Death to All

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

It had been decided that Zoe would be the bait for the hunter. And after many protests from Gabriel, Brian had to step in.
"Gabriel, listen! I swear to you as Dragos and also as your brother, that I will not let this man harm Zoe!" Brian said forcefully. And in the end Gabriel had to stop arguing. Isabelle stole up behind him.
"Do not worry little one. I will handle this situation personally" She said in a steely voice. Gabriel felt instantly better. He had faith in Isabelle always! He looked at Zoe, her eyes shining with excitement and a tinge of fear.
"Honey, please be careful. Don't take any risks that you don't have to. You have to daughters at home that still have many things to share with you!" He said with tears in his eyes. Zoe placed her arms around his neck.
"Gabe, I love you so much and I promise to come home" She whispered.

Isabelle was waiting for a call from Julian. She paced a bit as the sun started to set. Her phone rang.
"Yes" She answered, listened for a bit and put her phone away. "It is time" She said heading for the door.
"Don't worry honey. I'll be back soon" Zoe said in mock confidence.
"You better" Gabriel said as he watched her leave with Isabelle and Brian. Gabriel slowly sat down and placed his head in his hands. Zoe was his life. What would he do without her? Would he be able to exist without her? He didn't think so. Then he thought of Lisa and Haley. They would be devastated.
"Lord" he called out. "I know that I have no right to call on you, but I kind of need some help here. Zoe needs your help. She prays to you morning and night. She's devoted to you. So I'm begging you, please make sure she's safe. Bring her back home. I can't do anything without her!" Gabriel cried knowing that no one heard him at all.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

Elijah's senses were on high alert! He felt the familiar tingle the moment he walked out the motel room. He quickly looked around, saw nothing so he proceeded to the airport lounge. He would wait this time. No more mistakes!

Julian opened up the freezer and tapped Helen and Jeff lightly. They slowly opened their eyes and sat up.
"I don't know about you honey but I feel amazing" Jeff said with a wide smile. Helen was stepping out the container and she too had to admit that she had not felt this good in a long time.
"We must go however. I feel the time has arrived to test our theories" Julian said taking them by the hand. "Brian needs us"

Zoe stood outside of the Airport Lounge feeling a little nervous, forgetting that she was a vampire and had unparalleled strength. But so did the ones who were destroyed.
"Are you sure he's in there?" She asked.
"Yes. Most of the killings were in this vicinity. A lot of transients and prostitutes frequent this area." Brian explained. "Zoe. Be careful. We will be watching" Zoe nodded her head and opened the door and sat down at a nearby table and opened up a menu.
Elijah looked up quickly. It was her! He had spent the majority of time hoping he would find her again.
She looked so young. Maybe 18 or 19 years old. But vampires didn't care how old their victims were.
She looked up from the menu and her eyes caught his briefly. They both looked away. Elijah stood up and walked to her table.
"Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice that you sitting alone." He said with a charming smile
"Yes. So I am."
"Well, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind some company. Then we won't look so pathetic" He said sheepishly.
"Hey! Speak for yourself!" Zoe said laughing. "So, what brings you to a lounge at the airport? You taking a trip or just arriving?" She asked.
"I'm actually waiting on a friend to arrive. He said he would try to fly out but he's incredibly unreliable"
"Why wait then?"
"That's a good question. Why wait indeed?" He said with a small smile.
Posts: 2315
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm
Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Death to All

Post by Ella713 »

"I think all things happen for a reason. Don't you?" Zoe asked innocently.
"I cannot agree more."
"My name is Zoe by the way" She said holding out her hand across the table.
"Elijah" He said softly gripping her hand.
"A good biblical name"
"Are you a fan of the bible?"
"Yes I am as a matter of fact. Born and raised in the church." Elijah looked at the beautiful woman. He had heard that there were some vampires who never gave up their fate, but they still preyed on people. And hell, even the Devil could quote scripture.
"In these secular times, you don't often find people interested in the Word" Elijah said taking a sip of his beer.
"I agree with you. These are sad times." Zoe said looking around. "This place is kind of dreary. I think I should head home. But it was nice to talk with you." Zoe said getting up and turning to leave. Elijah couldn't let her get away. She was beautiful and nice and religious! For once in his life he had hesitations. Or maybe she wasn't a vampire at all. Then it hit him. He didn't feel the familiar charge at all! But that couldn't be right. Or maybe she was being hunted by a vampire. Elijah stood up.
"Hey Zoe, would you mind some company? I don't really have anything to do and your kind of nice." He said with a small smile.
"Kind of nice? " She teased.
"Ok, very nice. Better?"
"Much." She nodded and she walked for the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked as he saw her headed down a deserted street.
"The Airport Art Project. It's down this way. LAX got tired of the gangs graffiting all the walls around there so they started a non profit art project to inspire these kids to make actual art. It's a wonderful exhibit" She explained as she continued to walk towards the street. He thought for a moment and jogged up next to her.
"Is it any good?"
"Well, most of it's angry. You can tell a lot about people by what they paint. Most of it is just pain, misery and heartache because that's all they've known. But every now and then, you see something so meaningful and so glorious you wish you could hop inside it" She said with a wide smile.
As they walked further Elijah felt kind of happy. His life was always so tense, so on edge at every moment. And now he felt like he used to before the calling. Before the vampires. Before the killing.
He didn't see the attack coming until it was too late. Isabelle had slammed him hard to the ground and Brian quickly stripped his pockets of everything and picked him up with one hand.
"T...this is impossible!" He said in shock. "I would have known you were here!" he cried out. He saw Isabelle turn to Zoe. "Don't touch her!!" Elijah screamed and he struggled to get free. " Let he go!"
Jeff and Helen appeared.
"Did it work?" Jeff asked.
"Yes it did. He was not able to detect any of us" Isabelle said. Elijah looked at them all then understood.
"Candiats" He said in awe.

Gabriel tried to watch television with the girls but had no interest in the program. He excused himself to his office and tried to contact Isabelle. He heard the door open and left the office to see what news would await him. Zoe was hugging the girls and plopping down on the sofa with them.
"Hi Honey" She said casually with a smile. Gabriel took a deep breath, shook his head and sat on the sofa with his family. Zoe laid her head on his shoulder.
"It's going to be alright" She said softly.

Julian was ecstatic when he received the news. The hunter was killed and Jeff and Helen were doing well. But other hunters would come. Their very nature being called as vampires multiplied. Times were to become volatile for all life and all the undead.

"I know you can't stay but will you come to visit?" Brian asked as the packers were Jeff and Helen's furniture into the moving van.
"Oh course we will Brian. We're sad to be leaving California, but Alaska is where we should be for a while. And you can visit us!" She said. Brian hugged both her and Jeff. He stayed until the last item was packed up and they drove away from the house where grew up. He sat on the porch stairs like he used to as child and thought about how vampires would proceed. There were simply too many of them. More hunters would come and so many lives would be lost.
"What do you think I should do?" He asked.
"You do not need me to tell you." The voice replied. Brian sighed and stood up.
"You're right."
"Tell Gabriel I heard his prayers"

As Brian got into his car, he knew that some vampires would have to be destroyed. And he would be expected to do it.

The End
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Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:12 am

Re: Death to All

Post by reinbeau »

YIKES!! :gasp: :eek2: :scary:
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