Sins Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The streets of Los Angeles were empty these days. While most took the existence of vampires very cordially, in the end they were terrified. As soon as the sun set, people went indoors. The vampire population in California had dropped considerably. And only 40 or so remained. 40 older and more mature vampires that is. They were all established in their communities and each had fortunes to invested in the city. Older vampires were able to see the forest for the trees so to speak, They lived very quiet lives and made sure the vampiric laws were upheld.

Younger vampires were encouraged to leave California. Counsel would be taking no chances on this regard.

Some people were thrilled that vampires were living amongst them. They saw it as a way to make money for themselves, but they were very quickly persuaded to stand back. For their own safety.

Lisa St. John was nervous about going back home. She had just finished sniper training at the Air National Guard. She finished first in her class and could really choose her own field at this point. Lisa loved being in the military. She felt like she was really doing something with her life and she excelled at it. Her Staff Sgt. when noticing her high shooting marks recommended her for sniper training. She talked to Mick more often as he was an Army man himself. Only someone who had enlisted would understand the things she was learning and now prepared to do. Lisa also knew that the Pentagon was deciding on how to handle the vampire situation. No one knew her whole family were of the undead sort and she planned to keep it that way, but what would she do when it was exposed?

She stepped off the train and quickly lit a cigarette as she waited for her luggage to be unloaded. She heard a voice calling her name and turned to see Haley and Collin coming her way.

"Hey daredevil!" Collin said as he picked her up in his arms. He placed Lisa back on her feet and gave her a official salute. "Corporal St. John" he said in all seriousness. Lisa laughed at her brother in law, who had in fact served in the Marines during World War I. Haley came over pushing a stroller. Haley and Collin had just adopted a newborn who had been dropped off at a nearby hospital by her underage mother.
"Lisa! I'm so glad to see you!" She yelled. Seeing the lit cigarette in her hand, Haley quickly frowned.
"Smoking? Really Lisa?" She said in disapproval.
"You would be amazed at the filthy habits one picks up in the military. Trust me, smoking is the least of those evils. Lisa joked.
"Mom's going to break your hands" She said shaking her head. "In any case, I'd like you to meet your niece Matilda Elizabeth Barnes" Haley said pulling down the blanket so Lisa could get a better look.
The very cute chubby face stared at Lisa and let out a giggly cackle and placed her fingers in her mouth.
"Oh Haley, she is so beautiful!" Lisa said staring at the baby. "Congratulations to you both"
"Well come along ladies, I believe there are some parents who are awaiting you're arrival" Collin said picking up her luggage and walking it to the nearby car.

Mick and Beth looked at their empty apartment. So many memories were in this space. They shared a complete and full life and now they were leaving it.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick came down with the last box.
"You know we can leave this last group of boxes here and have Josef send them to us" Mick said putting the box down. "Babe.......are you okay?" He asked quickly looking over at her.
"It was right there that you told me we were going to have a baby. Right there" She said pointing at the spot where the sofa once stood. Mick came up behind her and wrapped her in his long arms.
"I know babe. I know". He said kissing her head. "But look at it this way. We can make some brand new memories. Now with Haley having Matilda, that makes you and me great great-grandparents! Did you ever think you'd hear that?" Mick asked with a wide smile, Beth smiled.
"You're right. We still have a lot more memories to make." She said with a nod of her head.

General Walter Jung, was a 4-star General and he took his position very seriously. As he sat with the Vice President and the Secretary of State he had just one thing on his mind and that was how to get rid of the damn vampires. Never in his wildest imagination would he have believed vampires were real. Not only real but serving in our government! Our hospitals, our courts! The very idea of it was preposterous! But he now knew that it was indeed true and now the people wanted some assurances that all would be well. But would it?

Lisa took in the warm moist air of Puerto Rico. Everything was so lush and so green. They pulled up their parents house and saw both Zoe and Gabriel outside sitting on the porch. They both jumped up when they saw the car approaching. Lisa stepped out of the car and walked over to the people she called parents.
"Hi mom. Hi dad" She said stiffly. Zoe ran to her and gave her a tight hug.
"Oh Lisa!! It is so good to see you!" Zoe cried. Gabriel kissed her cheek.
"How are you Sweetpea?!" He said to her.
"I'm very well" Lisa responded with a nod. She was going to have to learn to turn the military stuff down. She was a civilian for the next month.

