The Past

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The Past

Post by Ella713 »

The Past
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Beth wasn't sure why she decided to visit the old woman. Perhaps it was because of her dream about Josh. She was sitting in her car and saw Josh across the road from her. He was calling to her but she couldn't hear what he was saying. She rolled down her window and turned off her stereo and could still hear nothing he said. Then in a blink of an eye Josh was sitting in the passenger seat. And he said.
"Quick. Come to me" She shook the dream from her mind and walked up to the little cottage on the beach.

An old woman answered the door and showed a mouth filled with missing teeth.
"Well, get yourself in here wife of Mick" she said grabbing Beth's arm and pulling her inside. "Mick done told me so much about you" She continued to say. "Come on in. Have a seat."
Beth sat down slowly on the old settee and placed her hands in her lap.
"I'm....not quite sure if there's anything you can do..." Beth started to say but Emma interrupted her.
"You let me be judge of that." She said sternly. "Now what's on your mind?"

Beth slowly poured out the story of her relationship with Josh and circumstances surrounding his death. She told Emma everything. The old woman said nothing but sat and listened, taking in every word. She got up and went into the kitchen and brought out two glasses of wine. She handed the first one to Beth and then sat down taking the second glass with her.
"So this boy done come to you in a dream. Does he got any unfinished business here?"
"Well, he really wanted to get that drug dealer Tejada taken to jail, but Mick already took care of that" Beth replied. Emma finished her wine and sat the glass down.
"Then we just gotta ask him" she said taking a deck of card out of her pocket and shuffling them.
"Okay, what do you mean ask him?" Beth ask thinking that old woman was off her rocker. Mick and Josef always said there was nothing about the unknown world that Emma didn't know.
"What I mean is I take you to that dark realm of the dead and we ask him" She said sternly as she looked at the cards she dealt out with a frown. Beth didn't know what to say. She was too stunned.

The woman then stood up and rummaged through some cabinets and pulled out 4 tall tapered candles. 3 were black and one was white. She stood them in gold candle holders and lit each one after speaking words in a language Beth had never heard before.

"What we gotta do ain't gonna be pleasant but we gotta be quick about it. The dead don't like the living in their neck of the woods. So you find this boy and ask him. And make him be the clear about it. The dead always think they talking clear when they ain't." Emma said before taking Beth's hands.
"Wait! You mean do it now?" Beth asked.
"I sure don't mean do it tonight!" The old woman said and laughed. "Come on, now. daylight's wasting"
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Past

Post by r1015bill »

Intriguing beginning. :chin:
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

Emma held Beth's hands gently and started to chant. Almost immediately Beth felt calm and relaxed. She felt her body start to sway and she felt like she were flying through the air. Too afraid to open her eyes, she simply let her body go to where the wind took her. She felt almost giddy and forgot all about Emma. Suddenly everything stopped abruptly. Beth slowly opened her eyes and Emma was gone. She looked all around and saw nothing. She started to get scared and ran trying to find a way out of ....wherever she was.
"Beth" She heard called out. She knew that voice. It was Josh.
"Josh! Is that you? I'm here!" Beth called out. She looked quickly when she heard footsteps approaching. Her chest became tight with fear and some anticipation. She held her breath. Slowly walking towards her was Josh. The man she thought she loved for so long. He came towards her with that adorable grin he always had. He reached for her hands and brought them to his lips.
"Beth, I knew you'd come" He said softly kissing her hands over and over. His lips felt cold and icy to the touch.
"Josh, why did you want to see me?" She asked.
"I waited so long for you. I thought I'd never see you again" Josh said either ignoring her question or not realizing what she said. He rubbed her hands urgently and stopped when he felt her wedding ring.
He smiled looking down at it, then he frowned. "That's not the ring I gave you. That's not the ring I gave you!" he repeated yelling. Beth stepped back in fear. She wanted to leave this place more than anything. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her hard. "It's Mick St. John isn't it? Tell me the truth! Don't lie to me!" He raged one.
"Yes! It's Mick! It was always Mick!" Beth screamed, wanting to tell the truth but also afraid of how that truth would hurt Josh. Suddenly, she felt a strong tug and she was flying again and when she opened her eyes she was back on the settee with Emma sitting across from her.
"I hope you got what you was searching for. It ain't good to stay in the presence of the dead for long. They play tricks and become a bother. Here drink this" Emma said handing her a cup of tea. "Drink this so you be cleaned. You come back from the realm of the dead, they like to attach themselves to you when you come out." Emma was saying. Beth took a sip of tea then drank the entire cup to ensure that nothing could follow her.

Josh looked around. He was at the beach. He tried to smell the saltwater but could smell nothing. He didn't recognize any of his surroundings. Turning around he saw Beth walk out of a small cottage and get in her car. With a frown he followed her home.
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

Josh watched Beth pull into the garage of a building he didn't know. Surely Beth didn't live here. Her salary at Buzzwire wasn't this good. He followed close behind her as she let herself into an amazing 2 level apartment. The doorbell rang almost as soon as she sat down and in walked 2 handsome young men.
"Hi Mom!" The first one said giving her a huge hug.
"Hello Mom" The other said giving her a kiss on the cheek. But Beth didn't have children. Where had he been all this time.

"What do I owe this surprise visit?" beth said looking at them both.
"Really? Mom, you've just hurt our feelings. Don't you think your own sons could visit you just to see how you are?" Gabriel said.
"Cut it Gabe. What do you want?" Beth asked with a smile.
"We want you to babysit while we get away for a week" Brian said seriously. Gabe punched him in the shoulder.
"Jeez Brian! You could have said it better than that!" Gabriel said with a grin. Beth laughed at the both of them.
"Of course. Mick and I would be thrilled to have some time with the grandkids!" Beth said happily.

Josh stood there in shock. Beth had children. And not only that, she had grandchildren. He studied her lovely face. She looked the same. No wrinkles or lines. How long had he been gone? The door opened and in walked Mick St. John! He walked over to Beth and took her in his arms and kissed her deeply.
Mick St. John!! Josh began fume thinking about all the times Beth spoke about him. Constantly! Leaving in the middle of the night. In the middle of dinner parties. Always leaving with Mick St. John!

Josh's became so angry that the candy dish on the table flew across the room and smashed into a wall. Everyone stared at the wall and the candy dish that had magically propelled itself across the room.

"That wasn't me" Brian said when everyone turned to stared at him.
"Well it certainly wasn't me!" Gabriel said with a chuckle.
"We didn't do it" Beth and Mick said simultaneously.

Beth thought about what she did today. But Emma said drinking the tea would prevent this from happening. The Beth thought about it, the sillier it sounded. Why would Josh come here of all places?
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

"Babe are you okay? You seem kind skittish" Mick said with concern looking at Beth from across the room.
"I'm fine. I was just a little spooked about that candy dish, that's all." she said standing up and wrapping her arms around herself. Mick put the paper down and walked over to her.
"Hey, don't be scared. Okay. We both know that Brian's gifts are expanding everyday. He may have done without knowing he did." He said hugging her tightly.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for being such a baby" She said laying her head on his chest.
"Come on, let's turn in" Mick said holding her hand and leading her upstairs.

Josh stood there watching them. I must be in hell he thought to himself. He looked all around the apartment. On the wall were photos of Beth and Mick with a baby boy, at a beach, what looked to be London. On a nearby desk, he saw what he was hoping he wouldn't. A wedding photo. It was Mick and Beth staring at each other looking very much in love. She was wearing a beautiful off the shoulder lace gown and a long sheer veil. He stared at the photograph for a long time. So angry that the glass shattered into a thousand pieces. he began to knock items all around the apartment. He went into the kitchen a opened cabinet doors and threw dishes and glassware all around. He opened the refrigerator
and that's when he saw it. Vials and vials of blood! What the hell was going on in the his apartment. Mick and Beth came running down the stairs looking at the mess around them.
"Beth! Look out!" Mick said quickly. "There's glass everywhere" He said closing his eyes trying to sense if someone was in the apartment. He went to the door and saw it was still locked from the inside. He checked all the windows and nothing was amiss. Beth picked up the broken photograph of her and Mick on their wedding day and she knew.
"Mick, I know who did this" She said quietly.
"Who?" he asked.
"Honey, it was Josh."
Mick stared at her for a few moments trying to understand who she was speaking of.
"Beth, Josh who?" He asked.
"Josh Lindsey" She said sadly. Mick walked over towards her.
"Babe talk to me" He pleaded.
"I had a dream about Josh a few nights ago and the next night and the next. It freaked me out. So I.....I went to see Emma. She did some kind of spell so that I could ask Josh what he wanted. But I couldn't find out anything. She gave me some tea to drink because she said the dead sometimes will follow you back.....and I....think Josh came back with me" Beth said starting to cry.
Mick was going to say that it wasn't possible but with all the crazy things that had happen thus far, he knew he'd be wrong. He rubbed her back as she cried some more.
"Listen, tomorrow we will go to Emma and find out if there's anything we can do" Mick finally said.
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

Mick awoke to a knock on the door. Beth was still sleeping so he tried not to wake her as well.
"Hey Mick, I woke you up. Sorry about that, but I need your help......" Carl was saying until he glanced around at Mick apartment. "What the hell happened here?" He asked. Mick scratched his head and smiled.
"Carl it's really hard to explain. Beth thinks we have a ghost"
"What in the building or just your apartment?"
"Beth thinks it Josh" Mick said quietly. Carls eyebrows shot up.
"Josh Lindsey?!" Why the hell would she think it was him?"
"She's been having weird dreams about him and she thought it might mean something. So she went to Emma's place...."
"Say no more. Voodoo. Damnit Mick, I thought I warned you about that crap!" Carl exclaimed.
"I know, I know, but it wasn't me. Beth went to see her on her own. She helped Beth make contact with Josh" Mick explained. Carl just stood there with his head down shaking it back and forth. "Anyway, Beth thinks that Josh may have followed her home"
"Christ man! Do you think it really was Josh who did all this?"
Mick rubbed his eyes and walked to the fridge to get a drink.
"I don't know. All I do know is that Beth believes it"
"So what are you going to do?"
"I know what you're going to say, but we have to go back to Emma's before more than our apartment is destroyed" Mick said finally. Carl looked around the wrecked room.
"Josh was a good guy" He said as if it would offer an explanation.
"I know. He was. And he loved Beth"

