One Bad Day Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
One Bad Day
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Lisa and Steve try to make their new relationship work as people start to make wagers on how long it will last

Steve was relieved everything was out in the open, although he really thought Mick was going to beat the living crap out of him. But he was happy that they didn't have to sneak around anymore. He felt like they should have just talked Beth early on, she seemed to be the only one on their side. Their side. As in couple. As in commitment.....possibly marriage. Was he ready for all of that?

Mick was still angry. He felt that Steve had lied to him in some way and a newbie vamp was under law and obligation to tell their sire's everything. When Mick thought of them together it made him to kill someone and by someone he meant Steve!

The entire family got together at Josef's place for Isabelle's birthday. A lot of people from Kostan Industries were invited as well as some local councilmembers.
"Wait a minute. You're telling me that Steve is dating Lisa?" Josef asked in surprise. "And this is Steve the cameraman for my news station? The Steve who once hooked up with three chicks in one night Steve?" Josef said.
"He did what?" Beth screamed.
"Crap, I should have kept that to myself. You know, I don't think I got that story exactly right" Josef said.
"I think you got it exactly right Josef. Don't worry, Steve was a legend with the ladies when we were at BuzzWire" Beth said beginning to have second thoughts about Lisa and Steve together as couple.
Steve was a confessed horn dog. She looked over at Lisa and Steve talking amongst themselves. He better not hurt her Beth thought.
Steve kept loosening his tie. How could men keep these damn things on all day? This definitely wasn't his scene. He glanced over at Lisa and saw how she kept sliding her foot out of the high heeled shoes she had on. What a pair of misfits they were. She finally took them off and walked over to Steve shoes in hand.
"You wanna get out of here?" She whispered to him.
"Hell yes!" He smiled. Mick caught them out of the corner of his eye and walked up to them.
"Hey you two aren't heading out are you?" Mick said Steve didn't say anything because he didn't want to break some kind of vampire protocol.
"Gramps, this is boring! I can't take it! And I thought boot camp was rough!"
"Look, I know it can be a little dull, but these little gatherings give you more experience in our community" Mick explained. Steve looked at Lisa and shrugged his shoulders. Brian walked over to his father.
"Never thought I'd see the day my father told a complete lie" Brian said
"It wasn't a lie. More like a half truth"
"Tomato, tomahto" Brian said.
"Think about this Brian, how would you like Abigail dating Steve?"
"I'd definitely be concerned knowing what I know about Steve's dating history, but trying to keep two people apart who really want to be together usually ends horribly. Remember the Gabe and Zoe thing? If they're meant to be together the laws of universe will make sure they are" Brian said.
"Really? Would you care to wager a bet?"
"Dad, you know I don't play games with money" Brian said in all seriousness.
"Son, you play and gamble with money for a living. Come on stocks are the biggest game in the free world! Think of this as a stock market gamble. I'll bet you five thousand that, I can break them up and they will stay broken up for good. Let's see which theory works" Mick said confident that he would win. Josef heard Mick say five thousand and wanted to see what he was talking about with Brian of all people.
"Five thousand dollars for what?"
"A bet" Brian said. Josef's eyebrows went up.
"What kind of bet?" He asked.
"Not a bet. An experiment"
"Dad wants to see if he can break up Steve and Lisa" Brian said.
"Boy, you really got it in for your young protégée don't you?" Josef said with a laugh.
"Look, Brian said that if they're really meant to be together the universe will find a way to make sure it happens and I just want to test that theory"
"For purely scientific reasons I'm sure" Josef joked. "You know what, I'll get in on that. $10,000 that Steve and Lisa make it true love to the end" Josef said.
"You're on!" Mick replied.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue May 03, 2016 5:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"What are you guys all huddled together for?" Beth asked.
"Nothing" Mick said. "Just a friendly wager"
"Dad's betting that Steve and Lisa break up" Brian said. Mick and Josef rolled their eyes.
"Brian, do you always have to tell the truth?" Josef said laughing and waiting for Beth to explode and ruin everything.
"All of you are going to be in serious trouble if Lisa ever finds out. You've been warned." She said walking away. Soon Isabelle walked over.
"Beth said you are betting on Steve and Lisa?" She asked. "I want in. $20,000 that they marry before the New Year" She said walking away.
"No way! That will happen over my dead body" Mick said.

"Lisa sat at Steve's kitchen table eating a bowl of ice cream..
"I love Uncle Josef, but those vampire meet and greets are pretty lame"
"Well technically it was Isabelle's birthday"
"Can you imagine celebrating you're 360th birthday.....oh, I guess you can" She said with a smile. "So tell me honestly Steve what is it like?"
" have to come to terms with what you are. I mean the whole blood drinking thing. When I thought about it, I just couldn't imagine drinking blood, but once the transition is over, your body automatically craves it. Then it's a piece of cake. You're killer strong and super fast and that's always a rush. You feel more confident and totally know because your already dead, so there's no fearing mortality." Steve said. She just looked at him, thinking about what he said.
"I liked the way you explained it. Whenever I asked anyone else, all they talked about was being scared to death at the thought, with exception to mom. She knew what she wanted."
"Me and your mom had the luxury of hanging out with vampires for a long while, so the decision was easier for us to come to. Why? Don't tell me you're interested?"
"A vampire cop? How do you think Carl would feel about that?"
"Considering he already has vampires on the force, I think he'd be okay with it."
"Good to know" She said walking over to Steve and sitting on his lap. "I'm kind of crazy about you" She said with seductive grin. Steve picked her up and carried her into the bedroom to show her just how crazy he was about her!

Mick had to be very secretive about his plan. Brian couldn't be trusted, Beth would simply refuse to participate. Logan! Of course!
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Hey Logan, how ya doing?" Mick asked walking into Logan's house.
"Not bad Mick, I'm trying to unlock this iPhone for somebody" He said typing away on his computer.
"I think those things are made to be unhackable Logan..." Mick was saying when her heard a familiar ding sound.
"I'm sorry, you were saying?" Logan said smugly.
"I stand corrected. I forgot who I was talking to" Mick apologized.
"Apology accepted. What's up?"
"Steve Belfour" Mick said.
"Steve the man! I love that guy! He's a legend! I mean the way he talks to girls. He can totally make them laugh and lower their defenses"
"Yeah" Mick said "Can you get me a list of some of the women he dated or hooked up with?"
"Sure give me a minute, I can't get you all of them, you go. I got 8 names."
"Eight?" Mick asked in surprise.
"I told you man, the guy's a legend" Logan said handing Mick the print out.

Now that Mick had the information he wasn't sure what he could do with it?

Carl went to the Police Academy to give his recommendations for new recruits. All the recruits stood at attention, eyes straight ahead.
"Now some of you had specified a particular unit, so you can expect your Lt. to contact you very shortly. For those of you that didn't want to commit to one particular unit, these will be your assignments pending graduation." Carl read off most of assignments. Some were thrilled, and some were disappointed.
"St. John, Lisa step forward" Carl said. Lisa stepped forward looking straight ahead.
"Yes sir" She replied.
"I am assigning you to the SWAT Unit." Carl said. Lisa took her assignment sheet and stepped back into place. "You are dismissed" Carl said. It was only after he left the room that Lisa allowed herself to smile. The SWAT unit was just where she wanted to be. This is how she would make a difference.

Yolanda Harris was the first woman Mick met with. She was a very petite Hispanic woman with long thick black hair that she wore twisted into a bun on the top of her head. She looked like a teenager. A very voluptuous teenager.
"So, who the hell are you?" She asked looking at Mick thinking he was a cop.
"Lt. Johnson, I need some information a Mr. Steve Belfour" Mick said.
"Is he dead!?" She asked putting her hand to her chest.
"No. He's quite well. This is just for a background check. What can you tell me about him?
"Steve is a gentleman. Real polite. The kind of guy you can take home and you won't be scared about him embarrassing you, but he had a wild side. Not too freaky or anything."
"So you're saying he treated you well? Never hit you or anything?"
"Hell no! Are you kidding me? You know dude's a vampire right? That's a good way to get killed."
"So you were afraid of him?" Mick asked anxiously.
"Not the way you're thinking. Look, if I was hooking up with a football player, he's not a violent guy, but you make sure you don't piss him off because he might snap. It's like that for everybody. Steve was a nice guy to get some beers with maybe shoot some pool, but he wasn't into girlfriends. Or babies. Dude was very careful about protection, even though he was a vampire."
"So that's it?" Mick finally asked.
"In the sack, he could make your body explode! No lie!" She said with a wide grin. Mick closed his eyes. That was more than he needed to know about Steve.

