1967 Diane The Donor Forgiveness Series PG-13

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1967 Diane The Donor Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Anne was visiting for Christmas and she heard crying from one of the donor’s rooms.

She knocked on the door and she saw it was Diane. One of the girls who had been here since at least 1963 when she started coming for Christmas.

"Diane what’s wrong?

"My contract’s up.


"My feeding contract. Charles told me six months ago that I would have to leave after New Year’s."

"How long have you been feeding?

"For Charles since 1959, for Sarah since 1961. I was her first live donor.

"How long do these contracts usually last?

"Five years at the most. Sarah really likes me but I don’t know what I’m going to do.

"If I can ask how old are you?

"27, I’ll be 28 in May."

"You still have your whole life ahead of you. Anne said

"I just wish I could do this a little longer.

Anne felt so sorry for her. How cold and callous were Charles and Sarah? She was going to have a word with them!

When Charles came home that evening she asked to speak with him privately.

"Anne what’s wrong? You seem upset.

"I am upset. I had no idea you could be so cruel. In a few years I’m sure Sarah will be the same way."

"What did I do? Charles asked genuinely confused.

"You are throwing Diane into the street!


"After all these years of service you just kick her out.

"Anne that’s not true. They know it’s temporary and I told her months ago.

"Monster!!! You’re an insensitive monster! Anne yelled "I’ve got nothing to say to you tonight Charles. Nothing at all.

"Anne, let me….

Good night! Anne stormed upstairs and refused to talk to either Charles or Sarah.

The next day Hope arrived and Anne was thrilled. She always had a wonderful time with her and since she was mad at her children, Hope was the only one she could talk to.

"Hope what do you do with your donors?

"Eat them. Hope laughed.

"No, I mean how long do they work for you?

"A minimum of two years, a maximum of five. Afterwards I pay for college if they want that or I get them a regular job. I’m not as nice as Charles though."

"What do you mean?

"Charles gives them six months notice. I give them two weeks. He pays for college too but he also gives them $5,000 per year of service and pays their rent until they get a job."

Anne was suddenly very embarrassed. "That’s very generous, so Diane is leaving so she’ll get $40,000. That could buy her a house, car and still have plenty left over."

Hope paused "Diane. He’ll give her more than that. She was Sarah’s first donor. She’ll never have to work again unless she wants. So Charles finally convinced Sarah to let her go, that's a good thing."

"Let her go???

"Charles has been worried that they are too attached to each other. He’s afraid Diane will never want to make her own life. As much as the girls love donating most of them eventually want husbands, kids. Diane hasn’t expressed any interest."

"Diane was crying last night. I thought Charles and Sarah were throwing her out with nothing." Anne mumbled

"Did she say that???? Hope asked incredulously

"No. She just said she wished she could do this a little longer. I made my own assumptions."


"I called Charles a monster. Anne said.

"He’s been called worse. Hope said, by me so don't feel bad.

"I better go apologize.

Anne went upstairs and she heard Sarah crying.

"Sarah what’s wrong??

"Charles told me he’s releasing Diane.

"You didn’t know???

"Diane asked him not to tell me till a few days before. I don’t want her to leave.

"She needs to start her own life. Anne said

"That’s what Charles said. He told me you’re mad at him too!"

"I need to apologize.

"Don’t apologize Mother. Sarah had an idea. He hates upsetting you, maybe you can convince him to let her stay."

"I need to talk to him. Is he home?"

Yes. Sarah said. "The monster is downstairs in his study ruining people’s lives.

Anne went down and knocked on the study.

"Come in. Charles said.

"Charles, I owe you an apology.

"Why? I’m a monster who’s sole purpose is to make my wife and others miserable.

Anne ignored the comment "Charles I just spoke to Hope. I didn’t realize you prepared for their departure. I thought they left with no job or money."

"So that’s what you think of me." he said sadly "I didn't expect that of you.

"Charles, I was wrong. I was reacting to how upset Diane was. I jumped to the wrong conclusions. I’m so sorry."

"If Diane is half as upset as Sarah I can understand why. It’s for her own good Anne."

"You’re right.

"She needs to move on and Sarah needs to learn how to let go.

"Right again. I’ll talk to Sarah.

"You don’t have to do that. Charles said. "That's my job not yours."

"I don’t mind. Maybe I can make her understand. She’s stubborn but intelligent.

"Like her mother. Charles said.

Anne laughed "Maybe a little.
Last edited by cassysj on Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1967 Diane The Donor Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by francis »

Stubborn but intelligent. That goes for all three, I guess. Yes, freshies need a life after the job, and you can do it different ways. Anne learned not to jump to conclusions. :heart:
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Re: 1967 Diane The Donor Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by cassysj »

As Josef says it's easy to blame the vampire. They are a stubborn family.
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