Half the World is Night - PG-13

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Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

A/N: Two one-shots in one week - I'm starting to scare myself. :-)

This one I pounded out Sunday morning - I've always LOVED Lola and would have loved to see her as a recurring character.

Thanks a million to Lucky for beta-ing this and tidying up my English errors. Much appreciated!


Usual disclaimers apply. I own nothing but my own imagination.


She's returned. That pretty little blonde that tried to get into my VIP lounge the other night. I hope she doesn't think she's being surreptitious...I make it my job to keep up on any and every threat to my business or my existence. I know she's a reporter and I know she can be trouble if not handled correctly.

When you've lived as long as I have, you think nothing can surprise you...certainly not the actions of the humans that infest your existence. True, they have their uses; their blood is exquisite and they can be a lovely distraction when boredom strikes. Unfortunately, their fragile bodies break much too easily for my taste. Still...I've found one here who's delightfully adventurous and devious enough to keep me from killing him when he irritates me. Unfortunately, he has a wandering eye and a uncontrollable lust for beautiful women. I tolerated his dalliances with the model named Renee, because it amused me to watch him try to hide it from me - and she spent hundreds of thousands of her salary on my drug. As long as it profitted me, I allowed the two of them to live. That is, until the stupid girl OD'ed - and in front of the blonde reporter that has now returned to my club.

Sadly, there is more of them than there are of us, but in a ironic way, that's the way it should be, shouldn't it? After all, it's a wise species that keeps its food source healthy and abundant. And it's never good to quibble over meals--as civilized as we pretend to be, vampires are animals at heart. The strong turn on each other when the weak are few, so it's best to keep the cattle well-fed, plentiful and blissfully ignorant. As mentally deficient as they tend to be, there are a few among the humans who are dangerously cunning. They are the ones behind the evil in history; the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution...the attack on your World Trade Center just a few years ago. As strong as we are, we do have weaknesses and we can be killed. Josef can tell you many tales of vampire persecution; he'll bore you to tears with the story of a torch-bearing mob that chased him two leagues out of Paris before he slipped them in 1745. To listen to him tell it, he single-handedly took on a group of over 50 pitchfork-wielding peasants and destroyed them all. The truth is, he hid like a mole in an underground root cellar until the humans got hungry and gave up looking for him.

Still, I must mind the customs and my manners while I'm in this American city. This is Josef's territory and his power and authority must be maintained in the Community at all costs. He rules supreme here and while it would be child's play to come into his realm and wrest it from him, any upheaval in the vampire Community brings the attention of the Old Ones - and no one wishes to avoid their attention more than I. Besides...the game is so much more fun than the conquest - and playing with Josef is enjoyable to the utmost degree.

I'm fortunate indeed that Josef is easily malleable--a vampire as clever and savvy as he should not be so ruled by his...passions. A girl learns much when she has centuries to hone her craft. I have learned that men are controlled by one thing and one thing only - their base desires. Whether it be a woman, strong drink, drugs, or money, men will give up their lives for the thing they crave. Josef has never been able to conquer me and that failure burns in his belly like the cheap whiskey they sell at the club's bar. He craves my surrender and I hold it out of his reach, just allowing him a bare taste of what it would be like. This time, it was a joy to wheedle the information I needed out of him to start my enterprise here in Los Angeles - when he was beneath me and begging me to let him come, I smiled into those wild, silver eyes and whispered my request. He was only too willing to give me the access codes into one of his myriad Swiss bank accounts and I rewarded him like the good boy he'd been.

Through the vampires I've used to make my drug, I've gleaned many bits of useful information - torturing them is merely a side benefit of my ventures. The last one informed me that Josef is now frantically searching for me, although he did not know the reason. I smiled and blessed him with a quick release from his agony - Josef had done well, keeping the lid down tightly on the fact that I stole from him with so little effort. His reputation is everything and it would be a killing blow for his subordinates to discover he traded a million dollars for an orgasm. The luckless vampire told me Josef has employed a vampire private investigator to track me down - a child, barely 50 years old, and that this boy is Josef's closest friend. I scoffed at this tidbit...Josef has no friends and would never let such a juvenile into his inner sanctum. Still...I do recall the scent that permeated Josef's home while I was a guest there was not that of an elder.

As I recline against Calvin's young and supple body, my doorman hurries to inform me the blonde reporter has gained entrance to the upper echelon of the club and that she has somehow procured Calvin's slut's chip to do so. I control the overwhelming urge to rip Calvin's throat out - after all, there are humans about - and tell the harried man before me that I will handle the problem.

I approach the reporter, inhaling her and forcibly keeping my fangs from descending. This one is special; her blood is rare and precious. What a treat she would be, but my main concern at this moment is to discern what she wants and whether or not she will disrupt my revenue stream. If humans knew how disgusting they smelled, they would never leave their showers. Blood, sex, sweat, urine, smoke...it clings to their skin like a malevolent shroud, coating them with filth. This one smells like the human male she's been fucking for some time; she's had him inside her not two nights ago, yet I sense thoughts of him were not what filled her mind while she was under him. Another scent assaults my nose and surprise strikes me, although I hide it well - she smells of vampire. One of my kind has had their hands on this tasty morsel not long before she entered my club. The smell is familiar and a thin smile stretches my lips; the scent that clings to her is the same scent that floated on the air in Josef's home. Not only does this one know of our existence, she knows a vampire that is close to Josef. I wonder if Josef is aware of this fact and of the extreme danger this slip of a girl presents this Community.