Vampires telling the world about them was sort of a 50/50 draw. Most people thought it was just a joke or a publicity stunt, and the other half were scared out their minds.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian was becoming more and more vexed by humanity. Day and night the press was forever camped out in front of Kostan Enterprises asking absurd question after absurd question. One female reporter had the nerve to ask him if vampires could have sex! he saw the need for disclosure, but the ramification were something he didn't want to deal with. In this day and age, people wanted to know everything you were doing every second of the day. As he watched another daytime talk show about a man claiming to be a vampire his anger began to grow. Isabelle came rushing in.
"Calm yourself Brian, or the whole building will crumble with us inside" She said.
"I'm trying Isabelle, but I fear this was a mistake, but it is too late now. This is what life will be like from now on." He replied.
"Yes. Humans are tiresome." Isabelle said. "Perhaps you should go somewhere quiet and be alone with your thoughts" Isabelle suggested.
"And where exactly would that be when everyone knows your face?" Brian said.
"I was thinking Mozambique. Josef and I have a small place there. It is very remote. No one will bother you. I think you must go there my Lord, to recharge. You will be needed soon. I can handle things from here" She said. And without a moments hesitation, Brian vanished.

Abigail Petzer was also tired of the constant attention. Cameras constantly in her face, people shouting things at her. It was almost as if they were trying to provoke her into a deadly situation. Well, deadly to humans that is. Were they always in such a hurry to die? It was baffling. Just last week and girl who was in her physics class had died from alcohol poisoning. Abigail knew precisely how much alcohol it would take to kill a healthy human and that was a lot of alcohol! So why would she do that? Like her father Abigail thought humans on the whole were frightfully confusing. Even in the world of academia, where everyone was so focused on life changing experiments, there were circumstances like this. Abigail thought a bit more as she walked to her small apartment on the other side of campus when a flash went off in her face.
"Come on vampire girl, give us a big smile!" The man said while continuing to snap photos.
Abigail turned around calmly and faced the man, staring hard at him. Suddenly the camera in his hand exploded and burst into thousands of tiny pieces, cutting his hand. Abigail slowly walked over to the man who was holding his hand tightly.
"May I ask you a question?" Abigail whispered in his ear. "Do you want me to kill you?" She asked.
The man's face turned white in fear.
" don't want you to kill me" He stammered.
"Well, it is obvious that you know what I am and what I can do, yet you chose to follow me, in the dark, with no one to come to your aid. Why do you do this?"
The man stared at the beautiful young girl, who could be no more than 19 or 20 and still he saw death in her eyes.
"I don't want to die" He said. Abigail stopped. She thought she smelled something odd in the air.
"When did they tell you?" She asked.
"5 months ago." He said with his head down. "It's cancer and it's spreading fast. They tried the chemo and that just made me sicker and my insurance has run out, and I just thought it I got one good photo that I could sell, then maybe I could pay for some experimental treatment" He said.
"To sell a photo? That's truly all you wanted?" Abigail asked knowingly.
"I....thought that maybe if I made you mad enough..."
"I would turn you?" Abigail finished for him. He nodded his head.
"What is your name?" She asked.
"Charlie Morris"
"Well, Charlie Morris, come with me and we shall make a deal" she said taking his arm.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Charlie knew he should be scared to death, but at this point, what did it matter? He had a strong feeling that this girl was going to end his life for him and for that he would be grateful. She led him back to campus and brought him into a lab. Abigail locked the door behind her.
"Now Charlie, have a seat." She said and Charlie did as he was asked. "I don't know if this will surprise you, but I can cure you of cancer, however if you really want to die, I can oblige in that as well. What do you say?" She asked in all seriousness.
"Look......I'm sure you're very smart. I mean you have to be to get into this place, but there is no cure for cancer. They can slow it down so you live a bit longer but once you have it, you have it." Charlie said.
"Charlie, I have been working on a cure for the past two years and I'm very sure it works. Well, in laboratory mice, but testing this on a human is the real deal breaker. The FDA is eons away from approving this, works. It kills cancer cells and stops them from returning." She said.
"So, you want me to be your test subject?" Charlie asked.
"Or you can die. The choice is yours"
"What is it, like a series of pills, or radiation?" He asked.
"An injection. That's it. But Charlie, if this works and I'm sue it will, you will become very rich. Soon everyone will be trying to get a photograph of you."
Charlie thought about it for while. To be free of cancer was something he had never thought about. He had just accepted the fact that he was a dead man walking. But what if what the vampire girl said was true?
"Alright" Charlie said. "I'll do it"
"A wise decision Charlie. Now I want you to lay down on that table over there and I will strap you in" Abigail said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Charlie lay there strapped to a table waiting for Abigail to give him the injection. After mixing several vials together she gathered all of the medicines in the syringe.
"Alright Charles..I can call you Charles right?" She asked looking down at him.
"Yeah, whatever." He said as he closed his eyes so he wouldn't see the large needle coming his way.
"Charles, I'm going to put you to sleep." Abigail said placing the gas mask over his nose and mouth. Within seconds Charlie Morris was in a dead sleep. Abigail began to inject him in all the parts the cancer had spread. 6 injections total. She wrote down in work log and watched his vitals carefully.
As two hours passed, Abigail could sense that Charlie was waking up. She walked over to the table and checked his pupils.
"How do you feel Charles?" Abigail asked. Charlie Morris looked at the pretty woman. Who the hell is this, he thought to himself.
"Am I in the hospital?" He asked in a weak voice.
"You're just coming out of surgery. I'm going to give you an ultrasound and see if we can see any of the cancer attached to your stomach." She said pulling a machine close to the bed. She spread over his abdomen and waved some kind of wand that hovered slightly above him. "Did you have an ultrasound before?" Abigail asked.
"Yeah, when I was first diagnosed" He said looking at the screen. "But it didn't look nothing like that!" He said trying to sit up, but saw that he was stitched up. "What the hell did you do to me!!" He screamed. Abigail ignored the man and kept looking at the sonogram.
"Charles" Abigail said with a wide smile. "You're cancer free. Look" She said pointing at the screen. "Now when you first got a look at the cancer, I'm sure it resembled small holes almost like swiss cheese. Look at it now." She said pointing to the screen.
Charlie's mouth fell open and tear collected in his eyes.
"My God! How did you do this?" He cried out, still staring at the screen beside him. Abigail began to think of what this would mean to humanity and what it would mean to vampires around the world. They alone would hold the cure for a disease that killed hundreds of thousands a year! Humans would be forever in their debt. As it should be, she thought to herself with a smile.

Charlie Morris went into his doctor's office for yet another check up.
"Mr. Morris.....I don't understand....all of the cancer has disappeared! I simply don't understand it" The doctor said again. Charlie smiled and opened his mouth to tell his doctor what happened, when he heard a voice inside his mind.
"You cannot tell Charles. If you tell, I must kill you"
That was her voice! He quickly closed his mouth. He couldn't tell anyone.

Dr. Steven Webber however could not remain silent. He gathered up all Charlie's medical records and sought out a colleague at the Los Angeles Radiation Oncology Center. Dr. Miles Wilson had been at the top of cancer research and surgery, but he looked at the records and the images and just sat there with his mouth open.
"Steve, this is unbelievable. I've never see anything like this! Are you sure he doesn't know?" He asked.
"If he does know, he's not sharing the information. But I'm not talking about remission here, I'm talking about a cure Miles. A cure for cancer!" He said feeling the excitement bubble up in his throat.
All they would have to do is get Charlie back to the hospital for more conclusive test!.

Brian came back from Mozambique feeling a lot better about things until he returned home that is.
"Abby, how could you? Do you know what this going to mean? Why didn't you discuss this with us?"
He heard his wife yelling. Brian shook his head and walked into the house.
"What's wrong now?" He said in deep weary voice.
"Your daughter...she..." Nicole stopped herself and sat down on the sofa.
"Abigail, what did you do?" Brian asked. Abigail who had been so proud of her achievement was now terrified.
"I discovered a cure for cancer" She said slowly. Brian's head snapped up.
"What!!!" he yelled.
"I discovered a cure for cancer cells. It's been tested on a cancer patient and he is 100% cancer free"
Brian stared at his daughter.
"Are you sure this man is cancer free?"
"Father not only is he cancer free, his cells look brand new as in new cell growth"
Brian sat down on the sofa. This was huge. The situation would have to be handled carefully.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Brian walked over to his daughter.
"Abbey, was vampire blood a part of this treatment?" He asked. Abigail nodded.
"It was the key ingredient for the cell regeneration. But only a tiny amount is necessary. Father, my calculations are correct. This is a definite cure for the disease. And since only myself knows about this, humans surely will not kill us, especially since we hold something so vital to their longevity" She explained.
"And you know of course how the Counsel feels about the use of vampire blood on mortals?"
"Yes I do. But I think they will see that we have a great deal of leverage and I'm willing to bet that things will be resolved in our favor." She said. Brian had to admit there was a part of him who wanted to jump up and down that his daughter had discovered a cure for cancer, but this interferes with a lot of plans.
"I must call Josef" Brian said and walked out of the room.

Lisa woke up early to go to Toro Verde for zip lining.
"I think something's wrong with Lisa. Has she said anything to you?" Haley asked Collin.
"Haley you have to understand, your sister is soldier. She has been broken and rebuilt as someone very different from what you remember. You won't understand and I don't think I can explain it very well. But to give up your existence for an entire country is a very big deal and that is always your focus. You start to see things differently and you realize that its never about your needs or wants but everyone in the United States and abroad if your helping allies." Collin said.
"Okay, I understand that. It's huge. I get it, but she's with family!"
"I'm sorry love, but the army is her family now." Collin said picking up Matilda and giving her a kiss.

Josef stood perfectly still as Abigail explained what she had uncovered, his drink untouched.
"Well, this is certainly something." He said with a grin. "And you're 100% sure it works?"
"Oh yes." Abigail replied.
'This is a game changer if I ever heard of one. This changes the situation completely." Josef said. "With a cure like this at our disposal whatever nonsense humans are thinking is going to change abruptly. Well done Abbey. Well done."
"Is there any way we can keep the vampire blood portion of the cure out of the whole announcement?" Nicole asked. "Humans will be even more on hunt for vampires!"
"That will not be a problem." Josef said with a smile.

It wasn't long before Charlie Morris became a television sensation. The man who beat cancer. Everyone wanted to know how it was done, but he claimed he didn't know. Charlie had been examined and poke and prodded and all the medical profession could see is that his cancer was completely gone. There were times when Charlie came close to telling about the vampire girl, but he always heard her voice in his head saying "you must not tell" He was on Good Morning America being interviewed and when the journalist asked him about the cure, he heard the girl's voice say to him loud and clear "now you will tell them"

And Charlie told them everything. He told them of the vampire girl who cured him and the world listened.
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

General Jung of course was not thrilled when he heard the rumors that were floating around. If the vampire community really did discover a cure for cancer they would something. And it would be something that humans would not want to give. And then there was the fact that people would be so desperate for the cure that they would prefer to be turned into vampires than dying with the disease. Soon vampire numbers would outnumber humans and what then? And this is what he told the Secretary of State, The head of the Pentagon, and The President himself. This was war and everyone needed to take this seriously.

Lisa was on her third helping of paella when she noticed that everyone was watching her.
"What?!" She said. "You have no idea what the food at the base is like!" She joked.
"I see you appetite hasn't changed Daredevil that's for sure" Collin said with a smile.
"So what are going to do next Lisa? Are you coming back to civilian life?" Gabriel asked.
"I think I'm going to take a bit of time. I want to make sure it's the right decision. The military isn't like just quitting a job you don't like. I don't want to be court martialed"
"You're kidding? They'd put you in jail because you wanted to quit?" Haley asked. Lisa rolled her eyes and looked to Collin for help.
"Can you tell he why?" Lisa said.
"Haley, when you enlist you sign a contract for a certain number of years. It's your duty to honor that contract. If you go AWOL, you can serve jail time. So it's definitely NOT as easy as walking away from a job" Collin said, but he could tell that no one at the table got the true meaning of the words other than he and Lisa.
"How long did you serve Collin?" Zoe asked.
"Close to 15 years. I served in both World Wars. Fighting for France in the first war and the U.S. in the second war"
"How could you stand it?" Haley asked. Collin looked at Lisa letting her know it was her turn.
"Haley, your trained to stand it. I didn't think the military would be easy. That's why I felt I had to do it."
"And we are so proud of you Sweetpea!" Gabriel said. although he would feel a whole lot better if she would let someone in the family turn her. Zoe came into the kitchen with the phone in her hand.
"Lisa honey, it's for you. It's Sgt. Cruz" Zoe said. Lisa immediately stood up and took the phone.
"Corporal St. John speaking" She said. "Yes sir. I understand sir." She said and gave the phone back to her mother. "I apologize but have been ordered to return to base immediately. A situation has occurred." Lisa said and went upstairs to pack. Collin saw the grief stricken looks on their faces.
"I'll drive her to the airport" He said.

"Hey St. John!" A voice called out to Lisa as soon as she arrived on base. Lisa saw it was her boot camp pal Jeff Bernard. "It's going down!" He yelled.
"What's happening?"
"It's time to kill some vampires! This shit just got real!" He said as he went to hook up with his unit.
Lisa stood there for a long moment until her squad leader called her in.
"Alright listen up! " he squad leader called out. "We are on high alert! Pay attention and listen for your name!" Everyone knew the drill. They had practiced this over and over again. "St. John! You're on Sniper Patrol!"

They all went to pack their things and get ready to head out.

Isabelle sat up quickly.
"My darling, we must leave at one. Humans are coming for us!" She said urgently, quickly grabbing important documents and bundles of cash and placing them into a bag.
"How long do we have?" Josef asked.
"Long enough to be long gone before they arrive" She said. They quickly got the airport and boarded Josef's private plane. She saw Brian, Nicole and Abigail right behind them.
"I was afraid you would not hear me my Lord" Isabelle said relief washing over her.
"Where are headed Mr. Kostan?" His pilot asked.
"Vienna" Josef said.

Soldiers arrived in Los Angles late that evening. Lisa stayed silent trying to weigh her options. She loved being a soldier but she couldn't let anything happen to her family.
"Why are we here sir?" Lisa asked her commanding officer.
"We are here to interview the vampires we know for a fact exist. First is former President Josef Kostan and his wife, also his CFO Mr. Brian Petzer and a Mr. Mick St. John. We are to make contact only! We want to find out about this cure and if they know anything about it, who discovered it and more importantly what they intend to do with it!"
"What if they don't know anything?" Another soldier asked.
"Then we do what General Jung wants us to do. What we are trained to do! You have you assignments now move out!"
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Lisa felt sick. This wasn't right. But what could she do?

The President sat in The Green Room of the White House listening to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, telling him that they must aggressively take action against vampires. Vampires. Who would have thought this was even a possibility? Damn Josef Kostan! He thought. How could he do this to him. No one was more appreciate than he was to the former President and now Kostan drops this in his lap, during his term! But if they had a cure for cancer that definitely changed things. He himself was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer, and he was very interested in speaking with vampires about this miracle cure. And on top of that General Jung was running around assembling troops as if it were WWIII! Soon the public would spill out in the streets and panic would erupt.

"Okay Team Blue! This is the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mick St. John. he worked for President Kostan, Let's go!" They knocked on the door repeatedly and upon having no answer they broke through. The entire apartment was cleared out as in nothing remained. "Someone must have given them a heads up". he said.
Lisa was at the back of Team Blue sighing with relief. A soldier standing nest to Lisa heard her sigh.
"Wait a minute! Sir I think we have a problem!" he called out. The Captain came to the back of the group.
"What is it Corporal?" he asked.
"I think Corporal St. John is related?" He said, All of the soldiers turned around, faced Lisa with rifles pointed at her.
"Corporal!! Do you know the people who lived here? Speak up!" he barked out. Lisa stood straight.
"Sir yes sir! They are my grandparents!" She said. And right then Lisa knew her military career had just ended.

Lisa was relieved of duty and sent to the nearest base to await word from HQ. What a waste she thought to herself.

Steve was on his way to see Mick and Beth to find out what the hell was going on when he saw the soldiers approaching. He quickly ducked into a stairwell and listened to what they were saying. he heard Lisa speaking and knew they wouldn't risk having her around to save her vampire family. Where the hell was Beth? And why wasn't she answering her phone? If the military was going to start picking off vampires he needed to get somewhere safe. But first he was going to have save Lisa.

Abigail was hard at work on the serum. She had done nothing else but work since she arrived in Vienna. After a week she came out and told everyone what they wanted to hear. The serum could be mass produced. And now it was time to go back to the United States and tell the world what they had done if it wasn't too late.

Lisa sat in the room not saying a word, even when the guard teased her about her family. Like a good soldier she stared straight ahead giving the man nothing. To block out his words she closed her eyes and visualized something else. Then she heard a loud noise, She opened her eyes and saw Steve standing in front of door.
"Step back Lisa" he said. He kicked in the door and grabbed her hand. "Come on kid, I'm busting you out of here" And Steve ran out of the building holding Lisa at his side. When they were far away from the building Steve stopped.
"Where the hell is Mick and Beth?" He asked.
"Steve, I honestly don't know. I wasn't allowed to make any phone calls to anyone when we were shipped out." She said. Steve pulled out his cell phone and tried Beth's mobile one last time. She picked up immediately.
"Steve! What's going on?" Beth said.
"What's going on is that the Military is in Los Angeles and they were at your place! Where the hell are you?"
"Oh no. We didn't get a chance to let anyone know. We're in Lake Tahoe for the moment, but it looks like we're moving to Copenhagen" She said sadly.
"What? Are you serious? Were you going to let me know?"
"Steve, we didn't even get a chance to let our family know!" Beth said.
"Well, I'm here with Lisa. The Army found out about her family and they had her locked up. She's with me now" Steve said still a little hurt to be left out of the loop.
"Steve you need to get to Tahoe as soon as you can. I'm going to text you the address. And Steve come as fast as you can."
"I'm on it" Steve said hanging up. "Come on Lisa, let's get going"
"How are we gong to get there. Can you do what Uncle Brian does and just appear there?" Lisa asked
"I wish!" Steve answered as they walked into his apartment complex. He went into the garage and rolled out a Harley Davidson Heritage. "This is how I roll" He said tossing her a helmet. "Let's go"

The Red Squad had made it to Josef Kostan's residence and came up short. The man had the top 5 floors of a high rise right outside Beverly Hills. Neither he nor his wife were there and the doorman said he hadn't seen them in over a week. They spoke to everyone who lived or worked in the building and they all said the same thing. The Kostan's hadn't been around in at least a week and no one knew where they went.

It was time to check out Kostan Industries. maybe they would get some answers there.

Steve and Lisa arrived in Tahoe around 7pm. Beth and Mick came running out.
"Hey Steve man, thank you. Thank you for rescuing Lisa" Mick said giving him a brief hug. Beth gave him a long hug and kissed his cheek.
"I'm sorry Steve!" She said to him.
"It's ok. Let's go inside. Lisa needs to tell you something." Steve said
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Re: Sins Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Helmut walked into the sitting room.
"Your daughter is brilliant!" He said with a smile. Abigail came down a few moments later.
"Yeshi is healed" She said with a large grin.
"Who is Yeshi?" Josef asked.
"Yeshi is an old woman from town. She didn't have much time left. The cancer had been killing her for a while and when I told her of a possible cure, she volunteered" Helmut explained.
"You are sure Abigail?" he asked.
"Her tumor has shrunk. What was once the size of an orange is now the size of a peanut and will shrink further in a few days" Abigail replied. Josef stood up and hugged Abigail.
"Looks like you're not the smartest person in the room anymore Brian" Josef joked.
"You know Sir, that's fine with me" Brian smiled.

"Tell us what's going on!" Beth asked urgently, thinking of Brian and Isabelle and Josef.
"General Jung of the Pentagon, was making provision right after Josef made the announcement. Some highly specialized teams were recruited specifically for wiping out vampires. It 5 stage extermination. They just started stage 1" Lisa said.
"But how would they know about us?" Beth asked.
"Their being systematic. Working their way down from Josef. Then people associated with Josef. People who worked for him. Then it will be people who knew him, dated him and so on."
"What are you guys going to do?" Steve asked.
"We're going to stay put until we hear word from Josef" Mick said.

Josef got everyone back on plane.
"Isabelle, I need you to call Francois Hollande and tell him we are coming to see him and tell him why" Josef said.

It took all of two weeks for the word to spread. And soon, it was known in the states that there was indeed a cure for cancer and more importantly it was known that scientist that discovered it was a vampire college student. Every research center in the United States wanted to work with Abigail and no one spoke about the dangers of vampires again.
The President himself addressed the nation.
"My fellow Americans. We were delivered some very startling news now long ago, and I am afraid we didn't handle the situation as our forefathers would have liked us to. We allowed ourselves to be driven by fear. And we became an example of what our forefathers fought against. Yes, vampires are real. And in spite of our prejudice and mistrust, they still wanted to help mankind. A young vampire college student has discovered a cure for cancer. And it will be available to anyone who has the disease for one price. That's right. This cure will not just be for the super wealthy. It will be for anyone and everyone who is afflicted. Our world has changed. For what I think is the better. Yes. Vampires are real. And they are our friend."

The End
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