Emma had just got finished patting butter on her toast, when she felt the presence. Her mama had long taught her to not be afraid of these beings. She "always said "you gotta stay in control, or them enslo evil spirits will take over your life" And Emma knew what her mama said was truth.
"Ain't no use creeping around like I don't you there. Make yourself known or be gone!" She said loudly to the room. Josh didn't know what to make of the old woman. She knew he was there but she wouldn't look at him. He took a seat at her kitchen table and said nothing.
"What you doing here? This ain't where you supposed to be. In Emma's kitchen watchin' her eat her toast and eggs" Emma chuckled. Then she stopped. "You the one Mick's wife was looking for." Emma heard a tremor all around her little cottage. "Alright now, you listen up! You break anything in my house I'll send your behind to Hades and not that cushy purgatory you done run from!" Josh listened to the old woman. So, he was dead. And Beth had moved on. But with Mick St. John of all people!
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Past

Post by reinbeau »

Hopefully Josh just needs some education of how things really are. :comfort2:

What did Carl want? :2eyes:
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

reinbeau wrote:Hopefully Josh just needs some education of how things really are. :comfort2:

What did Carl want? :2eyes:
In the Moonlight world, anything and all things are possible. :snicker:
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Past

Post by Ella713 »

"Now you just calm yourself down and tell me what you want!" Emma said forcefully. Josh was screaming at the top of his lungs but feared the old woman couldn't hear him. He wasn't even sure she could see him and the more he stared at her, he finally realized she was blind. Well that's just great! He thought.
"There ain't nothing wrong with my hearing spirit so you lower you voice" Emma said drinking her coffee. Josh stood up. She could hear him? How was that possible? A knock at her door made him nervous. The inside of the cottage started to shake.
"Calm yourself I say!" Emma thundered as she walked over to her door.
"Well, its about time you two got here!" She said letting them in. "Now sit the both of you. I got some spirit in my house an he chatting up a storm about you two!" Mick and Beth looked around the small cottage almost expecting Josh to step out from some room or curtain. Emma turned towards Beth.
"Say what you need to say. This boy needs peace" Emma said taking her chair. Beth held Mick's hand tightly.
"Josh, it's Beth. There are some things I have to tell you. Things I should have told you when you were alive. Josh, you were right when you said ever since I met Mick I had changed. I didn't want to admit it to you because I knew what you meant. I was falling love. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. You see Mick was the man that saved me when I was little. I think there was a little part of me that knew, but how could that even be possible? And when I found what Mick was, I didn't care." Beth said with tears streaming down her face.
Josh listened to her sweet voice shaking his head. All the memories of their life together came rushing back. She loved Mick St. John, not him.
"Josh! I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you!" Beth called out. Josh walked slowly to her side a brushed his lips against her cheek. Beth jumped a little and placed her hand over the spot of her face he had kissed.
Emma quickly got up and started to sprinkle come kind of powder around the doors and windows while chanting. When she finished she thrust a satchel into Beth's hands.
"You need to do what I just did. He gone now, but the dead they never know which way the sun is up. Til they get to where they supposed to be, they just wonder around thinking every day is the same."
"Is that why he came back? He didn't know he was dead?" Beth asked.
"Oh, I think deep down he knew, but the dead don't like accepting what can't be changed. That's what makes them so horrible to deal with. You got lucky. Had that boy been of an unsavory mind, well as I says you lucky. Now you both get on home and do what I asked. And if you got anything of that boy's around, you put it up. In a place where it can be seen. That calms them some. They like being remembered."

Beth dug out and old photo of Josh that she had packed away. She wiped the dust from the frame and glass and placed it on the mantle with the other family photos. She touched it gently.
"Be at peace Josh" She whispered.

Emma sat on her small front porch peeling an orange.
"You can stop that tip toeing around. I know you there Josh" Emma said quietly.
"How did you know I was still here?" Josh asked.
"Cause I do. Always have. Some got talents in one place, but this one was always mine. My sister was very handy with a needle, but this was my talent." Emma explained. "Why didn't you go back?"
"Go back where?" Josh asked. "Am I supposed to see a light or something? That's what the movies are like."
"I don't know bout no light, but when you done with what needs to be, I reckon you be gone. But feel free to stay here till you find your way. But if you cause a ruckus.." Emma warned.
"I know. I go to Hades" Josh laughed.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Past

Post by reinbeau »

He was of a good sort. :winky:

Such a terrible problem Beth had to choose between those two. Wouldn't we all like a dose of that. :friends:
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