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Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:49 pm
by Ella713
Catch Me, Stop Me
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

An old friend of Josef's decides to play pranks all through Los Angeles and takes things too far.

Byron Lees was bored. He had done a lot in his 450 years and nothing was fun anymore. These days things were so tame he couldn't even believe that society had made it this far. Of course things were a little more fun in the Middle East where life a bit more hostile, but on the whole, humans were boring.
Even their killers were boring. Always, always, always for profit. As if money were ever that important.

He started to think of his dearest friends still living that would be interested in a game. He flipped through his book and searched. Ahh! Carmichael! He thought, then remembered that Counsel had destroyed him for being a tad too rambunctious in his kills. The he immediately thought of Petra! Now that vamp had a passion for the game! But he had not heard from her in at least 50 years! Who knew what she was up to. He thought some more and then it came to him. Josef Kostan! he didn't know why he hadn't thought of him first. Boy, the fun he and Josef used to have in Brussels. And he couldn't even think about the blood thirsty days in Romania without getting anxious for the game.

He jumped up and started to pack for Los Angeles. Why oh why did Josef choose to live a place so sunny all the damn time , he could not fathom. But it would only be for a little while. He couldn't wait to see Josef again. This would be fun he thought to himself.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:11 pm
by Ella713
Josef and Brian had just returned from an extensive to London. Josef was in merry spirits which he always was when he adding onto his considerable fortune.
"Sir, I think we should get started as soon as possible on the projections of the new office" Brian said in all seriousness. While Josef was content to bask in the glow of a task completed, Brian was always on to the next project.
"Yes. You're right. But for this one day, we will do nothing. Brian, you have to learn to just smell the roses some times." Josef said. Brian looked at his friend thinking that the phrase "to smell the roses" was one of the silliest things imaginable. Who would want to do that? Josef grinned as the chauffeur pulled into the garage of his building. "Go home to your family Brian. I'm sure they miss you" Josef said with a grin. Brian simply nodded and the limo took out for his house.

He walked into his apartment and noticed Isabelle sitting on the sofa reading the paper. She didn't look up until Josef called her name.
"Josef. I did not hear you come in. My darling, you must come and read this" She said standing up to take his hand and pull him down to the sofa.
"Okay, what am I supposed to be reading?" He asked. Isabelle pointed to the article and waited.
Josef looked to the article she wanted him to read. The heading of the article struck him first.
"Entire family slain in their Woodland Hills home". That's tragic sweetheart, but what does this have to do with us?"Josef asked.
"Keep reading my love" Isabelle insisted. Josef kept reading the gruesome article until he saw why Isabelle was alarmed. Josef quickly looked at his wife.
"Byron" Josef said quietly. Josef remembered Byron Lees from his early days when being a vampire was.......well, a lot more fun. They would slay entire households in a macabre game called "Catch Me, Stop Me" which was more or less one of them playing the part of the murderer and the other as the sleuth, leaving random clues as to where they would strike next. No matter how many times they played Josef always won. he was always able to decypher Bryon's cryptic clues and find him before he struck again. One time the game itself took over 5 years to end.
"This is not good my darling. Byron will get things noticed. This is not the 1800's anymore." Isabelle said.
"Agreed. We will need to to let Carl know what's going on, if he doesn't already suspect."
Josef said.

Bryon thought about the poor family he had murdered. They honestly had no idea what he had planned. The loving father who befriended him on the plane when he heard the tale of the lost address and telephone number of the hotel he had reservations for. He so willingly inviting him into his home to dine with his family and sleep in the guest room until he got situated. It was almost too easy killing them he thought. He hoped that Josef got his first clue. Oh, this would be fun he thought!

Carl had surveyed the crime scene and called Mick immediately. Carl knew what they would dealing with the moment he walked into the house. The husband had been sliced open and his blood was used to write some kind of message on the walls which made no sense to him. The mother and two teenaged children were drained of all their blood. Their faces sunken and ashen. Carl walked out of the house so the Crime Scene Unit could start to work, and waited for Mick. His phone rang loudly into the evening.
"Davis" He said firmly.
"Carl, it's Josef. I need to speak to you right away" Josef said. Carl sighed.
"I think I know what its about. I'll be right over" Carl said getting in his car and calling Mick and telling him to meet at Josef's instead.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:24 pm
by Ella713
Josef slowly stood up as Mick and Carl made their way into his apartment. He offered them both a drink and then motioned for them to sit down.
"The killers name is Bryon Lees. He's a vampire, around 450 years give or take a few years, and he killed that family because of me." Josef said.
"Why Josef. Did you know the family?" Mick asked in surprise. Josef shook his head.
"I don't know who this poor family was, but I know this is a game for Byron. A game that I'm supposed to be involved in" Carl and Mick looked at Josef not knowing what to say, but wanting to ask a lot of questions. Josef took a sip of his drink and told them a story. He told them of how things were in the early 1800's. How ruthless vampires were to humans, slaying a whole village before dawn only to run away before sunrise. He told them of the vicious game they had devised, to pass time because living forever became tiring. He told them of thrill of the hunt and the bragging rights that came with it. The game itself was legendary, with more and more vamps getting involved, or making up a game of their own."But in the end humans won. Their numbers exploded after each war they got involved in, and at the same time, our numbers were decreasing rapidly. And of course technology began to make every vamp extra extra careful. So I haven't heard of anyone even attempting to resurrect the game again."
"So why does he want you to join Josef?" Carl asked knowing that he wouldn't like the answer.
"Because out of all the times we played the game, I won. Each and every time. I think Byron is probably bored and figured he would entice me" Josef explained.
"Josef, you know this going to get ugly. Counsel's gonna get involved. And don't even get me started on what Brian and The Cleaners are going do" Mick said shaking his head.
"Isabelle, already knows and is off speaking to Katarina now" Josef said. Mick stood up.
"Man, this is going to be bad." He said looking at Carl. "Look, you know about the cleaners right?"
Carl nodded. "You think they'll help?" Carl asked.
"Carl, if Katarina and the others get involved, Los Angeles is going to turn into a blood bath" Josef said sadly.
"Can't you just call this Byron guy and tell him the game is off?!" Carl asked becoming kind of scared.
"It's already begun" Josef said.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:31 pm
by Ella713
Byron didn't really think much of Los Angeles. It was crude and devoid of class or style. Women ran around in basically nothing and were always yelling or swearing. Like many vampires his age, if there were still any around his age, he had become bored with existing. This is what being damned really meant. Humans would never understand that. Sure there were things to enjoy and of course being immortal went hand and hand with wealth, but when you had done absolutely all there was was to do in the world, the only thing left was death.

He had had human friends at one time or another who would beg him to turn them. Always thinking about all the things they could over and over again. He often told them, that older vampires rarely if ever had sexual relations. Not because they couldn't, but after hundreds of years, it simply bored them.
Of course they all swore that it would never happen to them, but he also thought that at one time.
But now he had to focus on the game. Josef Kostan had bested him each and every time they played. Perhaps if he could win this game, he would consider his existence finally complete.

Carl took Josef to the crime scene after it had been sealed off.
"Ok, Josef what do you see?" Carl asked as Josef carefully stepped around the home. Josef went through every room in the house.
"They invited Byron to their home. He was going to stay in the bedroom upstairs on the left. There are brand new soaps and towels in that bathroom. That means a guest. The father was flying into Los Angeles, the tags on his luggage said he was travelling from Vancouver, BC. He got in yesterday evening. Probably met Byron on the plane and invited him to stay." Josef said sounding like a seasoned detective.
"Wow Josef" Mick said in surprise. Josef continued to walk around.
"He killed the daughter first, then the son. Leaving the parents for last." Josef pointed at the wall. "The message is the clue as to where he'll most likely be next" Josef said.
"Catch me, stop me if you can. For next I shall be in chains. All doors locked as blood pours down the drain." Josef finished.
"What the hell does that mean?" Carl asked
"Well, when the game was started and you chose your partner, the locations had to be places that were familiar to you both to make it fair." Josef explained.
"Does any of this make sense to you Josef?" Mick asked.
"I'm actually thinking of two places. First is Bucharest. We were imprisoned there for a spell. And the
second is Alcatraz in San Francisco. We broke a vampire friend out prison there in the 1937"
"Well, that's a start in any case" Carl said.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:37 pm
by Ella713
"We need to get to San Fran pretty quickly. Byron has had a several hour head start" Mick was saying. "We should take Brian with us and have Katarina and her team go to Bucharest. That way we cover all the bases at once" He finished. Josef nodded his head and called Brian.

Isabelle had called a meeting of the Cleaners. All were told what they faced.
"Most you remember hearing tales of the game, but those of you who are old enough to have participated in the game know exactly what is at stake here" Isabelle said. Katarina and others nodded.
"This game will quickly spiral out of control so Byron was be destroyed. Not captured. If you have a clean shot, do not wait. Take it" Katarina said.
"Let's go" Isabelle said.

Byron had to say for himself that his game plan was very clever. Kostan was sharp but he would never see this coming in a million years! How fun it was to go on the tour while the guide explained what criminal was there and for what crime. Byron feigned interest and laughed when a joke was made, but in his mind he was determining who would be the first to die and how quickly he could get it done.

Brian listened to what Josef had to say. He could feel the anger bubbling up inside of him but he shut it down quickly. There would be plenty of time for that. He was kind of grateful for the remote location of Alcatraz. He could do less harm to others so far from the city. Brian had to admit, that becoming Dragos came with some frightening talents attached to the title. Some he noticed right away, but others were slow to develop and were very unpredictable.

Byron played with the tour group before locking them in the cells. Oh how they screamed, and yelled and fainted. Humans were always overly dramatic.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:47 pm
by Ella713
Byron took his time with the group of humans. He looked around at the carnage that surrounded him. It felt very much like the grand days when being a vampire meant something more than wearing leather and listening to increasingly bizarre music. Humans really feared vampires back then, often giving them their daughters to save a village. These days because of the paranoia of Counsel, no one believed anymore. The only things vampires cared about now were money and politics! Josef had become one of those sorts, but Byron knew that reestablishing the game would bring Josef back to the vampire he truly was. He carefully took a water bottle from the backpack of one of the young women, washed his hands
and quietly closed the cell locking in the bodies. Byron knew that Josef would remember this place. This would be his one easy clue. It would be months before Josef could figure out his plan. Byron felt in his bones, he would win for the first time.

Katarina and Isabelle walked into the old prison. Abandoned sometime in the 1800's, it's only purpose now, was for tourists who paid over 50 euro to walk amongst the ruins. Isabelle knew exactly where she was going. She had spent a considerable amount of time in this very prison. Isabelle also knew what this would mean to to Josef.

She stood in front of the cell that once housed Josef Kostan and saw that it was littered with dead bodies. 14 at first count. She waved to Katarina who walked up beside her. Isabelle could feel the wave of Katarina's anger sweep over the facility.
"We must catch this vampire!" Katarina said aloud. "This is not how things are done!" Isabelle nodded slowly.
"We must leave for San Francisco now!" Isabelle said suddenly. "We must go to Alcatraz!" she said speeding off with the other cleaners fast behind her.

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:21 am
by Ella713
Brian was on the verge of taking them to Alcatraz when Josef stopped him.
"Wait! Byron is toying with me. There's more to this! When we freed our friend from Alcatraz, he went back to his parents farm on Prince Edward Island, Canada." Josef said frowning.
"Are you sure Josef?" Mick asked anxiously.
"Byron knew, I never would have thought about that damn farm!We never went there. Johnny only told us he was going there. He knew Alcatraz would have been one of the first places I'd think of." Josef said.
"Fine." said Mick decisively. "Let's go!" Brian collected his thoughts and within a moment they were standing behind a large farmhouse. Brian let his mind sweep over the house.
"Your friend is inside the house. He is holding a family captive" Brian said sternly as he started to make his way to the home.
"Brian. Let me" Josef said pulling his arm back. Brian nodded and watched Josef walked up the stairs.
"Byron! I know you're here! You might want to call this game, set, match!" Josef said. He could hear the muffled sobs of a woman close by. "Come on Byron! At least come out and congratulate me!"

Byron told the family to be quiet as he shut the door to the closet quietly. He walked out of guest room and saw his old friend Josef Kostan standing in the hallway.

