Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight FanFiction
Game On
Rated PG
By Ella713

Rock singer Scott Slade angered over the killing of Coraline comes back to Los Angeles to settle the score! :eek2:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Scott left his island lair without hesitation. The beautiful woman who made him had been destroyed. By whom he didn't know. But he remembered the anger he heard in their voices when they were speaking of her. But none of that mattered. They all would pay.

Mick and Beth were getting ready for Haley's graduation. And although she had been adopted into the family a relatively short time ago, they felt as if they had been watching her grow for many more years. And now she graduating high school and would be on her way to college in the fall. Beth was putting a little powder on her nose when the tear fell from her eye. She quietly wiped it away before Mick came back. Too late. He saw the expression on her face. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
"I feel the same way babe." He said softly kissing her neck.
"Everything just seems to be going by at such a fast speed." She tried to explain.
"Yeah, I know. But just think, those two gorgeous girls are going to get married and have children of their own and we will get to start all over again" he said with a smile. Beth nodded her head. Mick was right. They still had a lot to look forward to. She kissed him lightly and headed for the door.

Haley could barely sit still. She wanted to get this graduation over with! Her best friend Karen was twirling her long curls looking bored trying to catch a glance of Cody Schultz.
"Give it up Karen. You had your chance" Haley said with a smile. She had been a witness to the on again off again television show that was her relationship with the football player. Now it was off again, by the scene of Shawn Pearl hanging onto him.
"Can you believe he's dating that tramp?" She said in disgust.
"Karen, you know as well as I do that Cody's with her for one reason only. To make you jealous. Which he succeeded by the way."
"I'm not jealous! I just thought he'd have more tact" She said waving her hand in the air.
"Yeah, because teenage boys are known for their tact!" Haley laughed. But they heard the music and it was time.

In 25 minutes Haley's name was called and she stood up to get her diploma. Her family jumped up and cheered loudly. Her mom, dad, Lisa, Brian, Abigail, Nicole, Amy, Mila, Mick and Beth.
She had made it through high school with a 3.7 gpa and was now on her way to college. She turned to face everyone and raised her arm up in the air.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue May 19, 2015 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Scott walked the streets of Los Angeles feeling oddly at home for some reason. He went into a bar to get out of the sun. He felt that the whole hysteria regarding his former band The Uprising had died as music tastes had jumped to the next bit thing. He took a seat at a small table away from the sun and took a long drink from his cold beer. Only one guy looked at him and raised his beer mug up to him with a nod. Dudes were always simple. But one female screaming could incite a mob like the world had never seen.
He thought about the vampires he came to destroy. None really he could tell would be a serious threat except for Isabelle and the young one Brian. Brian had did things to him without touching or even speaking. He needed to come up with a fool proof plan. Coraline had said that he would be the most powerful vampire, but he surely didn't feel like he was. Certainly not powerful enough to take on Brian or Isabelle. He'd lay low until he thought of something. He glanced up at the television above the bar.
"The President will make a brief statement about the execution of serial killer Roger Timmons, Timmons was executed via lethal injection for the slayings of 5 judges." The reporter was saying before they came to the President walking up to the podium. Scott never had an interest in politics. Hell, he'd had never voted. He didn't care who was in office. They were all crooks in his opinion.

"Good evening. Last night at 11:45pm serial killer Roger Timmons was executed by lethal injection. His last words and I quote "Maybe I'll come back in the next life and get a higher total. I'll never be sorry" end quote. Roger Timmons in the end had no remorse for his actions or for the pain he caused the families of these good men and women. Our prayers are with those families." He said as he walked off the podium and his press secretary took his place to answer questions. Scott stared in shock. That vampire Josef was the freaking President of the United States?
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Brian, all day had felt strange. He couldn't quite put his finger on why but he knew in his bones that he needed to be careful. For once in his vampiric existence he was afraid. He left word with Isabelle that he would be leaving the office for a short while. Isabelle raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him and nodded her head.

Brian pulled up to the small cottage not certain that he should consult the old woman at all. Josef, Isabelle and his parents spoke of the old woman as if she were a prophet. And if she truly was, he would need to speak with her. He slowly got out of his car. He suddenly looked sharply around. Something dangerous was about. He looked at the house and saw the old woman on standing at her door.
"Get over here this instant boy!" The alarm in her voice willed Brian to move. He flew past her rose bushes and past her into the small cottage. She locked the door behind him and started to mumble in some language he didn't understand, which was odd because Brian spoke 9 languages fluently.
"What language were you speaking?" Brian asked.
"One you don't need to be asking about Brian." She said walking to her kitchen and coming back with a glass of blood.
"How do you know my name?"
"How's do people know most stuff. It was told to me"
"By whom?"
"By the one that's come to destroy you" Emma said with a nod of her head.
"Is that the feeling I've had all day? Someone coming to destroy me?" Brian said standing up.
"Brian, sit down" she said, although Brian was surprised, she knew he was standing at all. Brian slowly sat back down. "When Josef first came to me in New York....heaven help me, I was scared. Your kind and my kind ain't been friends of no sort. But when I held his hands, I saw evil. Not evil by Josef's hands, but Lord knows that boy's hands ain't exactly clean, but I saw the evil to come. I saw you Brian, but weren't born yet. And I saw your brother Gabriel. I saw it all like I was watching a moving picture. I knew you would become like them you know. And I knew it would be the cowardly one that turned you. I have seen these things and I speak up when I have to, but most times ya'll figure it out by yourselves, but this time I need to speak. Mick's first wife ain't been nothing but trouble. That boy she turned is coming for you all." She finished. Brian looked up quickly. Scott!
"Emma, you know so much about us but Scott is a special case..." Brian began explaining.
"I know what he is. And I know why he was made. That dead woman was filled with rage. She hated all of you for what you become and that's a strong family for Mick. She hated that more than anything. She felt the love that surrounded you all. And if she couldn't have it, she was gonna make sure none of you would have it. And now you know what needs to be done."
"Scott has the blood of all the vampiric lines. He is formidable to say the least"
"You don't know who you is boy." Emma said standing up and slowly making her way to a bureau and pulling an old book out. She flipped through some pages stopped and pointed at Brian. "This is who you be." Brian looked at the text and couldn't believe what he was reading.
"Archangel Raphael. Emma, are you telling me that's who I am?" Emma snickered a bit.
"Brian you be acting like some child who just been told there ain't no Santa Clause. What did you think Dragos was? A fairy? Dragos was the name given to him by the Lord Almighty, but this is who he was." Emma said. Brian was still confused.
"So, this is who I am. Is this supposed to mean something to me?" Brian asked. Emma shook her head with a smile.
"When those vampires were coming to take over what did you do?" She asked.
"The Bangdad? Well, we gathered all the different vampire bloodlines and fought as one"
"No boy! What did you do?" She said sternly. Brian looked at her and let his mind go back to the evening. Josef and his dad were there. Isabelle was at his side and the Bangdad were flying towards them,
"I remember. I was breathing fire. I burned them all"
"And how did you come to know that trick?" Brian shook his head. He honestly thought nothing of it at the time.
"I thought it was some kind of power Dragos had that was passed on to me"
"Archangel Raphael is the healer. What you did was take that power from him and used it against them. Raphael healed the blind and the lame and the crazy. He took what ills them unto himself."
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Scott had followed Brian from Kostan Towers to the small beach house. But something wasn't right about that street. He couldn't to it. When he tried to reach the street, he felt so much pain that he doubled over. He saw Brian run into the house, but they had been in there for some time. He would wait a bit more. If he could get Brian out of the way first, then Isabelle and rest would be a piece of cake.

"So you think that I can take his powers away from him?" Brian asked.
"I know you can, now you gotta know you can. That's all that matters." Emma said closing her eyes tightly. "That boy is here right now" She said. Brian stood up quickly.
"Brian, he can't come on this street. I done protected it and every house here."
"How long will it hold?" Brian asked moving towards the door.
"As long as I want it" Emma said sternly. Brian nodded and headed for his car and took off. Scott sped away to follow him but soon lost him when he hit the highway. Who the hell was that woman he was speaking to? He'd have to find out.

Emma knew that the creature was coming for her. She chuckled to herself a bit. All them who's undead are creatures but she just couldn't stand to think of Josef and his friends that way. So if it was her time to go, she'd have to be prepared.
"Emma! How are you?" Zoe said with warmth and affection.
"I need you to come right away child. As soon as you can" Emma said.
"Give me 10 minutes" Zoe said and hung up the phone.

