Charity of the Heart Rated PG

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Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
Charity of the Heart
Rated PG
By Ella713

Gabriel's boss talks him into entering an auction for charity with dangerous results.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Most of the attorneys at Danvers relished the spotlight. They loved giving interviews to the press and giving expert testimony, but Gabriel tried to stay away from all of that as much as he could. He would be at this firm for a very long time, so he was fine with others getting the glory. Ted came into his office with a huge grin and Gabriel knew something was up. She shut the door behind him.
"You're not going to like this, but Sam said that Roger Danvers is looking for men to volunteer for a charity auction" Ted said. Gabriel looked up from his computer and shrugged his shoulders.
"Sounds good. What charity is it this time?" He asked.
"St. Jude's Children's Hospitals"
"That's a reputable organization. How much is he asking for?"
"Bodies" Ted said with grin.
"Excuse me?"
"He wants to auction the men of Danvers Mitchell and Roy off to socialites for an evening of dinner and theatre" Ted said cracking up as he said the words.
"You're kidding. That's not going to go over well."
"Gabe, he wants all attorneys on board with this. You were at the top of his list by the by. "Your refusal would not be an option" he said. He wants this auction to be the talk of the town."
Gabriel sat back in his chair. This was not good. He was married. He didn't eat and he was technically dead, well undead.

Roger was speaking with Amy Tam of St. Jude's. She looked around at all of the gorgeous attorneys walking all around the building. This auction was going to bring in a ton of money for St. Jude's.
"I was thinking that maybe we could hold a second one for women sometime later in the year, but for not we would focus on the men" Roger said with enthusiasm. Jason Lovett a litigation attorney knocked on Roger door to hand him a file.
"Sorry for the interruption sir, but you wanted to see this as soon as possible." He said in his deep voice. Amy looked up at the tall man who stood at least 6'2" tall with jet black hair and ice blue eyes.
Her eyes followed him as he left the office.
"Are looks a prerequisite for Danvers?" She chuckled.
"We get asked that a lot, but no it isn't. It's like Firemen or UPS drivers. No one knows why good looking men choose the field they do, but I can assure you that not every man or woman who works at Danvers looks like Jason there. At that very moment Gabriel walked into the Roger's office.
"My apologies Roger, I had no idea you were in a meeting." Gabriel head turning to exit.
"Gabe, come in. I want you to meet Amy Tan, she's the head of the St. Jude's foundation" He said.
Gabriel outstretched his hand to her and shook it lightly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. St. Jude's does exceptional work" Gabriel said. Amy continued to stare at Gabriel forgetting what she was supposed to say when meeting someone new. Coming to her senses she blinked quickly.
"I'm sorry, I just remembered that I have another meeting to get to. It was a pleasure to meet you both and I really hope we can raise a lot of money for the hospital" She said shaking their hands firmly. Gabriel looked at Roger sternly.
"Gabriel, this is a great opportunity for the firm. You were the one who wanted to open up a pro bono department, well this is what we need to do to let the world outside of corporate know that we're a firm that cares and that can be trusted." He said. Gabriel sighed. He knew Roger was right and he was being silly, but Gabriel just didn't like being on display.

Zoe and Lisa laughed when Gabriel told them the news.
"So women are going buy you for the night? Like a gigolo?" Lisa said still laughing. "Cool! I hear they make a lot of money. It's got to be more fun than law!"
"Lisa, let's be nice. I'm sure this is a great honor?" Zoe said gasping for the right word.
"It's for charity okay. St. Jude's does a ton of great work for families in need of medical attention" He said.
"Yes. Your father's right Lisa. This is important" She said feeling guilty for teasing.
"Alright. So how much do you think you'll bring in?" Lisa asked then her and Zoe started to laugh all over again. Gabriel shook his head and groaned. This was going to be Hell!

Danvers had selected 20 men from the firm. All good looking and all exceptional attorneys. They met with Amy and another representative from St. Jude's and were given all the details.
"Why didn't you volunteer?" Gabriel asked Ted a couple of weeks later. Ted laughed outloud.
"I'm too short Too thin and I am susceptible to bruising?" Ted said.
"What are you talking about?"
"Amy would kick my butt so badly, I'd have bruises for life. You're a vampire. You can defend yourself" He said with a smile and walked out of his office.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The night of the auction came quickly and Gabriel was miserable. He kept thinking "its for a good cause" over and over again until the uneasiness went away. Soon the auction was beginning and the screaming began. Vincent's final bid was $35,00.00! Gabriel while seeing that the foundation could use all the funds it could, like Brian he thought about the total waste of money. Jason Lovett's final price was $52,000.00! Gabriel came out and stood feeling nervous as the bidding began. $20,000.00, $45,000.00, $60,000.00!
"$100,00.00!" He heard someone call out. Gabriel lifted his eyes and looked at woman. She was at least 70 years of age if she was a day. Gabriel gave the woman a small smile and stepped off the stage to greet her.

Gabriel sat across from the woman and ordered a drink.
"My name is Gabriel St. John." He said holding his hand out to her. She smiled and offered her hand. Gabriel bowed his head over it in a show of respect.
"Do you smoke?" She suddenly asked.
"No I do not."
"Good. My late husband loved to smoke. Cigars mind you which I didn't mind as much, but they still took their toll on him in the end." She said.
"I'm sorry for your loss" Gabriel said.
"My name is Harriet Wagner. Friday works best for me. I was told that I could make the dinner arrangements?" She said looking straight at him.
"Yes. That is how it works."
"Meet me at this address. Do not be late. I despise tardiness" She said getting up and walking away from the table.

"$100,000.00! Are you joking?" Lisa said when her dad came home from the auction.
"I will have you know that some women think I am quite the catch!" he said defensively. Lisa looked at her father. Really looked at him. To her he was just dad. But he did have large eyes and eyelashes that were way too long for a guy.
"Well I'm proud of you dad! But don't tell mom, she'll be jealous!" She joked.
"The woman who purchased me is over 70 years old" He told her.
Lisa burst out laughing.
"Well then that's a lot safer for you then, but I hear cougars can be deadly" she said smiling and walking away.

Friday came and Gabriel making sure he had everything. Zoe came up from behind and kissed him.
"Now, you be careful. Don't drink too much and wait until after dinner before you go in for a kiss" She joked. Gabriel shook his head slightly and left for his car.

Harriet Wagoner lived on a very large estate. Whatever her husband did he did quite well for himself.
He pulled up to the house and a valet met him.
"Mrs. Wagner is waiting for you in the parlor" he said taking his keys and driving off. Gabriel walked into the house admiring the interior of the house. He saw Harriet in a large room to his right. She was wearing a long gold gown with a high neck and long sleeves.
"And right on time. That is definitely a virtue. My father was constantly late. It became such a joke in the family. My mother told me Whatever you do in life make sure you marry a man that values time"
She joked.
"Well, you husband must have lived up to the task" Gabriel said.
"Oh Lionel was an exacting man. Mr. Hughes adored that in him. My husband worked with Howard Hughes at TWA. Mr. Hughes would come over for dinner and insist that his each item be served on a different plate. So depending on how many courses were served his area would be covered in china! Oh how we laughed at that!" She said thinking of a bygone era.

The dinner bell echoed through the house and Gabriel took Harriet's hand and placed it in his arm and escorted her to the table. Beautiful gold trays were set in front of them. The butler quickly took off the lid and left the room.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Her Butler took the lids off the serving trays and there in front of Gabriel sat food so exquisite and savory, for the first time in his life he wished he could eat actual food. He studied the food and closed his eyes planting the innocent thought into Harriet's mind. He opened his eyes and picked up his glass.
"This was very good Harriet. You must have an exceptional cook" Gabriel said picking up his napkin and dabbing at his mouth.
"That trick has never worked on me. I just wanted to see how far you would take things." She said calmly biting into the succulent piece of lamb.
"I'm sorry" Gabriel said nervously, looking around for an escape.
"Yes Gabriel. I know you are a vampire. I've known for quite some time. Of course I wasn't as completely certain as I am now." She said still calm and cool as if this sort of thing happened to her everyday. Gabriel slowly stood up.
"Harriet, I'm sorry but what you're saying sounds like..."
"The truth! That's what it sounds like. Must we really play games at this point?"
Gabriel said nothing. He let his mind roam all around her. She was dying. He thought to himself.
"How long do you have Harriet?" He asked simply. Harriet popped another morsel of food into her mouth and sighed.
"My physician said no more than 7 months. I'm only 72 years of age. That's still relatively young. There are still things I wish to do" She said sadly. Gabriel sat back down.
"Harriet.....this is the way of mankind. We live and we die. That's the way it has to continue." He tried to explain.
"And yet here you sit in my home never getting sick, never getting old. Someone took a chance on you." She argued. Gabriel shook his head slowly.
"I was born this way. It's all I've ever known."
"That's not possible" She said in surprise.
"Rare but not impossible" He said softly. Harriet rang the bell and her butler came in and removed all the plates, poured more wine into their glasses and quietly left the room.
"I have lots of money. I will pay you any sum you wish. Anything in the world that is in my power to give, I'll give it to you." She said firmly as though the thought just came to her.
"Harriet, I don't want your money......what you're asking is dangerous. There are other things to consider. You're wealthy, I'm sure there is some treatment that will help you live."
"Oh, I've been to all the specialist here and abroad and they have all said the same thing. I even tried the herbal route, acupuncturist, hypnosis. I even went to see a voodoo woman. She said with all certainty I would die." Gabriel guessed she went to see Emma at some point. He saw the tears begin to form in her eyes.
"Harriet, what you're me, you don't want this life. You don't know how many times I've wished I could's draining, it's revolting and Harriet, it's dangerous. Every day, there's some threat that you have to deal with. It takes it's toll on you. I wouldn't wish this on anyone". Gabriel finished. She sighed and slowly stood up.
"Then that I suppose is that" She said sadly and walked out of the dining room. Gabriel didn't know what do. He really felt bad for the woman, but what she was asking was wrong. He stood up and headed for the door. He sensed danger about and quickly turned but it was too late. He had been shot. But something was wrong. He smelled the gun powder mixed with something else. Silver.
Gabriel fell down slowly onto a beautiful oriental rug that sad to say would have to be thrown away because he had surely ruined it.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel slowly opened his eyes. Everything was a little blurry but he tried to sit up but had no strength to do so. He touched himself where he had been shot and saw that the hole of course had closed up. He tried to will his mind to call for Isabelle but immediately felt his eyes grow heavy and close to darkness.

Zoe looked at clock again. Gabriel should have been back by now. She tried to remember what Gabriel had told her. He got the highest bid of the evening and the woman who made the purchase was old or something like that. She tried to think some more but nothing came to her. Without any more hesitation, she picked up the phone and rang Mick.

Harriet felt the vampire blood working in her system almost immediately. The stiffness in her joints seem to simply fade away. He vision which had been poor since she was a child became crystal clear.
She stood up and felt the strongest she had ever been in her life. She now saw why Gabriel didn't want to share this gift with her. If the world knew about this, they would be willing to kill for it. Sure, she understood his hesitation, but considering her plight, she expected him to say yes right away.
She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture and suddenly noticed her her age spots had disappeared!
She ran to look in the bathroom mirror. He wrinkled face and puffy eyes were gone. Even her hair looked to be back to her natural honey blonde shade. She twirled in front of the mirror like a little girl and hugged herself. There were so many things she wanted to do! She threw her head back and laughed out loud.

Mick listened to everything Zoe said. He saw no need to be worried. Gabriel was a vampire, sure a passive one, but his son was no coward.
"Zoe, you don't think you're jumping the gun?" He asked.
"Mick, you know Gabe. In his entire life have ever known him not to be somewhere he had promised he would be? I've been with your son since Jr. High School and not once has he lied or deceived anyone in any way!" Mick thought about what Zoe was saying. Putting it that way, it was a little strange. And if something unexpectedly came up Gabriel was always the first one to call.
Lisa came down the stairs with heavy eyes.
"What's all the screaming about?" She said rubbing her eyes.
"Gabriel hasn't come home yet" Zoe said. Lisa started to giggle.
"So the cougar was dangerous after all!" She said collapsing into a nearby chair. "Mom, Dad was purchased by some woman in her 70's. I told him cougars could be dangerous"
"If you know who this woman is Lisa now would be the time to tell us"
"Harriet Wagner...I think." She said walking into the kitchen to get a glass of juice.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Jarred, I think I wish to visit the lake house. Can you make sure that Mr. St. John is very carefully delivered there and make all the revisions and neccessary arrangements you need to." Harriet said with a bright smile. In two short days she looked to be 30 to 35 years old! She had gone shopping and was amazed at how skimpy women's fashion had become. But just one look at herself in a beautiful white silk halter dress, had changed any doubts she had. She went and got a manicure and a pedicure and a haircut. Men's eyes followed her as she walked down the street. She smiled to herself.

Mick discovered that Harriet Wagner and her late husband had many houses and apartments in varying parts of the city. Mick had checked all the locations and found out that Harriet hadn't been there in a years. He finally made it to the large estate and spoke with everyone.
"I haven't seen the old girl in a couple of days. I think that niece of hers took her somewhere out of the city" A gardener said to Mick.
"What's her niece's name?" Mick asked. The old man scratched his head.
"I don't right recall. But it's been a long while since the family had visitors." He said walking away to finish his job. Well, now Mick had a niece to track down.

Gabriel felt so week. Harriet gave him enough blood to survive but never to fully gain his strength. The silver was nauseating and they kept the curtains opens during the height of the day which also drained him. He hoped that Zoe and Brian were already looking for him. He prayed that was the case.

Harriet was enjoying her new life. Each day she looked younger the last. She had gone to a restaurant with her best friend Olivia's granddaughter! Oh, what fun they had. Food had never tasted so good before, but she was careful. She hadn't done all that she had done to become obese. She took great care of her body. More so than she ever had in the past. She checked her reflection once more. Vincent, an adorable young man was taking her sailing today! She smiled and practically skipped down the stairs!

By the time Zoe had heard from Mick she was frantic!
"Mick I don't understand! Do you think something happened to them both?"
"Zoe, I'm trying to find out. A groundskeeper said that Harriet's niece took her out of the city and if that's the case I've got find this niece and track her down".
"I'm scared Mick! Gabriel would never disappear like this without telling anyone"
"I know. I know." He said to her softly. "I will find him Zoe." He said firmly and walked out the door. Lisa heard them talking and was very afraid. They should all be looking. She made a plan in her mind, packed a backpack and told Zoe she was going to the library. She pulled out a map and headed out towards Harriet Wagner's estate. She was going to find her father if it killed her!

Harriet came back from sailing exhilarated! Vincent was a delightful boy! So witty and personable. She could tell right away he was quite taken with her but harriet didn't feel the need to be in a relationship all over again. Things had changed for women over the years and she saw no reason why she could not enjoy it. She laid her things on a chair and sat down for a moment. She had gotten tired after the boat excursion and begged off early. Perhaps she needed more blood from Gabriel. She wasn't really sure how this worked. She would wait till morning and if she still felt tired she'd take some more.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Lisa found the estate quite easily. She pulled into the long drive and parked her car in front. She got out slowly and looked all around. No one seemed to be around. She walked onto the large porch and peaked in the windows, then she walked around the side of the house towards what looked to be the garage. She stood on her tip toes and peeked in the small window. She saw Dad's car! She quickly pulled out her mobile phone.
"Mom!" She whispered into the phone "I'm at the Wagner estate and Dad's car is parked in the garage.....of course I'm sure. I gotta go someone's coming" She said and quickly hung up. An old truck was pulling up the drive. She quickly put her phone in her back pack and walked slowly to the approaching vehicle.
"Hey, you're not supposed to be on the property" A stern voice said to her. Lisa smiled brightly.
"I'm not late am I?" She said looking at her watch. "Mrs. Wagner said she could spare 15 minutes for a quick quote for the school newspaper" She said innocently. "She said 2pm"
The man got out of the car.
"What school?" He asked in suspicion.
"Harvard Westlake Prep" Lisa said casually. The man relaxed. Harriet did a lot of work for that school.
"I'm sorry Miss. Mrs. Wagner isn't here" Lisa held her head down.
"Well, that's a big F+ I'm going to get on this assignment. Thanks anyway" She said turning towards her car.
"Hey, wait a minute" He yelled after her. He hated seeing a bright young thing fail her exams because the Mrs. got sidetracked. "Maybe I can help you out. The Mrs sometimes like to go to her small lake house when she's feeling tired. I can give you the address" He said. Lisa took out a notebook and wrote down the address. She gave the man a hug.
"Thanks sir! I didn't know what I'd do" Lisa gushed.
"No worries. When you get there make sure you tell her that Charlie sent you over"
Lisa got into her car and drove away from the easte. She waited at the bottom of the hill. She saw Zoe speeding down the street. She saw Lisa and pulled over.
"Lisa, what are you doing here?" Zoe said angrily, thinking that Lisa could have been hurt.
"Mom, I got a lead. First of all Dad's car is parked in that woman's garage. I pretended like I was supposed to interview her and the grounds keeper told me Harriet is at her lake house and here's the address" Lisa said in one breath. Zoe's eyes opened wide as she turned around to see Mick approaching. They quickly told him everything.
"Lisa, I want you to go home and wait for our call" Mick said closing his eyes. Lisa quickly got in her car and drove off.
"Mick what are we waiting for? We gotta go now!" Zoe said anxiously.
"We're waiting for Brian" Mick said.
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Re: Charity of the Heart Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Harriet felt better after the latest injection of vampire blood. She sprang up from the sofa and ran to a mirror to see her reflection. She looked even better that before. She looked perhaps 21 or 22! She was going re-live her entire life over. And this time she would do things differently. She would let no man dictate to her what she could do in her life. She remembered that she use to dream of flying airplanes, of course her husband wouldn't hear of such things, but now there was nothing to stop her.
She walked into the room where Gabriel housed. The poor thing. She walked over to the window and shut the blinds. She called her valet.
"John, he needs to feed" She said. The valet nodded his head and rolled up his sleeve. Gabriel took what he needed lest he die. He had never tasted blood fresh from a human, and to be honest he could tell no difference. He felt some of his strength returning, but he would wait. He had a feeling his family was coming for him.

Brian met with Mick and Zoe.
"And this is the address?" Brian asked in a steely tone. "Then let's get Gabriel back!" He said , taking them each by the hand. And in a matter of what felt like seconds they were standing in front of the Lake House. Mick and Zoe walked through the door which had been left open. For a mere lake house the structure resembled a small mansion.
"I'll take the basement and you take the upstairs rooms" Brian said. Mick and Zoe quietly went through each room. They heard the sound of shower water nearby. Zoe quietly walked in and suddenly the shower was pulled open and standing naked in front of her was a young girl who appeared to be a teenager.
What are doing in my home!!!" She screamed grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself. "Get out!!!" She screamed louder. Brain and Mick rushed into the room.
"Where is my husband?!" Zoe asked. Harriet's eyes grew wide and she tried to break through and run out the door. Brian caught her in a firm grip.
"Where is he?" Brian said in a horrifying voice, face contorted in rage. Harriet said nothing frozen in fear. "Check everywhere" Brian said. Mick and Zoe flew through the large house searching every room. Mick opened one door and saw Gabriel lying strapped to a bed surrounded by silver. He heavily turned his head towards Mick.
"I knew you'd come" He said weakly.
"Zoe!" Mick yelled out. "I found him! Brian I need your help in here!" Brian, still holding Harriet in a tight grip removed the silver that was surrounding the bed. Zoe ran to him and held him tight.
"Gabe! I thought you were gone forever!" She cried. She suddenly turned to face the girl in Brian's arms. "Who are you? What did you do to my husband?!" Zoe screamed getting up to assault the girl.
"No!" Gabriel said suddenly."She's Harriet Wagner" He said. They all looked at the girl who looked to be no more than 15 years old. Brian understood. Harriet had consumed an enormous amount of vampire blood thus reversing her age.
"How much blood have you taken?" Brian asked. The girl looked up at Brian before she answered.
" I don't know...a lot" She said "What does it matter. I'm young again!!!" She said defiantly.

Gabriel took some time to recover. Lisa, Zoe, Beth and Haley each going out of their way to make sure he had everything he needed. He slowly told them what happened. Harriet had found out about vampires when her husband took her to party in Hollywood in 1961. She had noticed that Gabriel had certain traits that she noticed in other vampires, like the actor Alain Delon. As she became older she found out she had Ehlers–Danlos syndrome a connective tissue disorder and that's when she came up with the plan of becoming a vampire. She had asked Gabriel to turn her but he couldn't do it, so she thought if she could just keep him with her she could convince him to turn her. It was when attempting to remove the bullet she shot in to Gabriel that vampire blood got in her mouth. She started to notice changes almost instantaneously. She kept Gabriel weak with silver to withdraw blood from him, but she began drinking too much and began to reverse the age process.

"How is she?" Gabriel asked.
"She's dead Gabe" Brian said.
Gabriel didn't know how he felt about that. Yes she had done something so cruel, but he felt sorry for the woman. Perhaps he should have just given her what she wanted. What she so desperately wanted.
More time.
"We couldn't take her to a hospital so we took her to Julian's. He made her as comfortable as he could but she had done so much damage to herself. She was an infant when she died. Gabe I was there, it was the most unbelievable thing." Brian said shaking his head.

Gabriel in the end came out better for what he had been through. He left Danvers amidst many protests and opened his own law firm with an emphasis on helping those in need. When one lived forever, you never really appreciated how hard it was for those who didn't and Gabriel would never make that mistake again.

The End
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