Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

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Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

Back from vacation and ready with another tale of Mr. Dreamy Mick St. John! :heart:

Moonlight Fanfiction
Vampires and Humans
By Ella713
Rated PG (some mild language)

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A newly made vampire has a hard time controlling his thirst in Los Angeles

Scott looked out the window of his hotel room. His life had abruptly changed 5 years ago. That one woman; who was way too beautiful to be a groupie. That should have been his first red flag. Women like that never came to his concerts. Now he wished with all his heart that he could reverse time. He turned when he heard the knock on his door.
His drummer poked his head in the door.
“Come on man, we gotta get going” He said excitedly. Pete was always psyched before a show. Scott nodded his head grabbed his jacket and walked out.

The Nokia Theatre was packed. The Uprising was the new “it” band. Rolling Stone called front man Scott Slade the new Kurt Cobain. He was fiercely private, ruggedly handsome, a brilliant songwriter and never gave interviews.

Zoe and Nicole had purchased their tickets within minutes of hearing they were coming to town.
“Oh my God Zoe! This is going to be sooo great!” Nicole said looking all around her.
“I know. Can you believe Gabe and Brian didn’t want to come?” Zoe replied as they walked to their front row seats. Women eyed them with envy as they walked past them. Front row seats to the show of shows was easily “$150.00. $200.00 if you bought them off a scalper

The lights dimmed and the crowd went wild, the screams echoing through the theatre.

Zoe was humming all morning long. Gabriel came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
“I take it you enjoyed the concert” He teased.
“Gabe you should’ve come. It was amazing! They did two encores!”
“A little too loud for my taste” Gabriel replied.
“You’re loss……oh! The lead singer is a vampire.” Zoe said casually. Gabriel looked at her.
“Seriously? How do you know?”
“For one thing you could smell him as soon as he walked on stage. Not very old”.
“Did he notice you?” Gabriel asked.
“Yeah he did. He kept staring at us like we were the first vampires he’d ever come across, but considering he’s one of us, that wouldn’t make any sense” She said with shrug.

Scott looked down at the woman. She was most definitely dead. He hadn’t meant to take so much blood, but no one told him how hard it was to stop.

When the woman approached him after the concert he thought he could handle it. He had fed before the show. He didn’t think he would be so…..hungry. God! What had he done?
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »

Uh oh.

They really should find some help for that guy before the Cleaners get wind of this--and they will.

Great start!


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

“Beth!” Gary the station manager yelled.
“Yeah, what’s up Gary?” Beth replied.
“I need you and Steve to head over to Sunset Blvd Condominiums. We got a dead girl, drained of all her blood!” Gary said in the excited voice he always got when a big story came up.
“Drained of blood?” Beth said staring at him in surprise.
“Yep. That’s what our contact said. Get over there quick!” He said ushering her out of the office.
“Is it just me or is Los Angeles getting really creepy?” Steve said once they were in the news van.
“It’s not just you” Beth said thinking that she would have to call Mick as soon as possible.

Carl was standing over the woman’s body with Mick who he contacted when he got the call. Mick took one look at the body and nodded in Carl’s direction.
“Great.” Carl said under his breath. “Is it one of those…… ones……I forget the name?”
“Rogues. No it’s not a rogue, but it’s a young vamp maybe 2-5 years old”
“I thought you said that they had teachers or something like that.”
“Some vampires don’t care. In fact most don’t care about that kind of thing.” Mick said sadly as the M.E. took the body away. “Who was she”? Mick asked.
“Her license reads Madison Carlisle age 30. She was a photographer. Property management said this is her condo. She lived here for about four years. No problems, no record.” Carl said from his notepad.

Scott sat in his hotel room with all the blinds drawn. What if someone saw him with the woman? After having your face plastered all over Rolling Stone and Spin magazine he couldn’t exactly hide in plain sight anymore.

Then he remembered the two women who were in the front row last night. He didn’t know what it was about them, but they kept looking at him oddly. Almost like they knew what he was…..but that was impossible. Other than the beautiful woman who made him, he knew of no others.
“This must be Hell” he said softly to himself staring into the darkness.

Zoe was driving from Julian’s house when she passed Amoeba Records and saw the sign. “In Store Guests Uprising”. She quickly found a place to park and got out of her car.

Scott was determined to control himself, but it got harder and harder every day. The smell of so many people all packed into a small space. His senses were on alert. He looked around anxiously ignoring the pretty brunette who was trying to get his attention. There she is, he thought to himself. The woman from the concert!

“How in the hell could this happen?” Josef said in anger.
“This vamp is acting strictly on instinct. Somebody made a huge mistake” Mick explained.
“Well we can’t have bodies laying around because someone was too lazy to take care of their fledgling” Josef replied.
“I agree Josef, but unfortunately this vamp knew enough to stay out of sight”

Zoe patiently waited in line until it was her turn in line, all the time she felt the eyes of the vampire on her. She slowly approached the table where he sat.
“You want to talk?” She asked simply. Scott stared at the beautiful blonde and nodded his head slightly. “When you’re done meet me here” she said sliding a scrap of paper in front of him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »


This is great!

I love that Carl knows and is working with Mick. He knows to call Mick when he sees something that could potentially involve the community and Mick is open about what they are dealing with. Mick is such a sweetie.

Also love that Beth is working with Steve again. Steve is not in the loop, though. With her usual spot-on instincts, she gets to the Scott first. I hope he can get some help. I think he wants help. He is driven by needs and desires he doesn't have the ability to manage alone. I hope it isn't too late for him.

Thank you!


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe was waiting at the coffee shop for Soctt Slade. She knew he had arrived when she heard the collective gasps inside the shop. She slowly turned and saw the handsome man walk towards her.

"You wanted to talk?" Scott asked her as he took the chair across from her.
"Let me tell you this. We have people in our community who take care of.....people who leave dead bodies lying around. Not very nice people. So you better learn how to control yourself before it's too late. FYI." Zoe said casually as she stood up to leave. Scott watched the woman and panicked. He grabbed her arm lightly.
"Wait!" He said desperately. "Don't go"
Zoe stopped and slowly sat back down.
"Alright. When were you made?" She asked.
"About 5 years ago" Scott said sadly.
"And you've been on your own all this time?" She asked in surprise.
"Yeah. Sometimes I feel like I can handle it all, but other times it's like I can't control myself" Scott explained,
"Well from what I read in the paper this morning, I kind of figured that." Zoe said.
Scott looked at the woman so poised and so confident. He was guessing that she never had his problem.
"So how many are" He asked.
"In Los Angeles or the world?"
Scott looked at her in surprise,
"I need to know what this is all about. Please tell me!" He pleaded.
Zoe looked at the man with sadness in her eyes. How could someone leave a vampire to fend on his own without any training?
"Look, I want you to come to my house tonight. Meet my husband." Zoe said finally.
"You're married?"
"Yes. I'm married" she replied.
"And is he...?"
"Yes" She said taking a pad of paper out of her purse and jotting down her address. "Be here at 9pm." She said sliding the paper toward him. "We can show you what you are and how to live"
Zoe stood up and began to take her leave. "And please Scott. Don't make us come and find you."

Scott watched the woman leave. He glanced at the scrap of paper. Zoe St.John it read.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »


This is wonderful.

As we know, rogues are a very difficult proposition. If a sire doesn't start them out properly, it is nearly impossible to get them under control later. Then, we know that Emma was Turned on the ship coming over from Ireland during or after the potato famine killed her family there and that she never knew her sire so she lasted 150 years.

I hope that Zoe can help Scott (and I also hope you had a nice trip to Europe!).


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by francis »

Scott sounds like such a nice man, I hope Zoe and Gabe can help him. He deserves better than that. :hearts:
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

Scott walked up to the large Victorian home with dread. What if the woman wanted to destroy him? What if there were a slew of the undead waiting to punish him for his crimes?

Zoe knew Scott was outside, but she decided to wait until he made up his mind. If they pushed him.......they would have to inform Isabelle and she knew that would mean that Scott Slade would be no more.

"Honey are you sure you want to do this?" Gabriel asked softly.
"Gabe we have to. He needs are help." She said glancing toward the door knowing that Scott had made up his mind. She heard the doorbell ring and sighed slowly as she went to welcome the confused vampire.

"Scott, thanks for coming" She said brightly as she welcomed him in. Scott surveyed the the inside and quickly and walked in.

Brian stood stiffly waiting to destroy the young vamp.

"Ok, so why did you ask me here? Or should I say threaten me here?" He said with false bravado.
Zoe closed the door behind him.
"Scott Slade welcome to our home. This is my husband Gabriel St. John and his brother Brian" she said cordially.

Scott looked carefully at the two men, suddenly feeling very afraid, especially of the quiet vampire with dark hair.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »

Hi, Ella!

This is wonderful!!

They are all afraid and for good reason.

We have seen cases where a vampire, abandoned by their sire, is unable to control the horribly powerful urges and hungers that explode inside them. A dedicated physician who stopped to render aid to Gerald Stofsky was one of them, yet we saw the cunning too as he figured out what he was. Not that it helped him control anything. Then, there was Emma M. who was turned on the ship coming over from Ireland during the Potato Famine that claimed her family. She was able to navigate the treacherous waters of her new condition and was able to sire and care for the newby.

I hope Gabe, Brian and Zoe are able to help this young man. If they want to, that's half the battle.

Thank you!


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

Scott stood quickly ready to defend himself, but Brian was on him with unimaginable speed.

"I'd think again if I were you" Brian said in a steely voice.
"Brian wait!" He heard Zoe say desperately. Brian loosened his grip.

"Look, I'm sorry okay! I can't control myself!" Scott pleaded.
"Tell me about the woman who made you" Brian asked with force.
"I.....I don't know her name....she came to my concert and asked me out for drink know. When I came to she said that she chose me to be a part of Satan's army" Scott stuttered out.

Brian looked over quickly at Gabriel. Gabe nodded and took out his phone to call Mick.

"Let me guess. She had long brown hair and slightly foreign accent" Brian said
"Yeah she did" Scott said in surprise.

Zoe walked over to Scott and took his hand.
"Scott you better sit back down. We have a very long story to tell you" Zoe said with a sigh.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »


I'm both a little relieved and worried at the same time.

Scott is with people who could make his life a LOT easier--people who could help him understand what has happened to him and how to manage the fierce urges that up to now he has had little power to control. At the same time, he is also with people who can call the Cleaners. The girls are eager to help and I wonder if Gabe could influence the mind of a vampire?

Great chapter, Ella!

Thank you!


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

I am so very busy, but I promise I will finish it!
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by jen »


What a fantastic opportunity!!!

Don't worry about the delay. You have other things to attend to now and I totally understand and I'm sure your other readers will, as well. Of course it will be good--of that I have no doubt at all.

I hope you are able to remain a part of MLA from Paris! That's the great thing about the internet. It keeps us all connected so easily!

Good luck!


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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by Ella713 »

I simply don't have any time to finish this. But anyone please feel free to finish this story for me! I hope to be settled in about two months and maybe I can contribute more. Jen thank you so much! your insight! And thank you all Moonlight fans!
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampires and Humans By Ella713 Rated PG (mild language)

Post by francis »

I'll be waiting patiently for what you have in store later.
Congrats on moving to Paris. We'll be only 400 km apart then! :hug:
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