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Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:26 am
by Luxe de Luxe
sigh.... such a difficult issue between them handled so sensitively. If only the show had had the time to take the time this relationship deserved without needing to speed things up. Anticipation is delicious.

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:24 am
by lunalux
Yes, Beth's growing realization of the obstacles, of feeling out of place. The one thing that I love about their relationship - how often they exchange places, or play the devils' advocate for each other, and their emotions/thoughts all over the place....but in the end neither is willing to let go of the other. This relationship can't help but go someplace...

Enjoyed this immensely, thanks so much for writing it. (I know you're a JK girl)

xo Luna

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:43 am
by librarian_7
Thanks so much all, for your comments and your time in reading this piece.

Luna, especially, glad to see you dipping your toe in my stuff...

And thanks to all the readers and commenters steered this direction by the Coffee House!


Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:12 pm
by jen
This was so sweet. For all their seeming awkwardness on the dance floor, they are getting quite proficient about dancing around the eternal issue of their undeniable mutual attraction and how 'inadvisable' their love is.

I will accept the fact that vampires are cool but Mick not cute?

No. I don't think I will ever agree with that.

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:28 pm
by jen
Sorry, Mick.

Sucks to be you, I guess.

We may not say it to your face, but Hon you are the epitome of 'cute'.

Charming, adorable, and sweet fit, too.

Loved the ending chapter in this lovely fic that gave us a glimpse into the early stages of their relationship and I especially liked the ending--there was more coming. Much, much more.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:10 am
by jen

There is, however, one thing that Mick may not be comfortable about but it is a truth that he may struggle with, but he must accept the fact for both their sakes:

He is not only cute, he is darned near adorable.

Just sayin'

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:50 am
by allegrita
It's fascinating to read this story, knowing you wrote it before LLF, and to see how many parallels there are in it to Sonata. Beth is always so determined to uncomplicate the complicated, but sometimes she runs smack into the fact that you can't uncomplicate loving a vampire.

I love the way you portray Beth's slowly dawning realization that she can never have a "normal" relationship as long as she's with Mick. And that realization is very daunting... how could it not be? But Beth's not a "normal" person. Her life took a sharp turn off of "normal" when she got kidnapped at age 4... and much as she enjoys her forays into the ordinary, I think she'd never be satisfied living there. That's what was wrong with her relationship with Josh.

On the other hand, she got her face rubbed in it good, here... and she's pretty spooked. I really feel for her here... for both of them. And I can understand why she doesn't really want to be with Mick right now. But I love that you show the well of compassion that they both have for each other. She can't let him walk away, because she loves him too much to see him in pain. And Mick can't bear to leave her, because he can feel her discomfort and her uncertainty. So they'll struggle through tonight together, and find that the love and connection outweigh the hard parts.

I believe that they'll find a way from "right here, right now" to "forever." :hearts: But at the end of this story, they've got a long way to go.

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:10 am
by librarian_7
It's always so lovely to see an old story bumped...and this is one of the oldest in my office. I was so taken with the idea of Beth inviting Mick to such a normal event--the sort of thing she probably got invited to frequently, at her age--and how abnormal it would be for him. (Now, Josef would have been the life of the party...and I'll bet HE knows how to dance!)

Thanks, jen and Alle, for taking the time to read this one again.


Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:39 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Although I hadn't commented previously, I know I have read this before. I enjoyed the reread just as much! Glad this popped to the top again!

Thanks for glimpse into early Mick and Beth. :flowers:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:10 am
by jen

Love the listing of the names of Beth's girlfriends that included three Jennifers--boy is that ever true! I think the name must have topped the charts for a year or two. :rolling: :rolling:

What a lovely example of the early stage of their relationship.

Here, in spite of all the rhetoric and heartfelt warnings, they simply slip quietly into the couple status, and for all Mick's mental protestations, move forward on tht path.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :cheer:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:50 pm
by maggatha3
And so it went. The rituals were fulfilled. Mick had to admit, even to himself, that it had been—interesting. And illustrative of so many things.
Yeah!! Illustrative indeed, but mostly at the end...

Despite every thought , fear and reservation they both have..they just cannot call it a night??

Loved it, Lucky!! :rose:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:02 am
by jen

Just read this wonderful little fic again. It is so delightful in the quiet ordinariness of the date, and yet both are very much aware that there is nothing ordinary about their relationship.

Mick is charmed, Beth is charmed, the readers are definitely charmed.

Oh, and I adore the little line about Beth's girlfriends and there are at least three Jennifers. It's true! There are several of us around here, too! :rolling: :rolling:

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:13 am
by MickLifeCrisis
(LOL...cracks me up when I don't remember all of a story or commenting on it, and then scroll along and find my comment. :blushing: )

Lucky, this was indeed a Delicate Balance. Tipping one way and then the other, both of them realizing what their relationship, and the future, might hold. Scared to go on, but being unable to stop.

Wonderful story! What a lovely reread! :reading:


Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:30 pm
by GuardianAngel
Lucky, you captured perfectly how much their relationship does not make sense and the HUGE obstacles they would have to overcome to be together. But you also captured how their attraction, their need for one another cannot be ignored. Inadvisable but inescapable. You made it tangible. Thank you.

Re: A Delicate Balance chapter 4--PG-13

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:16 pm
by allegrita
Oh, my gosh, what a pleasure it was to revisit this story! I love the way they are struggling to figure out their relationship. And I was struck, once again, by the parallels to Sonata, especially in terms of Beth's feelings. She can't stuff all these issues into a compartment in her mind forever. The problems they face are real, and they range from the mildly annoying to the tragic. Here they are, trying to do "right here, right now," and it's already starting to crack. But the things they have in common, and their amazing connection of blood and of love, are as huge as the problems they face. This is such a brilliant depiction of the relationship we all wish we'd been allowed to see on the show. Thank you for giving it to us. :hearts: