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Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:13 pm
by Lucy
jen wrote:Lucy

This is really lovely!!!

You have given us a glimpse of Beth's job working at Buzzwire in reading stories going before the camera and her frustration with not being able to take them on to completion.

The discussion with Lilly/Lilah is poignant and the fact that Josh was a party to it makes it even more so. He would not have made much of a connection as to him these were events that took place long ago and touched no one he knew. Judging by Beth's reaction when Mick told her about Lilah much later, he never shared the discussion with Beth--at least not in any detail. I wish he had. Mick would treasure the knowledge of his lost love.

And the title is quite wonderful--Mick is the 'uneasy glider' here. He has moved through the last seventy five years in a very uneasy manner and history formed around him.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

True...Josh was used to holding confidences. Why talk about someone else's indiscretion when you suspect your relationship is less than perfect ...right?

YOU are very welcome.... :thanks: but I have to say a hearty thank-you for giving such lovely feedback.


Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:21 pm
by Lucy
francis wrote:This is truly wonderful, Lucy. I love the ambiance of how Beth got the old ladies to talk, and then Josh and Beth at the dance, so uncomfortable. Josh and Lilly getting to talk, and now we know it's really Lilah which I suspected. Her advice gave him a shove in the right direction, but he wasn't enough for Beth, she was already smitten with Mick. There are so many parallels of Beth and Lilah, but Lilah couldn't keep Mick, Beth still has the chance. And then the glider. If Mick saw it at her place, would he suspect it was the old one from the Fordham's porch? It's sad that he missed out on meeting Lilah again before she died. That would have been awesome, wouldn't it? Smoothing out the glider gives Beth something to do while sorting through her thoughts. She seems to be uncomfortable around Josh but entirely too comfortable around Mick already, despite knowing he's a vampire. Things are shifting already.

I totally love how you only allude to things and they paint a picture in my brain. :hearts:
Thank-you, francis-
I greatly appreciate your kind words! I too was sad Mick never got another meeting with Lilah.....she had to be a strong woman and I think she could have accepted his reality.

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:16 am
by Shadow
Lucy wrote:I visualized it as a purchase Ray would give to Lilah right before the baby was born...
I really love the idea of that . . . so special, so connected . . .and I like how this means the chair is something that Mick would not have seen before, and would not recognize.
Lucy wrote:If Mick had sat in it or leaned on it....would he get any sense of it's origins? Good question! Mick always had a sense to 'see' somethings. There might be a story in that too!
Oh, that's a wonderful thought! Or, actually, that's two wonderful thoughts . . . imagining Mick sitting in this chair, and also imagining such a story. :cloud9:

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:40 am
by Lucy
Shadow wrote:
Lucy wrote:I visualized it as a purchase Ray would give to Lilah right before the baby was born...
I really love the idea of that . . . so special, so connected . . .and I like how this means the chair is something that Mick would not have seen before, and would not recognize.
Lucy wrote:If Mick had sat in it or leaned on it....would he get any sense of it's origins? Good question! Mick always had a sense to 'see' somethings. There might be a story in that too!
Oh, that's a wonderful thought! Or, actually, that's two wonderful thoughts . . . imagining Mick sitting in this chair, and also imagining such a story. :cloud9:

Dear Shadow-

You planted a germ in my brain with your earlier comments. (I am working on a different genre right now but my muse is chatty all of a sudden).

I had the feeling that in canon Mick hadn't spent time in her bedroom...if she had the glider there it's very possible that he wouldn't see it until....<play dramatic music here> Sonata.

I have an idea that may/may not please all the Mick fans.....but to me the possibility lays along the lines of his personality.

As they say on TV......'stay tuned' :notworthy:

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:21 am
by Emerald
You are an amazing writer :hug:

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:45 pm
by Lucy
Emerald wrote:You are an amazing writer :hug:

I wish they had a blushing emoticon....THANKS! :notworthy:
You know what they sit down and open a vein, this came out of the blue in about 1-2 hours.

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:00 am
by Shadow
Lucy wrote:You planted a germ in my brain with your earlier comments. (I am working on a different genre right now but my muse is chatty all of a sudden).

I had the feeling that in canon Mick hadn't spent time in her bedroom...if she had the glider there it's very possible that he wouldn't see it until....<play dramatic music here> Sonata.

I have an idea that may/may not please all the Mick fans.....but to me the possibility lays along the lines of his personality.

As they say on TV......'stay tuned'
:hyper2: :hyper2: Wow! That is so exciting!

Mick certainly never did enter Beth's bedroom during the show that I remember, except at the finale of Love Lasts Forever, and somehow I don't think he was paying any attention to her furniture that night. I am already imagining what it might have been like if he had discovered the chair in Sonata . . .oh wow, I am so thrilled that you are thinking of doing something along these lines! I will most definitely be staying tuned.
Lucy wrote: this came out of the blue in about 1-2 hours.
:thud: Unbelievable. That astonishes me, Lucy . . . there is so much in here I would have imagined it would have taken days or weeks to write.

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:57 pm
by Lucy
Shadow wrote:
Lucy wrote:You planted a germ in my brain with your earlier comments. (I am working on a different genre right now but my muse is chatty all of a sudden).

I had the feeling that in canon Mick hadn't spent time in her bedroom...if she had the glider there it's very possible that he wouldn't see it until....<play dramatic music here> Sonata.

I have an idea that may/may not please all the Mick fans.....but to me the possibility lays along the lines of his personality.

As they say on TV......'stay tuned'
:hyper2: :hyper2: Wow! That is so exciting!

Mick certainly never did enter Beth's bedroom during the show that I remember, except at the finale of Love Lasts Forever, and somehow I don't think he was paying any attention to her furniture that night. I am already imagining what it might have been like if he had discovered the chair in Sonata . . .oh wow, I am so thrilled that you are thinking of doing something along these lines! I will most definitely be staying tuned.
Lucy wrote: this came out of the blue in about 1-2 hours.
:thud: Unbelievable. That astonishes me, Lucy . . . there is so much in here I would have imagined it would have taken days or weeks to write.
I have ADD and when something comes to me it hits hard and fast. Mick has been 'speaking' to me, tossing out suggestions of when/where he sees the glider.... I will PM you when I am posting it. (probably in another week)

Thank-you so much for your sweet words!

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:56 am
by Shadow
Lucy wrote:I have ADD and when something comes to me it hits hard and fast. Mick has been 'speaking' to me, tossing out suggestions of when/where he sees the glider...
Wow, that is so cool that you can channel ADD into amazing creativity like this! Even so, I am still stunned by the speed at which you wrote it.
Lucy wrote: I will PM you when I am posting it.
:twothumbs: Thanks so much!

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:07 am
by Lucy
Shadow wrote:
Lucy wrote:I have ADD and when something comes to me it hits hard and fast. Mick has been 'speaking' to me, tossing out suggestions of when/where he sees the glider...
Wow, that is so cool that you can channel ADD into amazing creativity like this! Even so, I am still stunned by the speed at which you wrote it.
Lucy wrote: I will PM you when I am posting it.
:twothumbs: Thanks so much!

:notworthy: Working tonight, laptop open and percolating Mick's thoughts.....

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:00 pm
by BlueEyedMonster
A quiet easy story that says so much matched with your incredible writing is paradise found.

Re: Uneasy Glider PG13

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:46 pm
by Lucy
BlueEyedMonster wrote:A quiet easy story that says so much matched with your incredible writing is paradise found.
:cloud9: :curtsey: Can't make the words large enough.... :thanks: