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Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:47 am
by Lucy
:hankie: family moments like this always get me...... :hearts:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:15 am
by allegrita
Yay, more memories, and this time they include BJ! :hearts: I love this family... :ghug:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:59 am
by MickLifeCrisis
I hope you don't mind my shameless bump, :blushing: but it's graduation time again and I thought it would be nice to revisit BJ's beginnings. This hasn't been dusted off since 2012 - five years ago! And it was written 2 years before that, in 2010. Wow. :2eyes:

I hope you enjoy the reread - I did. (And yes, it still makes me teary-eyed! :hankie: )

Here is the second half of the story: ... 56&start=0


Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:23 am
by allegrita
You aren't the only one, MLC -- it makes me teary-eyed too! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I love learning how BJ grew up. :hearts:

Re: Memories IV - Milestones - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 6:58 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
In addition to Memorial Day, it's graduation time again and I thought it would be nice to revisit BJ's beginnings. This hasn't been dusted off since 2017 - five years ago! And it was written back in 2010. Wow. :2eyes:

I hope you enjoy the reread - I did. (And yes, it still makes me teary-eyed! :hankie: )

Here is the second half of the story: ... 56&start=0


Re: Memories IV - Milestones (BJ's Graduation) - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 9:59 pm
by allegrita
Awww... this one really is sweet. Graduations really do make you think about all the years that have led up to the big day. :hearts: :hug: I love that Mick and Beth each have their own special memories about BJ's life, and that they share them with each other. Isn't that what family is all about? Beth was right: it's not just DNA. :ghug:

This story makes me think about all the kids whose graduations were disrupted or canceled because of Covid-19. The schools did what they could--my granddaughter's middle school had a car parade for their promotion last year, so the kids could have a safe celebration, but it's not the same as the pomp and circumstance of walking to get your diploma. :sigh: I have many friends whose kids got cheated out of this special day, and it makes me realize how much we take the good things for granted. I guess it takes a disaster to make us appreciate what we've got!

Re: Memories IV - Milestones (BJ's Graduation) - Part 1 (G, Two-shot)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 3:04 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Oh, I know what you mean. In 2020 things got cancelled only a couple months before not only graduation, but sports tournaments, athletic and music banquets, awards ceremonies, proms, graduation parties... What a hard time for the seniors! And the seniors now... how disrupted their high school years were, with remote learning and practically non-existent socializing and all the rest. Makes BJ's high school years seem like a breeze. She didn't even have to worry much about social media, either!

Thanks for rereading and commenting, Alle! :kiss: