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Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:52 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

When Josef is denied a plot of land due to his undead state he brings about a discrimination suit against one of California's most beloved families.

Josef got out of the limo and looked all around. The land was vast and the view of the Pacific couldn't be matched anywhere.
"This is perfect!" Josef said looking back at his attorney. "See if you can bump up construction. If we can get this hotel up and running in two years time, it will coincide with award season" Josef said. "Also set up a meeting with the Mayor. I want to make sure this is green lighted right away"
"I've set the Town Hall Meeting up for Tuesday afternoon. You wanna make sure you let Los Angeles know how many jobs you're bringing to the table" His attorney said writing everything down.
"I want this meeting televised as well" Josef said with grin.

Elizabeth Huntington-Reeves had heard tiny bits of gossip regarding the land on Sunset Shore. Someone said that the city wouldn't be selling it at all and someone else said they heard The Astor's were looking to build on it.........but the she shook her head and deemed that as silliness. Everyone knew that the Astor's were devoted to the East Coast and would consider Los Angeles too new and shiny for their money, but still one never knew. But she did hope it was the right sort of people. All of those flighty computer companies seemed to be taking over the whole state of California these days. Little young pups, with their millions, throwing lavish sickening parties where drugs and alcohol were the norm. Absolutely disgusting!! She thought to herself. Perhaps she should ring the Governor and see if he had any idea what was going on.

Re: Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:36 pm
by Ella713
The Town Hall Meeting was jammed packed with people waiting to hear what would become of Sunset Shores and when Josef Kostan walked up to the podium there was a collective gasp around the room. If Kostan was interested in Sunset Shore then something outstanding was to follow they all thought.
"Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Josef Kostan and today I would like to discuss Sunset Shores. Now for a long time.....and when I say a long time, trust me that I know exactly how long" He joked and everyone chuckled "Sunset Shores as been a coveted property that has been fought over more times that I can count, but rest assured my proposal is not for selfish gain. Sunset Shores belongs to all of Los Angeles and not some wealthy family hoping to build a summer estate. What I hope to do is build something that everyone can benefit from. So I give you....." He said as he walked near a table covered with a sheet. He lifted the sheet and below was an exact replica of what he hoped to build. "Sunset Gardens!" He said. Everyone stared in shock. "What you are looking at is not only the hotel itself, but restaurants, shopping and a walking park for all. And when I say all, I do mean all. Not just the wealthy. Working families, tourists, everyone can enjoy the splendor of Sunset. I think too often in Los Angeles recreation is seen as something that's enjoyed by the idle rich. That was the old Los Angeles. Sunset Gardens will have something for everyone!" He finished as people stood up and applauded! The Mayor smiled broadly as he shook Josef's hand. He quieted the crowd down
"Thank you Mr. Kostan for your this exquisite vision.....are their any questions?" He asked. One older gentleman rose with his hand up and walked over to the podium.
"Good afternoon. My name is Reginald Huntington-Reeves and as many of you know my family has been in California since 1890 and we have seen some amazing things progress here but we have also seen so deplorable things happen as well and while Mr. Kostan's plan is daring in scope, I'd like to point out that with this increase and non stop building, many of the people he claims to benefit from this project will no longer we be able to afford to live here. A pricey hotel that only the rich can afford to stay in does very little for people overall. And I for one am hesitant to vote for turning over a very large chuck of land to someone who feeds on the living. I think people forget that Mr. Kostan, while charming for sure, still stays alive by feeding on us" He said. Josef's eyes narrowed at the man. The crowd that had just a moment before been favorable to the proposal were now hesitant. They looked at the beautiful display then looked at Josef and their imaginations began to work. "Can we really trust someone who kept his vampire state hidden while he was in the White House to be truly on the side of all Californians?"

Josef's attorney whispered something to Josef.
"I know who's behind this" He whispered.

"I don't believe this!!!" Josef yelled "how can this be happening?" He asked as he threw the paper down.
"Sir I'm afraid that these are the times we now are a part of" Brian said solemnly.
"I thought we were all past this shit! Hell we've been giving them cure's for every ailment killing them off in droves and this is the thanks we get?"
"Sir you have to understand that anything vampires do has now been turned around. We cure them so we can feed. We help them so we can feed, so I'm afraid that anything we do will be made to play in that ecosystem" Brian said.
"So that's it? There's nothing else we can do?" Josef said.
"It appears that in this "troll/hatred era we now exist in, mortals have the upper hand" Brian replied.
Suddenly Josef looked up. "I know what you're going to say sir. You want to reveal the divine"
"Well it would definitely shut them up! Think of how that would play out. The vampire that they are demonizing is an Angel!" Josef said with a smirk, but he saw the look on Brian's face and knew something of that magnitude would be.........frowned upon. "Alright fine! No unauthorized divinity but we have to think of something!" Josef said.
"Does having this particular stretch of land mean something other than adding to the wealth of Kostan Industries?"
"That doesn't matter now! As a vampire I can't have someone demean me in this way!" Josef yelled with his eyes glowing bright red!

Re: Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:48 pm
by Ella713
Brian went to Mick's to find out his take on the situation and saw that Gabriel was there.
"Are you here to talk about Josef's land issue?" Gabriel asked.
"Yes. He is quite peeved to say the least. I fear he will not let this go" Brian said. "You have to understand that while there may have been some people who didn't like Josef Kostan the vampire, they always respected Josef Kostan the businessman, but now....." Brian finished.
"Well, I think Josef should sue" Gabriel said.
"Sue who? Do we even know who's orchestrating this?" Mick said.
"Josef hired someone to find out where this started, but they've turned up nothing so far". Brian said.
"He really should sue" Gabriel said.
"You said that already, but how would he even go about that?" Brian asked.
"Well, this is a pretty straight forward case of defamation. Since all of this was caught televised..." Gabriel started to say.
"Okay, I get that part, but all of our best attorneys are all vampires. Their motives will be called into question as well" Brian said.
"Then we need to find a mortal attorney. A very good one" Gabriel replied.
"I do not see that happening" Brian said sadly.
"That's because you're thinking like a vampire" Mick said. "We need a very different kind of attorney. One who knows how to work in this current ecosystem. Someone like this!" Mick said with a smile turning his laptop around so they could see the screen.
"You're kidding?!!" Gabriel yelled but he could definitely see how his dad came to that conclusion.
"Who is she?" Brian asked.
"Some would say she's been one of major architects of this current culture" Gabriel said.
"Would she want to take the case?" Brian asked.
"For all the press she's going to get, she won't be able to turn it down" Mick said with knowing smile.

Reginald Huntington-Reeves personally felt his wife was being petty. So what if Kostan wanted to build a hotel on some land that no one was using. Sometimes he wished he could go back in time and make something more of himself than some boy toy for some flaky rich socialite, but his father said that this was where he was going to be. After finishing college, it was his desire to sail off to the Greek Islands for a year before joining his father in the boring world of banking, but after his father's old college roommate came to visit with his daughter, his father never asked again about him joining the firm. Elizabeth Huntington set her eyes on him and she meant to have him no matter what. It wasn't that he found her to be unattractive. She was really quite lovely to look at with a figure that made promises of many passionate nights, but what was on the inside was hatred for everything and everyone who wasn't of her station and soon their marriage became and endless succession of hateful rhetoric, gossip and polite dinner conversation all while he nodded his head and said "yes dear". Elizabeth had made it her mission to make sure that she did the right thing with the right people in the right environment. She detested the nou·veau riche throwing their money around like they just purchased the world itself. He looked at all the people around his very formal dinner table enjoying the delicious rainbow trout. This is not what I wanted, he thought to himself.
"You know I heard that the Mayor was told by Governor Marlowe that Kostan shouldn't be allowed to have the run of state just because people were afraid to tell him no, which I think is jolly good form" One guest said.
"He does have a certain appeal, but that's no reason to just hand over everything" Another guest replied.
"Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do with Sunset Shores?" Reginald asked. Everyone simply stared at him.
"Oh Gerald, don't be facetious!" Elizabeth said in teasing manner.

"Ms. Grace will see you now. Please follow me" She said smiling brightly at Mick as she added an extra sashay to her hips as she walked in front of him. Her boss was sitting behind a very large desk and she looked up with a look of annoyance that soon turned to awe as her secretary brought in the most jaw dropping man she had ever seen in her life. "Mr. Mick St. John to see you" The secretary whispered breathlessly.
"A......I'm..a...sorry, did we have an appointment?" She said taking a deep breath.
"No. But I need you help" Mick replied.
"Seriously? When would you ever need the help of anyone?" She said before she could stop herself. She was going to apologize but Mick waved it off.
"Josef Kostan needs you, I should say."
"Josef Kostan playboy Zillionaire needs my help?" She asked with a playful smirk.
"You know, I had no idea you were an attorney, but from what I've been able to look up, you were a prosecutor" Mick said with a smile.
"A long time ago yes. Are you saying that Josef Kostan wants to retain my services?" She asked in surprise.
"Yeah. It's a defamation suit" Mick said.
"Defamation suit? Look Kostan has been pretty transparent when it comes to his life, why would someone even bother?" She said shaking her head.
"Los Angeles is stopping him from purchasing land due to him being a vampire" Mick said. He saw her eyes widen. She instantly knew what this would mean.
"You're talking discrimination?" She corrected.
"Actually we're talking both" Mick said
"You have proof?"
"It was live on television" Mick replied as she began to smile.
"Look, Mr. St. John, you're talking about something has no legal precedent........but....." She said. "I'd like to meet with him" She said finally.
"If you'd like to come right now, I have a limo right outside" Mick said standing up.
"Alright, let's go" She said as she picked up her phone and told her secretary to hold her calls until she returned.

Re: Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by Ella713
"Sir, I'd like to speak with you regarding Sunset Shores" Brian said taking a seat across from Josef. "Gabriel spoke about filing a defamation lawsuit and I think we have the person who best put that in motion" Brain said.
"Alright" Josef said looking up from his computer to see Mick and Nancy Grace walking into his office. "Well, well, well. Ain't this grand?" Josef said with a grin standing up to greet her. "Nancy Grace. What bring's you by? Surely you're not going trash my name again over some obsessed woman accusing me of rape?" He said.
"Now Mr. Kostan, I hope you know that at the time, her case was very credible. I just report what's given to me" She explained.
"Uh huh. What can I do for you?"
"Well, Mr. St. John has told me about your bid for Sunset Shores and the hatchet job by the Huntington-Reeves, and I have to say I think you have a solid case here"
"You do?" Josef said with a raised eyebrow.
"You've been around for long time surely you know when someone's got it in for you? And from what I saw at the town meeting this is a basic fear play. By making the public fear you, they can control and limit what you do and trust me when I say, fear is a powerful weapon. The Huntington-Reeves are old moneyed types. Appearance is all that matters to them. So I gotta ask, did you out bin them on the land?" She asked.
"The Mayor's office said they were interested in selling off some of the land, but were hesitant to openly place it because the land is very valuable and they wanted something that would protect the history and also to preserve it environmentally. So I made a proposal for a 200 room hotel-Business Complex and Event Center with an attached nature reserve park. Everyone was pleased until Reginald Hunting-Reeves said I couldn't be trusted because of my diet and suddenly I'm Public Enemy #1"
"And you weren't asking for anything in return? No tax break no kick back?" She asked.
"I'm filthy rich Nancy. I don't need a tax break of any kind and I certainly wasn't offered anything in return" Josef said with the innocence of a choir boy.
"Well, if you're interested in wanting me to cover this, I will but keep in mind I'm only looking for a truth, but it sounds like some uptight snobs trying to keep the masses under their blue blooded thumb!" She said quickly writing down information.
"If you want to help then you have my permission to go ahead" Josef said
"I'll be in touch" She said pulling out her mobile as she walked out the door.
"The only way to get rid of a Troll is with a bigger Troll" Mick said with a smile.
"I'm impressed Mick!" Josef said laughing.
"I'm not just a pretty face you know?" Mick joked.

The next evening Mick watched to see what Nancy Grace would do.
"Tonight we will uncover yet another example of Old Money vs. New Money. The Huntington-Reeves take on Josef Kostan and the trophy is Sunset Shores. The blue bloods once again doing what they do best, turning their noses up and everyone who had the misfortune of earning their wealth a little too late in the game. Now keep in mind, the Huntington's have no interest in buying the land, and have no real solution as to what should be done and the only thing they want is for Josef Kostan not to have it. And what is Kostan planning on doing with it? A hotel/business complex with dinning and shopping and a nature reserve park. What kind of maniac wants to build something like that?" She laughed. "A 200 room hotel that will employee hundreds of people who are now trying to find jobs. So why are they against it? Snobbery plain and simple. They say that people should fear Josef Kostan because he's a vampire, but let's look at track records. The Huntington-Reeves have multiple charitable trust that support the ballet, the opera, Los Angeles libraries and St. Jude's. All very nice. Kostan operates a multi-billion dollar corporation and provides free child care for his employees and child care for families who don't even work for him on a sliding scale. Most pay $5 a week!! For Day Care. And let's talk about the cures for cancer and Alzheimer, which discovered by a vampire college student but it was Josef Kostan who saw how greedy pharmaceutical companies were and wanted the cure to be available to all, also on a sliding scale with some people paying nothing. Not to mention shelters and food banks all over the Los Angeles area. So who's being the real threat to the people? Something stinks in Los Angeles. These do nothing blue bloods have been manipulating the country for way too long. My vote is for Josef Kostan!" Nancy shouted. Mick sat back in shock. That was more than he expected.

Josef laughed until tears came out of his eyes.

Re: Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:16 pm
by Ella713
"Liz, what did you expect? Did you really think a man like Josef Kostan was going to just sit there while you trashed his name?" Gerald said shaking his head sadly.
"I can't believe that trailer park bleach blonde said those awful things about us!!" Elizabeth yelled out loud.
"That's her job! Surely you've seen her show before?"
"Why would watch some hack who couldn't make it as a lawyer yell unfounded opinions?" She yelled back.
"I think it would be best to let Kostan have Sunset Shores and let him build his hotel. It will bring in lots of money for the area" He said.
"Kostan and that tramp have no idea what I'm able to do, but they will find out! So help me they will find out!" She said opening up her personal phone book. Reginald shook his head fed up with her pretentious ranting and raving. He very quietly walked into their bedroom packed a bag, left his house keys on the dining room table and drove away. I can't believe I spent 30 years married to that woman he said to himself as he drove as far away as he could get.

"Did you catch Nancy Grace last night?" Mick asked with a wide smile.
"Yeah I did. I think I want to hire her" Josef said.
"But you know Huntington is going strike back? Hard. So I want you to make sure wherever you are, make sure you're seen and not just by Kostan employees." Mick said.
"Well, this is good time for something public. I'm thinking a picnic" Josef said with a grin.

"Sir, I have to tell you this was a remarkable idea!" Brian said as he looked all around at the families enjoying Sunset Park.
"We needed to show people that we're not the "big bad wolf" like we're being portrayed". Josef said as his first annual "End of Summer Picnic" looked to be a big hit with the public. Josef insisted on only the best and made sure that information booths were posted all around the park letting people know exactly what he wanted to do with the land.
"Looks like this was just what the doctor ordered" Mick said happily but still wondering why the Huntington's had not retaliated yet.

"Okay, let's start from the beginning. when did you last see your husband?" The officer asked.
"We were chatting last night about that awful Nancy Grace program and the vile things she was saying. I had to make some phone calls and Reginald went upstairs to his room...." Elizabeth explained.
"So you two have separate rooms?" The officer asked. Elizabeth glared at the young officer.
"That is none of your business!!" She yelled. "He went upstairs and I assumed he went to bed, but when I woke up, he wasn't in his room and no one has seen him and I know Josef Kostan is behind this all. He was angry when we tried to stop his purchase of Sunset Shores, so he paid that vile Nancy Grace woman to say horrendous things and he killed my husband!! That's what these creatures do! It's all they do!" She screamed as her housekeeper tried to calm her down. The officer wrote down everything with a heavy sigh. The Captain wasn't going to be pleased about this. By noon, reports were being made about the disappearance of one Reginald Huntington-Reeves, and Mick knew what was going to be said. Gerald is dead and COD was Vampires.

"Josef have you been watching the news?" Mick asked.
"No, I've been in interviews all day, you know being seen by everyone as suggested" Josef joked.
"Well, the Huntington woman's husband is missing and she thinks that vampires are responsible meaning you are responsible". Mick said.
"You know I had nothing to do with that, but if what my people tell me is true, her hubby ran away from her". Josef replied with a chuckle.
"Do you know that for sure?"
"Of course I do. Look, Elizabeth Huntington-Reeves is a class A bitch! She's tolerated because people are afraid of being ostracized from her group. Reginald has flown the coup on his own with no help from anyone but Elizabeth herself. I wouldn't put it past her to have orchestrated the whole thing" Josef said. "In any case, my whereabouts can be proven without a doubt".
"Good, because I think the police are going to have to question you" Mick said and the moment he said the sentence, officers were at the door of Josef Kostan.

"Mr. Kostan, we'd like to ask you a few questions?" The office asked and at Josef's nod they sat down in chairs across from him."Do you know Reginald Huntington-Reeves?"
"Yes". Josef replied.
"His wife has reported him missing and she thinks you are responsible" The officer said. Josef slid a manila folder in front of him.
"When Reginald decided to have a go at me I had my private investigators tail him wherever he went and I've got an assortment of photographs of Reginald going into adult movie theaters, high end strip clubs and private gentleman clubs. One photo caught him at Carmine's Bistro with a stunning young thing on his arm. So as you can see, the only thing that happened to Reginald is that he's sick to death of his wife, and that's not my fault" Josef said.
The officer looked through everything that was handed to him and it definitely looked like the husband had found another lady love.
"Would you mind if I took these?" The officer asked.
"Be my guest" Josef replied with a smile. He had copies made so it mattered little to him if the officer wanted to show Mrs. Huntington-Reeves where her husband had been. Josef also had decided to let Reginald have his peace. 30 years married to that shrew, he had earned it in spades!

Officer Tate went back to the Huntington-Reeves estate and showed Elizabeth what had been given to him. She flipped through the envelope quickly and stopped when she saw the photographs.
"Where did you get these?" She asked in anger then thought of something else "Kostan gave these to you didn't he?" She asked. "Don't you know that people can fake all kind of things with photographs these days? And I bet you Kostan has some of the best in the field on his payroll!" She said sliding the folder back to him. Officer Tate didn't really see anything that looked suspicious...but then he wouldn't. Maybe he would take these to the lab and see if they were doctored. She saw the Officer out and called her Accountant. She would freeze all of her accounts! Let's see how Reginald dealt with being poor! She thought to herself.

Re: Worthless Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:03 pm
by Ella713
"Mr. Kostan I wanted to let you know that Reginald and I are heading to the marina right now" Alicia Cantor said still not believing her luck finding the perfect guy in a strip club no less.
"Great! You're going to love Belize. I have a wonderful place waiting for you both and a guide on standby for anything you need" Josef said.
"I don't know how to thank you Mr. Kostan.....uh...wait, Reginald wants to speak with you" She said.
"Josef......thank you so much....and I'm sorry for the mess I caused. I should have stood up to Elizabeth a long time ago..."
"No worries. Just enjoy your new life". Josef said hanging up the phone and chuckling to himself.

"Good evening I'm Nancy Grace and well the blue bloods seem to be on life support after Josef Kostan threw the largest end of summer BBQ for anyone who wanted to attend and wanted to find out more about Sunset Shores project. And the Huntington-Reeves have been deflated. My sources tell me that one Reginald Hunting-Reeves has left his wife for a stripper he met at the Pink Palace. These photos show him out with her on multiple occasions. So the question that everyone wants to ask is why do these depraved, snobbish, condescending twerps allowed to pass judgment on anyone when they can't even keep their own lives in proper working order? I'm with Josef Kostan people. If he wants to better the city by providing jobs why would anyone be against that" She said.

Elizabeth was shocked. How had Nancy Grace gotten a hold of those photographs? When her phone started to ring she knew she wouldn't answer it. She didn't want to hear from so called friends saying how sorry they were that this happened to her! Damn Kostan!!

Nancy Grace sat in Josef's office drinking the best cappuccino she had ever had.
"So tell me, why did you really want Sunset Shores" She asked.
"Nancy, I'm hurt. Don't you believe me?" Josef asked all wide eyed innocence. She stared at him for a long moment then finished her coffee.
"I don't believe anyone Josef. Have you not seen my show?" She said standing up. She knew that Josef had something up his sleeve and he wasn't going to let her know what it was and she knew she had no hope of finding out. "One can only speculate" She said pointedly, letting him know that sometimes speculation and wild accusations were all people needed to hear to believe. "And I can speculate for a very long time" She said over her shoulder.
"Can you?" Josef asked staring at her with glowing red eyes. Josef saw her eyes widen and her heart began to race.
"I will be on my way and you'll hear nothing more from me" She said walking quickly out of his office.
Josef sat back in his chair thinking. Maybe a hotel is last thing Los Angeles needed. How about a large homeless shelter and kitchen.............called "Elizabeth's Place"? He smiled thinking about it, then he called his architect and told him to draw up some plans.

The End