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Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:21 pm
by wpgrace
Brava honey... :clapping: Well done. :happysigh:

Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:44 am
by librarian_7
I had written a nice response to all your wonderful comments the other day, and my connection ate it...these things never come out as well when retyped, I find. However--

Thank you so much for all the lovely responses. I write because I want to tell a good story--and your feedback encourages me to think I might have succeeded.

I love you guys!


Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:04 am
by one.zebra
Such a delightful story, want to quote my favorite lines...but, that would be ALL of them....

I'll settle for this one:

"He could be so relentless in his thoughtfulness."


Thank you Lucky, you did succeed :happysigh:

Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:45 am
by MoonShadow
This line melted my heart,

“Let me take care of you, Sally.”

I still reread it with tenderness and smile. What I would give to hear those words, :melts:

Finishing this story is one of those moments that you close the book and just simply sigh with delight and sadness that it is finished. This lovely piece would make me head for the stacks and search for another written by the same author.

The imagery of the rain droplet, running down her face, the a perfect analogy for a the tear that wasn't shed. Perfect, simply perfect.

thank you Lucky!

Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:47 am
by greenleaf9
Just getting around to finishing up your story Lucky--one more chapter to go! :sadface:

Josef is so sweet buying Sally new clothes. :melts: And then Sally returning his watch to him... lovely. :happysigh: You've turned me into a puddle of goo with their good-byes. I love the idea that Sally is naming her child after Josef. :melts:

Very sweet chapter. It tugs the heartstrings all right. :rose:

Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:37 am
by Shadow
Lovely ending. I'd thought at first that it was Josef's inclusion that made this story so interesting to me (since I generally don't like westerns at all.) And of course that's part of it. But it turns out that for me, it's Sally who is the most compelling character here. I find myself wondering what the rest of her life will be like, especially in light of this experience. She's a great creation . . . I would not be surprised to find her in a different story in the local bookstore one day!

Re: Dust--Chapter 14, PG-13

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:37 pm
by redwinter101
I am utterly devoted to good endings - I really think they are an art form all of their own - and this is better than good: it's brilliant. Loose ends are tied; there is a moment of reflection and a chance to make new plans, a sense of the future.

Wonderful - and a fitting conclusion to a beautiful, gripping, evocative story.
