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Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:56 am
by Catmoon
I've just read the posts here about Kristen trying for a VM movie. While I'd be interested to see it if it happened, I do have some hesitations. I watched the preview they put together for the networks that showed the direction they were going to go in had there been another season, and
With Veronica joining the FBI it looks like it would have been a totally different type of show had it continued. Different 'feel'. I don't even know if there would have been a place for Logan and the other old characters. I understand she can't stay in school forever, but I'm not a person who likes it when shows I like change too drastically. It also was a bit hard for me to imagine Veronica in the FBI (it was going to take place a few years in the future but still). Not the way she skirted the edges of the law and sometimes stepped over them to do what she thought was right even if it was illegal. I'd need to see some character development to show that she had changed in order to make it believable. Or else see her getting into trouble and even kicked out of the FBI for that. True her father's last illegal act to protect her might have been enough to 'scare her straight'. But I liked that the characters weren't perfect and the good guys sometimes made bad decisions... In the long run, I found Veronica too 'shady' to be believable or desirable as an FBI agent. I would rather see her as a private detective in Neptune, struggling with her personal life, solving cases, and dealing with the co-dependent/enabling relationship she has with her father. That seems a lot more feasible to me.
I also really liked the way the show emphasized the differences between the haves and have-nots who lived among them. I had a version of this in my own life growing up, so I really related to Veronica and her family. Plus everyone loves rooting for the underdog. If there was a movie I'd like it if they continued to deal with that aspect.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:25 pm
by librarian_7
So, this is really nothing to do with Jason, but I can't resist posting. As you may know, I work at a large university library...this afternoon, as I was getting off the elevator, I nearly ran into a young man who was a dead ringer for "Dick Casablancas." I turned to my companion, who is also a bit of a Veronica Mars fan, and mentioned this to her. She totally agreed with me.

It was...freaky.


Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:33 am
by francis
Nah, can't have been him. Dick would NEVER be found dead in a library!

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:43 am
by RangerCM
:rolling: He's such a lovable idiot.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:09 am
by librarian_7
One of my favorite VM moments with him, is when Logan looks at him while they're playing video games together, and says "You're just not very complicated, are you, Dick?"

And he responds, "I try not to be."

:rolling: The look on Logan's face is priceless.


Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:51 pm
by Lilly
This isn't the look Lucky was talking about, but it sure makes me smile... :happysigh:


Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:04 pm
by Lilly
This has nothing to do with Jason and is only peripherally about VM, but I thought fans might want to now that Francis Capra will be guest starring on Blue Bloods tonight at 10pm on CBS.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:33 pm
by Lilly
For those who don't yet own their very own copies :mdrama: , all 3 seasons of Veronica Mars are now on sale at for $19.99 each. :teeth:

Here's the link for Season 1: ... B000A59PMO

This is why you need them:


Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:40 pm
by JKsGirl
:melts: :melts: :melts: :melts: :melts:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:37 pm
by Lilly
I just came across these short video clips from the VM panel at ComicCon 2006. I hadn't seen them before, so I thought I'd post them here. They're pretty choppy and he doesn't say much, but it's worth it -- it's Jason. Image


Jason Dohring at Comic-Con (1)

Jason Dohring at Comic-Con (2)

Jason Dohring at Comic-Con (3)

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:16 pm
by allegrita
Those are great! And he was delightfully snarky for a moment there... :snicker:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:52 am
by cassysj
I've been slowly rewatching VM. I just started Season 2 tonight. When I first watched I pretty much fast-forwarded to the Jason parts. I have to admit the show is pretty good. Strange question but does anyone remember if VM switched from UPN to CW Network in Season 2 or 3? I'm curious because I saw Julie Chen (Les Moonves wife) in cameo in the first episode of Season 2 and CW would make more sense but reporters often do cameos on shows on and off their networks.

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:30 pm
by librarian_7
Not about Jason, but I just caught Francis Capra (aka Weevil on VM) as a serial killer on Criminal Minds.

He did a very good job...quite creepy!


Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:10 am
by moonlight_vixen
librarian_7 wrote:Not about Jason, but I just caught Francis Capra (aka Weevil on VM) as a serial killer on Criminal Minds.

He did a very good job...quite creepy!

I just watched him tonight on a repeat of NCIS. He's so great playing the "troublemaker!" :yahoo:

Re: Jason in Veronica Mars

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:17 pm
by librarian_7
I’ve been watching the second season of Veronica Mars, and I have a topic I want to discuss a bit.


I’m going to put this under spoiler tags, in case you haven’t seen the series yet.
Okay, quick precis if you haven’t seen this recently. Logan is accused of murder, and the one really damaging witness is a doctor who found him unconscious next to the body, with a bloody knife in his hand.

At the Neptune High Winter Carnival, Logan meets a girl (another skinny blonde who looks a lot like his previous girlfriends). She is very young and innocent, and seems to appeal to his softer side. He flirts with her, and makes a date to see her again. Just as her ride home pulls up, he kisses her. Turns out, her father is the witness against him.

Soon, he is stealing moments with her at school, although he ignores her, if he’s with his friends. He tells her later this is to protect her, given his bad experiences in the past.

However, when her father confronts him, he seems to tell the dr. that he’s only seducing Hannah to get to the witness, and possibly force him to recant his story.

There’s a lot of ambiguity here….and I’ve never quite been able to make up my mind about the whole thing. A lot depends on when Logan is lying, or when he’s sincere.

The possibilities are:

1) He was telling the truth when he claimed he had no idea who Hannah was when he met her, and he’s genuinely attracted to her sweetness and innocence. On one hand, he says he wants to protect her from his enemies, and he said much the same to Veronica at one point. He seems to feel that a key component in a relationship is one partner protecting the other (as he was not protected from his parents, when he was a small child, this makes a lot of sense). On the other hand, this is a young man whose most recent previous relationship was with an older, very sophisticated woman, and whose other girlfriends have been very smart, mature young women. Is he really that interested in a little girl? Hannah isn’t stupid, but she is naïve and sheltered.

2) He went after Hannah solely because of her father’s involvement in his murder case. Pretty calculated and manipulative, but this is Logan Echolls we’re talking about here. His “let’s hide our relationship” attitude seems to bear this out, but then again, once she figures out her father dislikes her seeing Logan because of the whole witness thing, Logan starts holding hands with her in the hall at school.

3) He first targeted Hannah because of her father, but came to have genuine feelings for her. In some ways, I’d like to think this is the case. He commented once that his first girlfriend “didn’t love him, the way he loved her,” and one of the problems he has with Veronica is that she doesn’t seem to need him.

There may be other possibilities, but this is what I’ve come up with so far. The series seems ambiguous on motivations, etc.
I’m really interested to hear what others think on this topic.
