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The Faceless Ones - Chapter 3 (PG13) Chall 140 8/7/14

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:53 pm
by darkstarrising
Hi, all. :wave:

With the start of the new season and SOTB still weeks away, the muse, not being a patient soul, decided to write her own story. ‘The Faceless Ones’ is a continuation of the first two stories in the Moonlight / H50 crossover series, in answer to Challenge 140. Like the first two, ‘The Long Journey Home’ and ‘Affairs of the Heart’, ‘The Faceless Ones’ is fairly short (9 chapters, all of which are written).

All 9 chapters will be posted before SOTB occurs. For those of you who watch H50, ‘The Faceless Ones’ takes place between episodes 4.20 (when Danny kids McGarrett about not knowing where Catherine is. His reply is ‘she’s visiting friends on the mainland’) and 4.21 where McGarrett and Catherine go to Afghanistan.

From the first two chapters, there are horrific murders in both LA and on Oahu that bear remarkable similarity. Mick has flown to Oahu, fearing that the murderer there is a vampire, while Beth remains in LA to help Carl with the LA murders.

A/N - Since the action in this story bounces back and forth between LA and Oahu, I nearly went insane trying to keep track of time of day or even what day it was, since there is a 3 hour time difference between the two locations. That's why you'll see Day 1, Day 2, etc., next to subheadings.

With that, I hope you enjoy.

As always, I don’t profit from these stories, but really do enjoy playing with the characters.

The Faceless Ones

Chapter 3

Day 3 - LA – morning

Beth sipped her coffee as she waited for her guest to arrive. Carl didn’t seem surprised when she called, asking him to meet her at a nearby café. It seems he’d reconciled himself to the fact that like it or not, Beth was going to do what she did best – dig until she got to the truth.

A short time later, the detective joined her. “Sorry I’m late, but the chief had an impromptu cheerleading session. Seems the mayor is worried he can’t keep the lid on this much longer so he’s throwing everything he can at finding the killer.”

“Something tells me his primary motivation isn’t protecting the good citizens of LA.”

“You got that right; how he handles this situation could make or break his chances for re-election. You find anything?”

Beth feigned shock. “Why Lieutenant Davis, after you expressly told me to keep my nose out of your investigation?”

“Right. C’mon Beth, you wouldn’t call me if you hadn’t found something. You eat yet?”

“No, I’m not really hungry, but go ahead and order something.”

After Carl placed his order, Beth conveyed what she’d found. “OK. I took a look at your four missing people. Besides being tourists, they’re all fairly wealthy.”

“Even the graduate student?”

“She’s an heiress to a small fortune when she turns 25.”

“Damn! How’d we miss that? So this was supposed to be a kidnap and ransom deal?”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but what does Mick think?”

Beth paused momentarily, wondering how much she should share with Carl. “I don’t know. He was called away to Oahu to help a friend with a case there. Like it or not, I’m on my own.”

“Far as I can see, you’re doing pretty well on your own. What do you think went wrong with the kidnappings?”

Beth shrugged. “Honestly? I don’t know. Maybe there was a falling out among the kidnappers and they decided to get rid of their victims.”

“OK, but why aren’t we finding the bodies at the same place and time? Doesn’t make sense.”

“Unless the two bodies that were found don’t have anything to do with the other two missing people.”

Carl handed Beth a folder under the table, which she slipped into her bag. “Three bodies. Found another one last night in a different place than the first two. Same MO, though.”

“Do we know who the third victim is?”

“The best the ME could tell is that the victim is male. If the dental records confirm it, then our victim is the Virginia banker, Kevin Lambert.”

“Which leaves only the graduate student as unaccounted for.”

When Carl’s order arrived, Beth asked a few more questions while the detective hurriedly ate. When he finished, he complimented Beth. “Listen. Good work on finding the kidnap and ransom angle. I’ll make sure that if another report of a wealthy missing person is filed, we’ll jump on it. And Beth, you sure you don’t want to work for the DA’s office again? We could really use your help.”

“Sorry, but I’m a journalist at heart, Carl.”

“Yeah, I hear you. You gotta do what you love. Whatever that is, you really do need to get some sun.”

When Carl returned to the precinct, Barry Granger, one of the better patrol cops to come through the ranks in recent years, was waiting for him, saying he had something of possible interest.

“I got a couple of guys on the street who feed me info from time to time. Last night, one of them tells me he saw something that looked weird. Maybe it’s nothing, but I thought it might have something to do with one of your missing persons.”

“Go on.”

“About a week ago, he’s driving home through east LA and sees a woman come out of an alley. She’s trying to flag down cars, but nobody stops. By the time he gets close enough to help, two guys, in his words, ‘appear out of nowhere’ and take the woman away. He says it was dark and he didn’t get a real good look at the woman but described her as 20-something, white, with short hair. Sound like your missing person?”

“Yeah, it does. Did he give you the location where he saw this woman?”

Granger handed over a piece of paper. “Yeah. As I said, it might be nothing…”

“Thanks, Barry. I’ll check this out and let you know. If this is our missing person, you just might have saved her life.”


Day 3 - Oahu – Steve McGarrett’s home at daybreak

Catherine was already brewing a large pot of coffee when Steve came down to the kitchen. Between her long nap on the flight home and three hour time difference, she awoke before her lover, who had slept fitfully. On the way home from the airport, Steve had told her that the other members of 5-0 would be over early and that Mick had something he wanted to share with them. More than that he wouldn’t say, but it was clear Steve was troubled.

It wasn’t long before Chin and Kono arrived together, with Danny soon following. A few minutes later there was another knock on Steve’s door. Glancing at Danny, Mick declined the coffee he was offered, saying he’d already had breakfast.

Danny didn’t take the bait, choosing instead to comment on PI’s lighter attire. “What? You left the bat coat at home?”

“Just trying to blend in while I’m here, that’s all.”

“Yeah, being dressed in black from head to foot on a tropical island would kinda make you stand out.”

Steve then addressed his team. “As you know, there have been two murders in LA resembling the ones we’re investigating. Mick and his wife Beth have been read in on our case and Mick is here to help determine if we’re dealing with the same killer. Chin, what’d you get from the missing persons reports?”

“More questions than answers, I’m afraid. Unlike the murders in LA, only one of our missing persons wasn’t a resident. Wanna guess where he lived?”

Danny raised his hand. “Let me take a stab …LA?”

“Give the man a prize. All of the others are locals.”

“Were any of them wealthy?”

Kono answered that one. “Only the guy from LA. The rest were what I’d describe as low to middle income. One other thing; none of the reports were filed less than three months ago.”

Steve tried to connect the dots. “OK, so one thing we need is to have Max check and see how long our victims have been dead.”

Danny followed his partner’s thoughts. “You think our psycho started here, then moved on to LA?”

“Maybe. Mick, what’s the longest any of your victims has been missing?”

“About a month.”

“OK, so maybe that’s what we’re dealing with here. Our killer burns the bodies, stores them somewhere, then dumps them in the storage container before he leaves the islands.”

Danny countered. “Time-wise, that doesn’t add up with the bodies being dumped during the power outage a couple of nights ago.”

Kono disagreed. “I’m not so sure it matters. I reviewed the security footage and noticed the container’s lock was already broken before the power outage occurred.”

“OK, so the power outage isn’t a factor. Like Steve said, maybe the body dump occurred before our psycho schmuck left Oahu. Maybe the container was more accessible then.”

Mick was impressed by how Steve’s team tossed ideas back and forth, extrapolating what they knew to explain what could have happened. It was clear that Danny was hoping for human culprits, a hope Mick was about to dash.

Steve turned to Mick. “Anything else you can tell us about the LA victims?”

“There’s a couple more differences between our victims and yours. In LA, the bodies were found about two weeks apart in different places. So, our killer isn’t storing or trying to hide his victims; he’s dumping as he kills and wants his victims to be found.” Mick and Steve exchanged a look before the PI continued. “But there is also a similarity that you’re not aware of, one that Steve asked me to verify.”

Under his breath, Danny muttered. “Here we go.”

“Beth and I examined the remains of both LA victims and determined the killers were blood demons.”

Chin’s head snapped up. “Blood demons? Like the guy who kidnapped that little girl last year?”

“Yeah. I paid a quick visit to your morgue before coming here. I only got a quick look at two of the bodies and like LA, blood demons are involved. Unlike LA, there appears to be only one involved here.”

Kono was the first to voice skepticism. “No way you could know that. Last year, you told us that blood demons leave a mark on their victim’s skin. Our victims’ skin was burned away. And how did you get into the morgue in the first place?”

Before Mick answered, Steve cautioned his team. “I trust each and every one of you completely, but what Mick tells you now can’t leave this room. If you’re not comfortable with what you hear and what you might encounter during this investigation, you’re free to leave. No hard feelings.”

When nobody moved, Mick started to explain. “Kono’s right. Blood demons do leave a mark on their victims, bite marks. They also leave something that only another blood demon can detect – their scent.”

It took a few seconds for the meaning of Mick’s statement to sink in, but when it did, Catherine stated what others were thinking. “That means that you’re a blood demon, whatever that is.”

Sadness filled Mick’s eyes. “Yes.”

Catherine looked around the room. “Am I the only one who doesn’t know what a blood demon is?”

Kono answered. “No, we heard about them last year, but I don’t know what they are either.”

Mick sighed before he answered. “The term ‘blood demon’ is the oriental name for vampires.”

There was a moment of stunned silence before Catherine challenged. “Seriously? Is this some kind of sick joke?”

Danny replied. “It’s sick all right, but it’s no joke. I had the dubious pleasure of being kidnapped in LA by blood demons after Mary was assaulted. Trust me, these guys are very real and seriously dangerous.”

“Is that why Mick makes you nervous?”

“Yeah, but understand, he helped get me out of that mess. It took a while, but I’ve come to understand that vampire or not, Mick is one of the good guys. Other vampires? Yeah, they’re scary bad, but I’ve dealt with human scumbags who are worse.”

Mick was pleasantly surprised to hear Danny defend him. The detective had initially struggled with his feelings after he found out what the PI was. Danny had been fearful and disgusted with how vampires sustained themselves, but eventually came to understand that not all vampires were monsters just as not all people were saints.

Kono alone seemed unphased. “OK. Is there anything special about blood demons we should know?”

Mick launched into the litany of vampire abilities, their enhanced strength, speed, senses and longevity. Weaknesses were fewer in number. “Staking a blood demon just paralyzes him. The quickest way to kill one is to either cut off his head or set him on fire. Silver is like poison and will eventually kill us, if you’re into torture.”

Fascinated, Kono peppered Mick with questions. “So, if you were shot….”

“It would hurt like hell and I’d bleed all over Steve’s floor, but I’d heal. Hope you don’t want a demonstration.”

“God, no! You said blood demons live a long time. How old are you?”

“I was born in 1922. My human life ended in 1952 and you don’t want to ask how.”

Danny jumped in. “Unless it’s some sort of vampire state secret, how old is Kostan? He looks barely old enough to shave.”

“Josef is over 400 years old. He was turned when he was about 25. Neither of us has aged since we were turned and we won’t.”

“What about Beth?”

“Beth was human when you met her last year. She was turned a few months after we returned home. She’s still adjusting, so she wouldn’t do well in this heat. And since I don’t want to leave her longer than I have to, I’d like to contribute what I can, then get back to LA.”

Danny persisted. “I take it you did the honors.”

Steve was getting worried that his partner was going too far; the last time Danny pushed Mick’s buttons, he ended up passed out on the floor. “Danny…”

“It’s OK, Steve, and yes, I turned her. I would have destroyed any other vampire that even touched my wife.”

That seemed to satisfy Danny. “Good to know.”

Steve addressed his team. “Any more questions before we move on to the investigation?”

Catherine shook her head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe any of this. You’re telling me there are blood demons or vampires or whatever walking among us and nobody notices?”

Mick had a feeling of déjà vu; he’d had this same conversation with Beth in what seemed ages ago. “People do notice things, but they dismiss what they see because they can’t possibly be real. Some humans don’t dismiss them and come to understand that not all vampires need to be feared. They help us stay hidden in plain sight.” Mick grinned. “And forget what you’ve seen in movies, the coffins, garlic and all the rest.”

Kono hesitated before her next question. “So, if you don’t sleep in a coffin…”

“We sleep in freezers. Slows the decay.”


Mick sighed; Kono’s fascination was getting a little too personal. “You understand I’m dead, right? While being a vampire slows the rate of my body’s decay, it doesn’t completely stop it. Freezing helps.”

“Is there some way you can convince Catherine about what you are without hurting yourself?”


Danny backed away. “Aw jeez, here come the nightmares again. You had to ask him that, huh?”

Mick just grinned. “What’s the problem, Danny?” Before the detective could answer, Mick had moved across the room faster than any one could see.

Kono was impressed but her cousin had remained quiet during the discussion, something that worried Steve. “Problem, Chin?”

“Yeah, maybe a big one. Legend says that blood demons need human blood to survive. Is that true?”

“Yes, but I don’t drink from living humans. I drink morgue blood. Most other vampires have an arrangement with willing human donors called freshies.”

“You said ‘most’. What do the rest do?”

Mick was prepared for at least one of Steve’s team to be repulsed. “They take blood from humans against their will. Sometimes they go too far.”

“In other words, they murder their victims. Is that what we’re dealing with here?”

“Yes, but this is different somehow.”

“I don’t see how. Murder is murder.”

Steve knew that Chin had a strong moral code, but Mick’s world was unfamiliar and like most people, Chin was wary of the unknown. “Chin, give Mick a chance to explain. If you’re not comfortable afterward, maybe you should walk away from this one.”

When Chin remained stubbornly silent, Mick explained. “Vampires taking a human’s blood against their will is similar to human rape. In the worst cases, gang rape, there is more than one human attacker involved. That doesn’t happen often when vampires attack humans. Predatory vamps are possessive of their prey – they’re not into sharing.”

Danny swallowed hard. “OK, as charming as all that sounds, what does it have to do with our murder cases?”

“When I sensed the bodies in LA, there was more than one vampire scent on each body. The strongest of the two was the same, but the fainter scent was different. When I sensed a couple of the bodies in your morgue last night, I got a different result. There was only one vampire scent and it was different from any of the ones in LA.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“The stronger the scent, the more recent the vampire has been in contact with the human.”

Steve was beginning to catch on. “So the stronger scent is likely the vampire who dumped the bodies. What about the fainter one?”

So was Danny. “Can’t be the vamp that drained his victim in the first place. Wouldn’t his scent just burn away?”

Mick agreed. “Yeah, unless he handled the burned body at some point.”

“So what are we dealing with on Oahu?”

Mick shook his head. “Not sure yet, but it seems that the vamp who drained your victims also burned them and placed them in the shipping container.”

Kono queried. “From what Max tells me, it doesn’t take much blood loss to cause death. Is it common for these predatory vamps to drain their victims completely?”

“Actually, it’s very unusual. An adult human male has about a gallon and a half of blood in his system. A vampire trying to drink all of that at once is like you trying to drink the same amount of coffee.”

Chin didn’t like what he was hearing. “You know this from personal experience as a vampire?”

“No, I learned that on the battlefields of Europe, when I served as a US army medic in World War II. You think what vampires do to humans is monstrous? You should see what humans do to each other in war. Maybe it’s fear or the instinct to survive, but I’ve seen otherwise decent men do things they normally wouldn’t dream of doing.” Mick locked eyes with Chin. “I saw more blood, brutality and senseless killing on those battlefields than in the sixty years I’ve been a vampire.”

Chin blinked; his relatives had whispered similar stories of human atrocity from their own wartime experiences. Catching Steve’s eye, Chin nodded his willingness to stay on the investigation. He was beginning to understand what Danny said about some humans being worse than vampires.

Mick excused himself to take the call, returning a few minutes later. “That was Beth. Seems a third body has shown up, same as the others. That leaves one victim that we know of still unaccounted for – a 24 year old female graduate student from Ohio. Beth will also pass on to Josef what I’ve found here.”

Catherine was puzzled. “You said Josef wanted these murders solved as much as we do. Why?”

“Vampires, like humans, have their own communities, with rules that help keep us safely hidden. We also have our own trouble makers. As the head of our community, it’s Josef’s responsibility to deal with vamps who disobey the rules and threaten our safety.”

Danny looked pointedly at Kono. “And before anyone asks, I for one, believe we should not pursue what Mick mean by ‘deals with’, seeing as how we represent law enforcement, at least most of the time. Besides, I’d like to sleep tonight, thank you very much.”

Steve couldn’t help but notice Kono’s disappointment; as much as Chin was leery of Mick, his cousin seemed fascinated by him. “OK, getting back to Kono’s question about draining the victim. If it isn’t typical, any idea why our victims were drained so completely?”

“Maybe. A few years ago, we encountered a vamp named Pierce Anders, a high end plastic surgeon.”

Danny muttered. “A blood sucking plastic surgeon. Go figure.”

“When Anders operated on patients with rare blood types, he’d siphon off about a pint of blood. That’s about the same amount lost when humans donate blood, so there was little danger to his patients. Anders would then sell the blood to someone in the market for that type. The only way we found out about him was when one of his patients died.”

Kono was intrigued. “You mean different blood types taste different?”

“Yeah, kinda like how different wines don’t taste the same.”

Danny shook his head. “Great, now I can’t drink wine without thinking of blood.”

Steve asked. “Could Anders be behind these current murders?”

“No. Like I said, vamps who endanger our community get dealt with, some, like Anders, permanently.”

Catherine was curious. “How does a vampire know what someone’s blood type is?”

“Only by tasting it and I don’t think any of you are offering.”

Before Kono could answer, Danny replied. “Absolutely we are not offering.”

Mick looked around the room. “If you don’t mind, would each of you tell me your blood type?”

Steve indicated he was O-, Chin and Danny A+, Kono B+ and Catherine AB-.

“OK, with one exception, all of you have relatively common blood types. Catherine’s blood type is very rare. Less than 1% of the population has it.”

Catherine mused. “So if a vampire wanted something out of the ordinary…”

“That someone would pay a high price for your blood.”

Steve didn’t like where this conversation was heading; just the thought of Catherine being attacked made his gut clench. “OK, is there any way you can tell what blood types our victims had?”

“No, there’s nothing left to ta…analyze. The only other way is to identify your victims and get their medical records.”

For the first time, Kono looked dejected. “With the little we have to go on, identification is going to take some time. Time your fourth victim in LA might not have.”

“True, but since the LA victims have been identified, it won’t take long to get their blood types.” Mick drew out his phone and called Beth. After a brief conversation, he turned to the assembled humans. “Beth was already thinking along those lines. All of our victims were type AB-.”

After a surreptitious glance at Catherine, Kono asked. “So what do we do now?”

Steve made eye contact with every member of the team. “We need to identify our victims as quickly as possible. If we find out who they were, we find out where they lived. Maybe a friend, a neighbor or relative saw something they didn’t understand. Something that may help us find out what happened to our victims. Kono –go back to the docks and talk to the yard manager. Find out everything you can about that container – who owns it, when and how often it was moved. Chin, Catherine –contact the people who filed the missing persons reports. Find out everything you can – their friends, hangouts, problems – anything you can think of. Danny and I are going to see if Max has found out anything more that could help find this killer.”

Mick interrupted. “Mind if I come along? I’d like to get a closer look at the rest of the victims.”

Steve agreed, then addressed his team. “This is all we work on. Any questions?”

Danny raised his hand. “I got one, two actually. What if there are more bodies we haven’t found yet? What if whatever happened here is still happening? It’s not like we can go up against these blood demon guys and live to tell about it.”

Mick answered. “You’re right, you can’t, but I can. If this is still going on, you let me deal with it. OK?”

“Hey, I’m all for that, but as impressive as you are, you’re just one guy. What if there are more blood demons than you can handle?”

“You let me worry about that. The less you know, the better.”


Day 3 - Unknown location in LA –afternoon

Cold and drowsy, Ruby shivered in the dark. If only she’d wake up, maybe she’d find that this was all a dream, a really bad one.
She tried to move, but found herself held fast on some kind of platform, her mouth bound with a velvet gag. What little she had on in the way of clothing did nothing to ward off the cold. Whatever she had gotten herself into, she was beginning to fear she’d never get out again.

The guy said they had to get me ready. Something about a cold dish. I get the cold part, but what the hell else were they talking about?

Suddenly, a spotlight shone down on her, causing her to close her eyes against the unaccustomed brightness. She could hear movement as though there were people coming into the room. A short time later, a woman’s voice broke the silence.

“What we have here is a remarkable specimen. She is young, strong and pleasingly aromatic, but her true treasure lies within.”

Aromatic? What the hell?

Ruby felt the prick of a needle being inserted into her arm and turning her head slightly, saw her blood flow into something that looked like an old fashioned goblet. After a few minutes, disembodied hands removed the needle and passed the container to those hidden in the shadows.

“Taste her sweetness, my friends. Hers is a truly outstanding bouquet. Soon, one of you have the exclusive rights to this luscious vessel, to enjoy at leisure on our premises. Of course, you may do more than just partake of her blood, if mutually desired. Who could resist the charms of such a beautiful, young woman? After each of you has had a chance to examine this jewel, we’ll start the bidding.”

Ruby couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was being sold to weirdos who drank blood? Soon, the people in the shadows drew near and she could feel their cold hands touch her all over. Some were gentle, others not. Against the odds, she started to struggle, but her bonds held and the gag stifled her cries.

“As you can see, she is quite spirited as well, making her all the more enticing. Who will start the bidding?”

The first bid was ten thousand dollars. The next, thirty thousand. By the time the last bid was placed, Ruby found that she’d been sold for over one hundred thousand dollars.

The auctioneer seemed pleased. “You have truly discerning taste, sir, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy all her many delights. And now, if you would mark your purchase, we’ll maintain her for as long as you wish.”

A blonde man stepped out from the shadows and approached Ruby. His smile was as cold as the fingers that stroked her throat. “I’m so looking forward to enjoying you, my dear, for many days to come.”

The man’s eyes started to glow, but it was the fangs that truly terrified Ruby. As fang pierced flesh, Ruby screamed her fear, a scream no one but her captors could hear.

Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 3 (PG13) Chall 140 8/7/14

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:30 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
Oh, that last part gave me chills. :gasp:

Very interesting that Catherine has the same rare blood type as Beth. :chin:

I liked how Kono was so interested in vampires and Chin was so skeptical. With all the tribal beliefs in Hawaii and the sacred areas, I would have expected Chin to be more accepting.

And I really was hoping Mick was going to make his scary face again. :whistle: :snicker:

Another terrific chapter! Keep 'em coming!

Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 3 (PG13) Chall 140 8/7/14

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:12 am
by darkstarrising
MickLifeCrisis wrote:Oh, that last part gave me chills. :gasp:

Very interesting that Catherine has the same rare blood type as Beth. :chin:

I liked how Kono was so interested in vampires and Chin was so skeptical. With all the tribal beliefs in Hawaii and the sacred areas, I would have expected Chin to be more accepting.

And I really was hoping Mick was going to make his scary face again. :whistle: :snicker:

Another terrific chapter! Keep 'em coming!
Thanks, MLC :hug: Glad you liked it...Chin just needed a little convincing. Kono, on the other hand, seems to be game for almost anything.

As for Ruby, she has no idea what she's gotten herself into :devil:

Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 3 (PG13) Chall 140 8/7/14

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:38 am
by allegrita
Eeeeeeeeeewwwww... poor Ruby! :gasp: :chair: At times like this, I'm so glad to be boring old O-positive. :laugh:

I love the way you've portrayed all the 5-0 team and how they react. I don't know why, but something about Kono's reaction seems a bit odd... like she already knows about blood demons, maybe...? :chin: Either that, or she's just a danger junkie. :winky: First Adam, now Josef and Mick? :snicker: Catherine, on the other hand, seems almost unable to believe her eyes and ears. I guess finding out your sweetie has a vampire twin would be a bit much to take in all at once. :dizzy:

Loved this chapter!

Re: The Faceless Ones - Chapter 3 (PG13) Chall 140 8/7/14

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:30 am
by darkstarrising
allegrita wrote:Eeeeeeeeeewwwww... poor Ruby! :gasp: :chair: At times like this, I'm so glad to be boring old O-positive. :laugh:

I love the way you've portrayed all the 5-0 team and how they react. I don't know why, but something about Kono's reaction seems a bit odd... like she already knows about blood demons, maybe...? :chin: Either that, or she's just a danger junkie. :winky: First Adam, now Josef and Mick? :snicker: Catherine, on the other hand, seems almost unable to believe her eyes and ears. I guess finding out your sweetie has a vampire twin would be a bit much to take in all at once. :dizzy:

Loved this chapter!
Thanks, alle :hug: You and me both, :snicker: Rare blood types can be sooo dangerous!!!

For me, with Kono being the least experienced member of the 5-0 team, blood demons are different and fascinating, while the others understand that they're also dangerous. She's not naive, just not as jaded as the others.

Catherine will come to understand Mick a bit more later on and see more than a few similarities with Steve.