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Re: A Glimpse of Things to Come - PG (6/18/14) Challenge 157

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:16 pm
by darkstarrising
moonlightlover60 wrote:Just popped over here and saw this story. Wow I just love how you write DSR, you captured Josef perfectly! As I read I can see the scene playing out in front of me with all the intensity of their conversation. This is where Josef found out just how committed to Mick and the vampire community Beth really was. I always thought this scene cemented a sort of bond/trust between her and Josef. Wonderful story DSR, Thanks :thanks:

I noticed in the comments that you guys were talking about when did Josef find out who Beth really was. Even though we never seen it on screen somewhere along the way after NSTAV Mick must have told him. Because in the Ringer when Mick goes to Josef's office and is freaking out about seeing Morgan and saying it was Coraline Josef asked him if Beth had recognized her as the woman who kidnapped her, so at that point Josef already knew who Beth was from Mick's past.
Thanks, moonlightlover60 :hug: Glad you enjoyed it!! Couldn't you just see the wheels turning in Josef's head as Beth asks him for help 'dealing with' Foster? He finally sees that there's more to Beth than he thought and that even Mick knows. Methinks his estimation for Beth went up a few notches after this conversation.