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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:18 pm
by Ella713
When a young runaway comes to Mick asking for help, he finds a huge case of human trafficking in Los Angeles.

Moonlight Fanfiction
Rated PG

Mick opened the door and saw a young girl who looked to be no more than 13 years old. She looked up at Mick with quivering eyes.
"I need your help please" she said as the tears began to fall. Mick quietly ushered her into the apartment and sat her down.
"Tell me what's the matter" Mick said gently rubbing her shoulder. The girl stiffened and stared at Mick with eyes that had seen so much more for her years. Mick took his hand off her shoulder. He knew the signs.
"What's wrong? Why do you need help?" Mick asked.
"It's my sister........she is in danger." the girl replied.
"Where is she? In danger from who?" Mick asked becoming very very angry.
"His name is Alex. He has a very big house and many children who are kicked out or abandoned or runaway go stay with him. But he expects things. And if you do not do what he says you disappear." She said taking a deep breath. Mick looked hard at young girl. She looked clean and her clothes although outdated, were clean. She had no bruises and signs of drug use.
"What's your name?" Mick asked.
"Okay Haley. How did you and your sister come to stay with this Alex?"
"Our dad was not a nice man. After our mom died he started to drink a a lot, then he started to hit us. So I told Lisa...that's my sister, I told her we should runaway and that I would take care of her. We met this girl at a shelter and she told us about Alex's house. She said it was big and beautiful and we would not have to worry about food, or money or anything. So we went there. At first it was great. He always gave us stuff to eat and warm beds, but as time went by things changed. He wants stuff from all the people who live there." she said taking a breath.
"Ok Haley, I know this is going to be hard, but what kind of stuff is asking the kids to do?" Mick said closing his eyes not wanting to hear what she was going to say, but knowing that he'd have to.
"First it was little stuff, like stealing food or picking people's pockets. For the boys is was go beat up this person. For the know. But lately it's stuff like selling off some of the kids. One girl Jessica was made to to South America because a man paid for her. We haven't seen her since" Haley said wiping her eyes.
"Where is your sister now?" Mick asked standing up.
"She is in the hallway waiting for me" She said walking towards the door. "Lisa....come out. It's okay. He's going to help us" A little girl about 10 or 11 years old came out. She ran to Haley and began to sob. Mick shook his head. Whoever this Alex creep was he was about to get the visit of a lifetime!

Re: Runaway

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:00 pm
by Ella713
Mick called Zoe who rushed over immediately.
"Zoe, this is Haley and her sister Lisa. They will need a place to stay for a little bit". Mick said.
"Of course!" Zoe replied sensing that these girls had been dealt a harsh blow in life. "Gabe and I will
do anything to help"
"Well, it shouldn't be any more than a couple of days but just see that they get some food in them" Mick said softly. Zoe nodded.
"Come on girls, let's have some fun" Zoe said with a huge grin. Haley and Lisa were apprehensive, but when Mick nodded his head at them they turned to leave with Zoe.

Mick started to get to work. First he called Ted and told him to find out as much information he could about this Alex guy and his home. Then he called Logan and told him to find out about calls to South America.

Zoe and the girls drove around Hollywood for while. Zoe asked them questions trying to make them feel at ease. But something told her these girls hadn't felt at ease in a very long time if ever.
"Hey, I have some shopping to do you two want to come with me?" They shrugged their shoulders.
Zoe found parking at Hollywood & Highland and got the girls out of the car.
The girls looked around in awe. They came from a small city called El Centro and life there was bleak. Never in their wildest dreams did they hope to see something like this.

Zoe took them into the GAP Kids store and insisted on them getting some clothing that was 1. current 2. stylish and 3. Fun. Slowly the girls started to behave like kids instead of scared fugitives. And when they each had a brand new wardrobe Zoe suggested they have some lunch. They laughed and joked while they dined on Johnny Rockets burgers, fries and giant milkshakes.
"How come your not eating" Lisa asked.
"Because I have super cute husband at home who doesn't want me to get fat" Zoe said and stuck out her tongue. Haley immediately sensed that Zoe was uncomfortable.
"Thank you for the clothes and food Zoe, but we don't you to spend all your money or make your husband mad at you" She said carefully
"When you meet my husband you will see how far that is from the truth!" Zoe giggled. "Come on, let's get you home"
Haley and Lisa smiled at each other as Zoe said the word home. They held hands in the back seat hoping that everything would be okay.

Re: Runaway

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:09 pm
by Ella713
Ted looked at the information and shook his head and read it again. This guy Alex was bad news.
He called Mick as soon as he got all the information compiled.
"What you got Ted?" Mick asked hopefully
"Mick,.....this guy is really bad news...tell me you won't try and handles him on your own."
"Ted, I'll be fine. And if it sounds really dangerous I'll call Brian or Isabelle, so give it to me"
"Okay. Alex is also known as Alexander Potivikz, born in the Ukraine. He was a Silver Medalist in the Winter Olympics. After that he had a bunch of failed businesses, came to the States in 1999 and immediately got some investors to fund his idea for a home for troubled children. You know how rich people are when they get a cause they believe in, they just started handing him money. I mean tons of money. He keeps everything just a bit above the level of suspicion, but there's been rumors floating around. A woman by the name of Amanda Downing complained that Alex wouldn't let her see her sister. So she started doing some investigative work on her own and found out her sister had been sent to South America but no one could tell her anything beyond that point. So I started sniffing around other agencies for children in South America and I came up with one that fits the bill. It opened around the same time that Alex opened his facility."

Re: Runaway

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:23 pm
by Ella713
Zoe and the girls pulled up to her house. Haley got out and held Lisa's hand tightly.
"Is this a haunted house?" Lisa asked staring up at the old Victoria home.
"No. But it is an old house, but absolutely no ghosts" Zoe said walking next to them.
Gabriel came to the door and met them. He smiled brightly.
"Hello Haley, hello Lisa! My dad told me about your situation and Zoe and I will be happy to have you stay with us" he said as he led them inside. The girls looked all around the large house.
"I knew you two would want to sleep in the same room, so I moved two beds inside the guest room upstairs. Looks like you got some new clothes" Gabriel said.
"Yeah....uh Zoe s..said we could pick out some stuff" Haley said nervously. Gabriel smiled brightly.
"And that's all you came home with" He said looking at Zoe and winking his eye. "Where's the toys, the cd's, the video games?" Haley and Lisa blinked and looked at the couple in confusion. Gabriel stooped down to the girls.
"MY wife knows nothing about shopping. How about I take you two out and show you how shopping is done?" he said with a smile. Haley and Lisa began to laugh because they knew he was joking.

Ted and Amy and Mila stopped by and the girls went upstairs to their room. Haley, Lisa and Mila could be heard laughing all the way downstairs.

Re: Runaway

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:26 pm
by Ella713
Logan had located the home belonging to Alex and Mick decided he do some recon first. He surveyed quietly around the property. It was a very large Tudor style home with a large fenced in backyard. He noted about 6 surveillance cameras. Mick studied the house and decided on a course of action.

"Brian I need you to call your contact and find some information on a young girl named Jessica Downing. Ted said she had been sold and sent to South America, but he couldn't locate an exact date" Mick said.
"Sure dad, how old is the woman?" Brian asked.
"Brian,.....she's 15 years old." Mick said sadly. Brian said nothing but Mick knew and felt his anger.
"Give me 10 minutes dad" Brian said and abruptly hung up the phone.

Alex went through all the stuff they had left behind but it wasn't much. He realized how foolish he had been letting the children roam around freely. He needed to be more strict. He slowly walked around his large home and viewed the children playing video games and eating pizza. Alex decided on a plan. He would keep the girls as they have value overseas. The boys however were unnecessary. He called his partner Yushi. They needed to get it done as soon as possible.

Haley and Lisa were slowly getting used to staying with Gabriel and Zoe. But Haley feared that they would be sent to Foster Care and separated forever, or worse sent back home to their father. Zoe peeked her head in their room.
"You two all ready for bed?" She asked. They immediately jumped into bed. Zoe sat down gently on Haley's bed.
"I've been talking to Gabe and he thinks we should put the two of you in school. What do you think?"
It had been so long since Haley had seen a school room she didn't know what to say. Lisa smiled brightly.
"Really? A real school with kids like us?" Zoe smiled.
"Yes, a real school, but I don't think there are any children as wonderful as you two in the whole world" Zoe said realizing that she meant the words she was speaking. Gabriel heard his wife when he was passing by their room and he smiled. Maybe he would have children after all. Haley and Lisa got out from under the covers and hugged Zoe as hard as they could. Lisa rested her head on Zoe shoulders.
"Are you going to be our mama now?" She asked. Zoe thought for a moment.
"That sounds like an excellent idea Lisa!" Zoe said with tears in her eyes as she hugged the girls swearing to never let any harm come to them. Gabriel smiled and went into his office and called his mom to let her know that she had grand daughters!

Re: Runaway

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:38 pm
by Ella713
Brian called Mick back with the information. Jessica Downing had flown under the assumed name
Conchita Valez and was met by a Hector Consta.
"Dad I want to handle this." Brian said in a steely voice. "I can get there faster." He pleaded.
Mick nodded. "Do what you need to Brian. Understand?" Mick said. Brian nodded and took off for South America in search of Jessica Downing.

Mick called Carl and they decided they would go tonight.

Amy and Zoe sat on the porch sipping glasses of white wine while Gabe was out with the girls.
"Zoe, I'm speechless. You were always saying you never wanted the responsibility of children and now you're going take on not 1 but 2 preteen girls" Amy chuckled.
"Amy, you know me. Always choosing the hard way. But how could we not? Those girls have suffered and they need someone to care for them".
" I know. And they are sooo cute! Mila said that "considering that humble backgrounds have been shown to to produce studious.....and exceptional intellect...I think it was something like that" She chuckled.
"Oh Mila!" Zoe laughed.

Carl got out of car with Mick search warrant in hand.
"Let's take this slimebag down Mick" Carl said his hand on his gun.
"Ok. Stay behind me" Mick said over his shoulder.
They walked through the gate and headed for the front porch.
"You don't want to enter from the rear?" Carl asked. Mick shook his head.
"All his men are guarding the back. I'm sure Haley and her sister weren't the first to escape via that route. Alex knows this. You ready?"
Mick kicked in the heavy front door with is all his might. Carl started to scream.
"On the ground!! I said on the ground!" Carl yelled at the two men who were caught off guard and by surprise. Mick ran quickly through the house. On the second and third levels of the house he found 7 young girls varying in ages 10-16 years. They were all bound with zip ties. Mick ripped apart the ties and ushered the girls out of the room.
"Where are the boys" He asked the one of the older girls.
"I don't know. Alex told his partner Yushi they were going to take the boys to........someplace called Fenton.. I think. They left about 30 minuets ago." she said in a shaky voice. Mick hurried the girls down the stairs and out of the house in to the hands of officers that were waiting.
"Carl have you ever heard of a place called Fenton?" Mick asked.
"There's the Henry F. Fenton asylum about 3 miles from here. But it's abandoned".
"We have to get there now! That's where he took the boys!"
Carl and Mick put pedal to the medal making it to Fenton in record time. They heard a scream and Mick very quickly made his way into the facility. He found both Alex and Yushi hulking over the young boys with very big saws in their hands.
"Make sure you cut up all the body parts and throw theem away" Alex was saying to his pal.
Mick sped into the room and quickly grabbed Yushi's arm giving it a violent snap and the saw clanked to the cement floor. Yushi yelled out in pain. Mick threw one forceful blow to the man's face which knocked him out. Alex tried to run out of the room but Carl was there pointing the barrel of his gun at him. Carl turned him around and slammed him up against the wall to cuff him.
Mick looked around the room. They had killed 2 boys already......Mick looked around at the others that were left.
"Come on. We're taking you outta here" He said softly.

Alex and Yushi were tried and sentenced to life in prison with no opportunity for parole. All the children were placed in foster homes or with the care of a relative. Except for two little girls and Mick knew where they were.

Re: Runaway

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:45 pm
by Ella713
Gabriel and Zoe sat Haley and Lisa down for a talk. Haley held Lisa's hand tightly. Gabe leaned forward the way adults do when they are preparing you for bad news.
"We wanted to tell you that Alex has been caught and placed in jail and he's never getting out" Gabriel said, Haley let out a deep breath and looked at her sister.
"Its over Lisa" she whispered to her sister.
"And........." Gabriel said dramatically "Zoe and I would like to adopt you both and have you live with us as a family" Haley sat straight up, hers eyes open wide.
"You mean you want us to stay with you forever?" Zoe rolled her eyes
"Well, I'm sure you two are going to want to get married and have children of your own!" She joked.
"What, about our real dad" Haley asked. Gabriel looked at Zoe quickly
"Well he thought it would be for the best" Gabriel said quietly.

Brian was in Buenos Ares in a matter of seconds. He let his mind roam the large ranch until he found what he was looking for. He stormed the structure, laying waste to all that lived there. He found Jessica Downing in a wine cellar locked in a small room. In a dirty dress and shivering, Brian took off his suit jacket and placed it around her shoulders.
"It's time to go home" He said in a quiet voice. Brian took her the nearest hospital and called her sister. When he arrived back in Los Angeles, he took a detour to El Centro to see Haley and Lisa's father.

The End

Re: Runaway

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:40 pm
by jen

This was wonderful!

The vampires here were using their abilities for good and I love that! A lot of young people will have a future that otherwise wouldn't have had.

Nice job!!!

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Runaway

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:00 pm
by Ella713
Hello Jen!!!!

You know, after I typed this one up, I thought Whoa, those two stories were kind of grim! I suppose it is the season for grimness :D