Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

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Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Growing Up
By Ella 713
Rated PG

Haley experiences her first love and no one is happy about it! :comfort2:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Haley was glad to be going back home. Summer break! No books, no studying, no pressure. Haley loved her studies but the course load was extensive! She never really got to hang out with the friends she met or the girls in her dorm. All she ever did was go to classes, go to the lab, then go back to dorm to study. She needed a break and her mom and dad said they had a ton of fun activities lined up for her visit!

Zoe was zipping around from room to room making sure everything was just so for Haley's return.
"Lisa! Mila! You wanna give me hand down here?" She yelled up the stairs but heard nothing but music and giggles. She threw her hands up and continued to finish up. The doorbell rang and Zoe went to answer it.
"Beth! Your a bit early, but thank God for that!" Zoe said in exasperation. Beth chuckled.
"Where's Lisa?"
"Upstairs with Mila, most likely giggling over some boy band" Zoe said with small smile.
"Well, go on upstairs and lie down for a while. I'll finish up here" Beth said.

"How long is Haley back?" Mila asked.
"I don't know and don't care. They always get so excited about Haley calling, or Haley visiting, or something Haley did in school. I get so sick of hearing about her! I thought when she went off to college, that would be it you know. But it's like she's still here!" Lisa said tossing a pillow aside.
"I know you won't understand Em's, you're an only child" Mila thought about it for a minute. True she was an only child, but she thought having a sibling would be pretty cool.
"Well, Lisa it's only for a few weeks and if you really need to get away, you can always stay with me." Mila said.

Haley looked quickly out the train window. It felt like she had already be on it for hours. She put her head back and closed her eyes. After a minute or two she felt someone standing next to her seat.
"I'm sorry to wake you, but is this seat taken?" A voice said to her. Haley opened her eyes and saw a gorgeous man looking down at her.
"Um....yes. I'm sorry..I mean no this seat isn't taken" She stuttered. He flashed her a mega watt smile and sat down. His longish brown hair hanging in his eyes.
"I hope I didn't wake you" He said looking over at her.
Haley blushed and shook her head.
"No. I wasn't really sleeping" She said.
"Well, good. I don't think I could live with myself knowing I had disturbed you." he joked. "I'm Collin Barnes" He said holding out his hand.
"Haley St. John." She said shaking his hand and noticing how smooth they felt.
"So Haley, where are you off to?" He asked.
"Summer break. Going home to see the folks."
"Where do go to school? Let me guess. Sarah Lawrence English Major!" He said.
"That's your guess? That's a pretty lame guess. And you happen to be very very wrong." Haley said smugly.
"Okay. One more. Psychology Major John Hopkins!" He guessed.
"Veterinary Medicine at Stanford" She laughed.
"That was my next guess" He said with smile.
"Sure it was: Haley laughed.

Where boys were concerned Haley found them to be ridiculous. Even at Stanford. All they seemed to care for was next party, or the next girl. One of her roommates wanted her to come to mixer party at a fraternity house, but Haley declined. Her studies were more important than watching people throw up all over themselves in an effort to be cool. But this boy was different.
"Are you in school?" Haley asked.
"No. I could never pinpoint anything I wanted to do that would require that much schooling." He tried to explain.
"But surely you must do something. I mean what's the point of being around if you don't have a purpose or a reason for being here." She asked. Collin shrugged as if it didn't matter much. A slacker guy came over.
"Holy shit! You're Collin Barnes!" He said in a loud voice. "Dude! Can I have your autograph? My friends are going to freak out!" He said grabbing a notepad and pen out of his carryon. Collin smiled and quickly scribbled his name. "Thanks man!" The guy said as he walked away to his seat.
"Okay. You obviously did something with your life that didn't require schooling!" Haley said accusingly.
"So fess up. Who are you?"
"I told you. My name is Collin Barnes, I live in Sydney Australia. I'm visiting Los Angeles to see my sister. And I happen to be a champion surfer." he said with shy smile.
"And a well known one at that" Haley said smiling to herself.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Haley got off the train and Collin was helping her carry her bags.
"Well Miss Stanford, maybe I could take you out to dinner while we're both here. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister and that's the reason for this trip, but....if you want to I know, get away for an hour or so." Collin said nervously. He never had much success with women in the past but something about this woman made his heart smile, if a heart was capable of such things, which he was now convinced that they were. Haley smiled shyly at him.
"That sounds like fun. Let me give you my number" Haley said reaching for a pen and jotting down her phone number.