Emma hadn't known too many of the living that would come so quickly when she needed them.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

"Emma what's wrong?" Zoe asked anxiously. Emma sat very still before speaking.
"There are things I gotta teach you. Things you gotta know." She replied. Emma knew that Zoe was of the sort that had to be always knowing things. "I ain't gonna live forever like you. My time on this earth is short. And having no kin of my own, there are things I wanna teach you to do before I pass on"
Zoe smiled. Touched by the woman's words.
"Emma, don't be silly. You'll be with us for a long while. You're still actually quite young" Zoe said.
"Zoe, I tell you I know my time is coming, and all the kind words in the world won't change it. Its my time and I welcome it." Emma said in all seriousness. And while Zoe would never admit to the fact, she knew that Emma was going to teach her things that would be even more amazing than being a vampire.

Gabriel noticed that something was wrong with his wife lately. She would often disappear at odd hours and would remain silent all night. After two weeks of this behavior, he finally asked her to speak to him.
Zoe stared straight ahead. Gabriel noticed that something seemed to be wrong with her eyes. He became alarmed.
"Zoe what's wrong! I'm calling Julian!" He said quickly grabbing his mobile phone. "Julian, come quick! It's Zoe! Something's wrong. I think she sick" Gabriel sobbed into the phone. Julian was there within minutes.
"Gabriel, I must ask you to leave for a bit while I examine her" Julian said gently ushering him out of the room. Julian looked at Zoe briefly and knew what had happened. He kneeled at her feet.
"Zoe, why would you do this?" He asked softly.
"Oh Julian, don't be sad. This is something I had to do. For all of us."
"Is Emma no more?"
"Soon. She saw it. Scott Slade is coming to destroy us. He was created for that sole purpose by Coraline." She patted Julian's hand. "Julian, it's wonderful! I see more now that I'm blind than I ever did with vision. I also see terrible, evil things. So many evil things" Zoe said with tears in her eyes.

Gabriel paced outside the room waiting for Julian to speak with him. The door opened and Julian slowly walked out and shut the door behind him.
"Gabriel, sit. Emma is leaving us"
"Leaving us? To go where? Does Uncle Josef know?"
"Gabriel listen. Emma is a woman with a wealth of knowledge and she has passed these things onto Zoe. From this point going forward, Zoe will be the seer. This however comes with a price and one Zoe was pleased to pay. She is blind." Julian explained.
"What! Why is she blind? I don't understand this Julian!"
"To see so much...things of this plane and the other...well, it comes with extreme difficulties. To see the dead and their world, that astral plane where these things dwell, something must be compensated. Also, Zoe did this for us. And the way we live. Scott Slade has returned to destroy us all, seeing us as people who hated Coraline. She turned him for this very purpose. Emma knew that Scott would kill her first, but she wanted to make sure that her friends would survive" Julian finished.
"Damn it Zoe! Why didn't she tell me?"
"Because you would have refused"
"Yeah I would have, but she would have done this anyway." Gabriel said.
"You married a very remarkable woman Gabriel"

Scott went back to the cottage. He had no trouble getting onto the street and no problem reaching the house. What ever barred him from it before was no longer there. He reached the front door easily and turned the knob. The old woman sat there with knitting needles in her hand that were moving very quickly.
"Sit down." She said to him.
"Who are you?" Scott asked walking around her small home taking in his environment.
"My name is Emma Thibodaux."
"How do you know Brian Petzer?" He asked.
"I know them all Scott. Have known them for quite a spell now."
"Are you a witch? It was you that placed the barrier around this place!" He said his voice becoming loud.
"I protect them that's close to me. Always" She replied.
"And do you think you can save them? Then you obviously have no idea who I am and what I can do." he said walking slowly towards her. Emma heard him and knew he was coming for her. She placed her knitting to the side of her. She wrinkled her nose a little. The undead always had a curious smell.
Scott sank his teeth into Emma's neck and drank. She didn't fight or protest. She simply accepted that he would kill her. When he had drained her completely, he went all though her house looking for anything that would help him kill the others.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe leaped up from where she was sitting and phoned Brian. Emma was dead. And he would have to break the news to Josef.

