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The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:53 pm
by allegrita
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: This 250-word story was written for the Second Chance Champagne Challenge (#155). It's a very late entry to the Keep It Short Challenge, #126. Rated PG. Thank you very much to PNWgal for reading this for me. :hug:

The Long and the Short of It

I look up to him.

Go ahead, laugh. Everyone does; I've grown used to it. Your laughter does not change the truth.

From earliest childhood, I understood my duty: to serve my lord, in whatever capacity he required. And I have belonged to him for my entire life — boy, man, and vampire.

In our younger days, I was his constant companion and personal servant. We studied Latin and history, and practiced music, swordcraft, and riding together. We were inseparable.

As we grew older, our relationship shifted somewhat. He had royal blood, I was but a commoner. My love and fealty were unshaken, but his view broadened and changed as he learned the scope of his fate. But our bond remained. And when he was transformed, I was there for him — his most devoted source of nourishment. I served him thus until I grew too old to sustain him sufficiently... and was prepared to be banished from his service, having outlived my usefulness. But my lord held me in affection, and valued me for more than mere sustenance. He graciously granted me the boon of eternal service. And I have spent the centuries since then showing my gratitude.

Over the years I have acted as squire, butler, valet, and equerry. Today, I am his most valued man of business. I am always at his side, fulfilling whatever role is required. Yes, I am small of stature. But my heart is that of a giant. And it is completely devoted to him.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:12 pm
by francis
Wow! You wrote a short story about a short man, and I think it's the first time anyone gave him a voice. Does he even have a name?
So devoted to Lance he is, almost like Cynthia to Coraline, but the latter has her own head sometimes. I love that you explored the relationship of the servant to Lance.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:21 pm
by darkstarrising
You've given the nameless man a story, Alle :hug: , one of devotion to his master. For all the devotion, though, he's a realist, thinking he'll be discarded as he grew older
I served him thus until I grew too old to sustain him sufficiently... and was prepared to be banished from his service, having outlived my usefulness.
Yet surprisingly, Lance gives him the gift of immortality, a second chance, and keeps his faithful servant by his side.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:30 pm
by librarian_7
Love this. Very, very interesting!

You've found a character even I haven't ever written about! :snicker:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:46 pm
by PNWgal
Bravo, babe. :clapping:

I think you've captured this relationship perfectly with these 250 words. This servant would have been completely devoted to Lance, and would have been completely prepared should his master either let him go, or simply have killed him because he knew too much.

The other side of that coin is, Lance is devoted to him as well. He Turned him, so he could keep him. wonderful. :smooch:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:04 am
by Lilly
You could see it in his eyes. The way he looked at Lance -- it was more than employee and boss. There was history there. And you filled it in just brilliantly, Alle. :notworthy: For whatever reason, I had never given him much thought before, except perhaps as a source of humor. You've given him an eloquent voice and a purpose beyond flunkie.

In the script, the character was known was Edward, but we never even learned the name of the actor who portrayed him. Thanks to you, now he has a voice. :hug: :rose: :hearts:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:24 am
by librarian_7
It makes so much sense...I think vampires (most of them) tend not to like change. And hey, if you have a servant who knows you well, you might want to hang onto him!

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:31 am
by cassysj
This is amazing. I never even thought about a backstory for him. It's wonderful after all these years to see a previously untouched character.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:31 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Unexpected vp, but very believable. Good job! :thumbs:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:18 am
by allegrita
Thanks so much, everyone! I never really thought about that guy either, but when I was posting a new story to the "Keep it Short" Challenge, I looked at Lilly's wonderful crop of him, and suddenly I wondered who he was! And after a few days, he told me. :snicker: So it's Lilly's fault for showing him to me in close-up. :giggle: That expression on his face had a sort of dignity behind the adoring expression.

I like what you said, francis, comparing him to Cynthia. I do see them as similar, but Cynthia had that discontented expression on her face... and this guy is just his master's man, you know? :heart:

darkstarrising, I agree--he's a realist, but his devotion runs very deep. :yes:

Lucky, you made me giggle. There are a few people you haven't written about! :snicker:

PNWgal, thank you so much for reading this for me! :hug: And I agree with you. Lance's devotion is the flip-side of the coin. The servant is valuable to the master, too. That means a lot!

Lilly, thank you for giving us his name! :hug: Another Moonlight massacre of French characters' names, huh? :rolling: :rolling: But he kinda looks like an Edward to me. Maybe he's actually Édouard. :winky: And yes, there is history in his look... but there's also a bit of wry humor. I'm glad this version of his history rings true to you! :hearts:

cassysj, thanks so much! I love it when a little bit of Moonlight "reveals" itself to me... :cloud9:

MickLifeCrisis, the unexpected ones are sometimes the most fun, aren't they? :blinksmile: Glad you liked it.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:17 am
by cassysj
I love this very unique story.

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:39 am
by allegrita
Thanks, Carol! :hearts:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:44 pm
by allegrita
Bumping this story in honor of today's "short posts" issue. :teeth:

Re: The Long and the Short of It (PG, Challenges #155 & 126)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:10 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
I would have sworn I hadn't read this short story before, but... there is my post from 2014! :slaphead: :laugh:

Really enjoyed the reread and the backstory for this character. :thumbs: