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Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:56 pm
by Lilly
A reminder from Jacob via Twitter...

TheJacobVargas Jacob Vargas
My Xmas episode of #Psych will air this Wed eve on USA network. Set your DVRs!
1 hour ago

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:55 am
by r1015bill
Just watched Jacob's appearance on the Psych holiday episode. I enjoyed it! His hair looked really different.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:33 pm
by r1015bill
LisaS posted this a few days ago on other ML sites. Lisa - if you come to post later, I'm sorry I stole your thunder but I wanted to be sure everyone got the info in time.

Jacob Vargas who played Guillermo the Vampire Morgue Attendant in Moonlight will be joining us on the VRO Monday Jan 10th at 9pm Eastern.
You can get there two ways ... cob-vargas

ETA: The VRO usually keeps interviews available for you to listen to later. Click the second link if you don't hear it live.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:47 pm
by Lilly
Thanks, r! :hug: I don't think I've ever heard Jacob interviewed before. This is great!

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:56 pm
by r1015bill
Lilly wrote:Thanks, r! :hug: I don't think I've ever heard Jacob interviewed before. This is great!
Yes! And I don't understand why we haven't heard him in interviews. He seems totally open to it.

I follow him on twitter so I saw that Lisa asked on December 16th.
@TheJacobVargas Thanks Jacob. Would love to get you on @TheVRO in Jan for an interview
THE SAME DAY he answered
@LisaStevensVRO I'm in. Let's do it
Twitter does seem to get the management people out of the way, doesn't it?

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:29 am
by Lilly
Just a reminder -- Jacob will be on the series finale of Medium tonight on CBS @ 8pm EST.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:35 am
by Moonlightsonata
I watched the series finale of Medium tonight. I don't think there was a separate Medium thread here, so I just wanted to post some thoughts about it.

A somewhat bittersweet finale. Since it hasn't been on the West Coast yet, I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But for me having Jacob on the final episode, and considering that Ghost Whisperer came after Medium (although it was canceled before it) and that I basically started watching Moonlight because I saw a preview after Ghost Whisperer kind of brought everything full circle.

I did watch Medium for a number of years and then seemed to skip it for awhile because the time it was on conflicted with something else. That was when it was on NBC. When Medium came to CBS on Friday's at 8 pm it worked out again because I don't think there was anything else I was watching. It was also nice to catch up with Alison and Joe. I am glad that the program had a proper finale - I think that a series that has been on that long deserves it. Again, the finale made me cry near the end, although the final end was sweet. I am glad Jacob had an opportunity to be back on CBS on Friday night.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:55 pm
by lynnrxgal
I'll miss Medium and am thankful that TPTB allowed it to have a fitting ending. Loved that all the cast members were able to say goodbye in their own way. That was very touching. The DuBois family was one of the few "real" families on TV today, with sibling squabbles, growing up issues, money issues, career issues, a husband and wife relationship that was not two dimensional, not to mention I loved all of Allison's pjs! (shallow, I know!)

Having Jacob Vargas in the finale was like icing on a cake. It was great to see him and he did a good job. I wonder if H50 is looking for a Hispanic...

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:01 pm
by allegrita
Oh, man... I hadn't been watching Medium for the past couple of years, but I wanted to catch the final episode. I swear, they made me cry. :hankie:
I kind of hated that they killed Joe... they left poor Alison to raise those girls by herself and be lonely for sooo long. At least they were together after she died.
Sniffle sniffle sniffle... :sigh:

I would LOVE to see Jacob on Hawaii Five-0! That state is such a mishmash of races and cultures, I know they could fit him in somehow... :teeth: But on the other hand, I think I'd be happiest if he had his own show (as long as it didn't conflict with 5-0 or whatever Jason's show is going to be!).

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:06 pm
by Lilly
allegrita wrote:I would LOVE to see Jacob on Hawaii Five-0! That state is such a mishmash of races and cultures, I know they could fit him in somehow... :teeth: But on the other hand, I think I'd be happiest if he had his own show (as long as it didn't conflict with 5-0 or whatever Jason's show is going to be!).
You know, I could definitely see him on a show with Jason... :chin:


Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:44 am
by MoonShadow
It was wonderful to see Jacob on a very touching finale for Medium. I too loved, loved, loved the DuBois family. :hankie:
Sadly the list of things to watch on CBS is getting very short...

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:12 am
by NocturneInCMoll
I saw "Jacob Vargas" in the opening guest star credits for tonight's episode of CSI: Miami. Don't think I've seen him yet unless he was the driver of a getaway vehicle (which was moving kind of fast).

Yup. Getaway Driver.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:14 am
by allegrita
Well, boo and yay! (Yay that he got a job. Boo that he wasn't in the episode for long enough.)

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:30 pm
by NocturneInCMoll
allegrita wrote:Well, boo and yay! (Yay that he got a job. Boo that he wasn't in the episode for long enough.)
Actually, Alle, he had a huge role--more air time then he ever got in an episode of Moonlight, I'd say.
The getaway driver part was before the credits, which is why I said I hadn't seen him yet...unless he was the getaway driver. After the credits rolled (and I saw his name) they caught him in due time, and weren't done with him anytime soon.

Re: Jacob Vargas - pics, news, misc.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:01 pm
by librarian_7
Hey, work is work...but Alle wants him to be the leeeeeeeaaaadddd.
