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Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:30 am
by kpyle
Congradulations on 10,000 posts!! That is amazing! You are an inspiration to so many! I would like to thank you for the countless number of hours and determination you have spent on not only your amazing stories, (which are amazing) but also bringing us continued information on our beloved show! It sounds like you are an inspiration to a lot of other writer's as well and I am also grateful for that, because without each and every one of you, there would be no more moonlight for us. I am sure that one day, like all good things, this will all come to an end, but as long as the writers are here to entertain us with thier fabulous talents, I for one will still be here! So thank you!! :heart:


Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:47 am
by Phoenix
redwinter101 wrote:... I had no online home, no ML meeting place, and nowhere to post my stories. I seriously thought at that time that was the end of my fandom experience until, out of the blue, I got a message from Phoenix about a new site she was thinking of starting. We'd known each other a little at MLL and VLF but her message was still a delightful surprise (and I thought she was a little bonkers for wanting me to be a mod!). She held out the prospect of a new site that could be everything I'd loved about MLL and VLF - and more. Moonlight only. Focused on writing. A place where members can relax, take a breath, a place where there would be no need to fight or argue any more. Needless to say it didn't take me long to sign up - especially since Phoenix was gracious enough to listen to my views on the site and took the time to understand why I couldn't bear a repeat of my MLL or VLF experiences.

You thought I was bonkers? I resemble that remark! :giggle:
redwinter101 wrote:Phoenix, you have built something beautiful and I am grateful to you every single day.
:hankie: Thank you, Red. :hug:

Congratulations on reaching 10,000 posts! :cheer:

Thank you for all the time & effort you put in here - both when it's fun :coffee: and when it's not. :witsend: (The "not" part mainly occurs when we are having technical problems, folks...)

Thank you for taking a chance with an untried & untested, tech-challenged, administrator ... with a crazy dream about a boutique site for a defunct TV show. :Mickangel:

Thank you ... for everything. :flowers:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:53 am
by HotMicks
Congrats, Red! 10,000? How DO you do it? (Let's see... I only have about 9,700 posts to go to catch up! :snicker: ) And let me add my thanks to you for contributing so much here. As I posted recently to Phoenix, the environment you've all created here is special... and all that you mentioned in your post:
random, erudite, funny as hell, passionate, kind, creative, talented, tolerant and seventeen different shades of awesome.

ps. Grace, how long 'til you get there? Time for some more random posts? :rolling:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:02 am
by mwj01
Red! :smooch: So beautifully said. It's been an emotional couple of days and just when I think I'm pulling it together, reading your message gave me a lump in my throat! I remember when you first came to MLL...I was speaking a little French to a member and commented that I'd quickly reached my limit and needed to stop before humiliating myself :snicker: and you offered to help anytime I needed. :hug:

Thanks for all you do to make this such a lovely place to be. :flowers:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:21 am
by redwinter101
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

(m, I'd forgotten about that. I'm touched that you remembered.)


Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:25 am
by wollstonecraft61
Congrats, Red, on your 10,000th! And I will have to remember that you speak fluent French (I beta ML fanfic for a pal on another site whose first language is French; I am teaching her English, which is pretty good as it is, and sometimes I try to resurrect my long-ago, poor skills in high school French when replying to her posts).

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:52 am
by francis
Red, congratulations and thank you!!!

Mick was what made ML special for me, but you and the other mods are what makes the fandom special for me.
Without you and the other ML-aholics I think I wouldn't have stayed in fandom. I wouldn't have started to write a multichapter, I wouldn't have improved on my writing skills (I think I have, a bit...), I wouldn't have had so much fun and so many special, wonderful, brilliant stories to read. You are a big, integral part of all of this.
So, on to the next 10000 posts!

Interrupting the broadcast for the commercials, you may rush through if you DVR:
(We have 933 stories in our library as of now, so not too much until we reach 1000! Get working,folks!)

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:56 pm
by Catmoon
Congratulations! Seems like a good place and time to say thanks again to Red for letting me know about MLA way back when, when I was in need of a familiar-feeling place to kick my feet up and relax. I feel lucky to have been able to be here from the start. So thanks!


Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:49 pm
by jmc
Congrats on your 10,000 posts, Red. :flowers: Thank you so much for sharing your stories and to you and Phoenix and all the mods for making this place such a comfortable home. They (insert the name of the person(s) you blame) thought they took Moonlight away from us but in places like this our writers, artists and videographers keep the story alive for the rest of us to enjoy.
Thank you, Red. Thanks to all.

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:51 pm
by Albra
Congratulations, Red ! :cheer:

And simply - Thank you :rose:


Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:35 pm
by draco
Congrats on your 10.000 posts!!!!
And even if I'm the hundredth who is telling you this: your fanfictions are simply amazing!
Thank you for sticking by and giving us all your beautiful stories!!!

I have to admit that you got me worried for a while in that speach of yours and I'm truly delighted to know that you are not quitting now like I can see on many other sites.

So thanks again for your continued efforts to share your stories with us and for every helpful advice :rose:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:59 pm
by fairytoes
Congratulations Red!!! :champs:

:cheer: :cheer: :woohoo: :woohoo: :rofl2: :rofl2: :groupwave: :groupwave: :rainbow: :rainbow: :champs: :champs:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:34 pm
by redwinter101

Thanks, everyone.


Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:19 pm
by wondergirl9847
Congrats, Red! I don't even think I have 10,000 posts on a Fleetwood Mac board I've been part of since 2001. LOL I guess I'm a moderate lurker. ;)

Thanks for making this a ML-heavy (can't say ML only because we DO talk about other stuff. :thumbs: ) board. I do enjoy other vampire shows, but ML is the one I wanna talk about until I'm blue in the face. :yes:

Re: 10,000 and counting

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:18 pm
by Josefismysire
:redwine: Congratulations, Red!! Onwards and upwards to the next 10,000!! ..clink, clink... :drinking: