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Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:50 am
by MickLifeCrisis
I'm just gonna sit here and sniffle some more. :hankie: And a golden angel pendant to boot... :hankie:

Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:35 am
by francis
Red, Christmas can be sad in the best of worlds, but what Mick is going through here - devastating. He was isolated before, having only Josef at best, but he didn't feel it as much as now that he has let Beth into his world and she isn't here. I get that he needs to go to midnight mass to try and feel a connection, express his feelings of hope in singing carols and lighting a candle - it's a soothing ritual even when you're not much of a believer. And now Josef is isolating himself from Mick, not having a solution and not wanting to divulge to Mick what had happened and what was going to happen. I guess he already knew it would end badly and didn't know how to go on.
I wonder how you manage to have Mick write a letter, who is clueless to the whole picture, and still let us feel what Josef feels, and even what Beth must feel at that moment. You have a gift.

Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:09 pm
by redwinter101
Grace, not quite the nadir. Mick has a little lower to go... but then there are happy letters to finish. I promise. And not since Bronze? *loves Grace*

MLC, I swear to God, I HAVE written happy stuff. Happy smut even - it's out there. And I hope it makes up for all the tears you've shed over this story. I love your dedication to it - really you are just awesome.

francis, thank you so much. Christmas always struck me as a terrible time for lonely people - and no-one is lonelier than Mick right at this moment. I don't know about a gift - maybe I just spend waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time thinking about this stuff... :chin:


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:21 am
by mitzie
So heartbreaking for Mick to not only be alone and lonely, but feeling cut off from both Beth and Josef!! :hankie: :sigh: It was a good thing for Mick to go to church so he wouldn't feel isolated from the rest of the world at least! I love these letters, they are so moving, and I can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :Mickangel: :bmoon: :island: :seesaw: :juggle: :clover: :serenity: :devil: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :hearts: :hyper2: :hyper2:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:13 pm
by redwinter101
:hug: :hug:

Thanks, mitzie. I think loneliness can be a terrible weight - and Mick's certainly feeling it at the moment, :(


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:35 am
by Moonlighter
Hey there Red! I must have left on my short getaway just as you got back. Two ships and all...

Anyway, these letters at Christmas -- let's just put Mick on suicide watch, shall we? He's experienced them with loneliness before, but now without Josef or Beth -- gah! I'm glad he found something to give him a glimmer of hope and faith by going to Midnight Mass. He's trying so hard to hold it together, you can feel it jumping off the page (and right through my computer screen!) And the gift was perfect. It fits, just like MickBeth does.

So I'm back from a break with fresh :heart: for Red. I don't want these to end, but I know they must. At least I know they concluded with a somewhat happy ending for MickBeth, but still a devastating loss of Josef.

Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:52 am
by GuardianAngel
Christmas is a time of hope and family. Two things Mick is short on right now. The Holiday highlights it - with the nostalgic memories reminding him of what he wants and should have.

Yet Mick finds comfort in going to church. I like that. He's reaching out, opening himself up. He's trying.

I'm hurting for Josef. And I like the switch here. Josef is usually never alone - Mick is usually the loner. Here, Mick is going to church and reaching out to Josef. Josef isolates himself. Both are out of their element. Now, how can Mick hope to keep strong when he's sees how scared Josef is? How terrifying that must be.

Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 6/17

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:34 pm
by redwinter101
ML, I hope you had a wonderful trip, honey - and always delighted to see you back. There are darker times ahead for Mick (coming up...) before the joy of impending reunion with Beth. I've been distracted with a new story but I think I'll post all the remaining letters in one go - some of them are very short so I think they probably read better in one hit. I'll try to get them posted soon.

GA, thank you - I'm glad you liked Mick going to church (I'm a sucker for Mick and religion). But yeah, terror is just about accurate for what's coming. :sadface:


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:18 am
by redwinter101
Okay folks, here's the final set. There are 11 letters and I'm posting them all in one go as they really do benefit from being read together (hence the delay). My thanks again to all of you who've read along. This has been a fun project and I'm glad you've enjoyed it too.

This takes place just before chapter 10

Day 276


Nearly two weeks and still no word. Nothing. Hundreds of messages, but when Josef wants to hide, he does a damn good job of it. I think I'm going to be able to catch him at home tomorrow - I never thought I'd end up snooping into his affairs just to get him to talk to me, but he's left me no choice.

Part of me hopes he's okay. The rest of me is working very hard at staying calm.


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:19 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 277


And so it all comes out. Josef's in over his head and didn't know how to tell me. I guess I can understand that - but it still hurt. He thought I'd turn on him. He should have known better after all these years, after everything we've been through together. He should have had a little more faith in me. This year's left all of us a little on edge. I wonder if it's the same for you? I find myself arguing with people over nothing, on the street, in the car, all over the place. I suppose I just hate that they're going about their day-to-day lives like normal but you and I can't.

Anyway, back to Josef. His plan's not working out as expected. He's been in Europe on some mystery mission and it didn't go well.

You'd have been proud of me though, I think, I hope. I had to do something to take the pressure off him a little - I can't face another disappearing act. So I'm giving him the space to do what he needs to do and then he'll come see me when he's got news. It's going to be hard - it's only been a few hours and I'm already itching to call him, but I won't. I can do this.

I still believe it'll be okay. And if not, if he can't work out a solution, then we will, you and I, together.

I love you.


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:19 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 305


Still no word. Two months to go.

I need you.

It feels like time's running out.


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 310


Josef called today. When I saw his name flick up on the phone I was fumbling so much I could barely answer - I thought it meant good news but he was just checking in to see how I was and to tell me there's no progress. I hadn't expected that and it was hard to hear. I'm trying not to let it get to me, but just sitting here, thinking about how little time we have left, I think I'm going a little crazy.

I've been doing whatever I can to stay busy but it's not working out so well. I've tried to forget the things I need to remember. That doesn't make sense, I know. I thought it would help to think about you, about us, talking, arguing, making up, being together. The simple, everyday things that make up our life. But it doesn't. It hurts, no matter how much I try to hide. I guess I'd underestimated how much my life depends on yours - not just the idea of you, but the real, whole, practical you. I thought I'd be stronger - that memory would be a comfort. I believe we'll be together again, but doubt claws through me when I'm not looking. It takes root and eats away at me. I wonder if you feel it too. I wonder where you are and what you're doing.

The thought of not being with you is unbearable. I can't face that.

I need you.


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - updated 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 312


Tough day today.

Not much else to say.

More tomorrow, I promise.


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - complete 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 313


How many more ways to say I miss you?


Re: A Year-Long Love Letter (PG-13) - complete 7/5

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 am
by redwinter101
This takes place during chapter 10

Day 314


I wish I could just talk to you. I know you'd find a way to make me believe it's going to be all right.

I remember the feel of your arms around me - not since I was a child have I ever felt that safe. It makes me wonder if you feel that safe when I hold you. I hope so. I'll never let anyone hurt you. Never.