Mick talked to two more ladies who basically said the same thing. Steve was fun, excellent in bed, and didn't want anything serious. Maybe this bet was a bad idea he thought. I should just leave him alone. He really seemed to love Lisa.
"Hey Mick!!" He heard someone yell. Mick turned around and saw Kimberly Swift walking towards him.
"Kimberly how are you" Mick said getting a strong feeling that he needed stay as far away from this woman as possible. Kimberly saw that Mick was uncomfortable talking to her.
"Hey Mick, listen. I know what I did to you, but honestly I didn't know what I was capable of at the time. Isabelle has trained me to control my gift. Trust me. Nothing's going to happen." She said with a smile. Mick smiled.
"So what's been going on?" Mick asked.
"Come on with me to Hard Rock and I'll tell you a lot!" She said grabbing his hand. After two beers Mick told her about Steve and his granddaughter.
"Wait a minute Mick. I don't get it. You said you've always like Steve, so why all this mistrust now? It can't be because he's a horny guy. Aren't all of you horny guys?" Kimberly asked.
"I just don't want Lisa to get hurt." Mick said finally.
"You know that's something she's going to have to deal with sooner or later? All women have their hearts broken once or multiple times. That's life. You get over it and move on. You can't protect her from life Mick. She has to grow." Kimberly said. And she was right. Mick thought. All young women went through this and turned out fine Mick thought.
"But if you want to run just a little test to make sure your Stevie Boy is on the up and up, maybe I can help." Kimberly said. "Give me that list"
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Steve was having a very strange day to say the least. Both his cameramen came down with the flu, so Steve had to shoot everything and then spend all day in the editing room, so when he finally got home all he wanted to do is have a drink and go to sleep. Lisa left a message that she had been assigned to the SWAT Unit and Steve was ecstatic for her. Steve knew that Lisa would do well in this department. The other messages were sales call and the last one was from Kristin Turner. She was a woman that Steve had a brief fling with. It had been nice but Kristin wanted marriage and babies. The whole nine yards. And all Steve wanted was her body. Which was sensational. He simply stopped taking her calls. He thought she got the message and saw that he wasn't interested in her, I mean it had been almost a year.
"Hello Steve, you know I just came across your number as I was moving some boxes and thought it would be great to give you call and see if we could maybe get a drink. Call me handsome" The message said. Well there was no way he was going to call her back! He erased the message.

"So Lisa how are things? Carl said your on your way to the Swat Unit!" Beth said hugging her.
"Thanks! Carl said I got the highest score on my exam" Lisa said opening the fridge and seeing that they had no food whatsoever. "You know you guys might have unexpected guest!" Lisa said closing the refrigerator with a smile.
"Then order a pizza" Beth said laughing. "So how are things with Steve?" Beth asked.
"He's a great guy....we have a lot of fun together but most of all he really get's me, you know. Like if I wanted to try cliff diving or mountain climbing, he's always right there with me. And that's nice. and the sex is out of this world!" Lisa said.
"Well I'm glad you're enjoying sex, but please don't make this relationship just about sex. Lot's of women are into vampires just for the sex."
"It's not just that alone, but wow! That would be one heck of a reason to stay in the relationship!" Lisa joked. "But all kidding aside, I really do love him. Steve is special in so many ways." She tried to explain.
"I know what you mean. Steve was always the greatest! We've been through a lot together." Beth said. "I'm more worried about you breaking his heart than the other way around" Beth said.

Steve was just starting to leave for work having been called to the station for a major pile up on the freeway when there was a knock at his door.
"Hey Steve!" A beautiful woman said to him.
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Steve asked in confusion.
"Well, not yet. I live on the 4th floor and I wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Griffin Hays."
"Griffin? That's an unusual name for a woman"
"I know. My parent's way expressing irony." She said. "I was wondering if you would like to grab a drink sometime." She said lightly touching his arm.
"I'm sorry....Griffin. But I need to get to work." Steve said shutting his door and walking quickly for the elevators. "See you around" He said as the elevator doors closed. Steve shook his head. What the hell was going on?

Steve pulled into the station and walked quickly into the building. Why did he feel like he was being watched? Amanda the Receptionist looked up as he walked in and smiled brightly.
"Hi Steve, you want me to get you anything?" She said standing up from her desk.
"No thanks" Steve said walking to the news room.
"Hey Tim. Amanda just spoke to me?" He said still confused.
"Our Amanda? The Amanda that said "I hope you rot in hell" Amanda?"
"The very same."
"Ok, that I can't explain. I thought she was quitting because of you" Tim said chuckling.

"Hey Babe" Mick said walking into the apartment.
"You just missed Lisa. She passed her exam and is assigned to the Swat Unit" Beth said.
"That's great! That's what she wanted." He said giving his wife a big hug.
"So what did you do today?" She asked.
"I went to see Carl but strangely, he didn't have anything for me, so all's quiet on the western front. And I ran into Kimberly Swift...and don't worry. Isabelle has taught her how to keep her little gift in check"
"Well good. Things are perfect for a change, I don't want anything or anyone messing things up"

Lisa was just finishing moving her things into Steve's apartment when someone knocked at the door.
Lisa stared at the beautiful woman holding a vase of flowers.
"Can I help you?" Lisa asked.
"Hello, my name is Griffin Hays. I live downstairs. I just wanted to drop these off for Steve. Are you his little sister?" She asked. Lisa eyes grew cold.
"Do we even look alike?" Lisa fumed.
"Well, I guess you don't. Anyway, make sure he reads the card. Bye" She said and walked away.
"Whatever bimbo" Lisa said under breath. Why would a neighbor be giving Steve flowers anyway?
Lisa sat the flowers down and ripped open the card.
"Great meeting up with you. Let's do it again real soon--Griffin" Lisa read. She read it again and started to rip up the card but stopped herself. Steve had some explaining to do!

Steve was beginning to feel like he was in an episode of the Twilight Zone or the Sci-Fi show Haven. As he drove through the parking garage and gave the attendant his parking pass, she made eye contact with him.
"Well hello Handsome!" She said with a smile.
"Hey." Steve said staring straight ahead waiting for her to open the gate.
"My name is Tina. Tina Williams." She said seductively. Then she wrote her telephone number on the back of his parking pass. "Call me sometime" She said buzzing him out.
"What the hell!" Steve screamed. He needed to be away from women. All together. He pulled over and made a phone call. "Logan. You got time for a visit?" he said into the phone.

"Hey Steve my man! What's going on?" Logan said to him. You want a beer?" Logan asked.
"No. Logan listen, something really strange is happening to me." Steve said.
"What? Is it human or vampire?" Logan asked thinking maybe Steve was being followed.
"Women" Steve said.
"I wish I had your problem man." Logan said thinking it has been 3 years since he had a date.
"Come on, grab a jacket. I want to show you what I'm talking about." Steve said. Logan grabbed his jacket and while he hated going outdoors, if Steve thought it was important for him to see and it involved women, he was definitely going! They walked into The In-Spot tavern right near Logan's House. They walked in together, grabbed a booth in back and ordered a round.
"Okay, what am I seeing?" Logan asked.
"Just wait a minute" Steve said. In a few seconds a pretty woman with short brown hair walked up to their table.
"Hello." She said sitting in the empty chair next to Steve. "Would you like to go back to my place for a little party?" She said rubbing his arm.
"No thank you" Steve said taking her hand off his arm. The woman made a little pout and reached in her purse and pulled out a business card. "Here's my number. Give me a call sometime" She said getting up and walking back to the bar.
"Did you just say no thank you to that woman? Steve she was hot!" Logan said watching the woman sashay away.
"Logan this has been happening all day! Like every got drunk on Spanish Fly or something." Steve said as another woman with blonde hair approached him and sat down.
"Hey sexy! You wanna dance?" She asked rubbing his leg under the table.
"No!! Go away!" Steve yelled at the woman, but it was as if the woman didn't hear him.
"Maybe later then" She said giving him a tight embrace. Steve pulled out of her hug and as soon as she had walked away another woman was approaching the table.
Steve jumped up.
"Listen!!! Just go away and leave me alone!!" Steve screamed and ran out of the bar. Logan sat at the table in amazement! All the women in the bar looked heartbroken that Steve was gone. Damn! Steve was good! Logan thought to himself.

Steve raced home and didn't rest until he was inside his apartment. He saw a vase of flowers. Thinking they were from Lisa he smiled. He saw a card leaning against the vase.
"Great meeting up with you. Let's do it again real soon--Griffin" Steve rolled his eyes at the
card. But the note inside the card caught his attention.
"Your girlfriend dropped off some flowers for you. I will be moving my stuff out when you're at work. Have a nice life a$#hole!" The note wasn't signed, but Steve knew it was from Lisa. He threw the vase filled with flowers against his wall and glass smashed everywhere.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth opened the apartment door and saw Lisa standing there with a carry all bag.
"Lisa honey, what's wrong?" She asked taking her into her arms.
"Steve's an ass is what's wrong!" She said walking in. "Can I stay in the spare room until I find a place?"
"Of course honey! You can stay as long as you like. What happened?" Beth asked as Mick came downstairs.
"Lisa! What are doing here?" He said looking at Beth.
"You were right Gramps. Steve is a lying womanizer!" She said flopping down on the sofa.
"Hold on Lisa, that doesn't sound like Steve at all. I've never known Steve to lie about anything, even in relationships, so what happened?" Beth said sitting down next to her.
"I'm moving my things in and a women who lives below us knocked on the door holding a vase full of flowers and card, thanking Steve for meeting up with her and she couldn't wait to do it again!" Lisa said. Mick kept quiet. Kimberly Swift worked fast!
"Lisa I think you might be reading way too much into this" Beth said. "It doesn't sound like Steve was having a relationship with this woman. Don't you think you should have spoken to Steve about this first?"
"I just keep thinking about his reputation! People kept warning me that he was playboy before he was turned and an even worse one after! And I didn't listen! I thought I was different!" Lisa said.
Beth couldn't really say anymore about it, because she knew as well as anyone about Steve's many many dates, all ending because Steve refused to commit to one woman. Lisa grabbed her bag and went upstairs to the guest room. Beth turned to look at Mick.
"Looks like you won the bet." Beth said walking into the kitchen.
"We'll see" Mick said.
"I'd thought you'd be as pleased as punch, to quote Emma"
"I want to see what happens. Break ups rarely happen just once. It's a process" Mick said.

Griffin came multiple times to his door knocking and ringing the doorbell. She slipped countless cards, invitations to parties, nude shots and had written notes! In the end Steve had to call management to get her to stop. But his phone didn't stop ringing and Steve had no idea who it was. He quickly got up, packed a bag and drove to Logan's house. He rang the buzzer and Logan came nervously to the door.
"Hey man, get out of here!" L:ogas whispered to Steve anxiously.
"Logan I need a place to stay."
"Well, you see........I have someone here right now." Logan said.
"That good looking brunette you turned down at the bar.....she walked over and was asking all kinds of questions about you, then she said she wanted to sleep with me and if she sees you, that's all over."
"Great. I'll check into a hotel" Steve said.
"There'll be women everywhere at a hotel" Logan said. "Go to Brian's. Nicole and Abigail won't go crazy over you" He said. That was a great idea Steve thought. Let's see how vampire women reacted to him. Steve had just walked away when the Brunette walked over towards the door. Logan shut it fast.
Steve drove over to Brian's house and waited to see what would happen.
"Hey Steve" Nicole said opening the door and letting him in.
"Hi.....Nicole" Steve said nervously.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Nicole looked at Steve. What was wrong with him?
"Steve are you okay? You look scared to death" Nicole said. Steve sighed with relief and ran to hug her.
"Thank God Nicole! You're not attracted to me!" He said sitting down in a chair.
"You're welcome Steve" She said shutting the door. "What's going on?"
"I don't know! Maybe I'm going crazy, but every woman in Los Angeles keeps coming on to me"
Nicole laughed
"Most men would think that was pretty cool Steve"
"Nicole this is totally different. It's like they're hypnotized or something. Before I had to do all the chatting up, but this is different" He explained. "They won't leave me alone. Women are calling every 5 minutes, knocking on my door, leaving gifts. Lisa was there for one gift and she left me!"
"Look Steve, you can stay here. We'll find out what's going on." Nicole said. As soon as she turned around the doorbell started to ring.
"Hi Nicole!" Her neighbor across the street said.
"Hello Francis, what's up?"
"I just saw the most amazing looking man come to your house, who was it? Can you introduce me?"
Nicole stared at her neighbor, Francis Bundy. Her and her husband were a Norman Rockwell painting of stability.
"He left. He went to a friend's house. Is there a message you wanted to leave?" Nicole asked innocently.
"Yes! Tell him that my husband is going to New York for a couple of days on business and I will leave the spare key under the mat in front." She said breathlessly.
"Sure thing Francis" Nicole said. The woman jumped up and down squealed like a school girl.
"Nicole you're the best!!" Francis said running back across the street.
"Okay Steve, what the hell was that about?" Nicole asked shutting the door.
"That's what I was trying to tell you! It's been happening since yesterday! But it doesn't work on you which means I won't have a pack of vampire females trying to get me in the sack!" Steve said.

Lisa was up early making coffee when there was a loud knock at the door. Beth was just waking up and started walking down the stairs.
"Did I just hear someone at the door?" Beth asked.
"Are you expecting anyone?" Lisa asked.
"Not this early? Beth said on high alert as she walked to the door and opened it.
"Hi Beth, did I wake you? I probably did." Her buddy Sam said as she walked in.
"Hey Sam what up?" Beth asked casually.
"Have you seen Steve Belfour? You know the cameraman we worked with at BuzzWire"? She asked.
"Yeah, do you need him for a job?" Beth asked.
"If the job is being naked in my bed then yeah!" Sam said.
Beth stared at her friend.
"Sam are you kidding me? When have you ever been interested in Steve. You always said was a misogynist ass!" Beth asked in surprise.
"That's a good question Beth. I'm not sure. But I must have wanted to jump him back in the day right?" She said in a wondering way. "Anyway, give him my number will you? I've got to get to work." She said getting into her car and driving off.
"Something really weird is going on." Beth said.
"I'll say. The guy who told me he loved me, naked in front of Gramps, has said it to every woman in Los Angeles!" Lisa yelled taking her coffee and going back upstairs. Mick came down seconds later.
"What's all the yelling about?"
"Steve" Beth said still thinking how odd Sam was behaving. Especially since Sam was gay and now she was talking about bedding Steve! Something weird is going on. Beth thought to herself, running upstairs to shower and change.
So, Lisa was still on the outs with Steve. Time to call Josef and Isabelle and Brian and tell them to pay up he thought with a smile.

Mick to drove to Josef's office to give him the good news.
"So Steve and Lisa are officially over?" Josef asked.
"Well, Lisa is staying with us and calling movers to pack up her things today." Mick said with a satisfied smile.
"You know, you shouldn't be so happy about Lisa being heartbroken" Josef said.
"She'll get over it trust me" Mick replied.
"She would have gotten over it regardless. Lisa is tougher than you give her credit for. She endured 4 years of boot camp and became an Army Ranger sniper, and now she just finished the Police Academy. In my opinion Lisa is a lot tougher than most men." Josef said. Mick thought about Josef said.
His friend was right. What he did to Lisa was awful!

Alma knew Mick's wife was headed for her apartment. So she took a bag of blood from her fridge and poured it into and tall glass. Alma heard the door knock.
"It's open Beth!" She called out.
"How did you know it was me since we've never met?" Beth asked.
"The old woman's memories are so strong of you all I can sense right away which one of you is coming. But I felt no need to refer to you as Wife of Mick" She said with smile. Beth chuckled at that.
"Do you know why I'm here?" Beth asked sitting down in a chair.
"Yeah. Steve is in a real mess right now. He has women falling out of sky to make love to him." She said with her eyes closed. "I can see him. He is a good looking man. Strong face. Good solid build. And he's fearless." Alma said smiling at the vision.
"Alma! Snap out of it!" Beth said loudly! Alma opened her eyes.
"It's that woman that caused all the problems for you and Mick. She's a Changeling. Those beings are careless in their desires. She wanted all women to fall at Steve's feet and that's what's happening." Alma explained.
"Why would she do something like this? Does she even know Steve?" Beth asked.
"She was asked to do this. Mick didn't like this man with his granddaughter. So he asked that Changeling to do something about it. And that woman still likes Mick very much. She would do most things for him."
Beth was angry at Mick for interfering! But she would get to that later.
"What can I do?"
"There's nothing you can do. Mick has already seen the error of his ways. He will fix this" Alma said.
"Can I ask you a question?" Beth asked. "Were you under the Changeling's curse when you......"
"No. Those things don't affect me. But I saw him in my mind and Steve is a sexy man" Alma said.
"So if I spoke with Steve would I?...."
"No. The Changeling can arrange circumstances for their benefit, but she can't do anything to the undead. If she were able to, your husband would have succumb to her."
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian pulled up to his home and saw a strange car parked in the driveway. Francis came running across the street to speak with him.
"Hi Brian!" Francis yelled out to him.
"Hello Francis" He replied.
"Is your houseguest back? Nicole said he had to visit a friend, so I wondered if he was back, but I guess you wouldn't know seeing how you just arrived, but if he is back could tell him I'd like to speak to him about the key." Francis said in a rush.
"Francis, what houseguest? What key?"
"He's very sexy, you know. I've never seen anyone that sexy before. I mean you're sexy but you know that, but this guys is so sexy and I told Nicole to tell him that I'm leaving my key under the mat so he can come on in and make love to me. So will you remind her about the key?" She said in a hurry. "Thanks Brian!" She said running back across the street and inside her house. Brian could see that she was sitting by her window. He could see the curtains parting. Was Francis going crazy?

He walked into his house and saw Steve sitting at the dining table with Nicole. Hello Steve. Hello Nicole" He said kissing Nicole. "I just had the strangest conversation I think, ever in my life with Francis. She wants me to remind you about a key to her house. And something about our sexy houseguest to use the key to make love to her?" Brian said waiting for someone to say something. "Explain" Brian requested.
"She's talking about me" Steve said/
"Brian, something is making women fall in love with Steve at first sight. Francis was just looking out her window which she does whenever she hears a car door slam, and she got a look at Steve then came over all flushed and horny for Steve" Nicole explained.
"This is interesting." Brian said. "Excuse me why I make some calls"

Brian called Kimberly first
"What can I do for you Brian?" Kimberly asked.
"I know what my father asked you do to Steve, but Kimberly you have to make it stop."
"Did Mick get what he wanted?" She asked.
"Yes. They broke up and his granddaughter is living with him and Beth"
"Are you sure Brian? Mick was pretty adamant about this. I think I'll wait to hear it from him" Kimberly said. Brian knew he could take this no further. So his next call was to Isabelle.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle chuckled as Brian told her what was happening.
"That scenario would please many a men" She responded.
"Steve is afraid to go back to his apartment or go to work."
"I will re-educate Kimberly" Isabelle said hanging up the phone.

Francis Bundy stopped by Brian and Nicole's place 10 separate times and counting. What the hell did Kimberly do? Brian thought to himself.
"Steve. I have an idea." Brian said. He took Steve to the garage put him Nicole's sedan and covered him with a blanket that was in the back seat.
"Where are we going?" Steve asked.
"To a place where no females are allowed." Brian said starting the engine.

Beth decided it was time to tell Lisa the truth.
"Lisa, honey. Please open the door." Beth said. She heard movement.
"Yes" Lisa said.
"We need to talk. Listen, Steve didn't do anything. He hasn't been with any other women or done anything inappropriate." Beth said.
"Spoken like a trusted friend" Lisa said sarcastically.
"Lisa, do you remember talk going around about a woman named Kimberly Swift?"
"Yeah. The Changeling. Dad said she was too dangerous to let live."
Well, Gabriel was right. Mick ran into her and mentioned how upset he was with your choice in boyfriends........and he might have agreed to a little test for Steve" Beth explained. Lisa stood up.
"You're telling me that Gramps is responsible for this?" She said in anger.
"Lisa, be understanding. You and Haley are our first grandchildren. All we have ever wanted is for you to be happy and successful and well, Steve was quite the womanizer"
"The three women in one night?"
"You know about that?" Beth asked in surprise.
"Yeah. Steve told me about it when we first got together."
Beth smiled. Steve was a good man!
"So do you really think that a man who would confess his sins to you would turn around and repeat them all over again?"
"Crap. I screwed up" Lisa said.

Isabelle called Kimberly into her office.
"Hello Isabelle." Kimberly said taking a seat.
"Mick is a very good looking man, but he belongs to someone else. Wanting to please him in this way is very dangerous for you." Isabelle said looking straight at her.
Kimberly looked away. She knew it was wrong, but seeing Mick after so long flushed her with feelings.
"Josef will not be pleased." Isabelle said standing up. Kimberly other than being scared of Isabelle was scared to death of Josef Kostan.
"Please Isabelle. I will stop immediately. We really don't have to tell Mr. Kostan anything do we? I promised to be more careful in the future"
"I will do as you ask, but do not do this again" Isabelle said. With Kimberly's nod she went back to her station.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: One Bad Day Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

For the first time in two days Steve felt relaxed.
"Thanks Brian. Thanks for bringing me to.....wherever the hell this is" Steve said leaning back in a plush reclinable chair with a cold beer in his hand.
"This is the M.O. Building. MO for Men Only. It's an exclusive club for men who need to unplug from the world. Mainly the female portion of the world." Brian explained.
"Can I move in?" Steve joked.
"Of course. The apartments are quite nice. The rent is $50,000 per month" Steve sat up and stared at Brian.
"You're kidding! Who can afford that?" He asked.
"You can"
"Brian I don't know how much you think I get paid, but it's....."
"Steve, you work for Kostan Industries. We take very good care of all our employees. All you need do is ask." Brian said. Things were certainly different in the vampire community.
Brian answered his phone.
"Brian Petzer" He said.
"Brian, Kimberly has agreed to undo what she was responsible for so it is safe for Steve to go back out into the world" Isabelle said. Brian hung up his phone.
"It is over Steve. You can have your life back." Brian said standing up.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Isabelle said the situation has been remedied"

Brian and Steve walked out of the building and Steve stood right in front of a woman who was walking past him. She stopped suddenly and looked at Steve for a moment.
"Are you going to get the hell out of my way or what?" She said with a frown.
"Yeah! I will get out of your way!" Steve yelled happily!

Brian drove Steve back to his house so he could pick up his car.
"Everything back to normal?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah. Now I'm going home to find Lisa" Steve said getting in his car and taking off.

Francis came running across the street to speak with them.
"Was that your houseguest? I don't know what came over me, but would you please please please let him know that I love my husband and I would never be disloyal to him....I think maybe it was this's really warm today..." She stammered.
"Forget about it Francis. Go home." Nicole said.

Steve walked into his apartment and locked the door behind him. He heard water running in the bathroom. He held his head down. If it was that woman from downstairs, he would just call the police. He didn't feel like dealing with any of it any more. He opened the door and vaguely saw a woman's shape in his shower. The steam from the hot water made it hard to see who it was. Steve opened the shower curtain.
"You're going to have to leave or I'm calling the police" Steve said loudly over the running water.
"I was hoping you would join me" Lisa's familiar voice called out to him.
"Lisa!"Steve said getting into the shower with her, clothes and all and hugging her naked body tightly "Oh, Lisa I am so sorry for all of this" He said placing his face in her wet hair.
"Steve I'm the one who should apologize. I should have trusted you. I am so sorry I doubted you."
Steve grabbed her face and stared into her eyes.
"Lisa, I love you. I'll always love you. And I want you to marry me" Steve said through tears and water.
"You're asking me to marry you?"
"Yes." He said fumbling in his pocket and pulling out a small square box. He opened it and inside was a sparkling pear shaped diamond. Steve took the ring out, threw box on the floor and got down on one knee in front of Lisa.
"Lisa McKenzie St. John. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and say yes you'll marry me?"
"Yes, yes, yes!!" Lisa screamed as she jumped up and down slipping in the wet tub. Steve quickly caught her and slid the ring on her tiny finger.

And things went back to normal. Steve and Lisa decided on a Halloween Wedding before the New Year, not wanting to wait any longer to be joined as one. And Mick wrote a check out to Isabelle for the sum of $40,000 her winning share of the bet.

How did Isabelle know they would marry? Mick thought.

Isabelle was reading the note that Steve had sent her thanking her for aide in helping him pick out the right ring. She smiled at the note, then locked it in her desk drawer.

The End
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