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Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:08 am
by starbucksjunkie
coco, you so rock. Thank you so very much for taking the time to type this out. Alex's comments made my day, and you have our undying gratitude for bringing them to us. :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:10 am
by Lilly
wpgrace wrote:
:snicker: Tho if they had done this, the boys would have to appear on one another's shows... you just CANNOT split them up!
My thoughts exactly, grace. Unless the Josef spin-off focused on his extensive past, there's just no way to have a show with one and not the other. :no:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:29 am
by librarian_7
First off, thanks so much for sharing this, coco. It just means the world that you took the time and effort.

Second...a Josef spin-off show? No kidding, and hey, I have a few story ideas for that!


Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:08 am
by MoonMarg
coco wrote: Sonata:
"He's trying to keep the boundary there and the reality is that he can't allow this human girl to overrule the moral code that's been around for thousands and thousands of years, despite what his heart says. So he'll always have barriers there; he's a vampire. But then there's the part of him that will always love her, too. That's always been the great quandary fo his character. Then he leaves and what follows just came out of the moment. I was walking away from the apartment and I stopped outside the door and stood against the wall for a moment before going back inside. I wanted to continue that thread in the series - that feeling that there's a wall between them that will always be there, no matter what. But in that moment he decides he's still gonna have a go at it. The love is too strong, he's not going to walk away and he's still going to try and make it work."
Despite its premature cancellation, this final moment in Moonlight at least fulfilled the promise of the show's premise, having these two characters from different worlds uniting.

That is really an awesome quote from Alex which essentially summed up the essence of Moonlight. I loved reading Alex's take on the episodes - he has such a way with words .."Beth was all horny" :snicker: I enjoyed reading his take on the shower scene in Ep 9 with Coraline - at least we now know what WAS going through Mick's mind. One thing that did strike me was Sleeping Beauty and how he was talking about Micks isolation in this episode. I hadn't really thought about how Josef keeping the big secret from Mick would play on his mind, adding to that isolation.

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:47 am
by Moonlightsonata
Coco - thank you so much for posting all the comments. That was so so nice of you. This was great but it just makes me a little sad that they couldn't take the effort to include any of this on the DVD. Would have been wonderful to hear it in Alex's own voice. Wonder if the DVD without any extras is selling enough that they might consider adding some extras like this. Although I already have two DVDs, I would definitely buy another one just for something like this.

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:53 am
by darkstarrising
Moonlightsonata wrote:Coco - thank you so much for posting all the comments. That was so so nice of you. This was great but it just makes me a little sad that they couldn't take the effort to include any of this on the DVD. Would have been wonderful to hear it in Alex's own voice. Wonder if the DVD without any extras is selling enough that they might consider adding some extras like this. Although I already have two DVDs, I would definitely buy another one just for something like this.

It's not unheard of for a 'no-frills' DVD to be followed by one sometime later dressed up with extras....but it will only happen if there's a significant profit to be made. And I have absolutely no idea what having Alex under contract to CBS means to allowing him to participate in what would be a Warner Brothers endeavor....

But one can always hope...

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:59 am
by allegrita
coco, thank you so much for posting all of this when you must be exhausted from your weekend! :rose: :hug:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:02 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Coco, I cannot thank you enough for doing this for us! Especially right after the BBM con! I hung on every word!

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! :hug: :thanks: :hug: :thanks: :rose:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:08 am
by bluedahlia3
I hit a ton of book stores and magazine shops but couldn't find a copy. :hyper2: I did see the original and it's worth hunting down to purchase. If anybody finds it, pick them up. I would love a copy and apparently they are hard to find. :grumble: I asked a couple of the other ML sisters to see if they could find other copies in England so we may get a couple. It's a small price for a great edition. :hyper2:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:07 am
by Mags
I know everyone has already said it but I wanted to thank you as well coco for taking the time and energy to type this allout for us,and you have to be exhausted after the are sweet sweet lady and also one class act, :hug:

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:30 am
by MoonMarg
wpgrace wrote:Oh I am totally nodding my head with everything this man says! He totally gets it, and apparently I got him... I am amazed, anew, at his ability to project his character's every emotion... every thought... sometimes of course just with an eyebrow! :giggle: I really felt his performances as he is describing them here... and I love that he enjoyed the conflicts and complications on the show... I thought they added so much to it...
I totally agree Grace. Alex's portrayal of Mick was the stand-out in ML for me. Like you said - he just got it, and we all got it too. I think Alex is an amazing actor and his other characters have all been amazing too (I loved his portrayal of Vincent) but there is just something special between Alex and Mick. I remember Alex saying when he first read the script that "he knew this guy and could be this guy" or something to that effect, and he was right. I wished he'd had the chance to develop him further- 16 short episodes just wasn't enough.

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:06 am
by MoonMad
Thank you Coco for doing that. I have been as curious as anything to read Alex's take on the episodes. After a big weekend like you've had, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty by transcribing the comments. You're a legend. :hug:

There are a few fans (very few I'm sure) who wouldn't care if there was a second season without Alex as Mick as long as there was a second season, but the kind of insight shown here in his comments on the episodes, shows how hard it would be to find another actor who could bring that emotional depth to a character created by another man. Alex really gets Mick and it must have been like having a friend die when the show was cancelled. No wonder he was so gutted.

I also really appreciate his honesty in the commentaries. If he wasn't happy with an aspect of an episode, he honoured the fans by being truthful and didn't fob us off with platitudes. Alex is a very real person who always seems to put his best foot forward no matter what he's doing. A true professional.

Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:01 am
by redwinter101
coco, you are the absolute BOMB. I'm heading out today to see if I can track down some copies (I've never seen this mag before, but let's face it, I've never looked before).

I loved reading Alex's comments. Like so many others, I didn't think I could love this guy any more, but yep, I do now. So wonderful to read.

And ITA with MoonMad - he was Mick. He knew him; he made him; he shared him with the rest of us. There is no Mick without this wonderful, wonderful man.


Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:21 am
by coco
WH Smith is a good place to try if you are looking for this mag. We got 4 copies from Windsor yesterday and I'm sure they had more in the back shop. You may want to try online ordering too. Trust me, this mag is worth having. The Moonlight section is superb and the snarky comments with the pics are brilliant but all the other sections on all things vampires are so interesting.

Once again, you are all welcome. It was something that just had to be shared. Alex is Mick and I wanted everyone to see what his thoughts.


Re: SFX magazine doing a Moonlight ep guide with Alex comments

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:03 am
by kalua
Thank you SO much, Coco! :hearts:

This was incredibly cool to read, Alex really loved Moonlight and Mick as a character, but he also saw the lacks and faults of the show and was so honest to tell about it.
He is more than just an actor, as he described himself in some interview, he's a film-maker and hopefully in the future will be given the opportunity to express himself beyond acting (which is exceptionally good, anyway).

And truly, Mick concentrated in himself all that is sexy about vampires (and guys in general :snicker: )!