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I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:33 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
I've Got a Secret
Rated PG
By Ella713

A young man has the power to make anyone do whatever he tells them and his hit list is quite extensive! :gasp

Phillip Reilly-Bates had always been a loner for as long as he could remember. It wasn't that he didn't like people or anything, he just felt like he worked better alone. At his office which was big on company celebrations, Phillip managed to escape them all, either by being swamped with work, or a family emergency. He honestly felt like he was running out of excuses.

Tiffany Hardgrave was a beautiful young woman who had refused every offer from every other man in the office and for some reason that couldn't be explained she fancied Phillip. Quite frankly Phillip was terrified of the woman. Beauty of any kind always frightened him. Nothing at all had the right to be perfect and Phillip preferred to live happy in an imperfect world but here the perfect beauty came right up to his desk.
"Hi Phillip!" She said with a wide smile that showed perfectly white stunning teeth. "Can you sign this birthday card for Ariel in tech support? We're taking her out for a birthday celebration after work. I really hope you can come this time" she said hopefully. Tiffany was a super nice girl from Salt Lake City that everyone one in their firm adored.
"Uh....I'll have to check my calendar, but I promise to let you know after lunch" he said with a forced smile.
"Well, we'd love to see you there. Thanks for signing the card" she said walking away from his desk. Phillip heard her speaking to her co workers.
"I think he's going to say no again and honestly I don't understand it" he heard Tiffany say. "Maybe you guys were right. He's definitely gay. He has to be right?" she chuckled with her gal pals. It made Phillip mad as hell that they were discussing his private life like it was no big deal. And he wasn't gay! He just didn't want to be bothered by people. Mainly one Tiffany Hardgrave! He got up from his desk and walked over to her.
"Hey Tiffany can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked. Tiffany quickly looked at her friends hopefully and smiled.
"Sure thing Phillip" she said as they walked away to a quiet spot.
"Stop talking about me. I mean it" he whispered in anger. Tiffany nodded her head. "And throw yourself out a window you slut!" he said and walked away. Tiffany's friends came running over to her as soon as Phillip walked away.
"What did he say? Are you guys going out?" Melissa asked with a grin. Tiffany said nothing but walked to the nearest window, opened it widely, sat on the edge and simply fell out of the window. Melissa screamed as everyone ran to the window to find out what happened. Phillip stood frozen watching everyone run out of the office to the elevators. Melissa was screaming that Tiffany had just killed herself. She spotted Phillip and ran over to him. "What the hell did you say to her?" she said slapping his cheek hard. "All she wanted was date with you asshat!" Phillip was stunned because he certainly didn't think that Tiffany would throw herself out a window.
"I don't know what you're talking about! She asked me to go to Ariel's birthday party and I said I'd let her know after lunch. I checked my schedule and saw no conflicts so I told her I would go" he quickly said. Melissa stared hard at him. She had seen the look on Tiffany's face, and there was no way he told her he was accepting her invitation!

When Josef got in he heard everything and was just as shocked as everyone else.
"Brian do we have a full story on how this happened?" he asked.
"From what I was able to gather, Tiffany was passing around a birthday card for people to sign and she went to Phillip's area to get his signature and asked if he would come to the party. He told her that he would let her know after lunch. He said he looked at his calendar and saw nothing that would prevent him from attending and walked over to Tiffany to tell her that. Seconds later she threw herself out the window" Brian said.
"Have you spoken to Phillip?"
"Yes and he is as dumbfounded as everyone else. Even if Phillip were lying about what he said, he certainly didn't push her out the window. The police have already questioned him and everyone else and they all say the same thing. Tiffany walked towards the window, opened it all the way, sat on the ledge and simply fell out".
"Something tells me I'm not going to like where all this is headed" Josef said shaking his head slowly.

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:25 pm
by Ella713
Phillip sat in Josef's office going over everything that happened.
"Mr. Kostan, I don't know what to's all so...I'm sorry, I've never see anything like this before" he said with his eyes watering. Josef walked over to his bar and poured the young man a stiff drink and handed it to him. "I don't drink Mr. Kostan" he said.
"You're in shock. Drink it" Josef said. Philip took the drink he was handed and drank the entire contents. His throat was on fire briefly but then a warmth spread through him. "Okay, tell me what happened"
"Tiffany came to my desk with a birthday card to sign which I did. She said they were throwing Ariel a birthday party and asked if I would go. I told her I would let her know after lunch since I was still working on the McCafferty file, but I checked my schedule and saw that I could attend so I went over and told her that I could. I was walking back to my desk when I heard the screaming and Melissa was yelling that Tiffany just killed herself" he said.
"Melissa is saying that you made her do this"
"I don't know how I could do something like that. My calendar isn't exactly buzzing with dates of young women who would kill themselves over me!" he said and Josef had to agree with him. Phillip, while not a hideous man, was quite plain and looked exactly like what he was. A 30 year old accountant. Right down to his sweater vest.
"Thanks Phillip. Take the rest of day off, I'll have Harold drive you home. I'm sorry you had to see this" Josef said then turned to Brian when Phillip left the office. "What do you think Brian?"
"I do not know at present, but I will" he said leaving Josef's office. He called Alma and told her what happened.
"Wow! What floor was she on?"
"31st why?"
"There's a psychology to suicides. The higher up you are when you do the deed, means you really really want to die and there's no surviving a fall of that height, unless something breaks the momentum of the fall, but Kostan Industries is a straight drop. Something set her off for this. Did she talk to anyone or get a text from someone?"
"She spoke to a co-worker she was inviting to a party after work and he agreed to go"
"So she jumped right after the co-worker told her he was going?"
"Whoa. And you talked to this co-worker?"
"Yes. When she asked him to the party he told her he would let her know after lunch, but he checked his calendar and saw he was free and ran over to tell her and seconds later, she fell to her death"
"Well if you rule out everything..." she said.
"Whatever is left no matter how improbable is the answer" Brian finished, "So what is left?"
"Something supernatural" Alma said. "And that means you need to speak with Zoe".

Zoe took an hour before calling Brian back.
"It sounds like you're dealing with a Oni of some sort. Oni are beings who were so truly wicked in their lives that they transformed into demons in hell. They exact harsh punishments on those they consider to be evil, even if the evil is something in their own minds. In Japan where this creature is said to be from, a simple command from them must be followed to the letter and refusal to do what they have commanded you to do has driven people insane"
"So the words have to be spoken to them?"
"Yeah. To this day in Japan in some parts people put earplugs in their ears to ward off these beings. But Brian.." she said.
"Yes I know. Bring the creature to you and don't kill it" he said.
"Exactly" Zoe said hanging up.

Phillip got back to his apartment and thought about what happened today. Yeah he was pissed at those women discussing his private life and yeah he did tell Tiffany to throw herself out a window, but surely she didn't do this just because he told her to. And he didn't even mean it. He was just angry at her. But what if he had caused it?
He laid on his bed and thought about all the idiots he came in contact with over the course of the day who he would love to see executed! Like that ass who hung out at the small bodega outside his apartment. Whenever Phillip left his apartment that jerk would be there yelling at him saying he calling him a faggot. Maybe Phillip would test it out on him he smiled to himself as he got out of bed and began to go outside. As soon as he headed for the small store, there was the guy was saying salacious things to the women who walked by. He turned and saw Phillip approaching and began to laugh.
"Ha! Find yourself a woman faggot!!" he screamed. Phillip walked right up to him and said.
"Why don't you throw yourself into traffic you jerk" he whispered to him. The man nodded and Phillip walked into the store to purchase something. In five minutes they heard the screech of the tires and screams and Phillip ran out with everyone else and saw the nameless jerk flattened and mangled in the middle of the street.

Phillip stared at scene in front of him as the cops and paramedics ran from here to there asking questions of everyone.
"Did you know the victim?" a police office asked him.
"Not personally, although he was known in the neighborhood. He would stand in the same spot day by day yelling profanities at anyone who walked past him" Phillip said.
"Did he ever assault anyone?"
"Not that I ever saw...he smacked a woman on her bottom once and she knocked him out cold with a hard punch to the face" he chuckled. "You might ask the store owner. He knows everyone that walks down this stretch of road, but we were all watching it from the store"
"Thank you. We'll be in touch" the police officer said heading for the store.

"Sir, I need to ask you some questions" the officer said to the store owner.

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:25 pm
by Ella713
When the police told everyone they could go home, Phillip immediately went home and locked himself in, then he began to laugh hysterically. He didn't know why he had this power but why look a gift horse in the mouth. Then he began to make a list. A hit list. His own personal hit list.

Rebecca Newman was an awful woman and she had been an awful person since birth. She was the kind of "mean girl" who made other girls transfer schools or commit suicide, but she never cared and showed zero remorse for anything she did. In high school she told everyone that Phillip had no penis and everyone believed her. He had endured 4 years of absolute torture because of this woman and now she was some big wig in real estate, but he needed to be careful. He was at the scene of 2 suicides and pretty soon people would begin to connect the dots. The next day he went out an bought 3 cheap burner phones and drove to a location very far and very remote and placed his first call.
"Rebecca Newman?" He asked.
"Yes. How can I help you?" she asked.
"Go buy a lot of heroin and inject it in your vein. Now! Today!" he said and hung up.
Rebecca stood with the phone still in her hand but soon sat it down and began to walk outside. Her assistant caught up with her.
"Becca, where are you going? Did you forget that the Sandersons will be here shortly to view the office space" she said.
"I'll be right back. I have to do something" she said walking away. She walked for a long time not knowing how she would get heroin, but knowing that she must find heroin. She came up on Main St. and it wasn't long before some young man approached her.
"I have what you're looking for" he said quietly.
"You have heroin?"
"How much you looking for?"
"How much do you have?"
"Enough for you to be flying high for a whole weekend" he said.
"I'll take all of it" she said pulling all of her money out of her wallet and giving it to the man. The young man looked at her suspiciously. She had just put one thousand dollars in his hand. He quickly pulled out 3 small bags and put them in her hand. "Thank you. How do I take this?" she asked.
"Are you serious? Why do you want the stuff if you don't even know how to take the stuff?" he chuckled.
"Can you show me?"
"Yeah come with me" he said leading her to what looked to be an abandoned building that someone had turned into a makeshift home. They walked past a few people and stopped. "Hey Jimmy, you got a needle?" The man nodded and pulled out what looked to be the most unclean instrument she'd ever seen, but that didn't bother her. "She doesn't know how to fly"
"Is she sharing?" the man said looking at the woman who looked so out of place in this neighborhood.
"I got you covered"
"Have a seat" the man said pointing to a milk crate nearby. She handed him the packets which he emptied into a spoon and watched as he turned the powder into liquid. "How high you wanna get?" he asked her.
"I would like to fly to the moon" she said in a dreamy voice. Jimmy stared at his friend.
"Is she for real?" he asked. When his friend nodded his head Jimmy filled the vial all the way up. "Okay, give me your arm" he ordered. She held out her arm for him as he found the vein and injected the drug into her system. within seconds she began to vomit as most rookies did their first time and when she had finished she just sat back against the wall staring into space.
"I'm going to buy us some food. Keep an eye on her for me" he said practically skipping away with $1,000 dollars in his pocket. Jimmy debated getting high himself but decided to wait a bit. He stared at the beautiful woman who looked so clean and untouched. Why in the world was she here he thought.

Rebecca couldn't explain what she was feeling but she felt like she was floating and she felt a hand on her breast then she felt nothing ever again. 3 days later her naked body was found and nobody could tell the police a single thing.

Phillip giggled when he heard on the news of Rebecca's fall from grace and thought there would be many celebrations going on in Los Angeles tonight. He looked at the next name on his list. Brian Petzer. That creepy dude walked around the office like the Grim Reaper barking out orders. He had embarrassed Phillip on more than one occasion. But doing him in would definitely cause suspicion, so he went to another name. Gary the barista who never failed to get his coffee order wrong and then made him feel like the asshole for him having to re-do it. He even saw him slyly spit in his coffee cup, but he paid for it then dumped it outside. Yeah, it was time to give that jerk exactly what he deserved.

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:45 pm
by Ella713
Phillip woke up his usual time and did what he always did. He stopped into the small coffee house and ordered his usual but added "Gary I want you to throw a cup of hot coffee into a cops face today" then put in a couple of dollars for a tip then left. He knew it was going to be a good day for him because as he leaving a police office walked in and Gary immediately did what he was told and Gary was shot dead.

"Did you win the lottery or something?" his co-worker Kevin asked him seeing the smile on his face.
"I wish, but I feel really positive for a change. Don't know why" he replied getting back to his work. Brian kept stealing glances his way and it pissed Phillip off. Maybe taking care of Brian needed to happen sooner than he first thought.

Brian walked into Josef's office.
"Have you ever heard of Oni?" he asked.
"Yeah, it's a demon. A real nasty one too. They can make you do anything"
"I think Phillip is being used by it. That's the only thing that makes sense about Tiffany's death. And some random man who I was told was a jerk to everyone threw himself into traffic and died right next to Phillip's apartment. He witnessed the whole thing" he said.
"Well, Tiffany never had an ill word to say to anyone I'm told"
"I need to find out more information, but sir please stay away from him" Brian said as he left.

Melissa had taken a leave of absence after her friend's death so Brian drove over to her small home.
"Mr. Petzer what are you doing here?" she asked in shock.
"I want to talk about your suspicions regarding Phillip".
"Come in" she said and hastily shut the door.
"Is someone else dead?"
"Yes in a matter of speaking. You said you were sure that Phillip said something to Tiffany before she fell. How did you know?"
"If he was just telling her that he was going Tiffany would have been ecstatic! She really had the hots for Phillip and was always trying to get him to come office parties or happy hour outings. So if he said yes, her face would have been lit up like a candle, but instead she looked confused for a moment then like she was in a trance or something, she went to window and didn't stop"
"I too believe Phillip was responsible for her death, but he didn't like her?"
"Look, Tiffany has been fighting off men trying to ask her out since she started working at Kostan Industries but she was only interested in dating Phillip and he seemed to be immune to her charms. She asked him when he signed the card and he said he'd let her know, but she knew he was going to say no in the end. We floated around the idea that he might be gay" she said.
A slight to his manhood would definitely make him angry enough to issue a command Brian thought to himself.

When Brian made it back to the office he immediately went into Josef's office and closed the door.
"Phillip did kill Tiffany. Melissa said that Tiffany really had a thing for him and kept trying to get him to go out with them and the day she fell, Melissa said she didn't look happy after he spoke to her which she would have been otherwise. She said she looked confused then as if she were in a trance"
Josef looked up quickly when he heard that.
"That definitely sounds like an Oni. Damn, he was a very good Accountant" Josef said.
"We will find another, but what do you want done?"
"Well he certainly can't keep killing people at my company so fire him. And fire him hard" he said. Brian nodded his head and knew that Josef wanted him to humiliate him publicly.

Brian called Logan immediately to let him know what was needed.
"Logan, do you think that you and Lucky can create an email that reads one way but then changes to something different entirely?"
"A Frame Up" Logan said. When Brian didn't reply Logan sighed hard. "That's what its called Brian, but yeah I can set something like that up. What kind of time frame are we looking at?" he asked.
"The dummy email which I would send at 8am but I'd like the change to happen at 3pm" Brian said taking into consideration Phillip's working style, which was to pace out his duties so they last a better part of the day.
"Will do. Send the the script and I'll put it together for you"
"Thank you Logan".

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:25 pm
by Ella713
Brian looked at email that Logan had forwarded to him and it looked great. He retyped the text into an email that was sent to Phillip. It read that Brian needed the Harris figures by 3:30pm today and he labeled it URGENT to make sure that this was Phillip's number one priority. And at 3:15pm that same day Phillip had gotten together all the finance information that was needed and walked proudly into Brian's office.
"Mr. Petzer, here are 2021 figures you requested" he said laying them down on Brian's desk and turning to leave.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!" Brian yelled getting up from his seat. Phillip froze. He had never seen Brian raise his voice before. "Are you an idiot? Do you think that just because Kostan Industries is a successful company that we're going to enjoy giving all the client's money back for work not done?" Brian continued to yell so everyone on the floor could hear perfectly what was going on.
"Mr. Petzer, I don't understand. These are the figures you requested" he said at a loss as to what was happening.
"These figures are for Harris! I asked for the Harrison figures!"
"Mr. Petzer, my apologies but you're mistaken. The email read Harris, not Harrison"
"Do I look like the sort of man who would make a mistake like that?"
"No sir. I...I wasn't saying anything like that" he tried to explain.
"Let me ask you Phillip, what do you think would happen if I sent these figures to Michael Harrison Associates?"
"They would assume Kostan cheated them" he said.
"Exactly!" Brian said noticing that clock read 3:30pm. "Why don't you show me the email I sent" Brian said getting up from his desk. Phillip quickly walked to his desk where the email was still open on his computer.
"This is the email that you sent to me" he said as he began to read. "Phillip, please gather all the 2021 figures of Harrison..." he said slowly, blinking his eyes to make sure he read that correctly. And he had. The email from Brian Petzer read Harrison and not Harris.
"You really screwed up Phillip! This was unbelievably horrid work! We DO NOT make these kind of mistakes at Kostan Industries!! Now we will not be able to give the information to Harrison as it will take another 6 hours to complete! Phillip, you're terminated! Security will escort you out and your belonging will be messengered to you" Brian said calling security. "Might I suggest you take your minimal skill set and apply at H &R Block doing tax returns! That seems to be all you are good for!" Brian said in anger and disgust. Phillip was stunned. He wouldn't have believed it had he not seen the evidence right in front of him, but he had never made a mistake like that in his entire career. Something wasn't right.
"Sir, I think someone did this to me. I swear when I received this email it read Harris not Harrison!"
"So I'm a liar and your own email is the liar?" he said seeing Security walking towards them. "See this sub par excuse for an accountant out of our building. Oh an stop by payroll on your way out to pick up your last check from Kostan Industries" Brian finished walking back to his office.
No one looked at Phillip as he collected his briefcase and his jacket and Security led him out. He just couldn't believe that he made a rookie mistake like that! Someone was setting him up and when he found out who had did it, they would pay for this!!

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:25 pm
by Ella713
Phillip in shock picked up the belongings that were in plain sight, but all other things in his file cabinet and desk drawers would be sent him later today. No one looked at him as Security led him off the premises.
"I just need to speak with Mr. Petzer once more" he tried to tell the Security Guards but he wouldn't be allowed to do that and when the elevator doors closed and no one could see Phillip everyone began to chatter and speculate about what was going on.
"Phillip's work was first rate all the time! I don't understand how this happened" Foster Sinclair said to everyone.
"I agree" Eva a hedge fund trader said. "His work ethic was impeccable. He would never make a mistake like that" she said.
"Well, he must have done something to warrant a firing as brutal as that! Only people who were trying to defraud the company get a dismissal in that fashion!" Mandy said shaking her head. Phillip was a nice guy when he noticed you were there, but overall a loner but a hard dedicated worker. He must have done something horrible.

Brian quickly rang Zoe to let her know what was going on.
"The Oni has definitely taken possession of one of our employees"
"Brian, you know that this man isn't responsible for anything that's happening. right?" she asked.
"Yes, I know, but I had to make it look good to draw the demon out. He'll definitely come for me after the humiliation I forced down his throat"
"I know you're a powerful Angel and all Brian, but be careful. The Oni has a temper that makes Darrian look like a girl scout. So along with getting people to do deadly things to themselves they are able to compel people to carry out brutal murders as well. So what may be coming your way doesn't have to be in the form of Phillip, but it could be from a waiter at a restaurant you frequent, or a mailman. What I'm trying to say is be careful Brian. This entity knows you" she said.
After speaking with Brian she called Alma and told her what was going on.
"Yikes! Emma told me about an Oni that tried many times to kill her grandmother because she had angered it so. It had taken possession of a fortune teller who was telling people to kill their husbands, wives bosses, but when Emma's grandmother showed the fortune teller how to rid herself of the demon, she did and Oni kept sending people to kill her" she explained.
"What happened. Did the Oni kill the grandma?
"No. I'm guessing that Emma's grandmother was very much like Emma herself. She tricked the demon into a Heptagram devil's trap and it couldn't get out. And that in itself is pretty badass, because while the devils trap can stop the demon, 9 times out of 10 the person who enacted it can be trapped as well...with the Oni" she said.
"Why does it always have to be so hard? Why can't it ever be, say these words and the demon's gone?" Zoe joked.
"I hear you Zoe, but this demon is a tricky bastard and I'm guessing that since it was trapped by the Heptagram once, it will not be so easily tricked this time".

Phillip sat in his apartment fuming at what had just happened to him. He would have sworn on his life that Brian's email read Harris and not could have been a mistake on his part, but he knew in his heart that he was 100% innocent of this charge, but why? Why would anyone do this him. He was on good terms with everyone at Kostan Industries...with exception to Melissa. That bitch!! He thought to himself. She worked in IT and she was more than capable of pulling a stunt like this. He quickly wrote her name on his list, then crossed it out firmly.
Time to pay the bitch a visit. He had her address somewhere when she threw a housewarming party and had sent him an invitation. He found the card in his desk drawer. Studio City it read. He could be there in a little over 20 minutes.

Brian quickly appeared at Melissa's house again and knocked on the door.
"Mr. Petzer, what's going on?" she asked
"Phillip will be here momentarily and you need to be anywhere but here! Now!" he said.
"I'll go to my neighbors house and wait till I hear from you and I really do want to hear from you" she said grabbing her keys, locking the door and taking off running for her neighbor's house. Brian pulled the drawing that Zoe had given him and began to chalk the design on her living room floor. And when he had finished, he carefully placed a rug on top of it and waited in the kitchen for Phillips to arrive.

He heard a car pull up slowly and knew it was Phillip. Brian had left the door slightly ajar knowing that Phillip would walk in aiming to send Melissa to her death. Phillip slowly got out of his car and looked around. Seeing no one, he walked up the stairs and onto the porch. He saw that the door wasn't locked but her heard the television in the background. Stupid bitch forgot to lock her door he thought to himself as he quietly walked in. He heard her humming and walked towards the kitchen and the moment he stood on the rug, he could move no further.
Brian heard a loud screech and poked his head around the corner.
"Hello" Brian said.
"What the hell did you do?" The Oni screamed out. Brian said nothing and waited. In 15 minutes Alma showed up and walked through the door.
"Good job Brian" she said as she walked past the entity and began to take things out of her bag. "And look at you still makin' trouble for all" she said speaking in Emma's voice. "That's right. My grammy told me all about the likes of you tryin' to kill her, but I'm sending you to hell where you belong!" she said drawing an older symbol on the floor in front of the demon. When it saw what the old woman was doing, it yelled out in a terrifying growl but Alma showed no fear as she let the spirit of Emma's grandmother use her body for her purpose and she continued to draw the symbol and when she had finished she began to chant the ancient words as she pricked her finger and let the blood fall in the middle of the drawing. The Oni yelled out one last scream and Phillip fell the floor. Alma continued to chant and didn't stop for half an hour. She finally opened her eyes and looked all around her.
"Alma" Brian said softly to her. "Do you know where you are?" he asked. Alma looked up at him.
"That would a no Brian" she said sounding like herself. "I take it I've been hijacked again" she said.
"Yes. And you sounded like two different people"
"Emma's grandmother" she sighed. "Can I have something to drink, stronger than water if you have it" she said. Brian went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw a bottle of rose and poured his wife a glass.
"She only has Rose'" Brian said with a small grin knowing how much Alma disliked Rose', but she quickly grabbed the glass from him and downed the contents in one swallow.
"This man will wake up soon. You must take him home and have Gabriel wipe his memory" She said as they heard a loud pounding on the door.
"This the LAPD! Open the door!" they heard someone say. Brian called out to Gabriel who was suddenly walking up to the porch.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"You'll have to back away from the premises" One officer said.
"I can't" Gabriel replied. And when both officers turned to face him he wiped their memories and watched them leave to get back in their squad car.
"Have a nice day" the officer said to him driving away. Gabriel appeared inside the house.
"What's going on here?" he asked looking at the man on the floor who began to slowly move.
"Wipe his memory of ever working for Kostan Industries" Brian said. Phillip slowly sat up and looked around not knowing where he was. Gabriel quickly called his name an held his attention and began to erase all memories of being employed at Kostan Industries.
"Is there someplace you'd like me to get him situated?"
"The IRS. Someone is already awaiting him" he said.

Re: I've Got a Secret! Rated PG

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:36 pm
by Ella713
Ella713 wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:25 pm Phillip in shock picked up the belongings that were in plain sight, but all other things in his file cabinet and desk drawers would be sent him later today. No one looked at him as Security led him off the premises.
"I just need to speak with Mr. Petzer once more" he tried to tell the Security Guards but he wouldn't be allowed to do that and when the elevator doors closed and no one could see Phillip everyone began to chatter and speculate about what was going on.
"Phillip's work was first rate all the time! I don't understand how this happened" Foster Sinclair said to everyone.
"I agree" Eva a hedge fund trader said. "His work ethic was impeccable. He would never make a mistake like that" she said.
"Well, he must have done something to warrant a firing as brutal as that! Only people who were trying to defraud the company get a dismissal in that fashion!" Mandy said shaking her head. Phillip was a nice guy when he noticed you were there, but overall a loner but a hard dedicated worker. He must have done something horrible.

Brian quickly rang Zoe to let her know what was going on.
"The Oni has definitely taken possession of one of our employees"
"Brian, you know that this man isn't responsible for anything that's happening. right?" she asked.
"Yes, I know, but I had to make it look good to draw the demon out. He'll definitely come for me after the humiliation I forced down his throat"
"I know you're a powerful Angel and all Brian, but be careful. The Oni has a temper that makes Darrian look like a girl scout. So along with getting people to do deadly things to themselves they are able to compel people to carry out brutal murders as well. So what may be coming your way doesn't have to be in the form of Phillip, but it could be from a waiter at a restaurant you frequent, or a mailman. What I'm trying to say is be careful Brian. This entity knows you" she said.
After speaking with Brian she called Alma and told her what was going on.
"Yikes! Emma told me about an Oni that tried many times to kill her grandmother because she had angered it so. It had taken possession of a fortune teller who was telling people to kill their husbands, wives bosses, but when Emma's grandmother showed the fortune teller how to rid herself of the demon, she did and Oni kept sending people to kill her" she explained.
"What happened. Did the Oni kill the grandma?
"No. I'm guessing that Emma's grandmother was very much like Emma herself. She tricked the demon into a Heptagram devil's trap and it couldn't get out. And that in itself is pretty badass, because while the devils trap can stop the demon, 9 times out of 10 the person who enacted it can be trapped as well...with the Oni" she said.
"Why does it always have to be so hard? Why can't it ever be, say these words and the demon's gone?" Zoe joked.
"I hear you Zoe, but this demon is a tricky bastard and I'm guessing that since it was trapped by the Heptagram once, it will not be so easily tricked this time".

Phillip sat in his apartment fuming at what had just happened to him. He would have sworn on his life that Brian's email read Harris and not could have been a mistake on his part, but he knew in his heart that he was 100% innocent of this charge, but why? Why would anyone do this him. He was on good terms with everyone at Kostan Industries...with exception to Melissa. That bitch!! He thought to himself. She worked in IT and she was more than capable of pulling a stunt like this. He quickly wrote her name on his list, then crossed it out firmly.
Time to pay the bitch a visit. He had her address somewhere when she threw a housewarming party and had sent him an invitation. He found the card in his desk drawer. Studio City it read. He could be there in a little over 20 minutes.

Brian quickly appeared at Melissa's house again and knocked on the door.
"Mr. Petzer, what's going on?" she asked
"Phillip will be here momentarily and you need to be anywhere but here! Now!" he said.
"I'll go to my neighbors house and wait till I hear from you and I really do want to hear from you" she said grabbing her keys, locking the door and taking off running for her neighbor's house. Brian pulled out the drawing that Zoe had given him and began to chalk the design on her living room floor. And when he had finished, he carefully placed a rug on top of it and waited in the kitchen for Phillips to arrive.

He heard a car pull up slowly and knew it was Phillip. Brian had left the door slightly ajar knowing that Phillip would walk in aiming to send Melissa to her death. Phillip slowly got out of his car and looked around. Seeing no one, he walked up the stairs and onto the porch. He saw that the door wasn't locked but her heard the television in the background. Stupid bitch forgot to lock her door he thought to himself as he quietly walked in. He heard her humming and walked towards the kitchen and the moment he stood on the rug, he could move no further.
Brian heard a loud screech and poked his head around the corner.
"Hello" Brian said.
"What the hell did you do?" The Oni screamed out. Brian said nothing and waited. In 15 minutes Alma showed up and walked through the door.
"Good job Brian" she said as she walked past the entity and began to take things out of her bag. "And look at you still makin' trouble for all" she said speaking in Emma's voice. "That's right. My grammy told me all about the likes of you tryin' to kill her, but I'm sending you to hell where you belong!" she said drawing an older symbol on the floor in front of the demon. When it saw what the old woman was doing, it yelled out in a terrifying growl but Alma showed no fear as she let the spirit of Emma's grandmother use her body for her purpose and she continued to draw the symbol and when she had finished she began to chant the ancient words as she pricked her finger and let the blood fall in the middle of the drawing. The Oni yelled out one last scream and Phillip fell the floor. Alma continued to chant and didn't stop for half an hour. She finally opened her eyes and looked all around her.
"Alma" Brian said softly to her. "Do you know where you are?" he asked. Alma looked up at him.
"That would a no Brian" she said sounding like herself. "I take it I've been hijacked again" she said.
"Yes. And you sounded like two different people"
"Emma's grandmother" she sighed. "Can I have something to drink, stronger than water if you have it" she said. Brian went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and saw a bottle of rose and poured his wife a glass.
"She only has Rose'" Brian said with a small grin knowing how much Alma disliked Rose', but she quickly grabbed the glass from him and downed the contents in one swallow.
"This man will wake up soon. You must take him home and have Gabriel wipe his memory" She said as they heard a loud pounding on the door.
"This is the LAPD! Open the door!" they heard someone say. Brian called out to Gabriel who was suddenly walking up to the porch.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"You'll have to back away from the premises" One officer said.
"I can't" Gabriel replied. And when both officers turned to face him he wiped their memories and watched them leave to get back in their squad car.
"Have a nice day" the officer said to him driving away. Gabriel appeared inside the house.
"What's going on here?" he asked looking at the man on the floor who began to slowly move.
"Wipe his memory of ever working for Kostan Industries" Brian said. Phillip slowly sat up and looked around not knowing where he was. Gabriel quickly called his name an held his attention and began to erase all memories of being employed at Kostan Industries.
"Is there someplace you'd like me to get him situated?"
"The IRS. Someone is already awaiting him" he said.

Brian called Zoe and let her know that the Oni had been banished.
"You must bring the young man to me Brian" she said. Brian was about to ask why, but where Zoe and her work was concerned, it was best to comply.
"Gabriel, take Phillip to Zoe" he said. Gabriel looked up in surprise, because he knew what that meant. Phillip would be silenced.

When he had pulled up to their home Zoe was already waiting for him with two other men he knew worked for Counsel. They each slightly bowed in Gabriel's direction.

"Hello Phillip. My name is Brent Hagar and I work for the IRS. Your resume is quite impressive" he said to Phillip who smiled at the man.
"Thank you. I look forward to working for you" Phillip said as he was led to another car and got in.

"He's going to be killed isn't he?" Gabriel asked while already knowing the answer.
"Yes. Oni, once it has taken you over will certainly come again. Those who are weak, or tormented or so filled with hate are easy targets, which is why you see so many criminals committing the same crimes over and over again. And now that he has been banished, it will visit us again but next time we will be ready for its return" she said turning to go back into the house.
"Does anything scare you?" Gabriel asked looking at his wife in awe at the many decisions she had to make. Really hard decisions.
"Yes Gabe, but being scared never changes what I must do" She said sadly.

The End