Right…” She flopped against the back of the couch.

“Wait a minute—” Carl held up a hand. Something had just occurred to him. “What does Mick drive?”

“A Benz…” Beth trailed off, puzzled. “Why?”

“The same one I saw you standing by the other night?”

“Yeah…I drove it back to his place after I gave you my statement…that was when he changed his shirt…” Beth started nibbling on her bottom lip.

“You didn’t mention this before. So then, how did Mick get home? The first radio car must’ve been on scene within minutes of it all going down.”

Beth shifted slightly in her seat. “I’m not sure, actually. I kinda hung around Julia as much as I could. I thought I saw him on the phone with somebody, though, so maybe he called a cab…or a friend. Next time I looked, he was gone.” She shrugged.

“So how did you get his car keys?”

“Oh—um, well, he gave them to me when he left me to wait in the car.”

“So instead of taking his own car when you ordered him to go home, he just, what, called a cab…or something?” Carl raised his brow skeptically.

“Well, I—I still had his keys, and I guess he didn’t want to strand me there, since I was staying to give his statement…” Beth trailed off weakly.

“Okay,” Carl drawled slowly. “Thanks, Beth.”

“Sure thing…” Beth nodded. Then she smiled brightly. “Is that all?”

“Yeah, I guess. For now.”

“Look, Carl—you know me. You know I can smell a story from a mile away. I just can’t see where you’re trying to go with this.”

Carl nodded. “Like I said, Beth, just trying to tie up some loose ends.” He stood and shook hands with Josh. “You two have a good night, okay?”

Josh walked Carl to the door. “Call me when you have something,” he whispered. Carl nodded.

When Josh shut the door and turned back to the living room, he saw Beth scowling at her phone.

“Josh, did my phone ring while I was in the shower?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry—it was Mick. I answered it, he was just calling to see how you were. I told him you’d call him later.”

“Thanks,” Beth smiled grimly down at the phone.

Josh moved closer to her. “—Something the matter?”

She looked up. “What?” Oh, no—nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired. I think I’ll forego the movie and head to bed. I can call Mick tomorrow.” Josh noticed her slip the phone into the pocket of her robe as she stood and rose on her tiptoes to kiss him goodnight.

“I’ll be in in a little while. Good night, Beth.”

She smiled at him and left the room. He watched her saunter down the hall into the bedroom, shutting the door tightly behind her.

“Call him tomorrow, huh?” he mumbled.

To be continued...

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:50 am
by GuardianAngel
I really enjoy this trip down memory lane with a twist.
Josh was putting away the leftovers of the chicken dish he’d made for dinner when he heard Beth’s cell ring in the living room.
A few months ago that line would have made me laugh. Now, it won a nostalgic smile. Josh, Josh, Josh.

And he knows Beth well. Nope, she won't wait 'til tomorrow to call Mick.

Carl's no fool. Looks like Mick might be in a pickle.

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:53 am
by wpgrace
So Carl got a sample from Mick's drinking glass? Not good.

Beth did pretty well but they had her backed into a corner...

Getting interesting...

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:14 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Thanks, GA & WP!

Haha, I'd forgotten I put that chicken line in...

Yes, Beth did her best, but couldn't help but give Carl another lead to chase down...we'll see where it goes!

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:28 am
by ash
carl is not a stupid man but tsk tsk, he is going to be in trouble soon. Hopefully Mick smelled what happened and can someway nick that in the bud. And the chicken line...poor Jordan, he will never live that down.

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:24 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Thanks for commenting, Ash! No, Carl isn't stupid. But he may not get into the kind of trouble that you think. I should shut up.

Tee hee...I like chicken...

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:35 am
by mitzie
Great update! Trouble, trouble and more trouble!! Beth did really great in the "showdown" with Carl. I love this story!!!!

Waiting for more...*scream* *scream* *scream* *thud* *thud* :o


Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:40 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Thanks, Mitz! :) Next chapter in 2 or 3 days...

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:54 am
by wollstonecraft61
Boy, I was glad when I got home tonight and saw you had posted, Noc. I am hooked on this. This is great stuff.

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:06 am
by NocturneInCMoll
Always glad to hear it, Wollstonecraft! Thanks! :)

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:16 am
by RangerCM
So many questions! Poor Beth. She's bound to slip up sooner or later. She's found herself in a pretty tough spot. Can't wait to see where you go with this. :D

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:55 am
by coco
How wonderful. Another fabulous update :D
I think Beth did quite well under interrogation from Carl :)
Of course Beth was going to go call Mick. Poor Josh :lol:

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:40 pm
by lila
Wonderful update! You had me laughing and cringing on Mick's behalf intermittently. I love the way you handle humor, side by side with a little toss of angst and suspense.
“You saw Mick without a shirt on?” Josh blurted out.

“Oh…yeah, sorry. I went by his place for a little while, to see how he was. It was then he realized that he didn’t smell so good, so he grabbed a clean shirt from a laundry basket that was nearby and changed right there.”

“Do you think he changed in front of you on purpose?”

Beth stared at Carl. “What kind of question is that?!”

“He offered to do that for me, too.”

“Um, what?”
And this was great. So hilarious it made me snort my water. Owww!

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:41 pm
by NocturneInCMoll
Thanks so much, Ranger, Coco, and Lila!

Chapter 6 I'll be up in a couple of days.

P.S. Lila, sorry I made you snort your water--but at least it wasn't a carbonated beverage! :D

Re: What Are You, Mick St. John? [ch. 5] PG13

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:29 pm
by darkstarrising

this is great...Beth doesn't know what Carl and Josh are up to, and she isn't helping Mick's cause any, especially with a jealous boyfriend sniffing around
“You saw Mick without a shirt on?” Josh blurted out.
Lucky girl!!