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Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 4

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:49 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.

Chapter 4

The Cleaners had come and gone. Beth and Kylie washed up the dishes and Savannah put them away. Mick had been sitting at the table staring at the group of pictures that had been purposely taken off the wall and smashed. As the women finished up, Mick collected the drawings with a sigh.

“That’s all we can do for tonight I think. I need freezer time and you all should get some rest. I don’t expect Josef will want to stay Up North here any longer than he has to.” They all walked off towards their rooms and said good night.

Mick sat on the edge of the bed and removed his shoes while Beth explored the room a little more. “What a great view! We should come back here sometime. Maybe go skiing in the winter.”

“You live out west where there are terrific ski resorts, and you want to fly across the country to Upper Michigan to go skiing?” Mick laughed.

Beth giggled. “Well, it would be different.”

“That it would,” Mick agreed as he began to strip out of his clothes. “What’s the shower like? Big enough for two?” he asked Beth with a gleam in his eye.

Beth checked out the bathroom. “Very luxurious,” she proclaimed. “And plenty of room for two – in the shower and the Jacuzzi.”

“There’s a Jacuzzi? Well then I’ll start the water while you get ready.”

Beth began to undress and smiled at her naked Mick walking into the bathroom. “If there’s bubblebath, put some in!” she called.

Mick’s head appeared around the edge of the door. “As you wish, my lady,” he said with the half grin that never failed to melt Beth’s heart.

As they settled into the bubbles Beth leaned back against Mick’s chest and sighed. “That didn’t sound like a contented sigh,” Mick said as he rested his chin on her head. “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, I was just thinking. What if Josef really is involved in Jason’s disappearance in some way? Maybe something he did or didn’t do back then?”

“It’s more likely something that Jason did or didn’t do. After all, he’s the one missing.”

“I know, but I just have this feeling that Josef is involved in some way.”

“I know what you mean. And he probably is.”

“How do you think he’ll behave around Savannah?” Beth asked.

Now Mick let out a sigh. “I don’t know. With restraint, I hope. It will help that Kylie is here. I don’t think he’ll do anything to upset her.”

They soaked in silence for a while. “I just can’t help thinking about Jason and what he’s going through. What if that was you, kidnapped by some crazed vampire?”

Mick turned Beth around and sat her on his lap facing him, taking her face in his hands. “I’m right here with you and nothing is going to happen to me. We’ll find Jason and take care of this kidnapper and fly back home to nice, safe LA.”

Beth giggled and Mick captured her mouth before she could say anything else. It was quite a while before he finally settled into his freezer.


They were all gathered around a large dining table watching Josef as he looked carefully at each of the drawings. The air was heavy with impatience. Mick was the first to break the silence.

“Well, Josef? What can you tell us?”

“About what, exactly?” Josef stalled.

“Everything!” Mick said exasperatedly. “The people in these pictures; the copper mines and the mining companies; what Jason might have done back then to cause him to be kidnapped 150 years later.”

Josef sighed and laid the drawings out on the table. He pointed to the one with Jason and the other man posing with their shovels. “Jason went by the name Jeremiah Booth back then,” he said pointing at Jason’s bearded picture. “The other man is Levi Walker.”

“What was your name back then?” Kylie asked.

Josef smiled at her. “Isaac Foster.” Mick’s suppressed a grin as he looked at Beth, but neither of them said anything. Josef picked up the other drawing with the beer toast and himself behind the bar. “I remember the artist asking us to pose for this. The saloon catered to the miners. With vampire hearing I could catch all the whispers about who was finding copper and whose mine shafts were a bust.” With a sigh he leaned back in his chair and looked at the expectant faces around the table.

“I could always smell a good business opportunity. So when I heard about the discovery of copper deposits in Upper Michigan I was among the first rush of prospectors.”

“You don’t strike me as a dig in the dirt kind of guy, even back then,” Mick quipped.

Josef smiled. “And I wasn’t. I went out to open a saloon. I also operated an icehouse out back.” At the puzzled faces of Kylie and Savannah, he explained. “There was no refrigeration back then. I’d have huge blocks of ice cut out of nearby Portage Lake or even Lake Superior in the winter and carried by sled or wagon to my saloon. I had a storage area out back where I kept the ice blocks layered with sawdust or straw. Mostly sawdust from the trees they would cut into boards to shore up the mines or build crude lodgings. The ice would keep all summer and I sold it. Not to mention it gave me a good place to sleep.

“I quietly bought up forest land so I could sell the lumber to the mining companies. And I bought up what other land I could, even if a prospector had given up on it. I had lived long enough by then to know that the future always held new inventions and that meant new possibilities.”

“You diversified your holdings,” Beth stated. Josef nodded.

“Always.” He reached for the picture of the men with their shovels and continued his story. “Jeremiah and Levi came out together to try their hand at mining. Levi had his wife and young son with him.”

“So Levi wasn’t a vampire,” Mick said, making a note.

“No, but Jeremiah was; he and I hit it off right away. I hired him to run my ice business for me. There were actually quite a few vampires working up here.”

“Really?” Kylie asked. “But you said when you sent Savannah away that there were hardly any vampires here.”

“Now. But back then, it wasn’t a bad job for a vamp. The physical labor wasn’t as exhausting as it was for a human and they got to work underground. Having ice in the summer was an added luxury.”

“Did Levi know that you and Jeremiah were vampires?” Beth asked.

“He knew about Jeremiah and eventually about me as well. We felt he could be trusted. In fact, his wife and some of the other miners’ wives would make some extra money as willing freshies.” He cleared his throat. “There were also the girls who worked in my saloon.”

“You ran a brothel?” Beth asked in surprise.

“I guess you could call it that,” Josef said with a grin. “It was a full service saloon,” he added with a wink.

Mick spoke up. “Well, it all sounds friendly and cozy. So what happened?”

To be continued...

Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 4

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:52 am
by librarian_7
Oh, what a place to stop!

Will wait impatiently for the next installment....

Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 4

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:33 pm
by allegrita
Evil cliffie!!! :gasp: Oh, man... :drums: Is it time for Chapter 5 yet??? :9to5:

I guess I'll forgive you, 'cause you put in that lovely bubble bath scene. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: (I'm sure it was deliberate, so that we wouldn't come after you with torches!) :mob: :snicker:

Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 4

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:56 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
:whistle: I'll never tell...