Her Smile By Ella 713

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Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Her Smile
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Haley and Collin get ready for marriage when he get's a unexpected surprise. :mdrama:

Gabriel kept hoping with all his being that Collin would change his mind and not marry his daughter, but Zoe eventually came to adore Collin like everyone else who had met him. He even had Ted look into his background and there was nothing to be found. Not a harsh word, not a scandal anywhere. In the end Gabriel gave up and tried to embrace the vampire. They arrived in Switzerland a week before the wedding because Josef had planned many parties and get togethers. He had to admit the place was beautiful!
"Well Honey, isn't it just to beautiful for words?" Zoe said her eyes shining brightly.
"Yeah. It's beautiful" he said.
"Gabe. Are you really going to be like this the entire week? Can't you think of Haley's happiness? This is who she wants to spend the rest of her life with." Zoe said in frustration.
"I know. I know. It's just not the life I wanted for her. And she'll be forced with the decision to become immortal. There's no way can make it unless she's turned."
"It will be her decision and we as her parents will support that decision!" Zoe said. But Gabriel still wasn't happy.

Hillary had gotten a phone call from Douglas Haller telling her that Johan was getting married. Johan! Her Johan! She couldn't believe it at first, but now she knew it was true. But he was promised to her! Hillary came from a large vampire family. When they were under attack in Copenhagen it was Johan who had come to their rescue and stopped the village from burning them all. It was then that their Master had told him that Hillary had been given to him as a token of appreciation. Johan at the time was still quite young in vampire years and wanted to see the world and experience life. So he told the Master that when he had done all in the world that wanted to do, he would come back Hillary. It wasn't like Hillary had been disappointed with being given away. Johan was extremely handsome and very kind. And he also came from a very prominent family. Any woman would be lucky to marry such a man. And when her vampire family had long gone and only she was left, she still knew that Johan would come for her.

But it was all a lie!! He had found another!

Lisa decided to take a day trip to Zermatt to ski, so she was gone from the crack of dawn to the setting of the sun. Haley had to laugh at her daredevil sister. Who ever would have thought that two homeless runaways would ever be in Switzerland of all places! Isabelle came around the corner with a platter of appetizers.
"Haley, you must taste these. I think they look horrid!" She said in disgust. Haley picked up a bite sized morsel and closed her eyes. "It is awful! I will murder that chef..." Isabelle began to say.
"Isabelle! Stop! It was delicious. It really really was." Haley said grabbing for another. "I love shrimp canapes."
"They look rancid" Isabelle said
"Well trust me, the humans in the room are going to flip over these!" She said laughing.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

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Gabriel was still hesitant to give away his oldest daughter to a vampire. It wasn't that he disliked Collin. He was a very nice man. But a vampire, no matter how nice, would have to follow his nature. And that nature forever would be blood. As each day passed he wished Haley would change her mind or get cold feet. He and Zoe would understand and love her always. But for Haley, a child who had never really known true happiness growing up, she had finally met her dream man, and very much like Brian she would stay true to her decision.
"Honey, you have to relax" Zoe said walking up behind him. She noticed the stern look on his beautiful face.
"I'm trying Zoe. I really am." he replied.
"I know. Collin is a wonderful man. Surely you can see this by now?"
"Yeah, I know" He said running his hand through his hair.
"And if it makes you feel any better Collin is a virgin" Zoe said. Gabriel turned and to see if Zoe was joking, but she wasn't.
"A 312 year old virgin? How did that happen?" Gabriel asked thinking it was the most far fetched thing he had ever heard of. Vampires were sexual by design. From the way they looked to the pheromones that attracted prey to them.
"Isabelle told me that in their family to stay pure until you find your mate for life was who they are and this vow has continued for hundreds of years. It is their way. Of course Isabelle going to Dragos changed things for her, but Collin has kept this vow and now he has found his mate for life. So relax. He's not going to break her heart or cause her harm." Zoe said walking away.
"But Haley is a virgin right?" He asked suddenly. Zoe closed her eyes laughing and walked away. "She is?....Zoe" He called knowing he would get no answer.

"Just think, in a few short days we will be married" Colin said as he held Haley's hand while they walked around the retreat.
"I know and I've never been happier! This is like a dream" She said smiling.
"A dream we never have to wake up from" He said picking her up and kissing her passionately.

Beth and Isabelle were walking from room to room making sure everything was perfect. Nothing was going to ruin this magical time for Isabelle's brother and Beth's granddaughter. Mick and Josef watched the women they loved dictate orders to chef's and housekeeping and wine stewards with amusement.
"Hell hath no fury" Josef smiled.
"Yeah, you got that right" Mick agreed.

Hillary had always kept close tabs on Johan and cheered in her heart every accomplishment he had made. He had climbed high mountain peaks, rode bulls, raced vehicles and conquered almost every sport and she couldn't be more proud of him, but he had his duty to fulfill. He had had his fun and now it was time to become serious. She arrived in Switzerland and checked into her hotel and made arrangements. She would need to speak with Johan before the wedding ceremony. She had no intention of humiliating a young woman who was not aware of their arrangement. That wouldn't be fair.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

The women headed into town to finish some last minute shopping and the men were left alone.
"Alright, who wants a scotch?" Josef said walking to the bar. Every single man raised their hand.
"Where do they get the energy?" Carl said
"It's a part of their DNA. They love this kind of stuff" Ben Talbot said taking a long sip of his drink.
"I hope you know what you're getting involved in Collin" Josef joked.
"I do. And I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. Haley won me over in the time it took me to sit next to her on the train" Collin said.
"But you're going to give up a lot of stuff. The sports, the taking off at a moments notice to go to Tibet. All that stops once you get married." Mick said.
"Well, unlike the mortals in this room, I've been doing that very thing for over 200 years! It's time to settle down" Collin laughed.

Hillary had found out that the chalet where the wedding would be taken place was owned by The President of the United States, which meant his sister Isabelle would be in attendance. Perhaps I should rethink my strategy. Hillary thought. Isabelle, she remembered was devoted to her family and their somewhat strict and rigid views on honor and family and commitment. Surely she would tell her brother to stand by his promise. She walked outside of her hotel and saw a limousine pull up and a slew of Security personnel. Out stepped Isabelle herself! Hilary saw this as a fantastic omen and walked quickly towards the vehicle. The security men were in front of her immediately.
"Isabelle! Isabelle!" She called out. Isabelle looked sharply around and saw Hillary behind the guards. She motioned for the guards to let her through.
"Hilary. This is quite the surprise" Isabelle said telling the girls to go along with the security guards.
"Isabelle! How well you look! Being a First Lady obviously agrees with you." Hillary said with a large smile. "Now that we've seen one another I wondered it we might have a word privately?" She asked.
"Of course" Isabelle said leading her to a small cafe nearby. When they were seated and drinks had been ordered Hillary began to take off her gloves.
"I wanted to ask about your brother. There is news of him marrying quite soon." She said. Isabelle could hear the nervousness in her voice.
"You came all the way from Copenhagen to ask about my brother?" Isabelle said calmly. Hillary figured she might as well come clean. She would not be able to get anything past Isabelle.
"You know that Johan saved our family from death?" Hillary said. When Isabelle nodded she continued. "My Master in tradition with our ways, promised me to Johan to which your brother accepted. Now to hear that he is betrothed to another is most disturbing" She finished.
Isabelle said nothing but showed no surprise at her words.
"So you came here to bind him to you?" Isabelle asked although she couldn't believe she was actually saying the words. No vampire still used the binding ritual anymore.
"Yes, as is my right" She said simply. Isabelle stood up.
"I will need to speak with Johan first" She said.
"Of course. Im staying at the Excelsior. Contact me when it is done." She said and walked off feeling happier than she had in a very long time.

Isabelle was furious. How could Johan embarrass their family name in this manner?

Isabelle came back to the retreat where the men were all sitting in the study.
"Forgive me for interrupting."She said in a controlled voice. "I must speak with Johan" Collin stood up slowly. He could sense Isabelle's anger.
"Sure Isa, what's up?" He asked
"Privately" She said and suddenly was across the room in front of him holding onto his neck. "Come" she said dragging her brother behind her. All the men stopped and stared.
"Something has ticked Isabelle off" Carl said shaking his head. Mick looked at Josef who threw up his hands. Something was going on. Gabriel however, began to smile. Collin had done something that Isabelle didn't agree with which meant the wedding might very well be off! He smiled to himself.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

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"Akbar's daughter" Isabelle said to him after she closed the door. Collin stared at Isabelle not knowing what she was trying to tell him. "Copenhagen. Hillary Hezinna" Isabelle said. Then Collin knew who she meant. It was a long time ago Hillary and her clan lived in a small town near Copenhagen. They had been found out and the town assembled hunters to destroy them all. Collin was passing through and heard the hunters talking about slaying the vampires and Collin told Akbar that he would help them defeat the hunters. Since the men didn't know who Collin was, he was able to infiltrate and kill the hunters one by one. Akbar in his jubilation promised his daughter, but Collin said he wanted to travel the world. He didn't want a wife. "Hillary says that you were promised to her and she has come to perform the binding ritual"
"She what!!" Collin screamed. "Isa I never told Akbar I would marry his daughter, in fact I told him that I wanted to travel the world. I also told him of the Bascianti vow. Hilary was never my one and only! If Hilary believes we are to be married it's because Akbar wanted to save her feelings. I would never ever do anything like that Isa!" Collin pleaded. Isabelle studied her brother. He was telling the truth. She reached out to him and took her into her arms.
"I'm sorry Johan. I did not know what to think. I did not want it to be true." She said.
"I would never disgrace our family that way" He said

Hilary thought about all the things she wanted to do in her marriage. Of course it would mean finally leaving Copenhagen forever, but there were other things she would have to learn how to do. Johan had been famous for many many years. There would be talk shows, newspaper interviews, cameo appearances and award ceremonies. Hilary had little experience in public functions. Her life at home was very desolate and remote but as she was the last of her kind, she intended to leave Denmark forever. Maybe they would live in London or Paris. She had always wanted to go to Paris. Or perhaps they could stay here in Switzerland. Anything was possible!

The ladies came back from their shopping trip with many items. All flushed from the excitement of spending lots of money everyone speaking at once. Haley ran up to Josef.

"Josef! I bought you a cigar case!" She said placing the bag into his hands. Josef smiled and pulled out a beautifully intricately carved mahogany cigar case.
"Haley! This is beautiful! Thank you sweetie" Josef said hugging her. Mick stood back in mock horror.
"Wait! No gift for you Grandfather?" He said. Haley smiled and placed the gift in Mick's hands. He opened the wrapping and smiled brightly when he saw. It was an original recording of The Genius of Coleman Hawkins 1957!
"Haley! I love Coleman Hawkins! Where did you find this?" He asked.
"We walked all around the shopping area and this old man had a record shop that sold jazz records. I saw this one and knew you'd love it" She explained. Mick hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.
"Oh honey, I love you!" he said. Haley turned around.
"Where's Isabelle? She skipped out on shopping. Where's Collin?" She asked.
"They left about half an hour ago. Said they had to meet with someone." Carl said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

Collin and Isabelle knocked on Hillary's door.
"Johan!! My darling!" She squealed and threw her arms around him. Collin accepted her hug with politeness.
"Hillary. How are you" Collin asked.
"I'm terrific now that you've come to me! Oh Isabelle thank you, thank you for bringing him back to me!" She said.
"Hillary. Stop. Listen to me. I never told Akbar I would take you in marriage. I don't know why anyone would tell you that, but it isn't true." Collin said. Hillary went silent.
"No! No! Akbar told me after you left that we would be wed after your travels! Why are you saying my master was a liar?"
"I'm not. I'm saying you misunderstood. I can't marry you. It would be impossible."
"Why? Am I a monster! Am I someone who doesn't deserve happiness and marriage?" She screamed.
"Hillary. The Bascianti Tribe can only marry one very special, one in a million person. We never know when this person will show up in our lives, but when they do, you feel it in your soul. It's like your entire body vibrates. I can not go against it. No one in our family has ever gone against it."
"What about your slut sister? It's not like she's been true her entire existence!!" She screamed. Isabelle slapped Hillary so hard she crashed through the window. Collin and Isabelle quickly jumped out the window, but could find Hillary no where.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

"Where did she go?" Collins said desperately looking around.
"We must go Johan. Now" She said as he took off with Collin not far behind.

"Josef, we can't wait any longer. We're going to be late" Beth said looking out the window.
"Yeah, you're right. Isabelle and Collin can catch up with us." He said. "Come on guys! The cars are here!" He yelled. "Where's Haley?" Josef asked Mila.
"She said she's going to wait for Isabelle and Collin and catch a ride with them" Mila said getting into the car. Josef thought perhaps he should wait with her, but his staff was very well trained, and some were downright deadly.

Hillary saw the vehicles pull away from the Chateau, but she knew the building was still occupied. She quietly snuck into the structure staying away from what looked to be servants and Secret Service men who worked for Josef Kostan. She heard a distant voice singing upstairs. She leaped the staircase at once and listened carefully. She heard a woman singing a song about going to the chapel! Could this be the bride? Could this be the harlot that stole Johan from her? The door was cracked a little and there in front of her was a lovely young woman with shoulder length blonde hair. She was wearing a very long silk and lace veil. She was looking at herself in the mirror and dancing! How dare this whore be so happy about her adultery! Hillary quickly ran into the room and clamped her hand over the mouth of the whore. She jumped out of window with Haley in her arms and took off where she could spend some time with this wanton child bride!

Isabelle stopped in front of the house. She pushed open the door and flew up the stairs. She smelled Hillary in the house, in the stairwell and in Haley's room. Isabelle picked up the Wedding Veil from off the floor. She saw Johan slowly coming into the room.
"Where's Haley?" He asked.
"Hillary has taken her" Isabelle said. Johan closed his eyes tightly. This couldn't be happening he thought. He hadn't waited all this time to find his one special person only to lose her. Isabelle lightly touched his arm.
"We will find her" She said.

Hillary threw the whore on the ground when she arrived back in Copenhagen. She looked at the pathetic heap on the ground. She just didn't understand it. Vampires all around the world were falling in love with mortals! Mortals! She thought. Now what to do?

"She has gone back to Copenhagen." Isabelle said.
"Then let's go now!" Collin yelled.
"I do not know where in Copenhagen" She said
"I do" Collin said grabbing his sister's hand. Within moments they were in front of a modest looking structure below the Himmelbjerget mountains. Collin and Isabelle broke down the door and began to search the house.
Isabelle found Haley lying on the floor in front of some sort of makeshift alter. She walked over and saw her neck. They were too late. Haley had been killed.

Collin came running in. He stared at Haley's lifeless body, fell to his knees and cried out as tears streamed down his face.
"Johan, she still has a faint heartbeat. If you wish her to live you know what you must do" Isabelle said to him. But this was not how it was supposed to happen. Over time, after they were married, he would come to her parents and ask their permission, not like this! Haley wouldn't want this.
"Haley would want to live by your side Johan. She is your only" Isabelle said softly.

"I see you have come to pay your respects to this whore! I'm surprised by the tears Johan. I'm even more surprised that you found me here. Oh well, no matter. I assume you have come to make peace with my family and honor your word?" She said in insolence.
"Now" Isabelle said to her brother while she stood up. Collin quickly bit into his wrists prepared to turn the woman he loved. Hillary seeing what he intended ran at him preparing to stop him. Isabelle stood in her way and delivered one solid blow after another until she had Hillary face down on the floor with Isabelle's high heel stiletto boot at the base of her neck.
Collin dropped a trail of blood in to Haley's mouth. He saw her lips move.
"Take Haley back to retreat. I will deal with this matter" Isabelle said through clinched teeth.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

"Will you destroy the last so your brother can consort with mortals?" Hillary screamed twisting and trying to free herself.
"You are the last?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes. There are none left in this region. Let me repopulate and I swear to you I will bother you no more"
Isabelle though for a moment. This information would be useful to Brian and Balthazar to establish one territory with no vampire activity was essential.
"You have given me much to think about Hillary" Isabelle said. Hillary relaxed knowing that Isabelle would want to give this information to Josef and Counsel. Suddenly she felt the solid force of Isabelle's boot heel pierce the back of her neck. Hillary screamed out in agony before her head came off and Isabelle kicked it into the fireplace.

Collin came rushing into the retreat with Haley in his arms. Zoe screamed and ran to them. Gabriel picked Collin up and pushed his against the wall.
"You selfish bastard!! What have you done?" Gabriel yelled out.
"It wasn't my fault" Collin said knowing he would take whatever punishment Gabriel and his family would dish out. Gabriel pulled back his arm ready to level a solid blow to Collin's face when Brian came up beside him and stopped his arm.
"Gabriel, it wasn't his fault" Brian said softly.
"Whose fault is it then? I knew he would bring my daughter nothing but heartache and grief! So whose fault is it? Who?!!" Gabriel screamed. Brian let his mind enter Gabriel's and showed him all about Hillary and her obsession with Collin. Gabriel slowly released Collin and ran to Haley's side on the sofa where Zoe, Beth and Lisa were holding her and crying.
"I'm sorry Gabe, she will have to go through the turning. It's too late for anything else" Brian said. Isabelle came in the front room and stood my Collin. She walked over to Gabriel.
"Little one, you must know that this is something no one wanted. Johan would have come to you after years had gone by and asked the permission of both you and Zoe. This was never his intent. He loves Haley." She said. Gabriel just shook his head and sobbed. He and Zoe wanted their daughters to have a chance at a normal childhood filled with friends and parties and sleepovers. And all they've brought them is misery.
"Son. You can't blame yourself. You and Zoe have done a wonderful job with Haley and Lisa. Most vampires would never take on the rearing of mortal children. These girls love you." Mick said.
"Come Beth, let's take Haley upstairs." Isabelle said lifting Haley into her arms.
"I'm going to" Lisa said walking behind her.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

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It took three days before Haley opened her eyes to see her parents, Lisa, Beth and Mick. Zoe immediately sat at her side.
"Oh baby! We thought we lost you!" She said hugging her tightly. Gabriel held her hand and brought it to his lips.
"Hey pumpkin. How do you feel?" He asked. Haley looked around at everyone. Something had happened and no one was telling her. Then she remembered. That wild strange woman snatched her out of her room and took her to some strange place. She kept calling me a whore. Haley remembered. Her hand went to her neck, but she felt nothing.
"Where's Collin?" She asked.
"He's on his way up sis" Lisa said with a smile. Collin peaked around the doorway, saw Haley and ran to her side. He kissed her face repeatedly, tears streaming down his face.
"You're okay!. I thought I'd lost you forever!" He cried looking into her eyes.
Haley cradled his head in her hands.
"You're kind of stuck me with now" She said with a smile. Gabriel looked deeply into her eyes. His daughter knew. She knew exactly what had happened and what she now was.
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Re: Her Smile By Ella 713

Post by Ella713 »

Haley looked breathtaking in her floor length gown holding a fragrant bouquet of gardenias in her hands.
Gabriel looked at his beautiful daughter.
"Are you sure pumpkin? You don't have to go through with this if you don't want to" He said once more.
Haley took a moment and sat on a sette pulling him down with her.
"Dad I want you to know that I love you. Words cannot express how much I love you. You and mom reached out to badly bruised kids and showed them what it could mean to be in a loving family. I know now how hard that was for you both, but you still did it. You showed Lisa and I that not everyone is cruel and hateful. You gave us a new life. I know you never wanted a vampire life for me, but somehow I think nature has it's own plan. Like must marry like in the end and I love Collin and want to spend my existence with him. Don't feel like you failed dad. You did everything right." She said and kissed his cheek. Gabriel wiped away his tears, stood up and offered his arm.
"So, what do you say we get you married" He said with a smile.

Lisa walked down the isle in her teal bridesmaid dress looking for once like a very pretty young woman. Zoe smiled brightly watching her walk past her pew. That's when Zoe saw them. Amy started to giggle to herself.
"Leave it to Lisa to think that shocking pink converse high tops were the right shoes" Amy whispered to Zoe, who at first was angry, but that was her daughter. Her tough, take no crap daughter. High
tops were perfect.

The End
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