Death to All

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Death to All
By Ella713
Rated PG-13

A vampire hunter comes to Los Angeles with one thing on his mind. Killing vampires!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Elijah got off the plane at exactly 5:17pm. He was late by a few minutes but he let it pass. He had come for a reason and he could let nothing interfere. He pulled out his cell phone and made the call.
"E.J. calling in at 5:19pm. Just arrived in Los Angeles. Will start searching right away." And he hung up. It was best to keep all conversations short and and somewhat vague. No one could know about his arrival! In small circles, he was known as the best in his field. Even better than his grandfather who was known for being vicious, but Elijah felt the call just as his grandfather did. The calling of the men in his family went back the early 1600's in Romania. One man per generation would be blessed with calling. And the calling was to kill vampires. When Ethan's calling came while he was in college he was quite frankly surprised. No one had spoken of vampire activity in a very long time. And to be honest, it was something he always prayed he would never have to go through. But when the calling came to you, it came hard. Suddenly you saw things that others could not see. You heard things that others could not hear. And when a vampire was in the vicinity, it was like being given a mild electric shock.
When you felt that charge you had to prepare yourself, because things were about to get dirty.
He checked into his motel room near the airport. The undead always liked to hunt at airports. The constant flow of people coming and going. The prostitutes, the drug addicts, the homeless. It was a vampire's never ending buffet.

He went through his kit. Silver brass knuckles, a silver dagger, a glock loaded with silver bullets and a solution of water with heavy amounts of pure silver. He felt the familiar charge. There were vampires about. He said a silent prayer and walked out of his motel room into the early evening.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Debbie Tanner had only been a vampire for 4 weeks. The first two weeks were awful! The pain from hunger. Her boyfriend was a vampire and had she been aware of this fact, she would have dumped his sorry ass a while ago. But he called begging her to see him again and like a fool she agreed. Then the bastard turned her! I mean who does some whacked out stuff like that? When he told her what she now was, she could have killed him. But he showed her how to survive and to take prey. So she was grateful for that. She learned a little later that some vampires would turn you and leave you on your own. So at least Jimmy wasn't a total creep.
She thought her life would improve now that she was a vampire, but no such luck. She was used up alcoholic prostitute before she became a vampire and she was still a used up prostitute. She pulled out her compact and checked her makeup. The guy was walking slowly checking out all the girls. He gave them each a long stare and then moved on. He was dressed well she noticed. All her time on the streets, she could spot a well made suit over a discount knock-off any day. And this guy's suit cost some bucks. She turned around but said nothing. All the other girls called out to but Debbie said nothing. The man stood in front of her.
"What's your name?" He asked in a pleasant voice.
"Is it necessary?"
"No. I suppose not. How much?"
"That depends on what you want. For straight non-kinky stuff $100 even. If you really need to get your freak on, I'd say try the next block. Those women will do anything." She said She saw a small smile on his face.
"Get my freak on?" He chuckled and reached for his wallet. "$100 sounds fair. Where to?" Debbie sighed and walked ahead of him to her small dive motel room. She opened her room door and immediately held out her hand.
"Money first" She said sternly. He placed the bill in her hand. "Alright what do you want?" She said sitting down and taking off her high heel shoes. He slowly sat down next to her. This part always pained him. She was young. Perhaps 21 or 22 years old. He pulled the flask from his inside pocket.
"A little drink?" He said holding it in front of her. Debbie's eyes lit up. She really needed a drink and would have bought something but she had been spending too much money lately and her rent was due. He took hold of the flask and opened it up. The smell was strong which probably meant this guy had the good stuff. She took a large long swallow and knew right away something was wrong. She began to cough uncontrollably. She felt like her insides were on fire! She fell to her knees trying to stop the severe cramping in her stomach. She tried to speak to man who simply watched her writhe in pain on the floor. He took another bottle from his jacket pocket and dumped the entire contents in her face.
Debbie Tanner never could get a break in life.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Jun 12, 2015 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Death to All

Post by allegrita »

Oh, that is so sad. :hankie: :hankie: :hankie:
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Elijah had disposed of 3 vampires. The young ones were extraordinarily easy. No one had taught them to protect themselves. They always thought they were invincible. They trusted the wrong people and this was always their demise. He had thought with the killing of 3 vampires the electric charge he felt would die down, but it stayed with him. He wondered how many of the undead were actually in Los Angeles. At the most, he had killed in one place 5 vampires. But with each kill, the charge in his veins was less and less. There was a lot of vampire activity in Los Angeles. The city itself seemed to be an unlikely place. The sun and vampires were deadly bedfellows. Usually they migrated to places like Alaska or Ontario.

Zoe was taking a day off from her files and met her daughters for lunch. Haley was excited over the college catalog she had gotten in the mail and wanted to discuss picking a major. Lisa was in love with soccer! And it was all she was ever interested in. They went to Spago.
"Alright, Haley you're up. What's the major of the week?" Zoe asked with a bright grin. She knew that Haley wanted to go to college more than anything and it was hard to pick out a major.
"Mom, I finally made a decision. You and dad were real patient me with on this and I wanna say thanks! But I want to go to Veterinary school" She said confidently.
"Haley that's wonderful! I'm so proud of you!" Zoe said standing up and giving her daughter a big hug. "My daughter the doctor" Zoe said liking the way it sounded. "Okay Lisa, let's hear it"
Lisa went on and on about a teammate who was being really cruel to her had finally got busted and was kicked off the squad leaving the very important Goalkeeper position wide open and Miss Carlie gave the position to Lisa. Zoe hugged her daughter and also told her she was so very proud of her. They were just ordering drinks when Zoe felt something..........she quietly looked all around. Well whatever it was it had passed. She focused on the amusing antics of the girls.

Elijah had only briefly glanced at the woman with two young girls that looked to be her own. But the charge was strong. So strong in fact that he couldn't deny it. Either that beautiful woman with the teenaged daughters was a vampire or someone else in the restaurant. he walked around the block then crossed the street. he didn't want to give himself away. He ordered a cup of iced coffee and had a seat in front of the small coffeehouse. To the everyday person he was one of may caffeine addicts having a seat and people watching. But Elijah had mastered the art of looking at people without looking at them. He paid close attention. The woman while very crafty in her deception, didn't take one bit of the food she ordered. He shook his head slowly. What a shame. She was beautiful. And a devoted mother by the look of it. But she was vampire and her death was a fait ac·com·pli.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote:Oh, that is so sad. :hankie: :hankie: :hankie:
Allegrita, I am so sorry. You said I had a penchant for making characters sympathetic and then killing them off! I need to stop that. People will think I was raised by Stephen King or something! :snicker:
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Re: Death to All

Post by allegrita »

No, it was really good! :clapping: You have a real talent for sketching believable, likable characters, even those we don't really get to know very well. And hey, if your characters don't make us care what happens to them, there's something wrong! Don't you dare change.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Brian knew almost immediately that something was not right. As the years passed and he became more powerful, he'd often awake with an array of strange feelings that could not be explained. He would have to speak with Balthazar. Perhaps he would be able to shed light on this issue.

Isabelle awoke and knew exactly what was wrong. Hunters! She jumped up and quickly got dressed. She must first speak with her husband and then to Brian. Something horrible was going to happen!
Isabelle walked quickly into the Oval Office where Josef was working. She looked at the advisors that were around him.
"Leave please! I must speak to my husband" She said sternly. Josef looked up and noticing her expression, nodded his head and everyone left shutting the door behind them. "My darling we must be careful. A hunter has arrived in Los Angeles" She said anxiously.
"Are you sure? There haven't been hunters around for at least 100 years" Josef said with optimism, but even he knew the danger of the situation.
"He arrived last evening. We must call a meeting." Isabelle said. Josef nodded once more and Isabelle walked away to make arrangements. There were over 400 vampires actively living in Los Angeles at present. They all needed to be warned.

Kellan Madison was a vampire and a musician who got paid lots of money to pretend to be a vampire! His following was huge. His first hit single "The Turning" was an international hit. His albums went gold or multi platinum. His clothing line sold out faster than the latest version of the iPhone. He lived in the lap of luxury. While other vampire musicians were simply assholes who saw their fame as a way to get women, drugs, and mansions Kellan was actually a great guy. He donated computers to local schools, and headed clothing and food drives. He made sure his music while dark and foreboding, was neither vile nor sexual. He was the rock star that parents didn't mind their kids listening to. He didn't do drugs and he didn't drink alcohol. In short he was a good guy before he was turned and a better guy after.
He got the call from Isabelle that a meeting was being called in D.C. he told his agent that he had to reschedule his television interview. The fact that this meeting was taking place at the White House meant it was mandatory.

The vampire community was hesitant to commune in one location, although most had known one another for centuries, it was their nature to be suspicious. But all knew they had to show.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Death to All

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Brian sat across from Isabelle and Balthazar and listened to their words.
"Mr. Petzer, you have only heard of hunters via reference points in stories am I correct?" Balthazar asked. Brian nodded and he continued. "Vampire hunters, true hunters are rare to come across, but very very dangerous. In the early 20th century, our numbers had declined quite a bit. But as we have been growing, it awakens something in these chosen people. Even those who have never ever believed in our existence suddenly become aware. Their gift is detection. Their skill is execution. Having a true hunter here, will cause a panic in the community."Balthazar said.
"What can I do?" Brian asked.
"My Lord, you must understand that true hunters can detect us at a glance. They cannot be deceived.
And they will systematically hunt down every vampire in Los Angeles." Isabelle finished.
"Do you have any inkling who this hunter is" Brian asked.
"I sense that he is a descendent from the Hejazinia bloodline. Very very formidable. Many could go without food or water for weeks in pursuit of their prey. That was the reason for their success. They were relentless. They had chased Josef to the point of exhaustion" She said.
"You're telling me they're descended from the bloodline you led astray to save Josef?"
"Yes My Lord"
Brian took a deep breath.
"We will need to let the others know." Brian said at last standing to leave for Washington D.C.

A little under 400 vampires were in a secret room in the White House. Josef stood before them.
"Ok. Quiet everyone! We have a serious issue to discuss. Isabelle has detected a true hunter has come to Los Angeles" He said. Everyone began to gasp and groan. "Ok, hold on! Let's get the facts out of the way. Isabelle." He said to his wife giving her the floor.
"This is what I know so far. This hunter arrived yesterday evening something before the dinner hour. Guillermo has already proclaimed one vampire destroyed"
"But how do we know it was by the Hunter?" One vampire asked.
"Because the destruction was by silver. Pure silver ingested and drenched on the face. No other vampire would dare carry and couldn't carry pure concentrated amounts of silver."
Mick stood up.
"Is there any way to stop this hunter. I mean any known way that doesn't mean we die?" Mick asked.

And that was the $20,000. question.

Zoe knew the strange man was following her. She just didn't know why. She walked into the book store to pick up some things for Haley's curriculum. She tucked herself behind a book case as the stranger was coming then took off quickly in the other direction making it to her car. She started it and drove away.
Elijah couldn't believe he lost the vampire woman. He detected nothing of her in the bookstore. She must have made him, which he really didn't believe and that was something that only came with extreme old age. Ancient vampires could dissolve into mist hover above you and you would never know until it was too late.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Emma Thibodaux knew judgement was coming and it didn't make her happy at all. Josef and his friends had been very nice to her always. Of course it took a bit for her to come to terms with what they got to do to exist, but she'd come to love Josef like a son. A hard headed son, but a son nonetheless.
Now this fool coming to end them all. Usually in this sort of circumstance Emma would do nothing. She was neutral. It wasn't her fight. And her momma would be right mad at her for getting mixed up in it, but she had to do something. She lit her candles and burned her "seeing herbs" and waited for the vision to come to her.
"Ah, so that's what you look like" she said to herself. Then she got up and called Josef.

Gabriel listened to what Zoe said and became fearful.
"Zoe, I don't want you going out until this matter is settled." He pleaded.
"Gabe, I'll be fine. It was just kind of weird." Zoe said shrugging the whole matter off.
"Zoe, listen to me. You heard what Isabelle said. This hunter is very good at what he does."
"I know and I'll be careful, but we just can't put our lives on hold because some hunter wants to destroy all vampires. If that's his plan, he'll be fighting 24/7!" She said. Gabriel however was taking no chances. And although he swore to Zoe he would never do this, he had to to keep her safe. He lightly took hold of her face and stared deeply into her eyes.
"Zoe. I love you and I'm sorry I have to do this, but you will stay in our home and not leave it until the hunter is destroyed. You cannot leave for any reason. Do you understand?"
Zoe's eyes were heavy and Gabriel could tell the suggestion was working. Zoe opened her eyes wide.
"Good try honey, but that's not going to happen" She kissed him and walked towards the archive room.
"Damn it Zoe" Gabriel muttered to himself.

Kellan was walking out of the television station when a strange man approached him.
"Hey you're Kellan Madison, right?" He asked. Kellan nodded feeling immediately uncomfortable. "Can I have your autograph?" He asked holding out a notepad and pen. "I really like your music" Kellan took the pad and pen and started to scribble his signature.
"Yeah, what's your favorite song?" Kellan asked. Elijah was stumped for a moment. He didn't know a thing about the man's music. The only thing he did know was that he was a real vampire and not the fake one he portrayed on stage. Elijah had his hand on the bottle in his pocket ready to take the punk out.
"Oh my God!!!! It's Kellan Madison!!!!" A large group of girls yelled as they ran towards him screaming. They surrounded him, pushing Elijah out of the way. Kellan smiled down at the fans and when he looked up the man was gone and Kellan knew that was the hunter.
"Thank God for fangirls" He said to himself.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Michael Stanton was nervous. To him all humans were suspicious. Now with this hunter in the city Michael was on edge. Isabelle made him sound like the boogie-man or something. Why should he be afraid of some puny human? He had been a vampire for over 75 years. But deep down inside he was terrified and he had to feed. He nervously looked out of his front door before stepping outside. Nothing but the usual array of office workers and college kids. Michael decided to feed before dark. Much safer. For him anyways. He turned down an alley and saw a man taking a leak against the wall. Michael very quickly stole up behind him, the man turned and plunged the stake deep into his stomach. Michael fell to the pavement unable to move.
"It's you!" He gasped out.
"Yes. It is me" Elijah calmly said as he poured the silver liquid down his throat and watched him very quickly come to an end. Elijah thanked God in a silent prayer and walked away from the alley mingling in the lunch hour crowd.

Josef tried to break away from his meetings sooner but every minute there was another matter that needed his attention, but finally he was on his way to see Emma. When Emma needed to meet, Josef moved mountains to make sure he was there. Emma had the door open for him before he knocked. Josef stepped inside and she immediately enveloped him in a big hug.
"You're here." She said sounding very much relieved. "Bout time!" She yelled at him. Josef smiled.
"Emma, I think you really care for me" Josef said in a teasing tone.
"Don't make me slap you upside the head!" She said motioning for him to take a seat. "You know that hunting fellow be in the city" She said.
"Yeah Emma we know. I'm not sure what we're going to do just yet..." Josef started to say but Emma interrupted him.
"Look boy, there's a time for thinking and a time for acting. You ain't got no time for not being sure. What needs to be done gots to be quick. This man done already killed a handful of you."
"But how can we fight someone that can already detect us?" Josef asked.
"Josef think! Use your head. It ain't there for just being pretty. Ain't you in contact with them that aren't known by anyone?" Emma replied. Josef didn't understand what she meant, then it hit him.
Brian's sister Helen and her husband Jeff. They were water vamps and they could go undetected.
Emma nodded her head.
"You talk to that young one Brian. Tell him to get them ready!" Josef smiled and leaned over and kissed Emma's cheek.
"Emma I love you!" He said standing up. She patted his arm.
"I love you to Josef. Now I done wrote down what this fool look like. Now you tell them to be careful" She said giving him the sheet of paper. Josef left and Emma immediately started her protection spell.

Josef told Isabelle what he had learned.
"I did not think of the Candiats. One often forgets that they are vampire at all" Isabelle said. "It may be the only chance we have. But the hunter will not go after them. We will have to provide someone as bait." She finished. And she could think of no one who would volunteer to be bait for the best vampire hunter in the world.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Jeff and Helen listened as Brian told them what was going on. Helen nodded.
"Yes. We were there when Isabelle made the announcement" Helen said. Brian looked at them in surprise.
"I didn't see you there!" Brian said. He naturally thought they had skipped the meeting.
"Well Brian, this is something that has just started happening to us both. We've been too afraid to go out in public because of it" Jeff explained. Brian looked at his sister trying to understand what they meant. He saw fear in their eyes and shame.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about" Brian said. Helen slowly stood up and turned in front of her brother. She closed her eyes and right before him turned into a puddle of water on the floor. Brian scooted back his chair in alarm and Helen took shape again, her clothing soaked through. Jeff quickly got up and wrapped a towel around her.
"Holy shit!" Brian exclaimed. "How long has this been going on?" Brian asked.
"It started happening a couple of months ago. We can't control it very well and we never know if or when it's going to happen. That's why we haven't been out much" Jeff said.
Brian sat back and began to think about the situation. He pulled out his mobile phone and called Zoe.

Zoe drove quickly to Helen and Jeff's house. Brian met her at the door.
"Where are they?!" Zoe asked as Brian closed the door. "Did you let them leave?"
Brian pointed to the large puddles of water on the floor. Zoe's eyes grew large. Helen and Jeff took shape again. "Holy cow!" Zoe exclaimed.
"Zoe, what can we do? We can't control this!" Hele said. Zoe quickly opened a large book she brought.
"Okay. First you'll have to cool off. And by cool off, I mean literally. Brian turn on the air conditioning."
Brian turned it on and the blast of cold air immediately filled the room. "Since you are Candiats a lot of what you can do is related to the temperatures. Which is why a lot of them live in colder climates like Alaska and Norway. The humid temps in California are bringing about this change. Jeff you're around 15 and Helen 10 in vampiric years and this is you're.....well,....coming out period. Very soon you'll be able to manipulate water, like create tidal waves and such, but why would anyone want to do that...but the point is, you're growing stronger" Zoe finished.
"Does this mean we'll have to leave California?" Jeff asked.
"Perhaps, but there are colder spots like Lake Tahoe. But let me do some more research." Helen and Jeff sighed. They had really come to love California and their new friends. Zoe leaned and touched Helen's hand and jerked back. "Jeez! You're freezing!" Helen looked at her hand. She felt no difference. She touched her husband's hand. "Brian feel their hands!" Zoe said. Brian reached over and touched them both. He looked at Zoe.

Mick and Beth stayed in and held each other by the fire.
"We may have to stay in like this until the hunter is killed" Beth said absently rubbing his chest.
"I don't see this last too long. There are too many of us." Mick replied but he felt nervous. He had heard too many stories from Josef and Balthazar about the hunting of vampires and how they had reduced the numbers of vampires. It was a scary thing to think about. He held Beth tightly and stared at the flames.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Elijah had no idea how many vampires were in Los Angeles! He had already killed 10 and his body radiated constantly, so he knew there were many more. He should have called his brother Cassius to help him, but at the time he had thought the numbers would be quite small in a place where the sun shone brightly the whole of the day. He hesitated. His brother had the physical strength to get the job done, but he was impulsive to the point of being outright dangerous to be around. His brother also didn't possess the calling that he had. He wouldn't know a vampire if one was directly in front of him. He would give it some more thought as he laid down to rest.

Kellan Madison decided he would postpone the start of his "Submission Tour" Things were kind of crazy in Los Angeles right now and he needed to lay low. He finished packing his luggage and told his assistant not to bother him unless it was important. He was going to hang out at his home in Oxford England. And if that wasn't far enough he had a cabin in the Swiss Alps, but Kellan got the impression that his days were numbered here in L.A. Hell his minutes were numbered!

Zoe hadn't seen the strange man who had taken to following her, but he disappeared as quickly as he popped up. "What if that was the hunter?" She thought to herself. She quickly surveyed the street before getting into her car and driving as quick as she could to Julian's.

"Gabriel, I want you and Zoe to get out of town for a while" Brian said to his brother.
"Is it going to be that dangerous?" Gabriel asked with a sigh. Brian nodded slowly. "Zoe's going to have a real problem with that."
"Plant a suggestion in her mind" Brian replied.
"Brian, I tried that! I don't know how she did it but she just looked at me and said nice try"
"Really?" Brian asked in surprise. Zoe was becoming quite formidable.
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Re: Death to All

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"Ok Julian spill it! I know you know who this hunter is, so tell me" Zoe said walking into his living room and flopping down on the sofa.
"Zoe, I assure you I don't know for sure who this hunter is, but I can give you information on how it all was started" He said walking out of the room and coming back with a couple of scrolls. He sat down next to her. "Vampire hunters came about in the 14th century. In the history of European culture, this period is considered the early part of the High Middle Ages. Vampires were bloodthirsty. They would slay entire villages! It was the Byzantine Monks that produced the first vampire hunter. His name was Constantine (son of Leo V). He was ruthless. He seemed to neither sleep not eat and was always on the pursuit. As vampire numbers increased, more of these hunters appeared. After time they had killed all but a few vampires in Europe. And those vampires were protected by the church where the hunters could not enter. As time went on, there seemed to be a balance. What I do know is that vampire numbers have been escalating, it is for that reason alone has this hunter heard his calling."
"So we are responsible" Zoe said in anger. Julian shook his head,
"This is not a fault Zoe. This is the way it has always been. Perhaps this is God's way of keeping the balance himself. No one knows, but out of all the vampire hunters, there was one family who produced the ones who made all vampires tremble. Stanislav. So powerful were their hunters that most vampires would go into ground for over 50 years or live in the jungles of some wild untamed land."
"Do you think this hunter is one of them?"
"Zoe, he has killed 10 vampires in just three days. So yes, I do believe that it is one of the Stanislav hunters who has come to California."
"Brian and I think we may have a plan for getting rid this hunter. Look, if this hunter can sense our presence maybe we can trap him." Zoe said quickly.
"Zoe I don't understand..." Julian said in confusion.
"Helen and Jeff. The Candiats!" She said triumphantly "And Julian, they are turning into puddles of water. I saw them. It happened right in front of me!"
Julian stared at Zoe incomplete disbelief.
"Of course! They cannot be detected! Zoe this is brilliant! But will they cooperate?" Julian said excitedly.
"Julie, they want to but they are having a problem with consistency. It happens when they don't want it to happen and when they are trying to change it won't happen right away. I know this heat has a lot of do with it. We turned their air conditioner on full blast, but that 's a temporary fix."
Julian smiled and his face was radiant with beauty.
"I know just the thing" He said standing up.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe finally made it home and after making supper for the girls and helping with their homework she went into the archives. Gabriel saw her car and breathed in a sigh of relief. Zoe was a strong willed woman. Hell, Zoe was a strong willed little girl when they first met. She had a determination that made Gabriel very nervous. Zoe came running up the stairs when she heard her husband shut the door.
"Gabe!" she exclaimed running into his arms. "Honey, I am so sorry for being so stubborn. I know I can be so impossible at times." Gabriel held her tightly then pulled back.
"What is it? What do you have to tell me?" He asked
"I spoke with Julian today and he told me about this hunter, and it's not good."
"I kind of figured." Gabriel said as Zoe pulled him into his office and secured the door.
"Stanislav is the name of the family. And they are and have been the best vampire hunters in history. Also Julian believes when our numbers are down, everything's fine. But when are numbers go up as they have something stirs in these people and they have to control the balance so to speak. Now these hunters can detect vampires which is tough for us. But Brian and I spoke with Helen and Jeff. Because they are undetectable we are thinking of lay a trap."
Gabriel closed his eyes. he knew this was going to be bad and for the first time in his life, he wished he had never been born.

Elijah walked around the small beachfront neighborhood. He had felt a tremor that was unfamiliar to him. Usually when vampires were around it felt liked being shocked. But this felt like a mere vibration. Still he had to follow through on it. He drove around waiting and then right in front of a small white bungalow he stopped. He had to find out who lived there. He armed himself and walked slowly up the stairs and rang the doorbell. A small elderly black woman came to the door.
"Can I help you?" She asked. Elijah felt the familiar shock. He opened his eyes wide, drew the stake and plunged it into the old woman's stomach.
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Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle quickly shot up from her desk and ran out of Kostan Towers. She was at Emma's house in mere seconds. The door was open and Isabelle stepped in slowly all of her senses on high alert. She heard footsteps upstairs and slowly climbed them. Emma stood at the top of stairs with a suitcase in her hand. "Wife of Josef, we gotta get out of here now!" She whispered urgently. Isabelle grabbed both Emma and her suitcase and took off.

Elijah killed the wrong woman. He stood there for a few seconds coming to the realization that he had killed an innocent. he swore under his breath with he felt the familiar charge. He ran to the house to find the door open. He felt the charges all over his body. A vampire was here. A very old one at that and he had missed the opportunity.

Emma sat down on the sofa while Isabelle brought her a glass of water to settle her.
"I knew that man was coming to kill me." Emma said slowly drinking the water.
"Emma, how did you know?" Isabelle asked wanting to know more.
"I asked the spirits to show me what he look like and they did, but when you messing with spirits they sometimes send what you asking bout right to your door. I had walked over to Wanda's house to give her some herbs I had for her arthritis, and saw that he was coming for me. I told Wanda to get out of her house, but her stubborn ass didn't listen."
"You are safe for now. Do not leave this apartment Emma. No one is able to enter it."
"Listen to me! You have to kill this boy you know that don't you? And don't think twice about it!"
"Consider it done" Isabelle said firmly as she stood and walked out the door.

Elijah decided to lay low for a couple of days. No doubt he was seen and very soon the authorities would be searching for him. But it had been three days and there had been no word on an elderly woman who had been found dead in her home. Nothing of the sort. He decided to ring the Police himself.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"There is a dead woman on Beach Park drive" He said to the 911 operator
"What address?"
"I don't know. The house is pink with a white roof. She's dead someone stuck a stake in her stomach"
"Sir where are you? Are you at this house?"
"No." He said and hung up the pay phone and wiped off his prints.

The patrol car found the home and pulled up to the home knocking on the door. There was no answer. But the 911 Response said that a woman was dead. They broke open the door and saw nothing. They checked the entire small house and no one was there.
"This is Sgt. Verelli at at the house on Beach Park and there's no DB. Some kid playing a prank." He said sighing and shut the door.

"Are you sure this will work?" Helen asked.
"What we need to do is cool you and Jeff down a considerable amount. More than just freezer levels. Candiats in Alaska will actually freeze themselves for long periods time. Months even years in some cases" Julian explained. "We will need you to be able to keep your shape long enough to trick the hunter." He and Zoe added to dry ice to the container and completely covered their friends.
"How long do you think it will take?" Zoe asked.
"I don't know. We will have to wait and see."
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