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Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:53 pm
by darkstarrising
Hi all :wave:

This story is my second offering for the Moonlight cross-over challenge and is a follow up to The Long Journey Home. Both stories are cross-overs with H50.

If you haven’t read ‘The Long Journey Home’, that story focuses on how a mysterious attack on Mary Ann McGarrett and her subsequent rescue by Mick St. John finally brought her home to Hawaii again. After the attack, Mary Ann has a long heart-to-heart with Beth, who tries to gets her to reconnect to her brother, Steve. When Mary Ann sees Mick for the first time, she takes his uncanny resemblance to her brother as a sign from God that she should go home and reconnect with Steve.

Key points from ‘The Long Journey Home’ are that vampires of the Pacific islands and the Far East are referred to as blood demons. Steve McGarrett had encountered blood demons years earlier on a covert operation, and was nearly killed by one. Another blood demon saved his life, and Steve and his family were afforded the protection of the blood demons.

In the aftermath, it is learned that the attack on Mary Ann was part of a plot to force her brother Steve to break a promise, starting a war between human and blood demons. In an effort to help Steve, his partner, Danny Williams, comes to LA to learn more about Mick St. John and to find out what became of Mary Ann’s attacker. Suffice it to say, Danny gets in trouble and it requires the combined efforts of Mick and Steve to get him back to Hawaii in one piece. Danny, however, is horrified by some of the things he’s seen. When he learns what a blood demon is, courtesy of Mick, Danny washes his hands of Steve and the two men return to Oahu estranged. Eventually, they reconcile, but Danny remains terrified of Mick.

‘Affairs of the Heart’ takes place about a year after ‘The Long Journey Home’ and focuses on the subject of Beth’s turning, Mick’s reluctance to perform it and the strain it causes. For those of you who watch H50, ‘Affairs of the Heart’ takes place between episodes 2.22 and 2.23 (Wo Fat is in jail, but the season finale hasn’t occurred yet). ‘Affairs of the Heart’ consists of 10 short chapters, all of which will be posted before the Season 3 premiere of H50.

The usual disclaimers apply. I don't own any of the characters, but just have fun playing with them.

Hopefully, you’ll enjoy this second story.

Affairs of the Heart

Chapter 1


“Please, don’t hurt me!!”

“I said, kneel.”

“I swear, I won’t do it again!!

“You’re right, you won’t.”

“Why are you doing this??!!!”

“Because I can.”

In the pre-dawn darkness, two eyes flashed as the blade found its mark. Hidden from sight, two blue eyes watched in horror.


One day earlier

“One bag? That’s it?” Mick stared in mock disbelief as Beth finished packing.

“For heaven’s sake, I’m going to be gone less than a week. Mary Ann and I have been trying to sync our schedules for months now and a few days in Hawaii is all we can manage.” Beth grinned mischievously. “Besides, I’ll be dressing for the beach.”

Images of his scantily clad wife basking on the Hawaiian sands flashed through Mick’s mind. He knew Beth was tweaking him, but neither man nor vamp relished the idea that what was theirs would be on display.

“OK, just promise me you’ll stay out of trouble.”

“Seriously? I’m going to visit a friend whose brother is some kind of super cop, play tourist and spend some quality time on the beach. What trouble could I possibly get into?” Seeing her husband’s ‘Are you kidding me’ look, she relented. “Point taken. I promise if I even get a hint of trouble, I’ll run the other way.”

Hoping to put Mick at ease, Beth slid into his embrace. “Hey. I’m sorry. I know you worry.”

“With good cause.”

“Trust me, I’ll be fine.” Sealing her promise with a kiss, Beth felt her husband relax. “I just wish you could come with me.”

“Tropical sun isn’t exactly the vampire’s friend …”

“True, which is why I want to get as much of it while I can…”

The words hung in the air, the ensuing silence evidence of the last great barrier between the two. Mick released his wife, then picked up her bag. “I’ll take this downstairs.”

Beth started to apologize, then thought better of it. Why should she? They’d been at an impasse for months now and while Mick had finally agreed to her turning, he was stalling. This trip to Hawaii was becoming less a vacation and more a retreat, giving Beth some time alone to contemplate her future if Mick reneged on his promise to turn her. Then again, perhaps a few days apart would make him less reluctant once he had a foretaste of an eternity without her.


Kono Kalakaua stretched languidly under the cool, crisp sheets, careful not to wake her sleeping lover. Yesterday, she’d left the 5-0 task force and the seedy underbelly of Oahu behind to spend a crime-free, romantic weekend with Adam Noshimuri on the island’s North Shore. Memories of last night’s moonlit stroll along the beach and their subsequent lovemaking brought a contented smile to her face. Adam was so unlike any other man she’d ever known - strong, sexy, yet vulnerable and one with a past.

How Kono met the heir apparent to the Yakuza, the Japanese mob, was serendipitous. After she’d completed a fantastic run on an early morning wave, someone approached her, complimenting her skill. Turning to thank her unknown admirer, Kono found herself gazing at an attractive man, a dazzling blend of occidental and oriental heritage. Once she recovered, she thanked him and he walked away. As smitten as she was, Kono still noticed two burly men that shadowed her admirer at a respectful distance. This man was obviously important, but who was he?

During subsequent mornings at the beach, Kono periodically noticed her admirer watching from a distance, his two bodyguards still in tow. From time to time, she noticed another man trailing behind, appearing to take pictures of people on the beach. Sometimes, the photographer would turn his camera on her mysterious admirer until one of the bodyguards chased him away. On one of these occasions, curiosity got the better of Kono and planting her board in the sand, she approached her camera-shy fan. One way or the other, she was going to find out who he was and why he kept coming back to watch, but always at a distance.

Oddly enough, her admirer seemed both pleased and dismayed when she confronted him. Before he answered her, he signaled his two bodyguards to move out of earshot.

‘I’m sorry. I mean no disrespect. I just thought it would be better if you weren’t seen with me.’

Seeing her confusion, the man explained.

‘My name is Adam Noshimuri. My father is Hiro Noshimuri, someone I’m certain you’re familiar with. Now do you see, Officer Kalakaua, that I only meant to keep you from getting into trouble?’

Trouble was something Kono had just gotten out of. ‘Borrowing’ $10 million from the HPD asset forfeiture locker to save her cousin Chin’s life led to a suspension from 5-0 followed by an involuntary and dangerous undercover assignment. It was only recently that life had returned to a relatively normal routine and strained relationships with her co-workers were restored.

Never being one to back away from a challenge, Kono thanked Adam for his consideration then gave him her phone number. In the ensuing weeks, they’d had private dinners out of the public’s prying eyes, but soon, their relationship became more serious. Adam had convinced her that he wasn’t like his father and was working to legitimize the family businesses on the islands. Still, there were those who would only see Adam as Hiro’s heir and until he proved otherwise, her lover would always be under a cloud of suspicion.

And so would she.

The first night she went to his bed, Kono knew she was playing with fire, but once committed, she didn’t regret her actions. What she did regret was not telling Chin about their relationship, and when her cousin learned of the affair, Adam’s own actions that day couldn’t have made him look worse. By the end of that awful night, her lover had been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder and a short list of other charges. Eventually, his lawyers managed to get the charges dropped, shifting the blame on a now deceased associate.

At Chin’s urging, Kono found herself in Steve’s office the next morning, acknowledging her relationship with Adam. While her cousin might forgive her for being kept in the dark, her boss wouldn’t. After all, Adam’s uncle was believed responsible for the murder of McGarrett’s mother nearly 20 years earlier.

For the longest time, Steve just stared at her, his stony silence more intimidating than the dressing down she expected. Silent or not, his face belied his feelings; initial shock gave way to disbelief then disappointment. That was the worst. For the second time in a brief period, Kono had let her boss down by not being honest with him. If she did it again, she might lose his trust, perhaps forever.

Finally, Steve took a deep breath, then locked eyes with Kono.

‘OK. I’m not your father. I can’t tell you who you can socialize with or not. You want to have a relationship with Noshimuri? You think he’s legit? That’s your call. But if he’s not, if he uses you to compromise our mission, you’ll have me to answer to. Do you understand?’

She’d left him then, after acknowledging her responsibility. On her way back to her own office, Kono was keenly aware of the other two members of the task force trying to appear unaware of what had just transpired. But they knew, and that made her feel even worse.

But now, alone in her private paradise with Adam, all Kono wanted was to was to enjoy their time together. She just prayed that her feelings for him hadn’t clouded her judgment and the price of their love wasn’t the trust of her friends and colleagues.


After he dropped Beth off at the airport, Mick returned home hoping to hit the freezer for some much needed down time. He loved his wife more than anything, but his reluctance to turn her was driving a wedge between them. The ride to the airport had been in stubborn silence, their parting, awkward, leaving him in a foul mood. If he didn’t act soon, he feared Beth would ask another to turn her, something he just couldn’t allow. Knowing who was at the top of her short list of alternate sires, Mick’s mood worsened finding Josef waiting for him at the apartment.

Josef regarded his friend through hooded eyes; after a half century, he could read Mick like a book. Right now, the PI was on edge, which would work to the elder vampire’s advantage. To Josef’s surprise and delight, Mick had become more accepting of his vampiric nature with Beth in his life. Once his wife was turned, he believed Mick would fully embrace the vampire within and let go of his foolish dream to return to mortal form. For that alone, Josef owed Beth, a debt he was about to start repaying.

Until her call from the airport this morning, though, Josef hadn’t realized just how troubled the mortal woman was by Mick’s stalling. Beth hadn’t actually come out and asked for his help, but the elder vampire decided it was time for Daddy to give Mick a not-so-subtle shove in the right direction. If the younger vampire didn’t act soon, the repercussions could be devastating for all of them.

“So, Beth’s going to frolic on the Hawaiian beaches for a few days. Are you up for a little partying or are going to just sit around here and mope ‘til she gets back?”

“I have a clients, Josef, ones that expect me to do the job they hired me for. Trust me, I’ve got more than enough to keep me busy while she’s gone.” Mick raised his left hand, making a show of extending his ring finger. “Besides, I’m married, remember?”

“Cute.” Josef’s tone shifted subtly. “But maybe not for long.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What if Beth doesn’t come back? Are you going to ‘keep busy’ for the rest of your undead life?”

Mick’s eyes narrowed. “Why wouldn’t she come back?”

“Trouble just doesn’t find your wife, my friend, it ensnares her and one of these days, she won’t get away. Then where will you be?”

The younger vampire knew he was being baited and right now, he was in no mood to argue with Josef about what should be a private matter. “Nice try, but we’ve been over this. Beth isn’t ready.”

“And de Nile is a river in Egypt. Beth is more than ready. It’s you who isn’t.” Josef became serious as he approached his friend. “What’s it going to take, Mick? How many times will you save her from some dire situation before you realize you’re playing with fire? You of all people should know that fire is not the vampire’s friend.”

Sullen silence was Mick’s only response, but Josef could sense his friend’s smoldering anger.

Time to light the fuse….

“Or do you just get off on perpetually rescuing the damsel in distress? You’ve been at it for almost 30 years. Even for you, you’d think it would be old by now.”

Mick’s eyes flashed along with his temper. “Don’t.

“Don’t what? Make you face the truth? You say you love Beth, but you just can’t bring yourself to make her your eternal mate because you’re still bound by human sensibilities. How many times do I have to tell you, Mick? We’re vampires - human rules don’t apply.”

Now for the explosion….

“Or is it something else? Maybe you won’t turn Beth because you want her to die so you can throw yourself on her funeral pyre and end your miserable existence.”

Before he knew it, Josef found in the grasp of a very angry vampire, something he was both prepared and hoping for. If he couldn’t get through to Mick, perhaps appealing to his inner vampire’s sense of self-preservation would work.

“Don’t tell me what to do! Beth is my wife, not yours! I can’t take the risk you did…”

Josef was stunned; Mick’s reluctance to turn Beth had nothing to do with lingering human mores. Mick was afraid to try because of Sarah Whitley, Josef’s own lover caught in the limbo between life and death. Fear alone was keeping Mick from making Beth his eternal mate, fear that he’d lose her forever.

Slowly, Mick released his friend, ashamed of his hurtful admission. “Josef…..”

Don’t.” The ancient vampire roughly shoved Mick aside and headed for the door, but not without his own parting shot. “At least I loved Sarah enough to try.”

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:33 am
by jen

This is wonderful!

This first chapter is a bit of a 'tale of three couples': Kono and Adam--police officer and heir of a crime family; Beth and Mick--human and vampire who are married to each other; and Josef and Sarah Whitley--two vampire lovers separated by...well, consciousness.

I'm sure there is a lot more to come and I can't wait to see where this is going!

Thank you!


:flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:07 am
by r1015bill
Why am I absolutely, positively, confirmably sure that Beth is going to get into trouble? :yes: :snicker:

Very interesting how you wove Sarah into why Mick is hesitant to turn Beth.

Great start! I look forward to coming chapters.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:52 am
by Lucy

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:13 am
by allegrita
Ooh, this is fascinating. Mick and Beth have switched places! Beth was terrified when she found out about Sarah, but Mick was encouraged... encouraged to believe that maybe a vampire and a human could make a go of it. Maybe in the intervening couple of years (?) since Sleeping Beauty, Mick has had a chance to think about what Sarah really represents: the horrifying possibility that he could be left without the love of his life, either as a human or as a vampire. Beth in limbo forever? The worst possible fate. No wonder he's afraid. :comfort2: And Beth, having had a chance to deal with the whole human-vampire thing, has "difficult, dangerous and complicated" all figured out. She's ready for the next step. :drums:

I love your conversations, by the way. They are so beautifully true to what we know of the characters. And I love the stories you weave! I'm really looking forward to finding out what you are going to do with this interesting beginning. Watch out, Beth! :snicker:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:44 am
by aolver
:hyper2: A new story! A great beginning. :yahoo:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:23 am
by Marigold
What a fantastic beginning! :clapping:

I really like all that you have going on here: Beth and Mary Ann's vacation (why do I have the feeling it will turn out like this: :island: :laugh: ) , Beth and Mick's impasse, Kono's relationship with Adam, Josef and Mick's interaction, and to top it all off, that scary opening! :eek2:

Thank you, DSR! :flowers: I'm looking forward to chapter 2!

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:38 am
by AussieJo
Good stuff! Lead on dear lady..... :happysigh:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:52 am
by Moonlightsonata
A really good continuation. And I could almost here Josef in the dialog you wrote for him. So on point - perfect.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:12 pm
by darkstarrising
jen wrote:DSR

This is wonderful!

This first chapter is a bit of a 'tale of three couples': Kono and Adam--police officer and heir of a crime family; Beth and Mick--human and vampire who are married to each other; and Josef and Sarah Whitley--two vampire lovers separated by...well, consciousness.

I'm sure there is a lot more to come and I can't wait to see where this is going!

Thank you!


:flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts:
Thanks, Jenna :hug: Interesting point about the three couples....each have their obstacles, but which will overcome them?
r1015bill wrote:Why am I absolutely, positively, confirmably sure that Beth is going to get into trouble? :yes: :snicker:

Very interesting how you wove Sarah into why Mick is hesitant to turn Beth.

Great start! I look forward to coming chapters.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: Really? You think Beth is going to get into trouble :gasp: She's not the only one :whistle:
Lucy wrote::clapping:
Thanks, Lucy :hug: Glad you're enjoying it.
allegrita wrote:Ooh, this is fascinating. Mick and Beth have switched places! Beth was terrified when she found out about Sarah, but Mick was encouraged... encouraged to believe that maybe a vampire and a human could make a go of it. Maybe in the intervening couple of years (?) since Sleeping Beauty, Mick has had a chance to think about what Sarah really represents: the horrifying possibility that he could be left without the love of his life, either as a human or as a vampire. Beth in limbo forever? The worst possible fate. No wonder he's afraid. :comfort2: And Beth, having had a chance to deal with the whole human-vampire thing, has "difficult, dangerous and complicated" all figured out. She's ready for the next step. :drums:

I love your conversations, by the way. They are so beautifully true to what we know of the characters. And I love the stories you weave! I'm really looking forward to finding out what you are going to do with this interesting beginning. Watch out, Beth! :snicker:
Thanks, alle :hug: Especially for the comment about the conversations. Alex plays Mick and Steve, but those two characters have different 'voices' and interact with Josef and Danny, respectively, in different ways. So it's good to know I've got them right.

As for the switching of roles, I see that whatever the end relationship Mick and Beth have (married or not, turned or not) the path will always be tumultuous. Mick tends to overthink things while Beth is more impetuous :devil:
aolver wrote::hyper2: A new story! A great beginning. :yahoo:
Thanks, aolver :hug: Glad you're enjoying it.
Marigold wrote:What a fantastic beginning! :clapping:

I really like all that you have going on here: Beth and Mary Ann's vacation (why do I have the feeling it will turn out like this: :island: :laugh: ) , Beth and Mick's impasse, Kono's relationship with Adam, Josef and Mick's interaction, and to top it all off, that scary opening! :eek2:

Thank you, DSR! :flowers: I'm looking forward to chapter 2!
Thanks, Marigold :hug: and you're welcome. Somehow, I fear Josef's prediction of 'trouble finding Beth' is going to come true :whistle: Chapter 2 will be up later today.
AussieJo wrote:Good stuff! Lead on dear lady..... :happysigh:
Thanks, AussieJo :hug: Glad you're enjoying it and following along.
Moonlightsonata wrote:A really good continuation. And I could almost here Josef in the dialog you wrote for him. So on point - perfect.
Thanks, Moonlightsonata :hug: Thanks for the compliment. It's just been so long since we've heard the snarky interactions between Josef and Mick.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:43 pm
by r1015bill

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:10 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Awesome beginning to what is going to be a thrill ride that never Hawaii!

I flew through this. For an intro, without action (well, excepting the action Kono was getting :batseyes: ) it was quickly paced and the dialogue was pitch perfect and flowed beautifully. I just wanted to keep reading the next word, sentence, paragraph.

Lesser writers would've mangled so many points of view and characters, but you wove it all together and gave each character equal time to shine. Unreal how in so few words you were able to set the tone, give us background, hint to what was heading our way, and have snappy dialogue.

Well done.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:50 pm
by darkstarrising
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Awesome beginning to what is going to be a thrill ride that never Hawaii!

I flew through this. For an intro, without action (well, excepting the action Kono was getting :batseyes: ) it was quickly paced and the dialogue was pitch perfect and flowed beautifully. I just wanted to keep reading the next word, sentence, paragraph.

Lesser writers would've mangled so many points of view and characters, but you wove it all together and gave each character equal time to shine. Unreal how in so few words you were able to set the tone, give us background, hint to what was heading our way, and have snappy dialogue.

Well done.
Thanks, Fleur :hug: The dialogue is the fun part, but setting the scene without getting too wordy is tough. Even with the dialogue, though, Mick and Steve are totally different characters and keeping their dialogue straight is a challenge.

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:35 pm
by PNWgal
I decided to spend a leisurely lunch hour starting at the beginning - a very AWESOME beginning, I might add. :cloud9:

Babe, you do a GREAT job of balancing the ML and the 5-0 characters, and you write them with a deft hand.

I'm going to jump around a bit, so bear with me...

