Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

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Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

MLA Reader-Writer Challenge—NocturneInCMoll featuring AggieVamp

Author’s note: AggieVamp and I discussed several potential story ideas before we narrowed it down to some scenes that she would like to have seen on the show. She chose her two favourites of that list—one potentially funny and one potentially poignant. I couldn’t decide which one to do, so I decided to challenge myself and do both! Hope you like the results. AggieVamp was also the beta for this story and inspirational for the title--and you can thank her for cherry Kool-Aid (instead of my tomato juice)!

Summary: Something that could have happened between “The Mortal Cure” and “Fated to Pretend.” While Mick discovers the downside of his rush to enjoy his temporary mortality, Josef makes an important decision.

Human Is Where The Heart Is

Josef stopped outside the door of the penthouse and took a few deep breaths, then pressed the remote entry key in his pocket to open the door.

Strange smells immediately assaulted his nose and he nearly tripped over a pizza box only to put his foot through an ice cream carton that was lying on the floor near the door. “What the—” he kicked off the ice cream carton and looked up. Nearly every flat surface of the apartment was covered with containers of every conceivable kind of take-out food.

And sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, clad only in boxers, with a cold cloth covering his head, three fans pointed at him, and his feet in a bucket of ice water, was a very red Mick St. John.

Josef stood there for several moments, just looking at his friend, alternately opening and closing his mouth as if he kept deciding to speak and then thinking better of it.

“It’s not funny, Josef.”

Josef put up his hands. “Hey—I’m not laughing, Mick...”

Mick’s expression indicated that he did not believe him.

“Okay, I’m not laughing out loud.”

Mick heaved a sigh.

“Hee hee hee…” Josef finally let a few chuckles escape as he stepped closer. “Geez, Mick, you’re the colour of blood!”

“I know,” he groaned. “Beth and I went to the beach…”

“—Where?” Josef sputtered. “—on Mercury?!”

“We went to Venice Beach.”

“And does Blondie look like some kid dropped their Barbie in their cherry Kool-Aid?”

Mick glared at him. “No…”

Josef raised an eyebrow.

Mick tilted his head resignedly and licked his cracked lips. “—Beth is used to remembering to put sunscreen on. I, on the other hand, haven’t used it in over half a century...and any memories I did have of it weren’t pleasant.”

“Ah,” Josef nodded. “And here I thought old habits died hard. But apparently they just…die.” He looked around the room. “I know you’re enjoying being temporarily human and all, buddy, and I know meals are a little more…complicated…now, but—” he picked up a carton containing remnants of moo shu pork and just as quickly dropped it back on the coffee table “—would it kill you to do the dishes or take out the trash?” He gingerly lifted the lid of a nearby pizza box and wrinkled his nose at the mould growing on a half-eaten slice of pizza. “—‘Cause it might kill you if you don’t.”

“Why are you here, Josef?”

Josef sat down on the arm of the couch and let out a sigh. He stared at the floor. “I’ve decided to bring Sarah home…here, to LA.”

Mick removed the cloth from his head. “What?”

“She belongs with me,” Josef shrugged. “I shouldn’t have left her behind…in New York, but I was running. You aren’t the only vampire with baggage, Mick. Seeing you living up your dream of being mortal—even if has turned you into—” he wagged his finger up and down in Mick’s direction “—this, made me realize something.

“You and me both forget that there is a man inside the vampire.”

Mick started in surprise and seemed about to speak when Josef held up a hand to stop him. “Look, Mick, I know ‘vampire’ wasn’t exactly high on your list of ‘things I want to be when I grow up,’ but it happened. And when you were turned, all you could see was a monster who drank blood and hunted innocents in the dead of night. All you could think about was what you couldn’t have, and not about what you did have, or could still have. But Sarah didn’t know what I was when she fell in love with me; but she found out and she loved me anyway in spite of it—so much that she wanted to become a vampire to be with me—forever. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is.

“Being a vampire isn’t all we are, Mick. The real difference between a human and a vampire isn’t sunburns and day-old moo shu pork—it’s time. Vampires have all the time in the world. It’s what we do with it that makes us a man—or a monster. I let the vampire take over when Sarah…” he paused and swallowed, “…when Sarah went to sleep, and now the man has finally decided he ain’t gonna sit back and take it anymore.

“For better or for worse, I should be with her. If it had been me, lying there, she wouldn’t have left me. Nothing would have torn her from my side. But I was weak—I couldn’t handle the pain of seeing her like that, knowing that I did that to her. So I ran across the country and threw myself into a life she would have hated—punishing myself with a life of empty pleasures, and her, in a way, for not being with me.

“This may shock you, but I don’t always like what I’ve become. I’m lonely…without her. And even though she’s asleep, and she may never wake up, being near her makes me feel like the man I was when I with her. She wrote that our love could overcome any obstacle—and it’s true. She’s been in a coma for over fifty years and I still love her as much as when she went in it. It doesn’t matter that the universe doesn’t seem to be on our side—screw the universe. I waited 350 years to find her, and I’ll damn well wait 350 more for her to wake up if I have to.”

“Wow,” Mick exhaled.

Josef shrugged with his eyebrows. “Yeah…well, what can I say, deep down I’m a romantic. —But don’t tell anyone.” He grabbed the lapels on his jacket and yanked them straight. “I still have a reputation to uphold.”

“I don’t even know what to say, Josef—this thing you’re doing, it’s incredible.”

“Yeah, what can I say—I’m a complex character who’s greatly underrated.”

Mick was nodding with a slow smile. “I may even have to rethink my initial impression of you—or at least revise it.”

“What, that I’m a pompous ass?” Josef broke into a little grin.

“That’d be the one,” Mick smirked.

“Well, if you give that up, then maybe I’d be forced to admit that you are cut out to be a vampire—just not the kind you think.”

Mick fell silent. “Josef?” he finally said a few minutes later.

“Yeah, Mick?”

He held out a tube with a sheepish look. “Do you think you could you spread some aloe vera gel on my back? It hurts—” he winced “—to move.”

Josef rolled his eyes and stepped forward to take the tube as Mick inched up a little on his seat to give him better access. Josef moved around behind him and squirted some of the gel into his hands. He rested his hands on Mick’s shoulder blades for a few moments, then lifted them and grinned at the big white palm prints left behind before squeezing some more gel directly onto Mick’s back and spreading it around.

“Ahhh,” Mick sighed, stretching a little, “I have never appreciated cold vampire hands so much.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to this,” Josef snapped playfully. “I’ve been a lot of things in my 400 years, but cabana boy to a mortal has never been one of them—and it never will be. By the way,” he leaned in so his mouth was right beside Mick’s ear, “if you ever tell anyone about this—”

Mick twisted around to face him. “Hey—if you ever tell anyone about this…” he pointed to himself.

“Perfect, I’m glad we understand each other,” Josef clapped Mick on the shoulder. “Ooh—sorry,” he added quickly as Mick hissed in pain. “Although…can I at least get a picture?”


“Easy, Mick…I was just kidding!” Josef said breezily as he quickly massaged Mick’s shoulders with more aloe vera. “You, my friend, have got to learn to laugh at yourself. It’s easy—I do it all the time!”

Mick snorted. “Since when does Josef Kostan laugh at himself?”

“Oh, I meant at you.”

“Right,” Mick rolled his eyes, but one corner of his mouth quirked up slightly. “I guess I probably do look pretty ridiculous.”

“’Atta boy—it’s a start.” Josef started rubbing the cool gel onto the middle of Mick’s back.

After a few moments of silence, Mick spoke. “So, when are you going to do it?”

“Next week sometime. I’m still making all the arrangements. It’s not as simple as you’d think to move your comatose girlfriend—who’s 73 going on 22—across the country.”

Mick looked over his shoulder at his friend. “Well, let me know—if you need anything.”

“I will. Thanks, man.”

Mick turned and put his head down so Josef could do his neck. “Ahhh…”

“Okay, I think you can handle the rest,” Josef moved out from behind the chair and lobbed the tube of aloe vera to Mick.

“Yeah—thanks, Josef.”

“But maybe you can wait till I’m gone before you do—Venice isn’t a nudie beach, is it?” he tossed over his shoulder on the way to the fridge.

“You know perfectly well it’s not,” Mick said tolerantly.

“Right. Yeah—we’re all thankful for that.” Josef took a bottle of blood out and sniffed it. He shrugged and started walking over to the bar. “—You’ve been a vampire for, what, 55 years? If that doesn’t qualify you for a pasty white boy, then I don’t know what does.” He started puttering around with glasses and bottles and glanced back at Mick. “—Can I get you anything?”

“For a non-cabana boy, you sure play the part well,” Mick grinned. His grin faded as Josef’s eyes silvered over. He coughed. “Uh, yeah, I could go for one on the rocks—but, um, without the usual additive.”

Josef smirked as he poured the requested drink in addition to one for himself and walked back over to Mick. “Here you go.”

Mick looked at the glass in horror, then up at his friend.

“What? —Oh. I’m sorry. I guess I always thought of scotch as the additive—my bad.” Josef stuck his finger in the glass and swirled it around in the red liquid, then removed it and licked it lengthwise. “—Sure you don’t want this?”

“Pretty sure, yeah,” Mick scowled at him.

Josef pursed his lips. “Okay, then.” He walked back to the bar and returned immediately with the proper glass.

Thanks,” Mick exchanged a wry smile with him as he took the glass.

“So, Mr. Mortal Coil, how are you really enjoying yourself?” Josef settled back on the couch with his drink.

Mick swallowed a mouthful of scotch. “It’s—it’s great.”

“Yeah?” Josef smirked. “—You look great. Did you do something to your hair?”

“Shut up.”

“Mortality has its cons, doesn’t it,” Josef regarded his friend knowingly.

Mick leaned back but grimaced and straightened up immediately when his skin touched the chair. “So does immortality...”

“Sure. But you know, I’ll tell you something I learned in my 400 years—”

“—Is this going to be another monk story?” Mick interrupted.

“What, didn’t you like that one?” Josef pouted.

Mick shrugged. “Just curious. Go on.”

“A caterpillar spins a cocoon and comes out a butterfly. Does the butterfly immediately turn around and try and get back into the cocoon?” He paused a moment for dramatic effect. “No—it flies away. You can’t become a human again, Mick—at least not permanently. Maybe it’s time for you to fly away.”

“That’s deep, Josef—even for you.”

“Yes, well, when your best friend mortalizes himself—even if it won’t stick—it tends to be thought provoking—in so many ways.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“That’s all I ask.”

The two friends sat in companionable silence for a few moments, nursing their respective drinks. Josef finished his off first, and started fumbling for something in his pocket. When he leaned in to set his empty glass on the coffee table, Mick’s stomach caught his eye.

“—What?” Mick said uncomfortably when he noticed his friend staring.

“Dude…maybe you should cut back on the human food a little—I think you’re getting a potbelly!”

“What?!” Mick looked down with a frown and pawed at his stomach. “I am not!” He froze in the next moment when he thought he heard the unmistakable click of a camera phone—but when he looked up, he was alone.

Great,” he muttered to the empty room and knocked back the rest of his scotch.


Josef lay down on the coverlet next to a serenely sleeping Sarah and smiled as he tenderly stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Sarah…your prodigal lover has finally brought you home.”

He sat up and leaned back against the headboard, just watching her sleep for a while. Then he took her hand in his. “I’m sorry it took me so long, doll. When you didn’t wake up, I—” he blinked “—I was really screwed up for a while. But my friend—Mick, you met him once, sort of—he became mortal again for a while, and...well, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it later.

“—But, oh man," he shook his head with a chuckle, "that guy got the worst sunburn I have ever seen in my 400 years. You really have to see it to believe it.”

He set a framed photo of a mortal and colourful Mick St. John on Sarah’s bedside table and leaned in to kiss her mouth. When his lips parted from hers, he thought he saw a smile.
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by darkstarrising »

Wow!!! Julie and Aggie, this is tremendous!! And Julie, you blended the funny with the poignant perfectly. And the ending is absolutely Josef....being sweet and loving with Sarah, yet having a picture of an sunburned Mick in all his glory nearby to remind him to laugh at life.

You've captured the banter between the boys so well..
“Ahhh,” Mick sighed, stretching a little, “I have never appreciated cold vampire hands so much.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to this,” Josef snapped playfully. “I’ve been a lot of things in my 400 years, but cabana boy to a mortal has never been one of them—and it never will be. By the way,” he leaned in so his mouth was right beside Mick’s ear, “if you ever tell anyone about this—”

Mick twisted around to face him. “Hey—if you ever tell anyone about this…” he pointed to himself.

“Perfect, I’m glad we understand each other,” Josef clapped Mick on the shoulder. “Ooh—sorry,” he added quickly as Mick hissed in pain. “Although…can I at least get a picture?”

But the sweetest thing was the very end
He set a framed photo of a mortal and colourful Mick St. John on Sarah’s bedside table and leaned in to kiss her mouth. When his lips parted from hers, he thought he saw a smile.
I'd like to believe she did....

Brava ladies :hearts:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by redwinter101 »

This is just lovely, ladies. Very well done indeed.


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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by librarian_7 »

This is very cute...and touching. Yeah, I can see Mick getting a sunburn. With his complexion, he probably tanned well, as a mortal, but decades in the dark will do a number on your tanning abilities!

And seeing Josef taking care of his beloved Sarah, always brings a tear to my eye.

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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by greenleaf9 »

“A caterpillar spins a cocoon and comes out a butterfly. Does the butterfly immediately turn around and try and get back into the cocoon?” He paused a moment for dramatic effect. “No—it flies away. You can’t become a human again, Mick—at least not permanently. Maybe it’s time for you to fly away.”

“That’s deep, Josef—even for you.”

This is just quite simply--freaking awesome! I LOVED this--You two did a fantastic job! So absolutely hysterical and poignant at the same time. How beautiful! How funny! I don't think there has even been quite a fic like this gem.

Bravo! I adored every word! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by Catmoon »

I enjoyed this missing scene -- which we could have seen it played out! The conversation between Mick and Josef was great, and in character. Loved the caterpiller story, it was so Josef I can just hear him telling it.
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Aggie and Julie this is sensational. So, so funny! I always know when I read one of yours NICmoll, that I'm going to get some of the best dialogue in the biz. You guys totally rocked with this one. And the image of the barbie dipped Kool-Aid. Priceless! I have to agree, Kool-Aid was definitely funnier than tomato sauce.
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by cassysj »

I love the caterpillar story. I also can see Mick getting sunburned. Considering his bad luck, not having a bed only being human for six days, I'm surprised he didn't get the flu!
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by Emma-lee »

This was a great read! It was funny and poignant at the same time. Great job ladies.

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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by bluedahlia3 »

This is so much better than the ML scenes seeing Mick eating his way into another pant size. :yes: I think the ML writers should have consulted you two. Fabulous, very funny. :hyper2:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by NocturneInCMoll »

Thanks so much, Darkstar, Red, Lucky, GL, Catmoon, Luxe, Cassy, Emma-Lee, and Blue!!! :grouphug:

I (and, I'm sure, AggieVamp, but I'll let her speak for herself) am so glad you enjoyed our little missing/alternate scene. We had fun doing it. To me, Mick and Josef's relationship is all about the back and forth between the playful and the serious, so it actually wasn't as hard as I thought to combine the two--the hard part was coming up with Josef's big speech about Sarah. But it all came together, eventually. I fully admit, I want Sarah to wake up...and I like to think she did smile at the end. :hearts:

P.S. Kool-Aid is definitely better than tomato juice. :tomato: :blecch:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by AggieVamp »

I'll echo what Julie said - thank you ALL for the comments & compliments - we really did have a ball working on this. And I absolutely LOVE how Julie married the two ideas/pieces together - when I got a preview I was cracking up at work - trying not to make too much noise, so I was hoping everyone else would love it as well.


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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by nutmegger911 »

NocturnInCMoll and Aggie Vamp,
This is an interesting mix of poignant with comic relief. The caterpillar story was well delivered. Funny while setting forth a truth. Those are the best kind of stories. Congratulations! :rose:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by bank1115 »

Wow, wow, wow! Julie, as par usual, you did not disappoint! Loved the story and I'm glad Aggie V. put you up to it.

“You, my friend, have got to learn to laugh at yourself. It’s easy—I do it all the time!”

Mick snorted. “Since when does Josef Kostan laugh at himself?”

“Oh, I meant at you.”

This is so totally Josef at the expense of Mick. Loved it. The show hinted at so much of what could have developed. Thank God we have you to take it to the next level. kays :thumbs:
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Re: Human Is Where the Heart Is [challenge feat. AggieVamp] PG

Post by sabazzz »

This was sooooooo good, so fun, so realistic and very Mick and Josef. You captured them perfectly. Kudos to NocturneInCMoll and AggieVamp!
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