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Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:39 am
by Shadow
jen wrote:
This popped back up on Active Topics and I read it again.

Splendid is a good word for it! 'Lovely' works, too.

I adore the ambiance of this piece. Mick is pulled in two directions, as he often is--powerfully drawn to Beth because of the enormity of the change that took place in his life as a result of rescuing her as a child; and also as a beautiful woman who is clearly drawn to him. Against this powerful attraction are all the reasons that warn him that it won't work. He shouldn't even try. And Beth is in a relationship with a great guy, she shouldn't be attracted to this enigmatic stranger...

This reminds me why I miss Moonlight and Mick so much.

Wonderful, wonderful job!

Thank you!

Thanks so much for reading again, Jenna! And you've described so well the essence of what was going on in Moonlight at this time. I think the double pull on Mick was really the hardest at just this time, when he was so sure that he shouldn't be getting involved with Beth -- yet was at the same time so powerfully drawn to her. Later on he still had second thoughts, but he would never again think of trying to break off contact with her. Some connections are just too strong ...
So glad that you liked this interval and commented on it again! :biggrin:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:22 pm
by susieb
Oh! I really loved this one. Want to think about it some more and then I promise I'll be back to comment.

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:29 pm
by susieb
Shadow, I really love this! Big :heart: And I am soooo frustrated! I can't quote the story to do my comments. Down below only has page 3 comments. Drat. I'm also frustrated by my RL which will not allow me time to devour your story (stories) like I really crave to do. Oh well.... :bmoon:

I've read this one three times now. This not only is my favorite ep of ML, but it contains my number one fave scene. I know I don't have to tell you which one. :whistle: (And I know, I know, if I hadn't been re-reading I could've continued on in the series. But this one was so good!)

So much admire the way you began this chapter and seemlessly captured and continued the mood of the show. Brava!! Loved being privy to Mick's anxiety and self doubt. Felt perfectly Mick. Also love how you worked the theme of fate into this chapter. Again - perfect.

Have to tell you that I like Elaine! Obviously, Mick turned her. I'm very much looking forward to her own story, as well as more about their relationship with each other. Most of all I like the parallels between their relationships with humans. I can imagine this being one of the many reasons Mick thinks pursuing a relationship with Beth is a bad idea. And given the sad story of Elaine, one of the (many?) reasons Mick would not entertain any notion of ever turning Beth. (Or at least not being able to consider it now.)

I always love watching Mick, Beth and Josh together at Mick's at the beginning of Ep 4, so I'm now looking forward to your next chapter to see if you address Mick and Josh's feelings about each other. :devil: Also wondering if you'll be telling us Beth's point of view? Hope so.

Wonderful chapter! :clapping: :yahoo: :cheer:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:15 am
by redwinter101
susieb wrote:And I am soooo frustrated! I can't quote the story to do my comments. Down below only has page 3 comments.
susieb, if you go to the first post in the thread (i.e. Shadow's post) and click "quote" at the bottom of the post, the whole post is available for you to select the sections you want to quote.


Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:53 am
by susieb
Red, Thank you so much! :hug:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:34 am
by Shadow
susieb wrote:I've read this one three times now. This not only is my favorite ep of ML, but it contains my number one fave scene. I know I don't have to tell you which one. :whistle: (And I know, I know, if I hadn't been re-reading I could've continued on in the series. But this one was so good!)
:cloud9: Love that you read this so many times! That's such a compliment.
susieb wrote:Have to tell you that I like Elaine!
:twothumbs: That's so great, especially because there is quite a lot more for her in future chapters . . . her back story as well as more of what her relationship is to Mick.
susieb wrote:I always love watching Mick, Beth and Josh together at Mick's at the beginning of Ep 4, so I'm now looking forward to your next chapter to see if you address Mick and Josh's feelings about each other. :devil: Also wondering if you'll be telling us Beth's point of view? Hope so.
Hmmm, well, maybe not in the next chapter, and perhaps not as much as you'd like, but . . . some of these things will indeed come up later on.

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:49 am
by Shadow
redwinter101 wrote:
susieb wrote:And I am soooo frustrated! I can't quote the story to do my comments. Down below only has page 3 comments.
susieb, if you go to the first post in the thread (i.e. Shadow's post) and click "quote" at the bottom of the post, the whole post is available for you to select the sections you want to quote.

I'm sooooo slow at these things . . . for posts that aren't close by in the thread, I've been using copy/paste on the section I want, and then putting the quote brackets around it. [quote=" "}----{/quote] This sounds like a simpler way, but :blushing: I don't, er, understand it . . . . actually I don't even see a quote button at the bottom of the posts, only at the top . . . . :dunce:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:28 pm
by maggatha3
I was looking forward to this one, it has troubled me also while watching the series... I loved how you brought up all this range of feelings , remource and guilt , love and affection, devotion and determination...all until it is time for fate to play its role in mortals' and vamps' lives.. It is so obvious, though, that she wouldn't let go of him, no matter how he'd have fought to keep away from her... some attractions are fatal..

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:36 pm
by Shadow
maggatha3 wrote:I was looking forward to this one, it has troubled me also while watching the series... I loved how you brought up all this range of feelings , remource and guilt , love and affection, devotion and determination...all until it is time for fate to play its role in mortals' and vamps' lives.. It is so obvious, though, that she wouldn't let go of him, no matter how he'd have fought to keep away from her... some attractions are fatal..
That is such a good point you bring up, maggatha . . . however Mick tried to stay away from her, it really wasn't ever something under his control. I have to agree that Beth would never have let that happen . . . if fate hadn't brought them back together, she would have found a way to do it herself!

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:37 am
by maggatha3
AAAAAAAAnd just got back , right after watching Fever again ( don't know how many times). And yes, it feels so good to have this in Between, Mick's point of view, his feelings, his inner struggle. I' ve said that before, this man's dreams are driving me insane, he tortures himself even in his sleep. And all those promises, made just to be broken, by him, by her , by fate. Never , never again...he says, he will soon learn never to say never about the two of them.

I absolutely love the way you write, Shadow, the way you describe the man and his world, shows so much how you love your hero, makes it a much more fascinating reading for us. And this back and forth, from his elegant apartement to the no star motel, was a fantastic contrast. Oh, and the scene where he only sees Beth in the entire LA...he is so rare a man, a delicate flower indeed.

( hey, Shadow, I think I should call you my Sire, since you brought me in to the world of moonlightaholics, may I ?) :yes:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:13 pm
by Shadow
So Maggatha, I see we have yet another thing in common. . . having lost count of the number of times we have watched Fever . . . ;)
maggatha3 wrote:And all those promises, made just to be broken, by him, by her , by fate.
The promise Mick made at the end of Fever was so obviously made to be broken . . . yet he seemed to believe in it so very deeply at the time. It was strange to me how light hearted the beginning of A.D. was in contrast, so I really had to wonder what had happened in that interval. I guess these particularly jarring intervals must be the reason I started this!
maggatha3 wrote:I absolutely love the way you write, Shadow, the way you describe the man and his world, shows so much how you love your hero, makes it a much more fascinating reading for us. And this back and forth, from his elegant apartement to the no star motel, was a fantastic contrast. Oh, and the scene where he only sees Beth in the entire LA...he is so rare a man, a delicate flower indeed.
Oh, thank you so much for that, what a very beautiful comment!
maggatha3 wrote:hey, Shadow, I think I should call you my Sire, since you brought me in to the world of moonlightaholics, may I ?
:snicker: I love it! I must say I like the thought of being a Sire . . . and it's quite true that being Turned into a Moonlightaholic is one of those one-way trips with no Cure! Hmm, does that mean I get to call you my Fledgling?? :yes:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:57 pm
by maggatha3
by all means, Shadow, by all means...I am truly and deeply honoured... :hearts: promise I won't be asking for a cure...and I know you ain't the Coraline type of sire..

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:33 pm
by Shadow
maggatha3 wrote:promise I won't be asking for a cure...and I know you ain't the Coraline type of sire..
:snicker: Ah, good. And let's hope I shall be a better sire than that, little fledgling . . . .

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:10 pm
by choccyterri
:hug: Back again, Shadow. :notworthy: Another day off, and the opportunity to read some more of these wonderful stories. You know, I've not watched Moonlight for a couple of weeks. I pick up and episode every once in a while... :brow: But to read these? It's like being back there. I saw some of the comments from the threads, and like others, wondered what you would do with the tone of this interlude. And I love the way it snaps between the then and now. Explaining things so clearly... their reactions, feelings. :flowers: But with an intimacy that can only be their shared experience. I love what you do with them honey... and the way that you wove Elaine's heartbreaking story into them? It's inspired.... I'm SO looking forward to the next one. :heart:

Re: Adrift in the Dark (In Between 4 and 5, PG)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:20 am
by Shadow
choccyterri wrote:I pick up and episode every once in a while... :brow: But to read these? It's like being back there.
:hearts: It is so fantastic to hear that, choccyterri . . . I really wanted to give these stories the same "feel" as the episodes surrounding them. And this interval was indeed a particular challenge . . . ;)
It's also great to hear what you thought about Elaine's story . . . I'm so glad it feels like it is fitting in with the rest. Thanks so much!