BBM Convention news, pics & highlights

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

have just read through the lot! I'm very jealous.... and those freshie shots of Jason... Ay Carumba!!
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by cassysj »

I got a lovely surprise in the mail today. Since at the last minute I was unable to go to the convention nm911 sent me this from London. Anyone who's seen my Josef doll knows how perfect this is.

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by librarian_7 »

Wow!!!! :thud: :thud:

That is so wonderful! NM, that was a really nice thing to do! Did you explain to him about the stories?

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by francis »

Hey, it's Josef doll! Next thing you know, you have an autograph by Barbie!
What a nice thing of Jason to do for you! And what a good friend to ask him for it!
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Cassy--that is absolutely squee-worthy. What a lovely thing for NM to do for you :thumbs: and how cool of Jason to go along with the game! OMG how cuuuuuuuuuuute is that picture?! :heart:
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by coco »

There are quite a few signed pics out there for those who couldn't attend and I'm so pleased NM got one for you Carol. :hug:
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by nutmegger911 »

Yes, Lucky, I did tell Jason about Cassy's stories. He was pleased about that and was very gracious to sign the photo for Cassy.

For those who have not met him before, Jason makes quite an impression. He has a formidible presence and uses it to create a positive influence on the environment around him. He is an absolute gentleman. Meeting him can be intimidating because he is so intense. He came up to me and mentioned something he noticed about me when I was sitting in the audience during one of his Q&A sessions. Nothing gets past that man.
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by librarian_7 »

nutmegger911 wrote:Yes, Lucky, I did tell Jason about Cassy's stories. He was pleased about that and was very gracious to sign the photo for Cassy.

For those who have not met him before, Jason makes quite an impression. He has a formidible presence and uses it to create a positive influence on the environment around him. He is an absolute gentleman. Meeting him can be intimidating because he is so intense. He came up to me and mentioned something he noticed about me when I was sitting in the audience during one of his Q&A sessions. Nothing gets past that man.
Oh, yes, he is very intense, in a very positive way. One of the things I'd heard before I met him, and which I can vouch for, is that when he pays attention to someone, they have his complete attention. He listens, possibly better than almost anyone I've ever met. And I suspect he remembers what he hears, too. It just seems to soak right in.

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by wondergirl9847 »

Jason definitely is very intense. When he speaks to you, he looks you in the eye and you feel like he's burning a hole through the back of your head. I believe Francis Capra said as much during the Veronica Mars Q&A at the BBM. LOL It's quite the experience talking with Jason. I told him during the autograph session that even though I own the DVDs, I still have to watch Moonlight on Sci-Fi and get angry if I miss it. LOL He was tickled by that.

Jordan....who I am seriously in love with now more than EVER, is so sweet and FUN!! I am going to get my pics up on Photobucket (when it's working again, ARG!) and will give my rundown of the BBM. I got some good pics, but they have red eye I need to fix. Jordan danced his cute little butt off with us on Sunday night and it was awesome! He danced to "Time of My Life" from Dirty Dancing with a young lady and it was too adorable for words. I got a few pics of Jordan dancing too. :D I spoke to him for a brief moment one of the nights and told him thank you for coming so far for this Con and he said, "No, thank YOU for coming. You guys are awesome!" and then I hugged him. Sigh.... :heart: I am a fan for LIFE of Jordan Belfi. Jordan told the crowd that he has read fan fic, folks! The entire room went "OMG!!" and looked at each other with horror. LOL I am writing a fic about Mick turning Josh and if I ever finish the dang thing, I would love to send it to him.

Francis Capra. What an adorable, sweet, REAL human being. He shared some stories with us that were heartbreaking about his childhood and family growing up. One of the MLAers had a family crisis and Francis took time to talk with her. He is a genuine, wonderful guy. I really do need to get Veronica Mars on DVD and watch him and Jason.

Jonathan Woodward is a psychopath. He did NOT endear me to him in the least and I'm not the only one. LOL One of my roommates got an eyeful when he dropped trou in front of her after she joked with him. Note to self: Do NOT joke around with Jonathan, he takes it literally. :gasp:

The others, I didn't talk to much, but Neil was kinda silly and fun, also better looking in person. Keith....drinks too much. LOL

More to come with pics!!!

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by allegrita »

OK, Christy... YOU, my dear, need to write up that Con report STAT!!! I'm giggling up a storm just at the little stories you dropped!! :rolling:
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by eris »

:mdrama: No one thought to ask them which fanfics they read? :thud:
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by wondergirl9847 »

Pics are ready! I had to lighten some, take out red eye, sharpen, etc. We could only use flash for the first 5 minutes of the talks, and the pics using my flash weren't great. Here is a sample and the rest are in my Photobucket account. ... BBM%20Con/



This is my opinion on the Con. I have to say I wasn't impressed with it and wouldn't go back to another Starfury event, sorry to say. I'll wait for Nikki, Polaris, Paley, ANYTHING else. It was disorganized, never on time and I'm sorry...boring. It was the people, Jordan and Francis that made the weekend awesome for me. I stood in line for hours waiting for an autograph. Then, you had to pay extra to get Jonathan and Neil's autograph. Wha? I didn't get their autographs and didn't pay extra for pics either. I have to say I'm EXTREMELY happy Lynette got her pics with Jason and Jordan because they are AMAZING! Their facial expressions are priceless and worth every pound she spent. :thumbs:

Thursday, I got in early morning and went to the Thistle hotel. A group of us walked to McDonald's for something to eat, then back to the hotel. Then, later in the day, we wanted to go into town, so we hired a private taxi. Some of the group went to the Tower of London, while lynnrxgal and I went shopping in town. I needed to get a cell phone for my 11 days. We joined the gals later in the day and went to eat some BBQ and go on the Jack the Ripper tour. It was over 2 hours and I was feeling sick. I wasn't sure I would make it, but I did. Took some drugs and went back to the hotel to rest a bit. A friend of mine who lives in London drove to the hotel and hung out with me for a little while.

Okay, so Friday, nothing going on until 3PM, and then there were opening ceremonies, which was just the guys being introduced, basically. We went over to register and get our badges. There was a sign that said raffle, but I didn't think to ask what it was for. Apparently, it was for a face to face meeting with one of the guests. That was never announced. The meet and greet was LONG. We ended up ordering pizza at our table because sheebus, it was late. Jordan came to our table first and talked about CSI Miami (can't remember a word, too busy getting butterflies just from LOOKING at Jordan...I need help). Jonathan, interesting and not in a good way. LOL Francis was sweet and talked about how much he loved World of Warcraft. I mean, SERIOUSLY loves it ya'll. Neil talked about putting a lemon in your derriere and learning to project. Don't ask. LOL Keith talked about flying and Jason finally made his way to our table which we never thought he'd make it because he was taking so long at other tables. :( He was sweet and I asked him about how he felt about the buzz around Body Politic. If anyone can remember what the hell he said to me, I'd appreciate it. I was mesmerized by his intense stare. Hypnotized, more likely. Hehe. Later that night was the Vampire Ball. I dressed up in my vampire gypsy outfit and we went over to dance for a little while. It was fun but loud...I think I lost some of my hearing and I can't hear very well as it is! We (lynnrxgal and vampluvinmom) left the party and I went out with my friend for a little while. Got back late.

Saturday was the Q&A with Jordan and Jason. They were supposed to play Moonlight during the morning, but since most Moonlighters partied and stayed out/up late (Who, me?! LOL), we were all asleep and the people that went to the Con early voted to watch Castle instead. Some of the Moonlight fans who went expecting to see ML were upset and vocalized about it. Go Ashley!! In the afternoon, Jason and Jordan did their Q&A, which was great. I can't remember one question asked (my memory sucks! I hope someone remembered stuff!), but one of my roommates had a family crisis and had to leave the Q&A. My other roommate and I went with her. Francis Capra heard about it and came to speak with her. He is AWESOME. She thought she'd have to leave was just a bad day. :( Vampluvinmom and I went to get our autographs which took FOREVER. We were in that room for hours waiting in lines. We ordered pizza (yes, again. There wasn't much to eat out in the boonies of Heathrow Airport) and just hung out.

Sunday was better and Jordan did his Q&A alone. He told a fantastic story about going to Europe in his younger days. He said he was going to say "Yes" to everything then told a story of meeting this fascinating man in Paris. He went back to the guy's home on the Champs Elysees and said he had the most amazing home with gorgeous art and everything. the guy was talking to Jordan, he kept moving closer and closer to him, and Jordan figured out what was happening and was like, "Um, what are you doing?" and the guy was like, "Don't you know what I do?" LOL!! Woops!! I think Jordan learned an important lesson as a young lad. Hehe. Jordan said "I can't believe I'm telling you guys this story." Hee! He talked about how the chicken line wasn't even about chicken at all (I think he talked about that at the Gala too). It was about the fact she was leaving on their friggin' anniversary. He talked about the death scene in LLF and how it took about 13 hours, the fake chest and how he didn't know if he was going to be turned or die. Someone brought up fangs and there was a running joke all weekend about who's fangs would be bigger, Josh or Josef. LMAO!! The guys took it in stride. He said that he'd watch Moonlight even if he weren't in it as he likes Fantasy/Sci-Fi stuff. He watches comedies like The Office and 30 Rock. Talked about some car chase from Entourage. I don't watch the show, so I'm not sure what he was talking about. Sorry! He talked about a movie called Bedrooms, which has some sexy stuff in it. YAHOO! LOL Someone asked him how he prepares for scenes when everything is filmed out of sequence. He said he reads the entire script to prepare. VERY smart actor, Jordan. :) Moonlily drew some AMAZING pictures of Josef and Mick. There was also one of Jordan as a vampire, but I never saw it! :hankie: I hope someone got a pic! After Jordan's Q&A, Jason and Francis got up on stage. Francis did some hilarious impressions of British people, Jason and women. It was adorable. We didn't go to the closing ceremony, but heard that Jason gave a heartfelt speech about the fans. Wish we had gone. Just didn't feel like it, I guess. We had heard that Jordan might show up at the party, so we headed over there and lo and behold...there he was! Talking to everyone in the hall and then making his way inside the dancehall to shake it! When "Time of My Life" came on, he goes, "Hey, I'm the only guy here!" or something of that nature. Hee! He was in big demand, as you can imagine. ;) Jordan didn't want the night to end. He was having so much fun. I read that he hung out with Nikki and some other ladies smoking cigars after the dance. What a guy! He brought his camera too and was taking pics of everything. So cute. OH! Jason brought the pilot for Body Politic. My honest opinion? It was okay. Jason was terrific and I liked the one lady in it, but it seriously needs some recasting. The main girl in it...O...M...G..the most annoying voice and acting I've ever seen! I couldn't get past the main character and how horrible she was. Plus, I felt like Jason was so much older in personality, acting, everything than the rest of the main cast. It had a bit of a racy side plot with Gabrielle Union too. :confused2: Not sure it would do well on CW...maybe ABC or something. I believe they are shopping it around. Good luck to Jason though!! I just hope they recast.

That was the end of BBM and the start of my time in London. If you are interested, my best London/Paris pics are here. ... on%202009/

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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by redwinter101 »

Christy, thank you SO much for the report and the marvellous pics (the Stonehenge ones in particular are just amazing). It looks like you had a wonderful time. :thumbs:


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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by helloeeze »

Thanks for your recap. It seems to mesh with everyone else's (the good and the bad). Jordan is such a good sport and sweetheart. I guess you ladies didn't scare him too much if he came to dance with you! And you got to see Paris, too. Lovely pics.
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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Post by francis »

Thank you for your report. The photos are awesome, every last one.
Seems like the con was really just good for the guest stars, which is still miles better than the other way round, but it sucks to pay bucks for something so poorly organized. I'm almost a little less jealous now.

Still, savour the memories!
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