Haley opened the door to her home and was surprised when she saw all of her family and friends waiting for her.
"Haley!" Zoe and Gabriel yelled and ran to her engulfing her in hugs and kisses.
"Hi Mom, hi Dad" She said smiling brightly because she knew she was loved. She quickly looked around.
"Where's Lisa?"
"She's upstairs behaving like a typical teenager" Zoe said with a roll of her eyes. Haley sympathized. Lisa had hit the teen blues at 13 and seemed determined to stay that way into adulthood. She filled everyone in on her studies and the people she met.

Collin was amazed to see the White House up close and personal. It really was an amazing structure. And his sister lived there. He was immediately approached by Secret Service who checked his bags and identification. After 10 minutes he was allowed to enter. Isabelle was waiting for him when he walked in.
"Johan! How grand to see you" She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Sorry sister. I go by Collin Barnes now" He said with small smile.
"Yes, yes I had heard. Conquering another sport I hear." She said accusingly. Isabelle didn't believe that vampire abilities should be used to win accolades. She felt it was an unfair advantage.
"That happened by mistake, but once the opportunity was offered I couldn't turn it down." He said sheepishly.
"Really Johan, you must stop drawing so much attention to yourself" Isabelle said shaking her beautiful head.
'I'll try" He smiled.

Lisa finally came downstairs for dinner.
"Hey Haley. So are you a doctor now?" she said with a smug smile.
"I've got a long while to go" Haley said softly, looking at her sister with concern. "How are things with you? Mom told me you made captain of the soccer team"
"Oh, mom actually said something about me and my life? That's shock" Lisa said placing her hand over her heart. Haley was shocked at her sister's behavior. After all Zoe and Gabriel had done for them!
"Lisa, that's not fair and you know it. What the hell is going with you? If you don't remember what our lives used to be like, I can remind you!" Lisa's face fell. She knew she was being ungrateful.
"I know. They've been great." She said looking down at her plate just as Zoe arrived with their dinner.
"It is so great having you two together again at home, even if it's for a short while." Gabriel said beaming at the both of them.
"It's great to be back. I've missed you all" Haley said.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Lisa asked "Because I don't think we're allowed" Zoe looked at Lisa sternly and Lisa knew she had said too much.
"Why do you say that?" Haley asked.
"Because Lisa was spending time with someone too old for her." Zoe said.
"How old are we talking about?" Haley asked.
"22." Zoe replied.
"22! Sorry sis, I gotta go with mom and dad on this one. A guy of 22 trying to date someone 16 is creepy." Haley said. "And to answer your question, I do not have a boyfriend. Honestly there's no time. And all the guys there are idiots!"
"Just keep on believing that sweetie!" Gabriel said with relief. The last thing his smart beautiful daughter needed was some joker turning her head.

"So how are you liking the job Mr. President" Collin joked to Josef.
"It comes with it's good days and bad days." Josef replied. "How's Sydney? It's been ages since I've been there."
"It's cool. The people are really mellow there. Time moves at a snail's pace, but I'm actually thinking of coming back to the States." He said. Isabelle looked at him suddenly.
"Why? What has happened?" She asked quickly.
"Nothing. I'm just kind of bored with it. To be honest, I'm kind of bored with everything at the moment. I was thinking about possibly moving to Seattle or Vancouver. They've got a couple of really top notch schools" He explained. Collin couldn't possibly tell them the reason. He was lonely. Even though he was surrounded by people almost 24/7 he was the loneliest guy in the world.

"That's awfully dressy for Pizza Friday" Zoe said looking at Haley.
"I'm dressed this way because I happen to be meeting a new friend for dinner" She said applying her lipstick.
"You know, my mother always said you could tell what kind of date you hoped it to be by the color of the lipstick you put on before said date. Nude means it s platonic. You don't expect anything from it. Red means you expect much more from it than I'm willing to allow." Zoe said.
"I'm wearing peach Mom. So I think my intentions are above board." She chuckled.
"On the contrary. Peach means love, romance. So, who's this new friend?"
"Mom really, it's just a guy I met on the train. He's a surfer from Sydney and he's visiting his sister"
"A surfer? So in other words unemployed." Zoe said.
"Actually, I'll have you know that he's a champion surfer. Some guy even came over to him to ask for his autograph. There's all kinds of stories on him all over the internet. He's kinda famous"
"What's this handsome guy's name?"
"Collin Barnes. Wait, I never said he was handsome"
"Your lipstick told me he was handsome" Zoe smiled and walked away.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Collin was nervous. He hoped he wasn't overdressed, but Isabelle insisted that he wear a suit. She said first impressions were of the utmost importance as were flowers. He rang the doorbell and came face to face with a vampire.
Gabriel's eyes narrowed.
"Yes. Can I help you?" he said in a very stern and steely voice. Collin just stared at the man.
"Uh, I think maybe I have the wrong address...I'm looking for the St. John residence." He said looking at the slip of paper he had written Haley's address on.
"This is the St. John residence, and I still don't understand what it is you want" Gabriel said mentally calling out to Brian who within seconds was walking up the pathway. "I'm Gabriel St. John and this is my Brother Brian Petzer" Gabriel said. Collin knew something was about to happen. The vampire that stood behind him had power like Collin had never felt before. Haley came down the staircase looking like a vision in her sleek off the shoulder dress.
"Hi Collin." She said with a bright smile, then noticing her Uncle Brian behind him. "What's going on?" She asked. Gabriel looked at his daughter then looked back to vampire with the roses in his hand.
"You're here to meet with my daughter?" Gabriel asked in a state of confusion.
"Dad, this is Collin Barnes. We met on the train and he asked me out to dinner. And I'm going." Haley said staring intently at both Gabriel and Brian.
"Where are you going? and what time will you be back?" Gabriel said to the vampire.
"I thought we'd go to Figaro's and then maybe to a movie." He said
"Dad! We'll be back when the movie is over, whatever time that may be." Haley said forcefully handing him the flowers, grabbing Collin's arm and walking towards his car. Collin very politely held the door for her and made sure she was safely buckled up.
"You want me to follow them?" Brian said feeling sorry for this brother. It had to be hard watching your children grow up and grow away from you.
"No Brian. I'm sorry for calling you here." Gabriel said shaking his head.
"Look man, I'll just check up on them and make sure Haley's alright." He said laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks Brian"

Gabriel closed the front door and yelled for Zoe at the top of his lungs.

Figaro's was a small classy Italian bistro near downtown. They were seated at what looked to be the best table in the place.
"You've been here before?" Haley asked thinking that a guy like him had most likely dated hundreds of beautiful women.
"Actually, I haven't. My sister recommended the place. Her and her husband go out a lot." he said with a chuckle. "You look beautiful Haley." He said quietly.

Brian peered through the window of the bistro. He noticed that the man didn't appear too forward. He seemed nervous and shy like he would have been on a date. Although Brian sensed the young man had been a vampire for a very long time, he appeared on whole untouched and innocent. Brian smiled thinking of his own daughter Abigail. But it would be a very long time indeed before his serious methodical daughter wanted to go on a date.

After dinner Collin and Haley decided to go to a nearby art gallery than to a movie. They held hands and commented on the various works of art. Some exquisite others.....baffling. Collin drove her home and walked her up the porch.
"Haley, I had a great time. Better than great" He said.
"So did I. It was perfect." She said brushing her hand against his cheek. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, then pulled her face close to brush his lips against hers.

Haley walked inside and leaned against it with her eyes closed. Zoe and Gabriel looked at her from the sofa.
"How was your night?" Gabriel asked.
"It was perfect" Haley sighed as she slowly climbed the stairs.
"I think Collin being a vampire is going to be the least of our worries." Zoe said with a sigh.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe went shopping with Beth the next day for Lisa's upcoming birthday.
"I tell you Beth, Lisa is becoming downright disrespectful. She sulks from sun up to sun down, she talks back constantly and does nothing but sit in her room listening to music"
"The turbulent teens. Look, I'm sure its hard for Lisa. Haley is the oldest and getting all the praise and accolades and she feels like no one sees her. Plus with all the other hormonal changes, it's gotta be tough"
"I never thought of it that way but I see what you mean." Zoe said really meditating on what Beth had just said.
"Is Haley enjoying her time off from school?"
"You could say that. She's dating some champion surfer that she met on the train and he's a vampire". Beth stopped walking.
"Did you say she's dating a vampire? Zoe, is that safe? I mean I know the girls have grown up with all of us, but..."
"Trust me Beth, this not my idea, or Gabe's. But it's too late now. And to be honest, the guy is pretty awesome. Even Lisa likes him."
"I take it Haley doesn't know"
"I don't think she does" Zoe confided.

Collin was in very good spirits. He could barely sit still. He paced the room back and forth while he was on hold.
"Mr. Barnes, yes we currently have 6 spaces still available for the Veterinary School. If your friend wants to transfer credits she will have to do it before the fall semester. Now will your friend need housing?" The registrar asked.
"No. You see, we're getting married so we'll have our own place off campus" Colin said with big smile!

Gabriel and Zoe decided that they would have a long talk with Collin, try and gage where his relationship with Haley was going.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle noticed the change in her brother. Even Josef said he appeared to be glowing and wondered if he had met someone.
"Johan. We must speak." Isabelle said to him.
"Of course." He replied taking a seat across from her.
"I have noticed a change in you. I have never seen you like this before."
"Isabelle....I don't know if you've noticed that...well, I've never really had much of an interest in romantic relationships." He began to say.
"Yes, I had noticed that and always thought it was very wise of you to take heed, especially with your bloodline."
"What I'm trying to say is that I've never had a romantic relationship. In all this time." He said.
Isabelle was surprised to hear this. Vampires by design were very sexual. It was in their DNA so to speak. Although she knew of certain bloodlines that remained abstinent, like Monkadians and some Ancients. "But I have met someone. And I would like to marry this woman." Isabelle looked into her brother's eyes and saw a light that had not been there since they were children. She had always felt guilty about turning her brother but this is the life he wanted. And now she saw that he had to exist as one of the undead to be here in this time at this moment to meet the one he would lover forever.
"Johan, I am happy for you. So very happy. You must tell me how you met"
"I met her on the train coming here to Los Angeles. She is beautiful and very intelligent. She's studying Veterinary medicine at Stanford. But the really odd thing is that her father is a vampire" He said to her. Isabelle's froze as she realized who this young woman was.
"Is her name Haley St. John?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes! Do you know her?" Collin asked becoming excited. Isabelle reached over and held his hands in hers.
"Johan, you cannot have a relationship with this woman." She said standing up.
"What! Why not? Did you hear what I just said Isa? She is my one! My only!" He said raising his voice to her.
"Johan you do not understand. There is more at stake than you finding a woman you like. First of all, she is still a child for the most part. Second, she is a mortal. And third, many in the community will not like this union"
"Are you going to tell me why? When have I ever asked for anything Isa? I have lived by the laws of our kind, I've never done anything to bring attention to our kind, I've never spilled blood unless my own existence was at risk and I have stayed loyal and pure for almost 300 years! So tell me sister, when will I be allowed to be happy?" Collin screamed and walked quickly away from her.
Josef was just walking into the room when Collin left and looked at Isabelle.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"He's in love" She replied. Josef smiled.
"Well that great......isn't it?" he asked in confusion.
"He is in love with Haley"
"Okay. Haley who?"
"Haley St. John"
"Oh." Josef said with complete understanding.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

How did time fly by so quickly Haley wondered. It felt like she had just arrived home and now she only had 3 weeks until it was time to go back to school. Meeting Collin of course was the main reason for her feeling so heartbroken over having to leave. Lisa came into her bedroom completely out of breath.
"Come on Haley! Collin said you take to long to get prettied up" She said with a smile.
"Colin said nothing of the kind and you know it!" Haley joked back.
"Ok, fine he didn't say it I did, but he did say it was time to go, so hurry up!" She said. Haley sighed, grabbed her beach towel and headed downstairs. Colin was waiting outside in the car with Lisa jumping up in her seat.
"Okay ladies, time to hit the surf!" Colin said.

Isabelle walked into Brian's office.
"A word?" She asked. At Brian's quick nod, she stepped in the shut the door. "My brother Johan has been in town for the past month and something had occurred."
"Really? What has he done?"
"He has fallen in love with a mortal." She said. Brian smiled.
"Surely there's more to the story than your brother fell in love with a mortal. This happens a lot"
"He's in love with Haley" She said. Now Brian understood.
"Don't you think you should be having this conversation with Gabriel and Zoe? Although from what I've heard lately they appear to be fine with Haley seeing Colin? Johan?"
"My brother is thinking more long term plans" Isabelle replied.
"I see. Has he said something to you that you think needs to be handled?"
"I think she is too young."
"Sometimes that happens. I was 17."
"Yes but your circumstance was entirely different"

Colin was patient in his teaching. Haley was afraid of the waves and every time she stood on the surfboard the minute she saw a wave she would immediately sit back down on her board. Lisa however was a daredevil. A natural athlete, she had the ability to anticipate the wave and move with it to gain speed. In the end Haley left the water and retreated to the beach to read a book. When Collin and Lisa were headed back Haley began to unpack lunch.
"Haley I can't believe you didn't want to stay out, I caught a pretty big wave!" Lisa was saying.
"Your sister is a natural" Colin said. Haley started arranging small plates of sandwiches. Collin waved the the sandwich away. "Sorry, none for me I have to be careful I'm still competing" He said with a smile.
"One sandwich won't wreck your weight" Haley said.
"It will when you consume it on top of mega protein shakes" He said.
"Fine, I'll eat your share!" Lisa said grabbing the sandwich from Haley's hand. "I'm a growing kid!" She said laughing.

Colin drove them home and saw Zoe coming out of the house with a tray of food in her hand.
"Just in time girls! I need you to take this food over to Mrs. Quigley. She said that you haven't seen her since you've been back" Haley groaned. She had completely forgot.
"Do I have to do it now?" She asked.
"Yes Haley. You know how bad her health is. You may not get another chance." Zoe said. Lisa thinking that this only pertained to Zoe, hopped out of the car and was on her way to her room. "Not so fast missy!" Zoe said. " You're going too" Lisa dropped her head to her chest.
"Great" She mumbled taking a tray of food from Zoe and walking across the street. Collin was smiling at them both and they walked towards the house of Mrs. Quigley.
"Collin, if you don't mind Gabriel and I would like to speak with you" Zoe said. Collin knew this was coming.
"Sure" He said getting out of his car and following her into the home.
"Hello Collin. Please have a seat" Gabriel said. "I thought it would be a great idea if we all sat down to discuss your relationship with Haley." Gabriel said.
"I know you love your daughter and I'm not thinking anything nefarious or something that would put her life in danger. The fact is, I love Haley. I love her very much and all I want to do is make her happy" Collin explained.
"Does she know you're a vampire?"
"No...not yet I mean."
"Okay, so you love her. Do you have any plans for a life together? Haley still has 3 years of Veterinary School to finish. She has goals of her own. Do you expect her to toss those dreams aside?" Zoe stated.
"No. I would never want her to give up her dreams! I know how important her medical degree is to her. I'd never stand in the way of that!"
"How do you think she's going to react when you tell her you're a vampire?" Gabriel asked getting to the heart of the matter.
"I take it that Haley knows you both are vampires?"
"Yes she does, but we're her parents. She's not in a romantic relationship with us." Gabriel finished.
"Are you telling me that I can't see your daughter anymore?" Collin said feeling angry and tired of people telling what he couldn't do in his own love life!
"We both think it would be for the best." Zoe said. "There are simply too many variables in this situation for it to turn out well"
"Don't you think Haley should be the one making this decision?" He said standing up.
"I think that as her parents we can make any decision concerning the well being of our daughter" Gabriel said firmly. "We would like for you to leave now."
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Haley knew something was wrong the moment she walked into the house. Gabriel and Zoe were sitting silently on the sofa holding each other's hand.
"Who died?" Lisa asked sarcastically.
"Honey would you please go to your room. We need to speak to Haley privately." Zoe said to Lisa.
"You're in trouble now" Lisa sang in her ear as she ran upstairs to her room.
"Sweetheart, sit down for a moment." Gabriel said to her. she shook her head.
"I'd rather stand if you don't mind" She said knowing she was not going to like whatever it was they were going to say.
"We'd like you to stop seeing Collin so you can focus on your studies" Gabriel said. Haley's eyes opened wide and the look of shock was evident.
"Why?" She asked. "What could you possible have against Collin?"
"Sweetheart, your mother and I just think that you're a little too young for a serious relationship and you do still have 3 more years of school."
"So you think I'm so stupid that I can't focus on school and a boyfriend?"
"Haley, of course not" Zoe said. "But this is your first real boyfriend and I know what that feels like. It's exciting and all consuming. I just don't want you to get your heart broken"
"Okay, so you think Collin's going to break my heart?"
"Haley you don't really know each other very well and things seem to be moving very quickly. What do you even know of his family? His friends?"
Haley was about to answer when the doorbell rang. Zoe got up and opened the door.
"Hi Isabelle. Is something wrong?" Zoe asked. Isabelle saw Haley standing nearby.
"I need to speak with you both alone. I'm sorry Haley." Haley shrugged her shoulders and went upstairs to her bedroom. Lisa was lying on her bed looking at a magazine.
"You gotta tell me. What did they want?" she asked.
"I think they want me to break things off with Collin, but I have no idea why" Haley replied.
"Probably because he's a vamp, duh?" Lisa said flipping through the pages.
"A what?"
"Haley, come on! You can't tell your boyfriend's a vampire?"
"Wait. And you can?"
"Of course. He's got the vampire smell for one. He keeps making excuses not to eat. That's two. And three, I happen to know for a fact that he was up until a while ago was known as Trevor Dutton the Quarterback for the Los Angeles Titans Football team" Lisa said matter of factly.
"Okay Lisa, you can stop making things up" Lisa kept flipping through her magazine until she came to the page she was searching for.
"Shocking wouldn't you say?" She said handing the article to Haley. There staring at her was Collin Barnes, but then known as star quarterback Trevor Dutton.
"I don't believe this. This must be some kind of joke." Haley said becoming scared.
"I knew when I first saw him, who he was or who he used to be."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you wouldn't have believed me and if he went to this much trouble to change his name and everything, he has a damn good reason."
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Haley stood frozen for a long while staring at the photo. A small part of her was disgusted. She had let that......thing kiss her. Then she remembered her parents. They were vampires. They were also the most loving generous people she had ever known. How could she love them but not Collin? It was then that Haley made up her mind.
"I have to find Collin." She said borrowing a jacket from Lisa's closet. "I'll bring this back" She said as she climbed out the window onto the large tree next to the window. She quietly got into the car and very slowly backed out of the driveway. When she three houses away she turned on the engine and sped for beach. She was certain he would be there.

"Collin is my brother" Isabelle said stoically.
"I thought your brother was a football player" Gabriel said.
"He was. He was also a professional Rugby player and a professional skier. He likes to try many things. In any case, he has fallen in love with Haley and I believe he is very serious."
Zoe shook her head slightly.
"Isabelle, we really truly like your brother. He's a wonderful guy......I'm just concerned for Haley. You see, she's been so focused on getting her degree and becoming a doctor...I'm afraid. She's never been in love before..." Zoe tried to explain.
"I have the same fears that both of you have. My brother, I have learned also has never been in a relationship. In all this time, he has found no one and now believes that Haley is that true one for him"
Gabriel and Zoe held hands. He did not want a vampire life for his daughters. He wanted them to fall in love, get married and have children of their own. To live as a vampire was wrought with worry, chaos, and death.

They would have to speak with Haley. They knocked on her door and there was no answer. Zoe quietly peeked in. She must be in Lisa's room she thought. They knocked on Lisa's door and she called for them to come in.
"She left Mom." Lisa said.
"Left! Where did she go?"
"I swear, sometimes I think I'm the only person in this house with a brain. She left to find Collin."
"And you let her leave?" Gabriel said.
"Dad, do you think I would have been able to stop her?"
"We needed to speak with her" Zoe sighed.
"Well, if it's about the whole "my boyfriend is a vampire" thing, she kinda knows already." Lisa said getting up from her desk and showing them the Sports Illustrated article on Trevor Dutton.
"Christ Lisa!" Gabriel said.

Haley pulled up to the beach which was deserted with exception of one homeless man passed out in the sand. She zipped up the fleece jacket and sat on a large rock. Collin had to show up at some point.

The sun was just starting to set zsnd waves began to pour in. She looked all around for anyone walking towards the beach but saw no one. Even the bum who was passed out had gone to seek shelter.
"What are you doin out her by yourself at night?" a voice said to her. She turned and saw that the bum was standing at her side. "You a runaway?"
"No. I'm waiting for someone." Haley said.
"Didn't you tell them you was comin?"
Haley didn't reply.
"So no one knows you're here" He said his voice changing. Haley turned to tell him to leave her alone then she saw that his face had changed. He was a vampire and she was going to die.
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Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The bum grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back exposing her neck. Haley closed her eyes. She knew she didn't have the strength to fight the vampire off. Suddenly she fell to the ground and saw the bum in a brutal fight with another vampire. Haley got to her feet and ran for her car as quickly as she could.
"Haley" She heard a voice say. She turned slowly.
"Collin!" She cried and ran into his arms. "I was waiting for you then that man...he was going to kill me" She said sobbing into his chest.
"Shh, it's alright. He's gone now." He said, hands rubbing up and down her back. She pulled out of his arms and looked straight at him.
"So it's true. You're a vampire." She said.
"What do you want from me Collin? Was all this just a ruse know. Was it?"
"No Haley. That's not what this is about. I wanted to know you. Really know you. There was something that drew me to where you were sitting on the train. Do you believe in fate?"
"I don't know. I don't have much experience with it." She replied.
"Well, I do. And I believe we were meant to meet and fall in love. I love you Haley."
Haley threw her arms around his neck and kissed with all the love she felt for him.
"What are we going to do Collin? My parents were talking to Isabelle when I left..."
"Isabelle Kostan? That's my sister!
"Oh my! She was there speaking with my parents!"

Gabriel and Zoe drove all around the city trying to figure out where Haley was. It was Lisa who told them to go to the beach. And they pulled in to park, they saw their car and immediately jumped out and walked all along the shore.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"Haley, let's do somewhere we can sit down and talk. There's a lot I want to tell you" Colin said.
"Okay" She said turning to head back to the car.
"If you don't mind, it'll be faster this way" he said with a smile as he scooped her up in his arms and took off. In a few seconds they were at a large cabin. Haley looked up at the beautiful structure.
"You live here?" She asked.
"When I'm in Los Angeles" he said taking her inside and showing her around. "Would you like something to drink?" He said with a smile.
"Water would be fine" She said sitting down on the sofa. Colin brought her a glass of water and sat next to her.
"Haley. I'm a vampire. My sister turned me when in 1705. I was 24 years old. I begged Isabelle to turn me. I wanted so many things for myself. I wanted to live in other countries, speak different languages, meet people who were nothing like me or the people I grew up with. I know Isabelle feels guilty for turning me, but I now know that I had to exist during this time for the sole purpose of meeting you. I had to." Collin said holding her hand gently. Never in her whole life had Haley heard a man speak such words. People just didn't speak like that was anymore.
"Collin. I don't know what to say." Haley said looking into his eyes.
"Say you love me Haley. Say that I'm not mistaken. You are my one and only from this moment on"
"Yes, yes and yes!" Haley said and threw her arms around his neck.

"It appears we are too late" Isabelle's voice said behind them. Collin stood up quickly, standing in front of Haley.
Gabriel and Zoe walked slowly inside the cabin.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Growing Up By Ella 713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel had every intent of wiping his daughter's mind so she had no memory whatsoever of Collin Barnes, but the light in her eye told him that he couldn't. Haley walked towards them carefully.
"Mom, dad, please don't be angry. I love you both so much you have to know that, but I love Collin. You see, I realized I love him a hell of a lot and I want to spend my life with him." She explained.
"What are your plans?" Gabriel asked more to the both of them than Haley alone.
"I will finish my degree that's for sure. I don't want you to worry about that." Haley said.
"Mr. St. John I am well equipped to take care of Haley's needs if you're worried about that. I've made quite substantial fortune and I hope that in time we could pick up where you left off and adopt some children in need and take care of them as you did for Haley and Lisa." Collin said looking down lovingly at Haley.
Isabelle sighed. She knew her brother was loving and kind and this is something he would do as long as he existed. She walked over and hug him.
"You have scooped up a precious gem brother, guard it well" She said in his ear. Gabriel shook his hand and Zoe gave him a hug. Perhaps everything would work out well. In any case they still had 3 years to change Haley's mind. Collin wasn't perfect. He would behave in some way that would shatter this golden boy image. And when he did Gabriel would be right there waiting.

The End
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