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Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:07 pm
by darkstarrising
cassysj wrote:
darkstarrising wrote:Just a bit of a gloat...a couple of weeks ago, there were an awful lot of TV ads for a movie called 'Faster', with one almost every ten minutes on CBS. Duh :slaphead: ...the movie is from CBS films. So, I decided to see how mindless violence and screeching cars stacked up against a rom com and a tear jerker. Mind you, 'Faster' is still in theaters, but is fading faster than a Hawaiian snowball.

So far, CBS films has released three films, and of the three, BUP has the highest box office take

BUP = $37,490,007 (Domestic) + $39,979,575 (Foreign) = $77,469,582 Total

Faster = $22,066,548 (Domestic) + $886,307 (Foreign) = $22,952,855 Total

Extraordinary Measures = $12,068,313 (Domestic) + $3,065,855= $15,134,168 Total

Offhand, I'd say BUP did pretty well for itself. :curtesy:

I agree. CBS Films needs to pick a nitch. I think their Beauty & The Beast remake has been delayed.
I remember seeing promos for 'Beastly' when BUP was in the theaters....a very dark, updated version of the tale aimed at a 'Twilight' type (agewise) audience. It was supposed to be released in the summer of 2010, but is now supposed to be released in March, 2011To your point, though, that would be a fourth type of flick.... :dizzy:

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:26 pm
by r1015bill
This morning, I saw a commercial for "Beastly" - the Beauty and the Beast remake by CBS Films.

It opens March 4th and here's the official web site.

I checked out to see what else they might have coming. Seems they've had a couple movies come out that I totally missed. (Not surprising though - I wouldn't have paid the slightest attention to action thrillers)

It doesn't look like they have anything in development right now but they are acquiring rights for more movies.

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:47 pm
by Lucy
They are looking at Stephen King's THE STAND.

That was a BIG, THICK book, even for a paperback.

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:19 pm
by darkstarrising
It will be interesting to see how 'Beastly' does against the four films CBS Films has already released. Updating the totals from a few posts ago and adding 'The Mechanic' to the list results in the following:

So far, CBS films has released three four films, and of the them BUP has the highest box office take

BUP = $37,490,007 (Domestic) + $39,979,575 (Foreign) = $77,469,582 Total

The Mechanic = $25,351,000 (Domestic) + $11,700,000 (Foreign) = $37,051,000 Total

Faster = $22,240,020(Domestic) + $1,968,411 (Foreign) = $25,208,431 Total

Extraordinary Measures = $12,068,313 (Domestic) + $3,065,855= $15,134,168 Total

While "The Mechanic" is the only one of the four still in theaters, after only three weeks, it's fallen from its initial ranking of third, to seventh, to its current position of twelfth. My guess is 'Beastly' will best 'The Mechanic' without any problem.

Even so, BUP is still leading the pack. :curtesy:

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:40 pm
by wpgrace
TO be honest, and NOT just to be defensive, I think BUP in part suffered from timing. JLo had "come back" but not successfully. Her song kinda bombed, and her album AND her contract got cancelled. So she was on the ropes and the movie wasn't good enough to overcome that liability. If it were coming out NOW with her upswing due to A.I., I think the movie woulda done much better.

Timing is always important but so is product. Had the movie just been a bit better, it would've done a bit better just on its own... but a lot of the bad karma it got was clearly some claws coming out against JLo...

Bummer. But in any case, our guy more than did his job. He was a meltingly adorable and desirable leading man... so I DO hope he gets another shot at film. Seeing that gentleman on the BIG screen, well, :melts: :melts: :melts: .

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:47 pm
by redwinter101
wpgrace wrote:Seeing that gentleman on the BIG screen, well, :melts: :melts: :melts: .
Really? You made a special trip to the cinema JUST to see Alex? And it was worth it?

Who'da thunk?

Red (who went six times :roll: )

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:49 pm
by darkstarrising
You bring out a good point that timing is critical to a film's success, for all the reasons you cite. Perhaps if CBS Films had stuck to their original timing of bringing BUP out first and not 'Extraordinary Measures', things might have been different. Not necessarily better, but different.

ITA about Alex's performance.....and I do so agree about seeing him on the big screen again. :heart:

Got me beat, red, I only saw it three times in the theater before getting the DVD :giggle:

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:55 am
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:
wpgrace wrote:Seeing that gentleman on the BIG screen, well, :melts: :melts: :melts: .
Really? You made a special trip to the cinema JUST to see Alex? And it was worth it?

Who'da thunk?

Red (who went six times :roll: )
:hankie: I only made it 4 I think....

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:07 am
by r1015bill
Seems things are changing over at CBS Films.

If I understand, they are now going to focus more on acquiring films to distribute instead of actually making them. ... sidentceo/

I guess Alex hit at just the right time.

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:39 am
by Ella713
I only saw this movie only because of Alex but I rather liked it. I thought Alex and J-Lo made an adorably sexy couple. His expression during the birthing scene cracked me up! All in all, I thought it was cute. I even bought a copy.

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:54 am
by allegrita
I loved the romance parts, and although the pregnancy (and especially the birthing scene) was played for very broad humor, I thought everyone did a great job with it. But the best part for me was the romance. I'd have loved to see a more straight romance between Stan and Zoe, because I thought Alex and Jennifer had fabulous chemistry. One of the things that really impressed me about Alex's portrayal of Stan was that he wasn't a guy who had everything easy. He struggled and he made mistakes. But his heart was in the right place. Alex played him as a real, flawed guy, and I appreciated that very much. :hearts:

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:05 am
by darkstarrising
ITA, alle, and the scene that really got me was Alex reading a bedtime story to the twins.. :cloud9:

For info, of the five movies CBS studios produced, BUP had the highest domestic gross (~$37.5 million) and total gross ($77.5 million)
Coming in second was The Mechanic with $29.1 million domestic and $52 million total.

All in all, BUP did rather well....

Did you notice that CBS found a CBS TV series for three of the BUP stars? Alex has H50, Mellisa McCarthy has 'Mike and Molly' and Eric Christian Olsen has NCIS:LA

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:40 am
by allegrita
Oh, yeah--and it was especially cute since it was Cesar Milan's book about training dogs! :laugh: I thought that was a very nice tie-in to the book-signing at the pet shop. :hearts:

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:48 am
by r1015bill
Apparently Nadia of has decided to close down her site. Just mentioning it in case anyone wants to grab any of the photos from the BUP time that may have Alex in them. The site is paid through March so it will be up until then. ... ez-online/

Re: The Back-Up Plan, part 10 - SPOILERS

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:01 am
by allegrita
Aww... that makes me sad. :sigh: I totally understand why she wants to move on, but it's always hard to see something end. That site was a wonderful resource for all of us Alex fans who wanted info about the filming, so I'll always be grateful to her for indirectly helping the Alex-loving peeps. :teeth: By the way, she's got gorgeous high-def caps from TBUP, so you might want to join me in browsing her wonderful gallery before March. :yes:

:champs: A toast to Nadioz, and thanks for everything she's done. Best of luck to her, whatever she chooses to do from here on out. :rose: