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Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:36 pm
by MoonShadow
Pairing: Josef and Sarah
Rating: G
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Flying solo on this one so all errors are my own,

Summary: Nothing happens by chance, beware of coincidences

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime
by Moonshadow

For most people, time is a precious commodity. Moments are fleeting. Opportunities are easily lost. The clock keeps ticking. Still, it only takes five minutes to change everything.

She glanced at her wristwatch, huffed a little heavier and tried to press through the crowd to prevent the inevitable. She was late there was no changing that fact. The trains were running on time so that excuse was mote, and being the daughter of a very wealthy man made any excuse sound pathetic. As the crowd thickened at the light she felt the snag and pop of a briefcase catching her stocking. “Great. Just wonderful, late and a stocking with a runner in it.” She couldn’t bend over to check the damage because of the crush, but she knew it was there. Stockings were getting harder to come by even in the better shops uptown.

War had made everything harder to come by. She wasn’t blind to the people around her. At home the help often talked about their lives when they thought no one was listening. Listening to their stories made her very aware. War had made life much harder for people without the protective cushion of money. She was grateful and she knew she was lucky.

The traffic light changed and the surge of humanity swept her along with it.. Bumping and jostling before it broke apart flowing around the granite corners of officious buildings, inky newsstands, and creosote soaked power poles. The sunlight was muted and wan as it pushed through the dense grey clouds just giving up the last of their rain. Steamy wisps curled from the asphalt between the shadows and cars.

As she reached for the handle on the heavy glass doors, already closed in their own admonishment at her tardiness, a flicker of dismay crossed her face. The door man had settled into his morning cup of coffee and ignored her struggle. The combination of heels and slick cotton summer gloves made the effort tricky. A quirky dimple danced on the corner of her chin, her grandmother would have been appalled if she’d put on leather gloves before Labor Day. A full smile bloomed at the thought; “war changes some things, but others… not a chance.” It felt good to remember Grandmother Louisa with humor. Eight years of grief was a long time to mourn and Daddy was still mourning. He wasn’t the type of man to let go of things easily, not even in the face of death. She knew letting go of a 21year old daughter wasn’t even in the cards.

Striding into the quiet marbled halls she was rounding the corner as the last elevator door closed with a heavy whoosh and almost inaudible thump. Oh! Damn, just… damn…can this day get any worse? Stabbing at the buttons her heart sank and she shook head staring at the numbers above the elevator. Frustrated with herself as much as with fate; she watched the numbers lighting and fading one by one. A deep sigh escaped her, she knew, they’d certainly let her go over this. One time to many she’d been late and no amount of overtime had made up for her faults. She’d have to face Daddy, his wrath at her carelessness, her irresponsibility, her immaturity…. The berating litany rang in her ears causing a tear to blur the descending lights.

As the bell dinged the doors slid open with another whoosh of air and she started forward oblivious to the stranger on her left. She did however, notice as he brusquely knocked her against the door causing her shoulder to catch on the rubber seal. She stumbled. His companion caught her arm, steadying her before she fell. She caught her breath and her hat in the same instant. The most amazing eyes pierced her heart with a stab. Just as quickly as it had caught her, the steadying iron grasp released her, and he turned away. She tugged the smooth wool of her jacket back into place desperate to be calm and to collect herself. “Four please.” Was all she felt capable of saying.

The hushed audience in the elevator jolted to a stop, the doors opened she stepped out knowing that a thin veneer of calm was all she could count on. Both men followed closely behind her to the massive glass office doors and one of them opened it for her. It didn’t really matter which one it was because just as she’d expected, the matron of the typing pool was there in the reception lobby, waiting for her, with papers in hand.

“Miss Whitley, these are for you.” The cold efficient face never blinked as she made her announcement and handing over the crisp sheets of paper. “We will mail your final disbursement to your home address.” Sarah’s shoulders settled back. A smooth grace descended around her, chin notched subtly higher. Sarah extended a gloved hand to receive the verdict, acknowledged them with a regal nod and turned to go. Somewhere in her glacial calm she remembered later hearing a man’s voice demanding to know something; what was lost on her. She glided to the door not surprised to find it opened, knowing only that she could still catch the 10:00 train and that she desperately wanted a cigarette.


Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:51 pm
by allegrita
Ohhhhhh, what a wonderful little glimpse into Sarah's life just before that fateful meeting at Grand Central Station! This is a version of Sarah I hadn't thought about--but it makes sense that her dad would insist that she learn the business from the ground up. He had no son, so his daughter would have to be the one to inherit the business. And to a man like Whitley, you learned how to run a company by starting out in the most menial jobs there were, viewing the structure from the bottom up, before you got your chance in a corner office.

So poor Sarah has failed the test. She'll have to face Daddy tonight. No wonder she wants a cigarette so bad... but maybe her priorities will change in a little while, and she won't care quite so much what Daddy thinks of her. :happysigh:

I love the little hint here, that maybe she encountered Josef before they actually "met." (At least that's the impression I get from your story--it was Josef, wasn't it, who helped her catch her balance?)

This is a really amazing story. And a wonderful entry to the Challenge! :clapping:

Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:43 pm
by MoonShadow
:snicker: It was Josef,
in my mind he'd watched her smile to herself and the dimple caught his attention, so did the tear, both so quickly placed side by side snagged his eye. As did that regal grace that she was born with,

here she was young, learning, growing and developing into the woman that Josef saw...

:heart: I love it when he stops by to chat about the little moments...

Oh and i do know that the years are off, but this is how it came out...

Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:04 am
by Lucy
:clapping: Ah....Do we every know when a chance will change our life??
Wonderful glimpse into the history.

Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:39 pm
by MoonShadow
Thanks Lucy!

Sometimes I don't think we realize when fate brushes against the mundane, we just put it down to coincidence. Often, going on our way... but sometimes...

Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:58 am
by cassysj
I must have missed this....what an interesting look at Sarah.

Re: Champagne Challenge #156 Overtime - G

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:28 am
by cassysj
Trying to reread the stories that we are having the Second Chance challenge for. I do love anything with Sarah.