"Well, well, well Josef. I wonder, do you talents ever cease? I really didn't think you would remember this part of the puzzle. How sad to find that all of Johnny's relatives were no more. But it was the 1930's after all" He said with a smirk.
"Things were a lot different then. Things have changed Byron. Vampires have assimilated. The game is no longer tolerated" Josef said hoping he would get the point.
"Oh of that I am well aware. And how sad that is. Counsel changed everything."
"Byron, look around! Mankind is smart. And getting smarter everyday. More than ever we need to be on our guard. You can't screw around with that. You keep doing shit like this and we get noticed! And when that happens we can all say goodbye to existence!" Josef yelled. Byron looked at Josef with a curious expression on his face.
"Really? You think they're that clever?" He asked with a smile.

Brian focused on the family locked in the closet. He concentrated hard and very quickly was standing in front of that closet. He quietly pulled the doorknob off and quickly pressed his fingers to his lips. He closed his eyes and they were all outside the house.

"Look at how easy it was to convince them to let me stay with them. They were mere sheep in my wake. So easily led. You call that clever?" He joked.
"You appealed to their humanity. You think that makes you smarter than them? Millions of con artist do the same thing Byron."
"Are you comparing what I've done to that which a human could do?!" He thundered in response. Josef shrugged.
"Well, yeah. To be honest By, I expected more" Josef said shrugging his shoulders and turning around.
Byron enraged and his words, growled and ran at Josef hoping to make him pay for his jest. Josef didn't even turn around to look. He heard the loud thud but kept walking away from him until he came to the front door. He saw the cleaners going through the entire house.

He saw Isabelle standing with Mick and Brian.
"How did you know to come here?" Josef asked her after giving her a passionate kiss.
"We went to Vuldear in Bucharest and found a group of people how had been slaughtered. Then I knew that Alcatraz would be the next stop, but when we found it empty, I knew that he would be here. You often forget tiny details my darling. Byron was hoping this would be one of those tiny things." Isabelle explained. Josef looked down and saw what he assumed was the family living in the house.
"Are they dead?" He asked looking down at the bodies.
"No. Brian has put them to sleep. Safer for them this way." She said.

"So I take it that everything's cool. I mean it's over" Carl said.
"For now Carl. Yeah, it's over." Josef said.

Isaac rose with the setting sun. Although vampires no longer succumbed to the dark sleep and for the most part slept whenever they felt like it, he still preferred to stick with the old ways. He was starving, he thought as he walked around the large house. Only the daughter left he saw. She shivered in the corner as she heard him approach. He rubbed her cheek softly.
"Don't be afraid my dear. It's all part of the game. I promise you will feel no pain" He said tenderly as he wiped away her tears.
"Please, I won't tell anyone. I'll just go away. I promise!" she said hoping against all hope that the stranger would listen to reason.
"Shhhh" He said."Don't cry" He said as he barred his fangs and pulled her head back to expose the lines of her throat. Just as he was lowering his head he felt the piercing sting in his gut. His whole body felt like it was on fire. He slowly fell to the ground at her feet and saw the silver carving knife stuck into his abdomen. He tried to pull the knife from his body but the silver burned his skin to the bone! He watched in shock as the young girl very easily broke free from her restraints.
"Boy was that fun!" She said laughing as she brushed dirt from her dress. 'Surprise!" She said holding her hands up. Isaac's eyes rolled in his head at the irony of it all.
"C...Constance" He mumbled. She took off the wig and exposed her signature raven locks.
"Yes, it's me. And as you can see, I win. Shame, I felt like the game was just now getting good! But come on! You should have known that I would've remembered your fondness for redheads! You made it too easy! We could've kept playing for another 20 years! Oh well. Guess I'll strike you off the list the now." She said as she pulled a small book from her dress. She drew a line through his name as she watched the vampire draw his last breath. She tossed his body onto the bed closest to the window and opened drapes wide. The sun would take care his remains. She looked at the next name on her list.

Isabelle Bascianti. How long had it been since she'd seen Isabelle last? 150 years? She was always a formidable opponent.

The End

Re: Catch Me, Stop Me

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:00 am
by reinbeau
Oh Boy, here they go again. Looks like she plays a rather final end game.