Choices PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Choices PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Brian has a lot of explaining to do.

Brian knew he would have to tell all the others soon, but he was waiting to hear back from Julian. It had been 5 days since Brian had given Angela vampire blood to save her life and the life of the baby she carried inside of her.

"What can you tell me Julian?" Brian asked.
"The possibilities are endless. The more favorable one is that both Angela and her child will not be turned. I know you said you weren't sure how much she was given." Julian said.
"It was no more than half a teaspoon"
"With that small amount, it looks as if everything will be fine, but Mr. Petzer we must think about what must be done if my calculations are wrong. Angela might be spared from turning, but she has a vampire child. Or vice versa, or the worst case scenario, they are both now vampires....Mr. Petzer. I understand why you did this. Her and the child would have died. Carl would have been inconsolable. But you must tell them, before something dire happens."
"Yes. You are correct." Brian said walking out his door.
"Mr. Petzer." Julian called after him. "Good luck"

Mick and Beth stopped in at the hospital each day to see Angela and as each day went by, Angela looked stronger. Beth had heard that pregnant women always seem to have a glow about them when they are pregnant. It's like an inner light shine within them. But Angela looked altogether different. Vibrant almost.
"Hello Angela" Beth said brining her a soy vanilla latte. Angela took a long sip and closed her eyes.
"God bless you Beth! If you've ever had hospital coffee, then you know how much I appreciate this" Angela said.
"You know, you're going to have to eat, not just to keep your strength up, but they won't let you out of here until they see that you're finished all your food" Beth said knowingly.
"I can't eat this food. The oatmeal was ice cold when it cam to me and the toast has nothing on it. And by nothing, I mean nothing. No butter, no margarine. Just plain dry toast." She said wrinkling her beautiful face.
"Why don't you tell me what you want and I'll go pick it for you" Beth said with a smile.
"Cheeseburger, blood rare, swiss, onion and tomato. French fries" Angela said .
"Yikes Angela blood rare! Is that safe?" Beth said picking up her purse.
"Asks the person who feeds on blood" Angela laughed.
"Okay silly question" Beth smiled. "I'll be right back" She said walking out of the room. It wasn't until she was standing in line at the burger place that it dawned on her. Someone had given Angela vampire blood!

"Dad, I have something I have to tell you" Brian said walking in his father's door.
"Sure Brian. What's up" Mick asked, walking into the kitchen and pouring him and Brian a glass of blood.
"I gave Angela vampire blood" Brian said simply. Mick stopped and stood still.
"Without permission?" Mick asked in frustration.
"There wasn't time. I went to check on her and she would have not made it passed the next day. Then I heard the faint heartbeat of her baby. I had no choice. Angela's death would have destroyed Carl" Brian explained. "Julian and I are trying to figure out what this will mean for Angela and the baby"
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Re: Choices PG

Post by Ella713 »

Carl had taken s couple of weeks off to be with Angela. He really needed to prioritize more. He had always worked a lot of hours, but he was a married man now. And a child was on the way! Carl simply couldn't control the joy he felt when he thought about it. He carried Angela to the guest room on the first floor of their house. He didn't want her climbing the stairs everyday.
"Do you need anything baby?" Carl asked
Angela shook her head and with heavy eyes went to sleep. He watched her for a while until he heard the doorbell.
"Isabelle. Come in. Angela just took a nap. We just got home" he said.
"Josef and I picked up a few things for her and the baby" She said. Carl watched as five delivery men came in with dolly's filled with boxes. "We took the liberty of getting all the nursery item for you as well as the clothing up to the age of 10." Isabelle said.
"Are you saying that you and Josef bought my baby 10 years worth of clothes?" Carl asked, not surprised by the exuberance of Josef, but by the very kind gesture.
"Josef wants you both to have no worries. This incident was unfortunate. It will never happen to either of you again"
"Did Josef find the guy?" He asked. Isabelle nodded her head. "Can I ask what he did?"
"Josef told me to tell you that he got "medieval on his ass" and that you would know that reference"
Carl knew exactly what Josef meant. It meant that Michael Crawford had suffered an excruciatingly slow and painful death.
"Good" Carl said.
"What does it mean?" Isabelle asked.
"It's a line from the film Pulp Fiction. You know, it's what Wallace said about the freaks that raped him"
"I see. I do not watch movies" Isabelle said walking towards the door. "Give Angela all our best." She said closing the front door behind her, leaving Carl to look at all the things Josef and Isabelle bought, Never had he had friends as good as the ones he had now.

Josef, Isabelle and Julian met with Brian and Mick. Josef shook his head.
"Look, Brian did what he felt he had to. And I agree Angela's death would have killed Carl, but a turning? This is more likely to make him turn away from all of us" Josef said. "You said the doctor was okay with this?"
"He said he wasn't going to report it, so that's a good sign." Mick said.
"This is my responsibility" Brian finally said. "I will speak with Carl alone. If he would rather have a wife and child that are dead, I can accommodate that wish." Brian said walking out the door.

