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Fairy Love Rated PG

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 6:09 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fanfiction
Fairy Love
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Lillith tries to maneuver between graduation and love!

Gideon and Sam sat in the first row, with large bright smiles as Lillith walked up to the stage to receive her diploma and make a speech as Valedictorian. She stood confidently at the podium and leveled a gaze at the audience.
"My mother always told me life was hard and to be honest, I kind of didn't believe her. And when I was a kid, life was easy. Extraordinarily easy. I didn't have to pay bills, or deal with office dramas or bank fees. But in this final year as we pack up our supplies and our books, knowing that soon we will be responsible for our own bills and dealing with our own office dramas it seems scary. Frightening even. But I tell you, do not be afraid, but conquer everything that comes your way. Stand up and tell the world to BRING IT!! Because the Class of 2023 doesn't back down, we don't run away! We slay!!" She screamed as the entire class stood and screamed "WE SLAY!!!!"

"Lillith, I am so proud of you!" Gideon said as he ran to hug her.
"Now that's how get people pumped!!" Sam said hugging her tightly.
"Hey, Lillith, you got a minute?" A young man said walking towards them.
"Hello Jerimiah! What is it you want?" She said walking closer to him.
Gideon looked at the situation going on in front of him and his eyes narrowed a bit.
"Calm down there dad. She's just saying goodbye to her friends" Sam said touching his arm.
"So, she knows that guy?"
"Yes, and so should you, he's been a part of her Poly Sci group for four years! That's Jeremiah Sloan. You know his father Carlyle Sloan who does business with Josef" Sam explained. Gideon began to calm down a bit. He had always been afraid of Lillith being involved with any boy, considering how prone to anger his daughter could become if someone hurt her feelings.
"So, this is it "little girl" What are you going to do with the rest of your life" Mick teased.
"Well, I was flirting with the idea of doing nothing but traveling for a year, but Mila is a task master. She's going to help me study for the LSAT" Lillith said.
"You're going to Law School?" Beth asked in surprise.
"Yeah. I decided a couple of days ago. I'm trying for Yale Law."
"Josef will be disappointed in you for not choosing Harvard" Mick said chuckling.
"I already got the why I Should Attend Harvard speech from gramps. It lasted a little over an hour" She laughed.
"What field of law will you be focusing on?" Gideon asked.
"Government Law. Men have really muddled everything. I need to finish law school quickly and get to work!"
"Hey, keep in mind your grandfather was President for two terms!" Beth said with a smile.
"Well, of course he didn't screw anything up too badly" Lillith said with a smirk.

Re: Fairy Love Rated PG

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:21 pm
by Ella713
Gideon and Sam sat on the sofa listening to Sam's favorite group Blunt Force Life.
"Would you mind if we turned this down a bit?" Gideon asked, wondering why his wife loved punk music so much.
"Sure. I'm not too crazy about this one. Now, their first record was mind-blowing!" she said with a smile.
"What were they singing about?" he asked.
"About the thrill of killing someone who did you wrong"
"Sam.....I worry about you" Gideon joked as he kissed her lips.
"Yeah....I've been pretty moody these days".
"Are you worried about Lillith?" he asked.
"No. Not ever! She's going to run the entire world one's just....Gideon, I'm
pregnant. Again." Gideon stood up from the sofa in surprise.
"Are you serious? Oh my gosh Sam!!!" he yelled out as he grabbed her arms to pull her into his arms.
"So you're happy about this?" She asked, never thinking that he would be okay about a 4th child. "It's another boy" she smiled.
"Sam, I am never not happy with anything you do! I think dad's going to have to get us another apartment!" he said looking around at their large apartment that now looked quite tiny now that another baby was coming.
"And let's talk about birth control, shall we?" she joked.

Lillith was determined to pass the LSAT with flying colors as her getting accepted to Law School was her first priority. And seeing how dad and Sam were about to birth yet another baby boy, she needed to get far away from her brothers before she did something that she couldn't control. She loved them all especially Silas, but they made so much noise all the time with their games and rough housing about. She needed some peace and solitude.
Mila was going over her practice test to see how she did.
"Jellybean, you scored a 177!! An applicant who scores a 172 on the LSAT is in the ~99th percentile. Any and all colleges will come to YOU with a score like this" Mila said giving her a hug.
"What score did you get Mila?"
"It doesn't matter. What matters is now you need to start getting ready for a range of courses involving the structure of government and the processes by which institutions of government regulate. A required first-year Constitutional Law course considers the structure of the U.S. federal system, including the powers of and relationships among the branches of the federal government separation of powers; and the allocation of power between the federal government and the states federalism".
"You're really not going to tell me what your score was are you?" Lillith joked.
"Really Jellybean? I have Brian's blood running through my veins what score do you think I got?"
"Of course, you got a 180!" she said rolling her eyes.

Re: Fairy Love Rated PG

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:19 am
by allegrita
Thank goodness Lillith is going to study constitutional law and get into government. Those folks in Washington need all the help they can get! :eyeroll: I think Gen Z is going to rescue us. At least I hope so.

I'm looking forward to reading this and learning more!

Re: Fairy Love Rated PG

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:00 pm
by Ella713
"Hey Jeremiah, what's up?" Lillith asked.
"Sorry to call you so late, I hope I didn't wake you up." He said.
"Seriously?" she chuckled.
"Oh yeah. I forget sometimes. Half vampire. But look, a few of us are going to check out the Paulson trial. I think the jury is about to deliver the verdict."
"After two days? This isn't going to go well".
"You never know but be ready to pay up!"
"You be ready to pay up! What time do you want to meet?"
"I'll pick you up at 9, don't be late!" He said, knowing that Lillith was always running late for everything.
"I'll be waiting for you outside" she said hanging up then being annoyed as her phone began to ring again. "Hello"
"Hey Lilly, guess who's doing a surprise show tonight? It's someone you really love?"
"Missy Elliot!!!" she screamed.
"No. Not Missy Elliot"
"Give me a hint?"
"She starts playing at "Bad Bitch O'clock"
"LIZZO!!!! Hell yes!!"
"Great! The show is at Hollywood Bowl. Seating starts at 6pm and we are sitting second row center!!"
"I will meet you there! Thanks Katie!" Lillith hung up smiling. She always felt like she had butterflies in her stomach after speaking with Katie about anything. She didn't know why, but promised she would meditate and find out what it could be about.

True to her word, she was standing outside when Jeremiah pulled up.
"Lillith Kostan on time? Surely, we will soon hear trumpets announcing the next coming" he joked.
"Oh, shut your mouth and let's go" she said getting into the car.
"So, no matter who wins, let's go get a bite to eat after. The loser pays of course"

They arrived at the courthouse only to find out that the Jury had requested more time to go over some of the evidence again.
"Well, that was a big waste of time. What could they possibly be looking at again?"
"My guess is eyewitness testimony. It's notoriously inaccurate" Lillith said.
"So, what do you want to do instead? You know they're playing your favorite movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at the Retro Cinema followed by Chinatown" he asked hopefully. Finally thinking now that they had graduated, he'd have a whole summer to court his friend who'd he been hopelessly in love with since their meeting freshman year.
"Yeah, I read they were doing a Jack Nicholson Retrospective and I love to go although I can't stay late. Katie and I are going to the Bowl to see Lizzo." she said. Jeremiah felt his heart plummet as he realized that bitch Katie Weaver had beat him to the punch again!

Re: Fairy Love Rated PG

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:51 pm
by Ella713
Katie Weaver was the kind of young woman that got along with everyone. She always had a smile of joke to lift your spirits and many people called "best friend", so she was always confused by Jeremiah's dislike of her. They had only spoken a handful of times and no matter how nice or supportive she was, it was never enough for him. She often thought of asking Lillith about her friend's attitude but always let it go in favor of her motto "it will work out the way it's supposed to over time". But it had been over 4 years, and it still was the same, although now she got a chill down her spine whenever he looked at her, like he wanted to punch her or something. Maybe, he was in love with his friend! He and Lillith spent an awful lot of time together, maybe she was stepping on his toes, so to speak. That would explain things perfectly. Thinking she had cracked the code, she smiled and ordered another ticket for the Lizzo concert, and they could all go together! She quickly sent a text to Lillith letting her know what she was going to do.

Lillith could feel the silent vibration of her phone and was tempted to whip it out and see who was calling, but she stopped herself. Lillith had been working with her dad and Sam on controlling her selfish fairy nature, but often it took a very strong hold on her and she really wouldn't care about taking out her phone and handling her business whether it be in a movie theatre or opera or anywhere else she damn well pleased, but she'd wait.......
Oh screw it!! she thought to herself and quickly pulled her phone from her pocket to see who was trying to contact her. She heard a few throats clearing behind her as her phone shone brightly in the darkened theatre. It was a text from Katie saying she had another ticket for Jeremiah if he wanted to go with them. Lillith put her phone away, just as some burly man was about to tap her on the shoulder to let her know she was being a jerk.