Beth's ready to be Turned, and Mick's reluctant, but not for the reasons we (and Josef) might think. Mick's afraid, and for good reason.
darkstarrising wrote:Mick was afraid to try because of Sarah Whitley, Josef’s own lover caught in the limbo between life and death. Fear alone was keeping Mick from making Beth his eternal mate, fear that he’d lose her forever.
I love that Beth's standing her ground, and giving herself a break by heading for Hawaii.

And then there's Kono, torn between duty and love
darkstarrising wrote:For the longest time, Steve just stared at her, his stony silence more intimidating than the dressing down she expected. Silent or not, his face belied his feelings; initial shock gave way to disbelief then disappointment. That was the worst. For the second time in a brief period, Kono had let her boss down by not being honest with him. If she did it again, she might lose his trust, perhaps forever.

Finally, Steve took a deep breath, then locked eyes with Kono.

‘OK. I’m not your father. I can’t tell you who you can socialize with or not. You want to have a relationship with Noshimuri? You think he’s legit? That’s your call. But if he’s not, if he uses you to compromise our mission, you’ll have me to answer to. Do you understand?’
I love the last paragraph I quoted, because it's so intrinsically Steve. :cloud9:
darkstarrising wrote:Trouble just doesn’t find your wife, my friend, it ensnares her and one of these days, she won’t get away.
Our Beth in a nutshell. I've always thought Josef would feel a whole lot better if Beth were vampire because of the trouble that seems to find her. :teeth:

Excellent, excellent, excellent! :heart:

Re: Affairs of the Heart -Chapter 1 PG (Challenge 140)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:37 pm
by darkstarrising
PNWgal wrote:I decided to spend a leisurely lunch hour starting at the beginning - a very AWESOME beginning, I might add. :cloud9:

Babe, you do a GREAT job of balancing the ML and the 5-0 characters, and you write them with a deft hand.

I'm going to jump around a bit, so bear with me...

Beth's ready to be Turned, and Mick's reluctant, but not for the reasons we (and Josef) might think. Mick's afraid, and for good reason.
darkstarrising wrote:Mick was afraid to try because of Sarah Whitley, Josef’s own lover caught in the limbo between life and death. Fear alone was keeping Mick from making Beth his eternal mate, fear that he’d lose her forever.
I love that Beth's standing her ground, and giving herself a break by heading for Hawaii.

And then there's Kono, torn between duty and love
darkstarrising wrote:For the longest time, Steve just stared at her, his stony silence more intimidating than the dressing down she expected. Silent or not, his face belied his feelings; initial shock gave way to disbelief then disappointment. That was the worst. For the second time in a brief period, Kono had let her boss down by not being honest with him. If she did it again, she might lose his trust, perhaps forever.

Finally, Steve took a deep breath, then locked eyes with Kono.

‘OK. I’m not your father. I can’t tell you who you can socialize with or not. You want to have a relationship with Noshimuri? You think he’s legit? That’s your call. But if he’s not, if he uses you to compromise our mission, you’ll have me to answer to. Do you understand?’
I love the last paragraph I quoted, because it's so intrinsically Steve. :cloud9:
darkstarrising wrote:Trouble just doesn’t find your wife, my friend, it ensnares her and one of these days, she won’t get away.
Our Beth in a nutshell. I've always thought Josef would feel a whole lot better if Beth were vampire because of the trouble that seems to find her. :teeth:

Excellent, excellent, excellent! :heart:
Thanks so much, sweetie :smooch: The Mick we know was never one to rush into anything, especially where Beth is concerned (difficult, dangerous and complicated, etc), so it stands to reason that even if he had agreed to turn her, he was going to worry about it and Sarah's failed turning definitely gave him something to worry about.

Beth, not knowing any of this, is worn down and wants some time to think things through.

The 'scene' between Kono and Steve is something I could see. Steve respects Kono and her contribution to the team, but she's young, inexperienced and in his mind, putting herself in a position where she might not only get used, but hurt. He's the pack leader, he's responsible for the performance of the team, but still, he cares and that's the conflict he feels.

I agree about why Josef wants Beth turned, her finding trouble and all, but the added benefit is that Mick wouldn't have a reason to want to become human again.