The Secret Service were now used to Brian making impromptu visits to see the President. They immediately showed him to Josef's office. Josef sent everyone away as soon as he saw the look on Brian's face. He smiled graciously at his guests.
"Excuse me. I'll need a moment to speak to this man alone. Ms. Harris will show you to the waiting room" Josef said politely. Brian came right to the point.
"Sir, Emma has been killed." He said stoically. Josef closed his eyes for a moment and thought about his dear friend and all they had been through together.
"I assume you know who's responsible" Josef said quietly.
"It's Scott Slade sir. And he is coming for us all."
Coraline. Figures. Josef thought to himself. That woman had done more damage in death than she ever had in her existence. "There is also one additional detail sir. Emma knew ahead of time that she was going to die and she passed her gift to Zoe. She's......blind sir." Brian said becoming choked up as he said the words. Josef slowly shook his head.
"Zoe" He said to himself.
"Sir, I'm making preparations to move those most likely to be involved to Vienna. I think we would have the advantage there. Scott will see this as the perfect opportunity to make his stand at the feet of Counsel. Mom and Dad are already there with Helmut, but you sir, definitely should leave." Brian said sternly.
"You're right of course Brian. I'll make the arrangements" Josef said.

Scott couldn't figure out why he didn't feel different. He had drained the old woman completely. Coraline had said that the woman had many powers and after her death, those gifts would come to him but he felt no different. Maybe the woman was a fake. He had met his fair share of mystics and fortune tellers and they were all phonies. No matter. He was strong and equipped enough to destroy them all. He already knew that the battle would more than likely take place in Vienna. So it was there that he prepared to go. The only one to be left standing was Mick. Coraline made it clear that Mick was to survive. But all who stood in his way would be destroyed!
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Mick was livid. He had enough of Coraline and her tricks!
"Honey calm down." Beth pleaded. "All we can do is wait. Maybe Scott won't come all this way"
"Scott will come here. Coraline would have ensured he did." He replied quietly. But Mick had already made up his mind. When Scott arrived, all bets were off!

Brian, Isabelle and Josef arrived a few hours later. When Brian told them of Emma's death, Mick knew then and there that he would destroy Scott if it was the last thing he did. He knew that Coraline wanted Scott to destroy Beth so they focused on a plan to make sure she was protected. Brian looked up sharply.
"He's coming." He said.

Scott had only been to Europe when he was on tour and there was no sightseeing of any kind. All he saw of the country were the various hotel rooms. He stood perfectly still waiting for some kind of sign that would tell them where this place was. He seemed to remember Coraline saying that Counsel ruled all vampires. But he would, in the end rule them all. There he stood in Vienna, not quite sure of his next move. Where would they be? He knew that this fight had to take place at Counsel, but he had no idea how to get there. A beautiful young woman approached him.
"You are Scott Slade?" She asked her accent thick but her perfect english. With his nod, she produced and envelope from her handbag. "I was told to give this to you when you arrived" She said handing him the envelope and walking away. Scott quickly tore into envelope and reached inside.

"Scott, your time has finally come. I wish I could be there with you. You are my greatest creation.
You now possess the power to destroy them. All of Counsel, Beth, Josef, Isabelle and Brian. Only Mick shall be allowed to live."

Scott continued to read Coraline's last words to him. Nothing about her love for him. Nothing about missing him. Why should Mick be allowed to live? He wondered.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe held Beth's hand tightly. She knew that it was important to keep her safe even if it meant her own should perish. Gabriel stood by the Counsel window staring out into the forest. Gabriel never told anyone this before but he hated being a vampire. He hated the secrecy that came along with it. The compromise. The always sacrificing what you wanted for the sake of the tribe. And now the woman he loved. Blind because her desire to help everyone superseded her own needs. And Coraline. What did his father even see in a woman like that?
"Gabriel" Brian said behind him. Gabriel slowly turned to face his brother. His very best friend. "I know that Zoe taking on this responsibility hurts you." He said softly. Gabriel fell into his arms and cried. He cried for everything he lost. He cried for the mortal life he had never known. Brian rubbed his shoulder.
"When this is over, I swear to you I will give Zoe her sight back" he said.
"Can you do that Bri? I mean is that really possible?" He asked hopefully. Brian nodded and walked away.

