100% Freshie Chapter 4 --PG-13

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100% Freshie Chapter 4 --PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Disclaimer: The characters from Moonlight are copyrighted by CBS, and no infringement is intended.

Special note: This work takes place in the world of Moonlight, but your favorite vamps are not the main focus. Sorry about that; try to enjoy the story anyway. You might be surprised.

100% Freshie

Chapter 4

After the first night, life settled down. Good as her promise, Hunter took Danni to meet her boss, and before the week was out, Danni had a job as a salesgirl in the boutique dress shop where Hunter also worked. She also settled into sharing her new place with her two roomies, and found herself especially becoming close to Emma, although she’d never gotten any answers from either of them about the things she’d seen and heard and sensed at the club.

Most nights, Will called, or dropped by, often taking either Emma or Hunter out for a late drink, and more than once treating all three of them to dinner, although he never ate with them, Danni noticed. He was always warmly cordial to Danni, invariably charming her with a smile, making her feel she had his undivided attention for those few seconds. She knew it was a hopeless crush, she told herself that realistically there was no way a sophisticated older man would take a serious interest in an uneducated small town girl like her. Still, every time she saw him, her heart beat faster, and she worried that she blushed when he smiled. A few times she thought desperately that she surely must get used to him. After all, she’d had crushes before, and been able to conceal her feelings. There was that handsome young history teacher in 9th grade, and the quarterback in 11th grade. Neither had ever known she was smitten, however, and she was pretty sure Will Spence was actively enjoying every minute of her discomfiture.

There were the dreams to think about, too. She was too embarrassed to mention it to Emma or Hunter, but Will had begun to invade her sleeping mind as well as her waking thoughts, and in disturbing ways. In her dreams, his bright turquoise eyes, glimpsed as though in flashes of lightning, gleamed a strange, unnatural silver, and in her sleep she could almost feel his so-white teeth scraping along the skin of her neck, the heat of his breath on her skin. She awakened more than once, gasping and sweaty, the sheets tangled around her, her hips moving in dissatisfaction.

Danni’s sense that there was some mystery here continued to grow. While Emma always seemed happy, contented even, Hunter was often quiet, with a look in her eyes Danni could only describe as haunted. Both of them went out, often, and not always with Will. She asked Emma about that, and the other woman responded “Oh, no, we don’t date Will exclusively.” Then she paused and her expression grew serious. “Danger, be a love and don’t talk to Hunter about that. It’s a bit of a sore point with her. Of course, he doesn’t see us exclusively either, but then they never do, do they?”


Emma’s glance was near panicked. “Oh—ummm—you know. Men.”

“Oh. Right.” Danni was pretty sure that wasn’t what Emma had meant, though.

And there was the card Danni found careless tucked into a worn paperback copy of The Vampire Lestat, a forgotten bookmark. It was plain white heavy cardstock, printed in blood-red ink, and said only “Hunter,” with her cell phone number below the name. The rest of the card was bare, save for the tiny initials WFS and a number in the lower left corner. Danni didn’t ask about it, but she tucked it away in a corner of her top dresser drawer.

And then one evening, when Emma and Hunter had both departed separately on last minute dates, Will knocked on the door unexpectedly. As usual, Danni was thrilled to see him.

“Will,” she said, stepping back from the door, “do come in.”

He paused on the threshold. “You’re alone this evening?”

Danni was surprised, and a little uneasy. But then, Will had never been anything except a perfect gentleman that she had seen. He had the manners of someone from one of the old movies she’d always loved to watch on TCM. In fact, her plan for the evening had been to make some microwave popcorn and watch “It Happened One Night” for about the twentieth time. “Yes,” she said, “I am.”

He favored her with a slow, sweet smile as he walked past her into the apartment’s living room. “Well, it’s a pity that I missed them, but on the other hand, I’ve been waiting for a good chance to get to know you better.”

Danni felt her cheeks growing hot at the somehow intimate tone of his voice. “I’m not sure there’s much to know,” she said. “I’m sure I’m very boring for someone like you. The most interesting thing I’ve ever done was get on a bus and come to L.A.”

Will laughed and sat down on the couch. “Danger, the day I find talking to a beautiful young woman boring, I’ll decide I’ve finally lived too long.”

Danni sighed, not knowing how to reply to that, and sat down on the other end of the couch, tucking one foot up under her and regretting the casual knit yoga pants and tank top she was wearing. Hardly the impression she wanted to make. Still, she had a least one sure-fire strategy to keep him interested and give her an excuse to be in his company. First, however—

“I’m forgetting my manners,” she said suddenly. “May I offer you a drink?” There was a bottle of what Emma had told her was very good and extremely expensive Scotch tucked away in the kitchen. Emma had also mentioned that it was reserved for Will, should he ever want some.

He gave her that crooked smile that made her stomach flutter. “Thanks, Danger,” he said, and the way he tasted her nickname as he spoke made it seem like a caress, “not right now. Maybe later.”

Danni settled back, then, and laid one arm along the back of the couch, her right hand only a foot or so away from Will’s shoulder. “I can’t bear the thought of going on and on to you about how dreadful it is to grow up in Nowhere, Texas,” she told him, “and besides, Hunter told me you know all kinds of really great stories about old time Hollywood.”

Will gave her a look that indicated he saw through her ploy, but he was more than happy to oblige. He knew that every minute he gazed into her eyes, every sentence he spoke to her, bound her closer to him. And every breath he took brought the heady scent of her untasted blood into his heightened awareness. The only problem he would have, he knew from experience, would be flashing fang at her before she was quite ready to accept it.

“She did, did she?” he asked. “I guess I do, at that. My grandfather—“ and that lie came naturally off his tongue after all this time, “came to Los Angeles back in the early twenties, convinced he was going to be the next Valentino…” the stories spun from there, how his “grandfather” had given up on acting to go into producing, finding the work steadier and the rewards greater. He found from Danni’s eager questions that she loved the great films of the 30’s and 40’s, and he was happy to tell her the anecdotes of “grandfather’s” dealings with Gable and Garbo, the rumors of his affairs with Katherine Hepburn and Bette Davis.

Danni was spellbound, and hardly noticed that they had drawn closer as they talked until very little space separated them. As mesmerized as she was by his voice, Will found himself so intoxicated by her scent, and so hungry for the taste of her blood, that he was as captured as Danni.

“The way you talk about these people—it’s like you were there yourself.,” she told him breathlessly.

He shrugged. “Grandpa was a vivid storyteller,” he said, then paused and looked away from her for a moment, swallowing. “Danger, I want to ask you something.”


“Would you object if I kissed you?”

Danni looked into those turquoise eyes, once again directed piercingly at her, and felt like she was falling off the edge of the earth. Here there be dragons, she heard a little voice in her head warn. “No,” she whispered, “I wouldn’t object.”

His mouth was cool on hers at first and practiced, and as his tongue probed past her lips, she felt an electric current of excitement travel through her in a way she’d never felt with her high school boyfriend. Will reached out to close the distance between them, him hands gentle but relentless as the pull of the moon on the tide, and he encountered no resistance. Finally, long minutes later, he pulled back, her hands still against his cheeks, her half-closed eyes smoky with passion.

“Danger,” he said, and his voice was low and thick, “I don’t want you to be frightened, but I need you to look at me now.”
Danni swam to the surface of consciousness with an effort and looked into his silver eyes, saw the feral movement of his head and the lengthened canines visible behind his parted lips.

Somewhat to his surprise, he felt her heartbeat steady, and she smiled softly. “I dreamed of you this way,” she said, very quietly. “And I only hope I’m not dreaming now.” And she turned her head to offer him her throat.

The shock of his fangs sliding through her skin made her eyes open wide. She’d read so many descriptions of the vampire’s bite, some that made it painful, some that made it orgasmic. For her, this first time was a mixture of both. The initial wound was painful, and yet his fangs filled her in a way she had never thought she would be filled. And the feel of his lips working softly against her skin, pulling the blood from her body into his, shook her, shattered her, transformed her. He took her blood, and replaced it with a silver molten darkness, until she thought she couldn’t stand for the sensation to continue, and wept to think it might ever end.

Her blood was as sweet, as rich as any he’d tasted in decades, he thought as it welled into his mouth. He would never tire of the first conquest, that first surrender when their bodies arched against his so recklessly, so enticingly as Danger did now. This one was a temptation to drink deep, but he held back. For tonight, a taste, for tonight, a start. His mark was on her now, and he knew her now in ways she could never dream of. He could taste in the honeyed silk of her skin, of her blood, that she would never walk away, that from now on, she belonged to him, and he smiled savagely against her.
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Re: 100% Freshie Chapter 4 --PG-13

Post by francis »

Why do Emma, Hunter and especially Will stall the explanations that Danni deserves? On the other hand, there’s no danger that she would tell someone, she knows noone outside the fold yet. And Will is courting her, seems he finds foreplay as exciting as Josef does. Kissing her the way he did and showing her might have been a good way to entice this one. She is living dangerous, isn’t she, offering her neck without questions. And he knows that he has her now.
What is haunting Hunter? Would she want to be exclusive? Is she jealous?
This story is moving forward nicely, there is always this hint of danger in the air without anything bad happening yet.
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Re: 100% Freshie Chapter 4 --PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Man... I have chills. Danger is right...one can only hope that Will is going to treat her well, because our girl is well and truly hooked.

May I say that you describe the blood drinking experience, from the point of view of the drinker and of the, uh, donor, with such exquisite beauty...it makes me understand why one becomes a freshie.
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