Beth walked in shortly and saw everyone standing in her living room look glum.
"What happened?" She asked anxiously.
"Brian gave Angela vampire blood" Mick said. Beth's eyes opened wide then she closed her eyes.
"Well Carl will have to deal with it. This should be no surprise that one of us would act. And the life of his wife and child were at stake" She said walking to the kitchen to pour herself a drink.
"Brian went to explain the situation to Carl" Mick said.
"All we can do is wait" Beth said. Beth had known Carl for a very long time and they were really good friends. Eventually he would want to talk with her.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed May 04, 2016 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Choices PG

Post by Ella713 »

Being a vampire came with confidence and fearlessness, but now as Brian walked up the stairs of Carl's house he felt like the scared little boy he once was.
"I'm getting visitors all day" He joked.
"Carl, I must speak with you" Brian said. Carl looked at Brian trying to ascertain a mood, but Brian was as stoic as ever.
"Of course." Carl said allowing him to enter. "Have a seat" Carl said sitting down in his favorite chair.
"No thank you. We must speak about Angela."
"What about her? Ang is doing great. She's sleeping a bit much, but she was shot, so that's to be expected." Carl said. Sleeping. A lot. Brian thought.
"Carl. I checked on Angela when she was in the hospital. I knew that she and the baby were not going to survive their injuries..." Brian started to say but Carl interrupted him.
"You gave her vampire blood" Carl said with a heavy sigh. "I kind of guessed. The doctor telling us Ang had made a miraculous recovery and that the fetus had not died. I kind of knew. So what's going to happen to my family?" Carl said with sadness.
"Angela, will most likely turn quite soon and you must be prepared. If the baby is a vampire baby, Angela will give birth in about 6-9 weeks, and for that you must also be prepared."
"I don't know if I can do this Brian.....where would I start?" He finished. Brian took a seat next to Carl.
"I do not know Carl. But if you do not wish this, I can take care of things." Brian said in a quiet voice.
"You mean kill my wife and baby." Carl said.
"Yes Carl. That is very much what I mean" Brian said. Carl stood up and started to pace the floor.
"Why would you even do this Brian? What is Angela to you other than a co-worker?"
"Carl, you still do not get it. You and Angela are family. You are one of us and we will always take care of those we trust and care for. If this circumstance could have been diverted, I would have taken that path, but I had mere minutes to decide." He said. At that moment Angela came slowly down the stairs. She looked luminous and vibrant with bright eyes that were red around the pupil.
"Angela, what are doing up?" Carl said walking towards her, but Brian touched his shoulder and pulled him back slightly. He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a bag of purchased blood. He walked towards Angela and took her to the kitchen.
"Angela. You must feed before you come to your husband." He said gently.
"So, I'm dead?" She asked with tears running down one cheek.
"Yes. You who you were is no more" Brian said taking a glass from the cupboard and pouring the blood out for her. "You were shot in the abdomen at very close range. There was a large loss of blood and the bullet was pressing against your spine. Had you have survived you would have no longer been able to walk and you would have lost your child. I did what I did to save you and your baby. Also to save Carl. But know you are never alone in this. Don't ever think you are. You are family. And we will always be there for you." Brian said. Angela took the glass to her lips and found that it did not taste like what she imagined it would. It was so tantalizing in the mouth. After another glass her eyes returned to their normal beautiful Hazel.
"Can I see Carl now?"
"For a short while". Brian replied. Angela walked out of the kitchen and saw that Carl had left.
She sat on the sofa and let the tears fall.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Choices PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian knew he couldn't leave Angela alone in her current state, but he also knew that he needed to go after Carl, so he called Beth who quickly came over.

Carl walked the streets of Los Angeles unafraid. In fact it had been a very long time that he had felt afraid and that had a lot to do with being friends with Mick St. John. And loved his friends. Even admired his friends. But what it came down to is that they were dead. Dead people walking around and doing things like going to work, teaching in schools and curing cancer! So why did it bother him so much? Wouldn't Angela always be the same woman he fell in love with?
"She will" Carl heard it said behind him.
"Mick. How did you know where I was?" Carl asked.
"Comes with the whole undead thing" He replied.
"Have you come to tell me that things will be better?" Carl said.
"No one can tell you that. Things being better have more to do with you than the situation itself."
"What are you saying Mick? Only I can make it better?" Carl said loudly.
"Carl what you're feeling is guilt. You put Crawford in jail and he came back to make you pay and there was nothing you could do! I get it! Angela didn't have a choice in this, you know that right? Angela didn't choose to be a vampire behind your back, and Brian just didn't break a very serious law that could have him in deep shit just because he was bored that day! This is the hand we've all been dealt. It's up to you if you want to leave the table".

When Angela was finished crying. Beth made her a very strong drink. Angela took a long sip and sat back.
"This is good. What is it?" She asked.
"Angela, I have no idea. I just threw together all that Carl had in the cabinet" Beth laughed.
"Oh Beth, what am I going to do. In the time span of a week my life has been dramatically altered. I almost died, I'm pregnant and I'm a vampire. It doesn't get anymore altering than that"
"Carl will come back" Beth said confidently.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know Lt. Carl Davis. And he will always always do the right thing. It's in his DNA"

Mick called Josef and they met him at his office. Josef made a round of drinks.
"So what have you decided Carl?" Josef asked.
"This is....." Carl said but couldn't finish.
"Ok. Let me tell you how it looks from my end." Josef said. "Your wife will be incredibly strong and never made to be a victim ever again. You will have a child. And look, we don't know if the child will be a vampire of not, but either way, you're going to be a father. You are going to be setting the example for a whole new generation. How do you want that child to see you?" Josef said. And those words were like slaps in his face.
"Man Josef. You're right. How could I do something like that to my family?" Carl said finishing his drink in one gulp.

Beth and Angela were still talking when Carl came quickly through the door.
"Carl!" Angela said in surprise.
"This is going to work! We will make this work together. Angela, you're my wife and I love you and I know I'm going to love our child. We are going to be happy. This is not how our story ends!" Carl said as he hugged his wife tightly. He glanced over at Beth and saw she had very quietly slipped out.

The End
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