Pot Committed. Rated PG

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Pot Committed. Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Pot Committed
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Brian finds that his actions come with very serious consequences

Brian laid very still as Alma slept next to him. He really couldn't understand what had driven him to that point last night, but it was strong and uncontrollable. And the sex had been mind blowing! There was no other word to describe it. He looked down at Alma while she slept. He had never noticed how pretty she truly was. Brian was always so focused on the job or the task at hand that very little made it into his scope. But right now at this moment. He felt different.

Alma laid as still as Brian even though she knew he was awake.. Brian was sexy and kind and super smart. Any woman would be killing each other over a chance to be with him and all Alma felt was shame. She felt like a common place floozy coming in between a man and his wife. But the cards did not lie. And when she lit the seeing herbs, Emma had told her that she and Brian must become one.
But how could she tell this to Josef, or Brian or Mick? And what would they do?

Nicole walked in the door hoping Brian had come home. Most likely he had gone to the office. She knew the fiscal reports had to be completed. She took a bath and went to bed. But when she awoke Brian still was not there. She immediately called the office and they had not seen him. She then called Josef.
"Good morning Nicole. A little too bright and early for a Saturday don't you think?" Josef chuckled.
"I'm looking for Brian. He didn't come home last night and they haven't seen him at the office." She said.
"Really. Something must have happened suddenly with a client for your husband to be MIA. Let me make some calls." Josef said. Nicole felt better. She knew Josef would find Brian.
"And who was calling you so early my darling?" Isabelle said stretching her long body. Josef smiled and got back into bed.
"Brian didn't come home last night. She wanted to know if I knew where he was." Josef said kissing Isabelle's neck. Isabelle sat up.
"Are you sure?" She said her eyes staring straight ahead.
"Yes, I'm sure. Why what's up?"
"Because Brian had sex last night. And if he wasn't at home, where is he now?" She said getting out of bed and throwing some clothes on.
"How do you know that Brian had sex last night?" Josef asked.
"All Nosferatu are linked sexually. If one has climaxed then we all climax. It is our curse which is why our bloodline is insatiable." She explained.
"Wait! Wait a minute! So you're telling me that you all simultaneously have orgasms? At the same time?"
"Yes my darling" She said quickly walking out the door.
Alma heard the knocking and slowly got up to answer it.
"Alma! I need you to read for me!!" She said urgently. Alma clutched her robe tightly.
"Right now?" She asked.
"Yes! I need......" Isabelle stopped and took a quick sniff of Alma. Isabelle looked down on Alma in anger.
"Do you know what you have done?" Isabelle said in anger her fist balled up at her sides. The bedroom door opened and Brian stepped out completely naked.
"My Lord! What have you done?" Isabelle said
Brian looked over to Alma who had her head held down in shame. Brian walked over to her and lifted her chin.
"Do not be ashamed." He said kissing her lips. "This must happen." Brian said to Isabelle.

Josef was waiting for Isabelle when she returned.
"Is everything alright?" Josef asked.
"Brian is in carnal relations with Alma" She said as if she could not believe it herself.
"What? Are you sure?"
"He is downstairs right now. Naked kissing her. He said that this must happen. Does that mean anything to you?" Josef froze. He knew exactly what it meant. And things were about to get extremely messy!
"Emma said that Brian was always the key to the vampire community. "Through he must all things be" she said to me. She said that Brian would never break his vows once they were spoken, but she said that one would come and they would be one and together as it was in the beginning they would rule all supernatural worlds" Josef explained.
"And she never told you that she would pick the woman for Brian?" Isabelle asked.
"She never would have told me. She would have protected her secret to save her from those who sought to destroy her."
"Did Emma even like us at all?" Isabelle said sitting down on the sofa to let this information sink in.
"She did Izzie. She loved us all very much. But this is something that "must happen" Josef finished.

Brian laid back down with Alma and they made love over and over again. Brian stared into her eyes as he thrust his way inside of her.
"Tell me you belong to me?" Brian said in anguish.
"I belong to you body and soul" Alma screamed as the climax overtook her body.

Nicole called Zoe.
"Nicole, I don't think you should worry. You know Brian. He works all the hours in a given day, rests for two hours and does it all over again the next day."
"I know but he's always called before. This isn't like him."
"Do you want me to ask Gabe to track him?"
"No....thanks for asking, but I don't want him to think that I'm checking up on him. It's just......Zoe we are growing so apart these days. We hardly ever see each other and most nights he sleeps at the office. I think he wants to part from me" Nicole said.
"No! Brian would never do something like that. He is the most loyal person I have ever met outside of Gabe." Zoe said in surprise.
"Zoe, it's the bloodline. Sex is all you think about. Every minute of every day. It never leaves you"
"Brian doesn't seem ever affected by it. And Abigail has taken a vow of celibacy." Zoe said.
"Abby has made her vow while she is pure which is easier to do. If she had lost her virginity, celibacy would have been difficult for her to bear".
"Nicole it doesn't bother you. I think you should give Brian some credit."
"No Nicole! You didn't?" Zoe wailed.
"I did." Nicole said in sadness.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Pot Committed. Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe looked at her friend in sad disappointment.
"Does Brian know?" Zoe asked quietly
"One never knows with Brian. If he does, he hasn't said anything" She replied.
"What are you going to do?" Zoe asked. "You have to tell him."
"I know" Nicole said. At that moment Brian walked through the door.
"Hello Zoe. I didn't know you were in Los Angeles" he said.
"Yeah, it was kind of sudden. Puerto Rico is fantastic, but I miss Los Angeles sometimes. Look, I better run. I'm going to meet my mom at the museum" Zoe said quickly getting up. She gave Brian a peck on the cheek and Nicole a hug.
"Brian, we need to talk" she said turning to face him.
"Nicole" Brian interrupted. "I must leave this union immediately" he said stoically.
"Excuse me?" Nicole said in surprise "You mean get a divorce?" She asked.
"You know, don't you?" She asked.
"Of course I know. I knew the moment it came into your mind, but I still loved you. The bloodline we share is a cross we all must bare. I never once thought that it would never happen."
"Brian I am so sorry."
"I know, as am I. I must be joined with another Nic. It was foretold and now it must happen. I will gather some things. You may keep this house. I know that you are very fond of it." he replied as he went upstairs to pack his bags. Nicole sat on the sofa and stared straight ahead as she heard his steps above her.

Alma could hear Brian's thoughts so clearly all throughout the day and she took great comfort in it. Since taking Brian's blood so many things had changed. Her vision for one had never been good, even when she was a child, but now she could see everything without aid of glasses or contacts. Even though she knew what laid in store for her she was still surprised by it all. Emma's words had been very straightforward. Alma would be with Brian, and together they would stand as one over all things supernatural. That kind of scared her. How many other beings could there be? She shook her head and giggled when she heard Brian say "I do not even know how many, but you won't figure it out in an afternoon. Rest your mind. I am coming back to you" Brian was right. There was no point in thinking about such things.

Nicole phoned Abigail so she could explain what was happening.
"So, there will be no reconciliation?" Abigail asked.
"I don't think so honey" She replied.
"Do you need comfort? I mean to say are you okay?" Abigail asked.
"Things are changing so much." Nicole said choking back a sob.
"Yes mother, but change is always significant. Something new is being born and what you fear may be something wonderful" She replied. Nicole knew that what Abigail said made sense, but she could not find comfort in the words.

Brian was working when Josef came into his office.
"Hello Brian. A word?" he said as he shut the door." I wanted to talk to you about Alma" Josef started to say.
"Do you disapprove?" Brian asked.
"It isn't for me to approve or disapprove Brian. I knew this day would come, but I just didn't know with whom. Have you spoken to Nicole? She was very worried when she called."
"Yes sir, I have"
"I do not know. She thinks it's because she strayed from our marriage." Brian said.
"What? Nicole cheated?" Josef said in surprise.
"Yes. I knew of course and it did not change my feelings for her. In our bloodline it is expected."
"Well, I will have someone keep an eye on her. Make sure she's alright" Josef said standing up. "Don't forget we're meeting with Alexander Giokidias at 3pm" Josef said on his way out.

After work Brian went to Alma's and loved her over the course of the evening.
"I heard your thoughts today" Alma said with a smile.
"And I yours." Brian replied "What curious thoughts you have. You wonder about many things" Brian said.
"I never used to. I thought about what I needed to at the time. But that was before Emma came into my life. Now there are so many things to consider" she said turning to hold him in her embrace.
"I have spoken with Nicole." Brian said thinking he needed to get this out into the open.
"Oh, Brian I am so sorry! I feel like I've destroyed your life." She said
"No. Do not think that. I would not change things even if I had the ability do so" Brian said.
"But you loved her so much! You have a child together!"
"Yes. I did love her. She was my first and only love. To a young boy of 16, I could not fathom my life without her. But things have changed, and Nicole has changed as well. She will be happy again" Brian said, kissing her again. He felt her body respond to him and when she began to kiss his neck Brian felt for the second time in his life like he was melting right next to someone.

Josef came home and saw Isabelle standing naked waiting for him. She looked flushed and desperate.
"Let me guess. Brian is knocking boots right now" He asked jokingly walking towards her undoing his pants.

Zoe had been calling Nicole for a couple of days but all she got was voicemail. She had heard of the breakup and wanted to get together with her so they could have a girl's night, but still no answer. She drove over to her house and saw that the car was gone, and everything was locked up.
A next-door neighbor leaned over the hedge.
"She left a couple of days ago. She didn't say where, but she must be coming back soon because her mail and newspapers are still showing up" The man said.
"Thank you. I'll just leave a note for her" Zoe said pulling a notepad from her bag.
"She looked upset."
"Upset how?" Zoe asked.
"Like she had been crying. I saw Brian leave with a couple of bags earlier." he said,
"Thank you" Zoe said getting back into her car.
"Oh Nicole! Where are you?" Zoe thought to herself as she drove to Mick and Beth's.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:31 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Pot Committed. Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Zoe! What are you doing here?" Mick asked in surprise.
"I came to see my mom for a short visit" She said walking into the apartment.
"Zoe!!" Beth said running down the stairs to hug her.
"Hi Beth. So how are things?"
"Everything's good." Mick said as she sat down. "Zoe, what wrong? You look like you have something on your mind" Mick said.
"Have any of you spoken with Brian?" Zoe asked.
"Not in about a month, but that's not strange. This is the start of the fiscal year. Brian will work 18 -20 hours a day" Beth said.
"I think he and Nicole have split up" Zoe said sadly.
"What?!" Beth said.
"I went to check on her and her neighbor said he saw Brian leaving with a couple of bags and Nicole has gone off somewhere"
'Oh no" Beth said. She never would have thought that Brian and Nicole would break up.
"I'll go have a talk with Brian" Mick said grabbing his keys.
"I'll call Logan and tell him to hack the GPS on Nicole's car" Beth said.

Mick drove around to all the places he thought Brian might show up. But Brian was a no show at any of the area hotels and also a no show at the Men's Club, so he drove to Josef's place knowing that he would know where Brian was.
"Mick, I was just saying I haven't seen Mick in a week and that's rare" Josef laughed letting him in.
"Josef I'm looking for Brian. You know where he is?" Mick asked. The look on Josef's face told him that he knew everything that was going on. "What's going on Josef?" Mick asked.
"Brian and Nicole will be divorcing soon." Josef said.
"Why? This doesn't make any sense" Mick said.
"Mick......look, I don't think you will understand what's going on here."
"Josef, I'm not some newbie vampire you need to walk on egg shells around. Brian is my son!" Mick said.
Ok. You're right. How do I say this?"
"Spit it out Josef!" Mick said in anger
"Brian was promised to another. No one but Emma knew who this person was, and she told nobody. But it's happened and Brian can't be without her, and when they become one, they will be the head of all things supernatural" Josef said.
"You're kidding? That's overturning Counsel. No one can do that"
"Brian and his mate will" Josef said.
"Who's this person he's supposed to be with?"
"Brian should be the one to tell you that. He's downstairs at Alma's" Josef said finishing up his drink.

Mick took the elevator to Alma's maybe she could explain what's going on.

"Brian came to the door wearing nothing but pajama bottoms.
"Brian, what are doing here?" Mick asked in stunned surprise.
"Dad. Alma and I must be wed." Brian said as Alma came out wearing the pajama top carrying a plate of sandwiches. She handed the plate to Brian who picked up a sandwich and began to eat it.
Mick stood there in shock, staring at he two of them waiting for someone to tell him what the hell was going on!

"Mick please come in" Alma said to him making way for him to come in. "We were just having a snack" She giggled.
"How is that possible?" Mick asked.
"Mick sit down and we will tell you" Alma said.
"Brian and I are meant to be as one. And I don't mean just married. Together Brian can become mortal again as he wishes, yet still be a vampire when need be" Alma explained.
"So right now....." Mick started to say.
"I really wanted to eat a ham and swiss sandwich" Brian said with the lopsided smile he used to have.
"And this can only happen if you two are together"?
"Dad its more than that! With Alma I feel all of these pieces of my life that made no sense whatsoever, all come into focus. My birth, my biological parents, meeting Gabriel, all of it. I know why all of that had to happen." Brian explained.
"Brian you're losing me. Are you saying you know what it all means?"
"Show him Brian" Alma said. Brian walked to the center of the front room and closed his eyes tightly, suddenly there was movement of something growing out of his back and in a flash......wings! Large glaringly white wings were on Brian's back. Mick stared in shock and slowly fell to his knees.
"Oh my God" Mick uttered in shock.
"No dad. I'm merely an angel" Brian said a new light shining from his eyes.
"I will call Josef" Alma said and as she opened the door for both Isabelle and Josef, both fell to their knees when they saw.
"Brian! Your true form!" Josef said in awe. "Do you remember your name?"
"Adriel" Brian said. I am the son of Barzillai, the Meholathite." Brian replied.

Logan tracked Nicole's GPS to a remote place outside of Death Valley! Why the hell would Nicole be there? Had it not been for the air conditioning in her car Beth would not have made this trip. She pulled up to the hotel and quickly ran inside and walked up to to the front desk.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for a guest by the name of Nicole Petzer" Beth asked. The man behind the counter glared at Beth.
"Who are you?" He growled.
"I'm her mother in law" Beth said. "She's married to my son" After looking at Beth and seeing that she posed no threat, he rang the room that Nicole was staying in. Soon Nicole stepped off the elevator
"Beth what are you doing here?" Nicole asked in surprise.
"I was worried about you. But Nicole whey are you here in this heat?" Beth asked guiding her over to one of the chairs.
"I came to be with the man I truly love." Nicole said.
"And who's that?" Beth asked.
That would be me" A deep voice said from behind her. "I am Camael"
Beth stared at the man and sensed pure evil.
"Nicole are you happy?" Beth asked almost in a whisper.
"I'm happier than I ever was with Brian. You see, I've learned something very important the last few days. And what I learned is that I really don't like you all that much. In fact, I hate all of you. So sanctimonious, so unaware that your killers by nature and design, all trying to lead this goody goody life and exacting punishment on those who don't obey the almighty Dragos and Josef Kostan. And Camael was all too willing to get me back on the right track. So, thanks for being all concerned but you really need to get your perky ass back to the city. You see, Camael and his friends, don't care about Counsel, Josef Kostan or Dragos for that matter" Nicole said and turned to leave.
Beth shook her head slowly and ran back to her car and drove away.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Pot Committed. Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Well, she certainly ran away in a hurry" Camael replied with a deep chuckle. "Do you think Dragos will look for you?" He asked. Nicole wrapped her arms around his waist.
"No. I think he is truly in love with another. I mean nothing to him at this point." Nicole said kissing his lower lip.
"Good. You've done so well. I'm glad Lucifer told me about you Nicole" He whispered in her ear.

Beth took the elevator to Alma's floor and when she arrived she saw the doors were slightly open. She walked right through the door and froze in place. Beth didn't know what to say or if she should. Never had she felt such fear in so much beauty.
"Brian.........what happened?" She asked in awe and wonder.
"I know who I am. Don't be afraid. I promise it will all be alright"

Forneus a high ranking demon watched the woman drive away. "You should have let me have her" he said in disappointment.
"No, no. Not that one. She is the mother of the one we mean to destroy. You can have her when we are done."

Abigail sat thinking a lot of the phone call she received from her mother. She knew her parents seemed to be going through the motions for some time now, but she never thought they would speak of divorce. She also got a strange feeling that her mother was lying to her. And she cried. Much more than a sob but an actual wailing out which Nosferatu could never do. So why was she pretending? Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Brian looked at his family.
"I know you all have many questions, but Alma and I must wed before midnight" Brian said.
"Son, you're not divorced yet" Mick pointed out.
"He means a wedding by a high ranking vampire officiate. That means more in the vampire world than a civil union. But they must be done only at certain times and the list is quite long, so we have to get going now Brian." Josef said as he grabbed Isabelle's hand.

Josef found out that there were 4 couples already waiting. He paid them all $1 million dollars each to allow Brian and Alma first service. With that done all they had to do were minor things. Brian found a tux quite fast and Isabelle purchased a Vera Wang bridal collection for Alma. Josef then went to Cartier's and paid for a rush ring job. Everyone was ready a half hour before the Justice was ready.
"You look very beautiful Alma" Brian said with real emotion in his voice as he looked at the beautiful strapless frothy lace gown.
The Justice stood in front of them and nodded at Josef and Isabelle. And in 20 minutes Brian Michael Petzer had married Alma Dorothy Von Die.

"So what do you wish to do now you crazy kids?" Josef joked,
"It is not wise for Brian to stay for long periods of time around so much evil. He will begin to punish all" Alma explained.
"Well, let's get out of Sin City" Josef said as Brian had them back in their apartment building.
Brian put his arms around Alma.
"You are my wife" He said with a smile.
"And you are my husband" She said.
"Let me ask you Mrs. Petzer, do you really like this dress?" Brian asked. Alma looked at it and shrugged her shoulders.
"It's okay..." She began to say when Brian ripped the dress in two right off of her body and began to kiss her deeply..
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2315
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Pot Committed. Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian looked down at Alma, taking in her features.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Are you sure you are ready for this? This will change your whole life forever" He said.
"My life was already changed. It was scary at first, yes but now I am pot committed, to use a Vegas term"
"What does that mean?"
"You truly are an angel aren't you?" Alma chuckled. "It means you're all in. No looking back and no regrets"
"And are you Alma, truly"
"Yes" She said and tilted her head back. Brian slowly kissed her neck, trying to ease her fears, then he pierced her flesh and drank. And when he felt her heart beat slow down, he bit his arm and fed her.
He could feel Emma's supernatural essence running through him. And now he saw the things she saw. The things that Alma saw. He laid down next his wife and marveled the way she could keep these things to herself. Such amazing things!

Nicole thought about the things she had done. She never felt like she was part of the whole Kostan clan. She was an outsider always. An afterthought. Just Dragos' wife. Nothing more. Amy and Ted who were mere mortals were more entwined with their world than she ever was. But since meeting Camael her whole outlook had changed. He shared with her all the knowledge he had about the Ancients, the demons and the Angels. He told her she could be a part of it all. And to think, if Brian had of listened to her when Lucifer made his offer the first time, he wouldn't be on verge of being destroyed. And thinking of Brian's destruction, made her smile.
"You have been ready for this moment for a very long time haven't you?" Camael said to her. She turned to look at him. He could see the evil shining in her eyes. "Yes. You are ready indeed" He said taking her into his arms.

Brian sat up and looked over at Alma. She was very pretty before but now after the transformation, she was stunning. Her bleached blonde hair was now back to it's original strawberry blonde.
"Am I pretty?" He heard her ask.
"You were always pretty Alma. Now you are beautiful" He said reaching for her lips.
Brian and Alma suddenly halted and let the visions come.

"Nicole is with Camael" Brian said.
"And Forneus!" Alma said.
"They are coming" Brian said jumping up to get word to all the others.

Josef called Vienna and spoke with Helmut.
"Adriel! Josef this is exciting news! I am so pleased! When did he make the revelation?"
"About 5 days ago" Josef replied.
"And have you seen his true form?" Helmut asked anxiously, so wanting this to be true.
"Helmut,,,,,I've never seen anything like it. It was truly breathtaking. But we have a problem. Nicole has given over to evil and she's working with Camael. They will be coming soon with the demons of Forneus".
"We should have seen this day coming. So easily swayed she was by the lies of Lucifer."
"I agree. We should have been prepared, but they are coming now."
"Do they know of Brian's transformation?"
"I don't think they do."
"Just tell us what you need us to do" Helmut said in all seriousness.
"Lock everything down and take refuge in the place of secrets. We will find you" Josef said hanging up the phone.

Alma and Brian sat holding hands and clearing their minds. They saw where the battle would take place and they saw exactly who they needed with them to succeed.
"Are you sure he is ready?" Alma asked.
"Yes. He will be ready and it will be glorious" Brian said standing up and taking her hand.
"I am so sorry about your wife. Can mercy be granted to her?" Alma asked not wanting any pain to come to her new husband.
"Nicole has made her decision, not just with her mind, but in her heart. She cannot be spared." Brian said sounding very much the way he used to.

All that they cared for and loved were taken to the secret place by Josef. This would be a fight for Brian, Alma, Isabelle and Gabriel alone.
"How will we combat the heat my Lord?" Isabelle asked. And with a wave of his hand the sun was hidden by clouds and rain started to fall from the sky. They saw Camael approach holding Nicole's hand and Forneus with his legion of demons following close behind.

"Let us finish this Adriel!" Camael roared. "I've waited too long as it is for you to find your true self! You want to destroy our kind so we can be slaves to the Father again! No more!! We will not serve a Master who could so easily banish us to live in the darkness since the beginning! Lucifer was correct. He will never love us!" He yelled on.
Brian closed his eyes and the heavenly wings sprouted forth Nicole stood in fear afraid to say anything as Camael and his legion ran towards them.
"Blind them!" Brian said to his brother. Gabriel robbed them of their sight, and they stumbled and fell to the ground. Isabelle quickly sped through the demons' breaking necks and taking off their heads. Brian burned them all and when only Camael and Nicole were left, Brian and Alma walked slowly towards them.
"Brian! You can't do this me!" Nicole screamed " I'm your wife! It was me that loved you when you were just a boy! It was me who suffered the pain of childbirth! I did everything for you!!" She screamed. Alma touched Nicole's arms.
"No. What you did you did for you. You allowed Lucifer to impregnate you, it was you who continued to keep in contact with Lucifer and kept it from your husband. And it was you that plotted my death by Scott Slade. You Nicole. You welcomed Lucifer!" The voice of Emma yelled out in anger. "Now you will pay the price!" She finished dropping Nicole's arm. Alma stepped back and Brian turned her to ash that was drenched in the rain.

"Camael" Brian said to him. "It is time"
"You can't kill me! I am immortal! And forever will be"
"Not anymore" Brian and Alma said together. They stood as Camael's body increased in age quickly until he was nothing but ash.

A bright light came down from the sky and Brian and Alma were bathed in in.
"What's happening to them?" Isabelle asked anxiously afraid that they would explode in the sunlight.
Then the sun was gone and Brian and Alma still stood. Gabriel who understood looked at his brother.
"What did he say?" He asked quietly.
"He said well done my good and faithful servant" Brian replied.

When it was told to vampires that Brian and Alma had the power to remove their curse there were many who came. The ones who were turned against their will or by accident, or the ones who simply felt that they had existed long enough, they came willing and received their mortality back. But for the ones who embraced their curse they were made to know and obey that all turnings and killings were not allowed and those caught breaking this law would be destroyed.
Josef and Isabelle met with Brian and Alma.
"Brian, I love being a vampire. So I won't be asking for a removal" Josef said.
"I didn't think you would sir?" Brian said laughing. "Is there anything we can do for you both?" Brian asked.
"Kostan Industries. We assume that..." Isabelle said.
"That I will be there Monday morning as always. We're not finished with the fiscal reports sir" Brian said with a smile.
"Great!" Josef said . "So you think you want to head to Chinatown for some dim sum?" Josef asked.
"Yes sir!" Brian said "Have you ever eaten it sir?"
"Maybe, but I think it was just called food when I was in the Orient. Has it changed?" Josef laughed thinking he could not believe he was going to eat human food!

The End
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