1978 Vampire Birthday Calendar PG Forgiveness Series

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1978 Vampire Birthday Calendar PG Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

Anne is relaxing with Hope and Riley.

"Hope when is your birthday?" Anne asked.

"Which one?"

"What do you mean?

"My human birthday or my vampire birthday?"

"Which do you celebrate?" Hope asked

"Human. Christmas Eve."

"Was your birth name Hope?"


"That’s wonderful. Anne said. Riley when is your birthday or vamp day?"

Turning day. Riley corrected. I celebrate both."

"Good for you! What are they?"

"February 14th for my birthday and June 20th for my Turning Day."

"This is fascinating." Anne said. "Mick St. John is November 11th and Coraline is July 14th .

"Anne what are you doing? Hope asked.

"I'm making a vampire calendar. I’m living here now and I have new birthdays to remember."

"You don’t have to give vampires presents. Hope said.

"I like presents. " Riley chimed in.

"Of course you do! Anne said. Everyone likes to be remembered. I have Sarah’s birth and turning days. I just need Charles."

"Good luck with that!" Riley said.

"What do you mean?"

"I've known him for at least a century. He’s never told me."

"Me either. " Hope said.

Later that evening

"Charles can I ask you a question?

"You can ask me anything Anne."

"When is your birthday?

"I don’t celebrate my birthday." Charles said

"When is your Turning Day?"

"I don’t celebrate my Turning Day."

"You have to tell me one of them." Anne insisted.

"Anne that’s a very personal question. I don’t ask you how old you are."

"That’s because you know I’m 66 and my birthday is May 29th. How old are you?"



"I was 25 the last time I counted."

"Fine Charles. If you don’t feel close enough to me to share this deep dark secret I understand."

"Anne that’s not fair." Charles said.

"I never said life was fair Charles."

Charles paused. "I was born in 1599."

"That’s amazing! Before the Pilgrims came to America. Will you tell me one of your days? "

"My turning day was April 25th 1625."

"That’s Sarah’s Turning Day and your wedding anniversary." Anne said


Anne kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Charles. It means a lot to me."

"If I tell you my birthday do you promise not to tell anyone? I’ve never even told Sarah."

"I promise Charles."

"December 16th"

Anne gasped. "That’s the day my husband died. The day Sarah woke up.

"Those days are about Sarah now. Not me. I don’t celebrate either for myself."

"I understand Charles. No one will ever hear it from me." Anne vowed
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1978 Vampire Birthday Calendar PG Forgiveness Series

Post by francis »

It's good to have special days to remember things. Now we know why Charles wouldn't tell his special days, he has new and more important memories to go with them.
This is wonderful. :rose:
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Re: 1978 Vampire Birthday Calendar PG Forgiveness Series

Post by mitzie »

I love the relationship Anne has with Josef! So much trust and love there. :hearts: Beautiful, simply beautiful!!!! :heart: :flowers: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :flowers: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:
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Re: 1978 Vampire Birthday Calendar PG Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

Thank you. Charles has lots of secrets but he can't turn Anne down.
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