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Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:09 am
by Shadow
ah, so much more to read.... I think I am fated to read all your stories backwards .... but I must say they're awfully good this way. ;)

My very favorite thing in this is getting to really, truly see Mick as a father. So many wonderful details - especially the child seat in the Mercedes (love that image) and the look you've made me imagine on this little girl's face as she's starting to realize that she can stay out in the sun - and he can't.

So nice to see Mick seeing dreams of family come true. And I agree it would be quite fascinating to see what happens in this story's future!

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:18 pm
by redwinter101
:giggle: Thanks, Shadow. I'm just glad this made sense backwards. :snicker:

I'm sure there will be more in this little corner of AU...

Red :flowers:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:34 pm
by Shadow
redwinter101 wrote::giggle: Thanks, Shadow. I'm just glad this made sense backwards. :snicker:

I'm sure there will be more in this little corner of AU...

Red :flowers:
That's excellent news, Red!

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:13 pm
by redwinter101

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:51 pm
by Moonlightsonata
Redwinter - I realize I haven't been leaving as many comments for your stories as I should be in terms of how much I enjoy them so I want to rectify that. I think part of the problem is that some have so many quotes they reference and I simply feel my small amount of comments to be inadequate. But I enjoyed this very heartwarming story a great deal. As I did the story that went before it.

I do have to wonder about the title? Years ago (I looked it up on Google) and it was about 20 years ago I saw a movie with the same title. For some reason I have been thinking about that title a lot recently. Based on the critic's reviews that I read on Google, it wasn't received well but when I look at reviews from actual people, that is a different story. All I could remember was it had something to do with a baseball player and his past and I couldn't remember the names of the leading actor or actress who as it turned out were Mark Harmon and Jodie Foster. Not sure if your title had anything to do with this movie or whether you even heard of it and I am curious about that? Anyway, I need to look this up on a DVD and see it again because I remember liking it a lot.

Thank you again for all your writing which is a wonderful present to us.

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:12 pm
by redwinter101
Thank you so much, Moonlightsonata. :hearts:
Moonlightsonata wrote:Redwinter - I realize I haven't been leaving as many comments for your stories as I should be in terms of how much I enjoy them so I want to rectify that. I think part of the problem is that some have so many quotes they reference and I simply feel my small amount of comments to be inadequate. But I enjoyed this very heartwarming story a great deal. As I did the story that went before it.
It's lovely to read comments where readers pick out their favourite bits, but it's just as lovely to hear that you enjoyed the story - because that's what it's all about and it gives me a lovely warm glow. :cloud9:

Re the movie you mention, I've never seen nor heard of it. The story title refers to Mick taking a risk to reach home. Grace explained it better than I can!!! Her comment is earlier in the thread (bottom of page 2 I think).

Thanks again.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:42 am
by JJRose
"his moment in the sun"...Honestly, I could cry at how lovely that was. As always, there is so much in your stories to love that it's hard to know where to start with the compliments. The way you began it - it's just the smell of Beth making coffee, but what it MEANS to him is so profound...

I think my two favorite moments were Marta in the little house and Mick holding Andi in the park. The first because it was so honest - the trusted housekeeper is kind of a stock character, and she is so rarely allowed her own humanity. Who in that situation wouldn't be lonely sometimes, fearful of the future? And the fact that you gave us that, and showed how Mick recognized it, meant so much. The second, because Mick's shame and fear with regard to his family upon his turning is such a deep reservoir of pain in him. To see him suddenly fully recognize how unnecessary that was, how much his parents loved him, what they would have done to help him - and even more to have that love now for a child of his own - what a tremendous wound has healed! That can mean only good things, not just for Mick but for our patient and long-suffering Beth as well.

I can't think of a better way to start the New Year! Thank you so much for writing these stories and providing me with so much happiness.

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:37 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks, JJRose. :hearts: :hearts:

I'm glad the coffee thing worked - that was such a huge stumbling block for this story. I knew I wanted to start with Mick smelling the coffee as soon as he stepped out of the elevator but I found it incredibly hard to describe the smell of coffee (without just saying it smelled like coffee :snicker: ). Those seven little words took me an age.

The idea of Mick finding peace with himself is very appealing to me; I always felt that he had so many struggles and regrets, there had to be some kind of "reward" - a pay-off, if you will, and irrespective of the means (a child's love in this case) it is that sense of contentment with himself and his place in the world that feels like the ultimate reward (to me).


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:20 am
by Luxe de Luxe
deee-lightful, Red. This is such a heart-warming story of the triumph of love over all. So many great lines in this one, and as always, the thing I enjoy most about your writing - the honesty of the complex emotions so beautifully portrayed.

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:31 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks, Luxe - both for the heartwarming and, especially, for the emotional honesty. What could possibly be a better compliment? :flowers: :flowers:


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:46 pm
by Moonlighter
Well -- wow. I feel like I've cheated and read the last chapter of a book before the beginning. For as much as I love your writing, Red, I seem to be the only idiot here who has not read Homecoming. But rest assured, I will be remedying that fact in the near future -- probably starting today.

Everyone has already pointed out all the loveliest of lovely lines in this piece so I won't even begin to repeat them, but I can say that as much as I love Mick, you somehow find a way to make me love him even more. This story was just magically delicious and I can't wait to find out what leads up to such perfection -- and will lead to more little updates on Mick and Beth's family...or so I hear.

You know how I feel aboutcha, Red, but I hope you never get tired of hearing it because ML still :heart: :heart: :heart: Red in 2010!!

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:52 pm
by redwinter101

Thanks, Moonlighter - although I'm afraid Homecoming will be a little spoiled by knowing how things have turned out here. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Red :heart: :heart: :heart:

P. S. I do have an index... (just sayin') :snicker:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:36 pm
by jen
Absolutely lovely!

but Stealing Home? I think that life has presented Mick and Beth with the family both have always wanted. They are ready and there is such an adventure in store for the two of them and Andi and Marta, too.

A friend like Josef Kostan could come in handy...

:flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:40 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks, jen. Re the title, I do think the baseball reference is apt - although (as usual) Grace explained it better than me earlier in the thread. They've battled and struggled and lost and gained to get here and now it's up to Mick to make the final leap of faith. The leap for home.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:26 pm
by ash
Beautiful continuation love. Very sweet though i'm a sucker for Mick as a daddy anyday. A dera fic about family.