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The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:14 am
by darkstarrising
Dearest Readers,

This is the fourth chapter (of nine) in my answer to the challenge for a Moonlight Crossover story, challenge 140. Originally, this was supposed to be a relatively short story, but the muse cackled wickedly and off we went. For me the challenge (initially) was getting inside the head of a character I wasn't overly sympathetic (Mary Ann McGarrett) with and change that perception.

A/N 1 - It should be noted that several of the characters in this story periodically fell victim to the muse's warped sense of humor, Danny Williams in particular.

A/N 2- Part of this story involves the tattoos that we see on Steve McGarrett's shoulders, but were hidden from view when Alex played Mick St. John. I don't have a flaming clue what those ornate designs mean (if anything), but that's never stopped the muse before.

I hope you enjoy.

The usual disclaimers apply. I mean no copyright infringement on any of the characters described herein. This is all for fun, nothing more.

The Long Journey Home

Chapter 4

An early morning swim in the clear Pacific waters had become a part of Steve’s daily ritual since returning to his island home. His parents always joked that he was part fish, but his mother understood the tranquility found in the soothing, green-blue sea. In the ocean’s silence, he would think, or not, as his mood suited him. In the ocean’s warm embrace, he would always find shelter.

This morning was no different, although Steve’s thoughts were troubled as he emerged from the ocean’s refuge onto the beach. Heading back to the house, he found he’d missed Danny’s call saying he’d be in LA for another day. That meant 50 would be running a man down a little while longer, but thankfully, the island’s criminals seemed to be taking a break as well.

Danny had been vague about his impromptu trip to LA, saying only that with his daughter Grace on vacation with Rachel and Stan, it was a chance to reconnect with some friends on the mainland. What friends? Just some old Jersey cop buddies who’d retired to southern California. His normally effusive partner seemed unusually reticent, so Steve decided not to press him. Besides, who was he to deny his friend a little time away?

Friend doesn’t begin to cover what Danny is. I’m not sure I know a word that does.

After only a day, Danny’s absence was sorely felt, more than Steve would have thought possible. The two of them hadn’t gotten off to the best of starts, but Steve accepted his role in their initial rocky relationship. His partner was a by-the-book kind of guy, as was he. It’s just that Steve’s book was a little different from Danny’s so it took them a while to find an acceptable middle ground. Still, his friend could be, and often was, a pain in the ass, forever whining about McGarrett’s flaunting correct police procedure and how much he hated Hawaii. Maybe in the beginning Danny did hate the islands, but it seemed the Jersey transplant had begun to loosen up a bit. If only he’d lose the tie.

Toweling off, Steve found himself contemplating his inner circle of friends, the other people he was fortunate to have on his task force. Chin brought his knowledge of the islands and many years of HPD experience to the mix, in addition to being an old friend of Steve’s father. But he brought something else as well – steely resolve and love of family, traits Steve valued. The burden Chin had borne for years, selflessly accepting the blame for something he hadn’t done, was a form of spiritual torture that Steve couldn’t even begin to understand. Friends and family had shunned him, all except for cousin Kono, Chin's solitary link to a family he thought he’d lost forever.

Kono was the yin to Chin’s yang. Fresh out of the academy, she came to the task force inexperienced, eager to take on assignments no rookie should have been offered. Yet time and again, she’d proven herself, maturing and growing more skilled under her cousin’s tempering guidance and Steve’s lessons in marksmanship. In Steve's opinion, Kono had the makings of an excellent sniper.

Or assassin. Christ! What the hell are you thinking, McGarrett? OK, so Kono is tougher than she looks, but she’s far too young and inexperienced for that dark path. Besides, Chin would have my balls if I even suggested it.

Still, Steve hadn’t been much older than Kono when he rotated into some black ops assignments. The training he’d gotten as a SEAL had been invaluable, providing the mental and physical discipline he needed to successfully carry out those assignments. In rare cases, those missions involved assassinations or worse, executions, something he found personally abhorrent. In time, he came to understand that those options were sometimes necessary evils to protect the lives of innocents.

As he was getting dressed, Steve caught his reflection in the mirror. Danny, who was a bit of a germaphobe, had harassed him mercilessly about his body’s colorful tats, wondering what the hell Steve had been thinking in doing that to himself.

‘You have a death wish or are you just into pain, huh? Did you even think about where those needles have been?’

He’d given Danny a line about fitting in with other guys in the Navy as well as the people of his island home. The truth behind those colorful designs, however, was something neither Danny nor anyone else could never know.


The dawn had come and gone, but Mick held Beth close, reluctant to leave the warmth of their bed for the frigid isolation his condition required. Even as she slept, he felt her love, a love that had saved him from a life of desperate loneliness he thought eternal. Because of her caring, another wayward soul else had been saved as well.

The parallels between himself and Mary Ann McGarrett weren’t lost on Mick. Both had lost something they held dear; she, her family, Mick, his life, necessitating separation from his own family. Both had raged against the injustice of it all, finding themselves on a path to self-destruction with aching loneliness their constant companion.

During his tumultuous marriage to Coraline, Mick had partied with the best of them. After their breakup, it only got worse; if debauchery had been an Olympic sport, he'd have medalled in it. He’d do damn near anything and anyone just to forget what he was, or sometimes to try and remember what it felt like to be held in loving embrace. Once the pills and booze wore off, he’d cocoon himself, alone, in the welcome oblivion of his freezer. At twilight, he’d rise and do it all over again, knowing full well that the high was fleeting and the crash devastating. On more than one occasion, he’d contemplated walking into the desert just to end it all. Instead, he started pulling himself together, trying to make something of his ‘life’ by helping others as a private investigator.

One night, a frantic mother reached out to him, her child missing for several days. What made him take that case? Maybe because he understood the depths of the woman’s despair. Her child, her only joy, had been taken from her, just as his life had been taken from him. The night he found the little girl was the turning point in his undead life; he'd been confronted with a future so abhorrent that murdering a woman he loved was the only recourse. Even as an innocent child, Beth had found a way to save a desperate soul from itself. As a grown woman, she had done the same for Mary Ann McGarrett.

Mick wanted to believe Mary Ann’s rescue had been fortuitous, his presence during her attack nothing more than coincidental. Yet his uncanny resemblance to Mary Ann’s brother coupled with Williams’ seeming innocuous visit had Mick conceding Josef’s point - there was likely more at play than apparent. Besides, if Josef thought there was trouble brewing, he usually had a good reason.


At lunch, Danny willingly picked up the tab, considering the LAPD detective had spent the better part of an hour answering his questions. Carl Davis knew all the key players; Kostan, Mick and Beth St. John as well as Beth’s murdered former boyfriend, Josh Lindsey. Danny told Davis that he was in LA to meet with and thank St. John for his assistance with an investigation, which was as close to the truth as Danny wanted to come. Upon meeting him, St. John wasn’t exactly what Danny had expected, and who was the Kostan guy, anyway? And how did a working stiff PI end up with a beautiful woman like Beth?

Once Davis was satisfied that Danny was legit, he was more than happy to fill in some of the blanks. Kostan was one of LA’s key movers and shakers, not quite your stereotypical a billionaire playboy, as he was generous in giving back to the community. Still, he had a reputation for living the good life and being something of a cutthroat, at least in his business dealings.

Davis grew solemn talking about Lindsey, both praising and cursing the man for taking on the Salvadoran drug cartel. Davis had tried to warn him, but Lindsey wouldn’t listen. Lindsey had been a friend and yeah, there’d been some jealousy where St. John and Beth were concerned, but Lindsey entrusted the PI to keep the woman he loved safe from the cartel and he had.

Danny was intrigued by this and wondered aloud if what he’d heard about St. John’s efforts to save Lindsey had been exaggerated. Davis was emphatic that they weren’t.

“I was there, man. I saw Josh bleeding on the ground. Beth was applying pressure on one of the gunshot wounds while Mick was doing his damnedest to stop the bleeding from the others. I’m telling you, the man was covered up to his elbows in Josh’s blood. Even the EMTs were impressed by what he’d tried to do.” Davis shook his head. “The real shame is that they almost got Josh safely away. Mick had taken both the kidnappers out, but one of them recovered and shot Josh through the trunk of the car. Five times. Five god-damned times.” Davis sighed. “It was too much for any man to handle and Josh bled out while I watched. Never saw Beth that upset before. She was even mad at Mick.”

“Wait…that doesn’t make any sense. If St. John did everything he could to save Lindsey….”

“Hey, have you ever watched someone you loved die like that? I have. I’ll tell you, you don’t see or think straight. All you can feel is shock and anger. No, not anger, rage. That’s what Beth was feeling. She was madder than hell when Josh died.”

“Which she apparently got over it, at least where St. John was concerned.”

Lindsey got off easy. He didn’t live to see the woman he loved marry some schmuck like I did. Sometimes I wish I’d died instead.

“Yeah, she did and I’m glad for her. There’s something special about the connection the two of them have.” Davis checked the time. “Hey, sorry man, but I’ve got to get back…”

“Just one more question. The kidnappers. What happened to them?”

“After Huerta got out of intensive care….”

Whoa! Intensive care?”

“As I said, Mick took both of them out. Hard. Huerta ended up in intensive care, while Bustos was lucky enough to limp away. Both of them got life sentences. Not enough, in my book. Unfortunately, the guy Josh was prosecuting, Tejada, got away, leaving Bustos and Huerta to rot in prison.”

“What makes you think this Tejada guy got away?”

Davis then recounted how Bustos had initially remained stone-faced and silent under police interrogation. Against his better judgment, he’d allowed Mick to question Bustos, under observation, of course. Within minutes, Bustos started to scream about the devil and gave up Tejada’s location. By the time the cops got there, Tejada was nowhere to be found.

Danny was incredulous. “So you just let St. John beat on this guy while he was in custody? Seriously?”

“Hell no!! I’m telling you, I watched him the entire time. Mick never laid a hand on Bustos, just kinda got in his face and said something to him. Whatever it was, it scared the shit out of Bustos. It’s just too bad we didn’t get to Tejada in time.”

Walking back to his hotel, Danny couldn’t shake the feeling he was being followed, despite not seeing an obvious tail. Maybe it was just his imagination, or maybe what LA detective told him was making him paranoid. Despite what Davis believed, Danny was convinced Tejada hadn’t gotten away; he just wondered how St. John had disposed of the body.


Steve stared at his phone, wondering what to make of the call he'd just had with his partner, who'd asked to be picked up at the airport the following evening. The conversation was brief, but there was something in his friend’s voice that seemed off somehow. Danny was up to something, and whatever it was, Steve had a bad feeling about it.

Mary’s arrival interrupted her brother’s thoughts. He’d asked her over for dinner, and while he dreaded it, they were going to talk about what to do with their father’s stuff. The elder McGarrett’s will stated that estate was simply to be divided equally between the two siblings, but how that division was to occur hadn’t been stipulated. This house was one of the last connections Steve had with his father and personally, he was content to leave it alone once Mary took what she wanted. Hopefully, his sister wouldn’t cash out her stake in the house, then go back to LA and a lifestyle that might just kill her. It was her decision, of course, but he was going to do everything possible to keep her in Hawaii and close to him.

Hurricane Mary blew in furious. “What the hell are you up to, Steve? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Despite his limited exposure, Steve was pretty sure this wasn’t PMS. “Whoa, Mare, slow down! What are you talking about?”

“Danny!! Why did you send him to LA? To check up on me?”

Raising his hands in surrender, Steve replied. “I didn’t send him…he said he was going to visit some old friends. Honest.”

“Really? Well, he visited some new friends of mine. He went to see the St. Johns and was asking a lot of questions about things that are NONE. OF. HIS. BUSINESS!”

These last words were punctuated by Mary pushing Steve backward until he hit a wall. “OK. That doesn’t surprise me, but how do you know all this?”

“Beth sent me an email, telling me Danny dropped in on them. She found him ‘entertaining’, but wondered why he was asking questions about the creep who attacked me. She wanted to know if I was having second thoughts about pressing charges.”

Shit! I knew Danny was up to something. Why didn’t he tell me what he was doing?

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her no! Why would I want to relive any of that night? I just want to forget all that weird shit….”

At this, Mary broke down and Steve did the only thing he could – hold her. “It was awful, Steve. I’ve never been so scared in my life! I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even scream. He was so strong, so cold. I thought I was going to die. I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Hey, it’s OK. You’re safe now.”

Mary pulled away and looked at her brother, his words and the concern in his hazel eyes triggering a fuzzy memory. “It’s funny….he said the same thing.”


“Mick. Except…” Mary struggled to keep the memory from drifting away. “He was cold, too.”

Steve’s brow furrowed. “When you say cold, you mean…”

Cold, icy, not warm.”


“Yeah, literally.”

“OK. Listen to me, Mary. I know it’s painful, but I want you to tell me everything, and I mean everything, you can about your attack, including the ‘weird shit’. What you were doing before, anything about the guy who attacked you as well as anything else about St. John.”

Mary saw the concern and determination in Steve’s eyes, just like she used to see in her father’s when she got into trouble. Taking a deep breath, Mary told her brother everything she could remember. She didn’t see much of the struggle between St. John and her attacker, but they seemed to be moving awfully fast, something she attributed to being high at the time. When she commented that she thought she saw her attacker’s eyes glow, that’s when Steve knew just how close Mary had come to a horrific end and just how much trouble Danny was getting into.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. While Steve bore the sign of protection, that protection extended to his family as well. Someone had defied the decree and if Danny started asking too many questions, there’d be hell to pay.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:12 am
by r1015bill
Ah! I see where this is going. :bulb:

But how does Steve know what he knows? And does it explain why Steve and Mick look alike? So much to find out!

And Danny is getting himself into trouble. I'm guessing it isn't Josef as much as it is someone... more... ancient...

Lovely! :flowers:

I look forward to the next chapter.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:49 am
by Marigold
Mary told Steve about the weird parts of the attack, and Steve was able to put the pieces together. Like r1015bill, I'm curious as to how Steve knows what he knows. :chin: What exactly is the story behind those tattoos???

The image of Danny and Carl having lunch together made me :snicker: . It was a very clever way to further tie the two shows together.

Thank you, DSR! :rose: I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:49 pm
by darkstarrising
r1015bill wrote:Ah! I see where this is going. :bulb:

But how does Steve know what he knows? And does it explain why Steve and Mick look alike? So much to find out!

And Danny is getting himself into trouble. I'm guessing it isn't Josef as much as it is someone... more... ancient...

Lovely! :flowers:

I look forward to the next chapter.
Thanks, Rhonda :hug: So, you've figured it out (you probably have)? Ah, but there are a few surprises left. As for how Steve knows, you'll find out in Chapter 6. (But Chapter 5 is fun, too!)
Marigold wrote:Mary told Steve about the weird parts of the attack, and Steve was able to put the pieces together. Like r1015bill, I'm curious as to how Steve knows what he knows. :chin: What exactly is the story behind those tattoos???

The image of Danny and Carl having lunch together made me :snicker: . It was a very clever way to further tie the two shows together.

Thank you, DSR! :rose: I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.
Thanks, Marigold :hug: The story behind the tattoos will also be told in Chapter 6. Glad you enjoyed the lunch with Carl. One of Danny's retired cop buddies likely pointed Danny to him. But Danny had better be careful....there's more to LA than he knows about.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:56 pm
by jen

Fabulous chapter!!

First of all, when you said that you initially thought this would be a one shot, I thought that would really be a shame, as you have such a marvelous gift for weaving a delightfully complex plot and fabulous characters into an amazing story. Your shorter pieces are great, don't misunderstand but from the standpoint of a reader, immersing oneself in one of your multichapters is just pure joy. I'm one happy camper. Showing us the parallels in Mary Ann's trials and what Mick has had to deal with was brilliant. We adopted and loved a vampire and they were supposed to be traditionally bad guys. Mary Ann will be much easier, even if she isn't as adorable as Mick.

Danny is good, and even though my experience watching 5-0 is limited to a few episodes in the first and a couple last season, you are giving me a good picture of the players here. Thing is, he's almost too good. His mind sees logical connections and won't be dissuaded by the absence of evidence to support those connections. He follows his instincts, knowing they rarely lead him wrong (i.e., he knows Mick took Tejada out, he just doesn't know how he disposed of the body). Thing is--thpsr instincts could quickly lead him into very dangerous territory. Steve, too. Getting too close to the truth could get both of them an up close and personal meeting with the Cleaners.

Won't speculate. That just gets me into trouble, so I'll just sit back and buckle up.


Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:04 am
by darkstarrising
jen wrote:DSR

Fabulous chapter!!

First of all, when you said that you initially thought this would be a one shot, I thought that would really be a shame, as you have such a marvelous gift for weaving a delightfully complex plot and fabulous characters into an amazing story. Your shorter pieces are great, don't misunderstand but from the standpoint of a reader, immersing oneself in one of your multichapters is just pure joy. I'm one happy camper. Showing us the parallels in Mary Ann's trials and what Mick has had to deal with was brilliant. We adopted and loved a vampire and they were supposed to be traditionally bad guys. Mary Ann will be much easier, even if she isn't as adorable as Mick.

Danny is good, and even though my experience watching 5-0 is limited to a few episodes in the first and a couple last season, you are giving me a good picture of the players here. Thing is, he's almost too good. His mind sees logical connections and won't be dissuaded by the absence of evidence to support those connections. He follows his instincts, knowing they rarely lead him wrong (i.e., he knows Mick took Tejada out, he just doesn't know how he disposed of the body). Thing is--thpsr instincts could quickly lead him into very dangerous territory. Steve, too. Getting too close to the truth could get both of them an up close and personal meeting with the Cleaners.

Won't speculate. That just gets me into trouble, so I'll just sit back and buckle up.


Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thanks, Jenna, :hug: and yeah, buckling up would be a good idea. Danny in H50 is a good cop, but he's out of his element. Jersey is nothing like Oahu and while he's basically a gruff sweetheart, he sticks to 'the book' primarily because he understands it. During some interrogations, he's forgotten all about the book, because he's dealing with something he finds particularly abhorrent.

In this story, he's even further out of his element, but he can't let it go. He wants to help Steve, he really does, and he thinks he's doing his partner a favor, but you guessed it, his little trip to LA will cause an awful lot of trouble.

And thanks especially for the comment about the multi-chapters....I had a lot of fun with this one... :devil:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:17 pm
by moonlightlover60
Oh, it seems that Steve just might know something about what Mick is..Hmmmn Great story DSR. :thanks:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:10 am
by darkstarrising
moonlightlover60 wrote:Oh, it seems that Steve just might know something about what Mick is..Hmmmn Great story DSR. :thanks:
Thanks, moonlightlover60 :hug: Steve knows more than he lets on and for good reason. Somehow, I don't think he's going to be able to keep that a secret for very long. :whistle:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:39 am
by allegrita
Ooooh, this is a wonderfully illuminating chapter! :teeth: I love the way you're moving the story along. But I also love the quiet moments, like Steve's swim. I can just picture him (no, not like that...) :laugh: using his morning swim as a chance to sort through all his thoughts, letting his body work and his mind run free. It's a lovely piece of descriptive prose. :hearts: Steve's tattoos are verrrrry interesting as is his seeming understanding of Mick's coldness... :chin: I'm starting to get all sorts of ideas, but I think I'll just hold on tight and wait for that corkscrew turn that's coming up. Ooooh, Danny better watch his six... :2eyes:

I LOVED Danny and Carl together, btw. Did Carl have the cochinita pibil? :winky:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:50 am
by darkstarrising
allegrita wrote:Ooooh, this is a wonderfully illuminating chapter! :teeth: I love the way you're moving the story along. But I also love the quiet moments, like Steve's swim. I can just picture him (no, not like that...) :laugh: using his morning swim as a chance to sort through all his thoughts, letting his body work and his mind run free. It's a lovely piece of descriptive prose. :hearts: Steve's tattoos are verrrrry interesting as is his seeming understanding of Mick's coldness... :chin: I'm starting to get all sorts of ideas, but I think I'll just hold on tight and wait for that corkscrew turn that's coming up. Ooooh, Danny better watch his six... :2eyes:

I LOVED Danny and Carl together, btw. Did Carl have the cochinita pibil? :winky:
Thanks, alle :hug: Steve, as a human, finds refuge of his choosing in the warm ocean. Mick, as a vampire, finds refuge not of his choosing in the cold freezer. It was a way for me to show the differences between the two men who look so much alike, but are so very different. Still, there are similarities that Steve will find out about in the next chapter.

Carl was a perfect source of info that Danny was looking for, although he might have gotten just a little more than he'd counted on. :gasp: As for what Carl had for lunch....I couldn't figure out how to spell that. :giggle: I've listened to it several times in the ML ep, but could never quite catch it.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:52 am
by Moonlightsonata
I'm continuing to enjoy this story; I basically really enjoy anything you write, although Moonlight and Mick and Beth are the favorites. Curious about the "protection" Steve felt extended to his family and wondering about his knowledge of Vampires?

You're so talented and really should be writing professionally DSR.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:57 am
by darkstarrising
Moonlightsonata wrote:I'm continuing to enjoy this story; I basically really enjoy anything you write, although Moonlight and Mick and Beth are the favorites. Curious about the "protection" Steve felt extended to his family and wondering about his knowledge of Vampires?

You're so talented and really should be writing professionally DSR.
thanks, Moonlightsonata :hug: I appreciate that you enjoy my various stories....How Steve knows what he does and the story behind his protection will be in Chapter 6.

As for writing professionally, now that I have some time on my hands, I'm going to try and do just that....may not work out, but I'll give it a shot.

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:51 am
by allegrita
Yay!! :hyper2: :hyper2: That is great news! :yahoo:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:38 pm
by darkstarrising
allegrita wrote:Yay!! :hyper2: :hyper2: That is great news! :yahoo:

Re: The Long Journey Home (PG-13) Chap 4- Challenge 140

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:54 pm
by nutmegger911
Freakin' aye!*

*More coherent comment will have to wait until NM's ability to speak returns.