Scott looked up at the majestic mansion. So this was Counsel. He had to admit it was impressive. Coraline said that inside the walls held some of the oldest vampires. Some over 1,000 human years old. Some rumoured to be all powerful. Well, he would put them to the test.

"Game time" Brian said looking at Isabelle then both closing their eyes. Zoe stood up quickly.
"He's inside the building" She said. "He's going towards the rear near the pantry" Brian and Isabelle quickly materialized to the back of the building.
"There's no use in hiding!" Scott yelled out. "I will find you all!" He screamed out. "Beth!" He yelled out his voice echoing all through the rooms. "Come on out you little bitch! I was told all about you. Helpless, pathetic mortal always begging for Mick to help you. But he can't help you now!"

Brian and Isabelle whisked right by him. He felt the breeze of air whoosh by him and turned quickly.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Scott turned in time to see Isabelle quickly approaching. He gave her a swift kick and sent her flying into the air. He reached for Brian who very quickly vanished into thin air.
"Pretty clever Brian! But clever tricks won't help!" Scott taunted breathing fire and singeing the trees and gardens surrounding the property. While the flames were high Scott quickly changed his appearance. Brian tried to raise himself above the flames but they were too high. He suddenly saw Mick running through the flames.
"Dad!" Brian yelled and flew towards Mick to pull him from the flames. "Dad I told you to stay in with Mom" Brian said placing his arm around him. Mick placed his own arm around Brian and squeezed him tightly. Brian glanced at the figure. It was Scott! He was closing his fingers tighter around Brian's neck.
Brian struggled but it was no use.
"Coraline would have been so proud of me! How she wanted to see all of you pay!" He said giving Brian one last violent snap. Scott threw Brian down in a heap on the grass and made his way into the villa.
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Re: Game On Rated PG (Some strong language)

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe squeezed Beth's hand tighter.
"He's in the compound" She said. Mick got up and stood in front of his family. Scott slowly walked into the large parlor room.
"You're certainly making my job easy, all being together like this." Scott joked.
"You're not going to hurt my family" Mick said firmly.
"Oh yeah, Mick. I am going to hurt your family and you get to watch. Coraline wanted you alive for some reason. Maybe she wanted you to watch it all. You must have really done a number on her for her to want you to suffer like this" He said.
"The only thing I did to Coraline was repeatedly try and save her ass from one hopeless situation after another."
"But you didn't love her Mick! That's what she wanted. That's all she ever wanted! I could have given her that! But you and your shitty family put me on an island by myself while you killed her!" Scott screamed.
"You chose to stay in Greece! No one made you go!" Mick yelled. Scott shrugged
"You say tomato, I say tomahto." He said stepping towards Beth. Zoe pulled Beth behind her. "Zoe! Come on sweetheart, I thought we were friends" He joked.
"You're no friend of mine" Zoe said fiercely. Scott ran at Mick and they collided against one another in a large thump. Mick finally got his arms around Scott's head. Scott was shocked. None of his powers seemed to be working. He struggled with Mick a little more. He turned his head when he saw Brian walk in the room.
"You're dead! I killed you myself!" He said squirming in Mick's arms. Zoe froze.
"Raphael" Zoe whispered. Brian turned in her direction knowing somehow that she truly saw him for what he was. Brian walked up to Scott and held his face in his hands. He lowered his mouth and breathed fire into him. Mick let him go and they watched as the fire consumed him from the inside turning his body into ash.
Zoe fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, Gabriel was at her side hugging her. Brian slowly kneeled in front of her and placed his hands over her eyes then stood up. Zoe blinked a couple of times but her sight was restored.
"I can see." She said quietly. "Gabriel, I can see" She said again.
Mick went over and hugged Beth tightly swearing to never let her go. he looked around.
"Where's Isabelle?" He asked.
"I'm here" Isabelle replied.
"Are you alright?" Gabriel asked.
"Of course little one. Why wouldn't I be?" She replied. Gabriel walked over and hugged her.
"Who is Raphael?" Mick asked remembering what Zoe had whispered.
"I am Raphael." Brian said. Isabelle gasped and kneeled before him with Zoe.
"I don't understand" Gabriel said shaking his head.
"Brian is the healer the keeper of peace. He can take away the power of any supernatural being" Isabelle explained.

Everyone stared at Brian for a long time. Not knowing what all of this meant...

The End
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