In her sweaty hand, she holds a vial of Black Crystal. As she goes to slip it in her purse, I know I must stop her from leaving this building with the drug at any cost, so I ask her how she got the model's microchip. She's a brave one - she drops her eyes briefly, then looks straight at me and tells me Renee gave her the chip. Renee would have cut off the hand that housed the key to her addiction before giving it up voluntarily, but I let the lie slide. The girl in front of me is frightened and her fear hums through my blood. I know she's not a friend of Renee's as she claims, nor is she interested in trying the drug for herself. I cannot allow her to leave, and I'm about to take care of this problem when a new presence disturbs the air around us.

Ah. Finally I have the privilege of casting my eyes upon the vampire that both Josef and this human hold dear. For truly the blonde does hold this vampire close to her heart, as evidenced by her elevated heart rate and the dewy smell of arousal that begins to sweeten the air. His eyes never leave me, yet I know his only thought is of her and how he will keep her safe from me. I'm amused at this male's devotion to the girl; he fancies himself in love with her. As I delve deeper into both their secrets, the picture becomes clear. This is the one who fills the thoughts of the blonde when she lies with her human; his name is the one her mind whispers when she comes. Something deep inside her, something even she does not realize exists, wants this vampire to claim her, body and soul.

With great care, I dance around his thoughts and learn of him. His innate scent is familiar and regal; I know the sire that Turned him belongs to a bloodline of great importance. For a moment I think it may be Josef, but his bloodline is as familiar to me as my own. When the knowledge comes to me, I smile inwardly--so the rumors were true. Coraline DuVall DID take an inferior lover and Turned him; this would be the reluctant vampire Mick St. John. Stories have flowed thick in the European Community about that unfortunate turn of events; Coraline's family was most displeased at her for bringing what they consider peasant blood into the family - and an AMERICAN, no less. According to the Old Ones, the oldest brother Lance has been dispatched to track down his errant sister and bring her home for punishment. Unfortunately, Coraline has disappeared from sight as if her very existence has been erased. The vampire currently staring at me through narrowed hazel eyes better pray Lance doesn't come to him for information on Coraline - I doubt the young one will survive the experience.

We circle the blonde; both of us realize she is now the prize one of us will win. I taunt them both with my words; the vampire becomes angrier and the girl more fearful. Strangely, her fear has become less for herself and more for the vampire named Mick. How delightful - she not only wants him, she has feelings for him. She trusts him completely to take care of her and see her safe from this place and from me. Foolish girl; one such as she should never trust one of us. This vampire, this Mick St. John, trembles inside from the force of his desire to take her. I find it faintly humorous that he hasn't done so yet; from what I can sense of the reporter, she would put up no fight and would let the vampire possess her body.

She'd better hurry, I warn her. She's young and lovely now, but Mick will lose interest soon enough - probably after he buries himself in her body. If vampires enjoy anything, it's the chase. Once the cat catches the mouse, the fun is gone and the cat usually disposes of the toy by eating it. Besides, there's too much tender meat in this world to waste one's time on something old and tough. I run a lock of that lovely blonde hair through my fingertips and thrill when I feel her shudder at my touch. I know she's thinking about my words, I KNOW she wonders what it's like to be like us. She wants to know the power that runs through our veins, wants to know what it's like to rule the night like royalty. Her arousal kicks up a notch and even I can barely resist tasting this delicate piece of humanity.

The girl's eyes are locked on the vampire before her, silently pleading him to take her from this place. Again, her simple-minded trust in a beast such as him bewilders me, but before I can get to the bottom of her devotion the front door bursts open and police in riot gear boil through the ruined entrance. My doorman is rushing around like a terrified rabbit, screaming at whoever will listen to dispose of the drug. I'm unconcerned; to my knowledge, vampire blood hasn't been labeled an illegal substance as of yet. As I melt into the shadows, a tall dark-haired man comes up the stairs and an instant I know that scent - this is the reporter's human male. His face darkens with his anger and Mick's body lights up with pure aggression. This man is an implied threat to what the vampire considers his; I wonder if the human realizes how much danger he's in at the moment. If he makes a wrong move or touches the blonde, Mick's instincts will override his intellect and he will tear the man to pieces.

I wish I had more time to dip my fingers into this situation - such fun it would be! Josef, of course, would be furious at me for playing with his toys, but I know how to deal with Josef.

To my amazement, Mick lets a police officer manhandle him against a post at the dark-haired man's order. He handles the vampire roughly, apparently looking for weapons Mick might have hidden on his person. Little does the human wearing the badge around his neck know that Mick could level this whole building and kill every person in it before the human could draw his gun.

Before I slip away, I whisper something to the girl. Something I know she will turn over in her mind every time she looks at the vampire before her. Something deep inside her knows she wants to be like us, but hasn't realized it yet. I almost pity St. John when she does come to that realization, as he sees her more than just a pet to be pampered and adored before being cast aside. Her humanity calls to him, makes him long for his own and he will fight to the death to make her keep what he considers a gift of unimaginable worth.

"Remember, darling...half the world is night."

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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by coco »

PNW that was fantastic. I too have always loved Lola and I loved that entire scene in BC. The electricity and chemistry between all three jumped out the screen and you have captured that here perfectly.
Ah. Finally I have the privilege of casting my eyes upon the vampire that both Josef and this human hold dear. For truly the blonde does hold this vampire close to her heart, as evidenced by her elevated heart rate and the dewy smell of arousal that begins to sweeten the air. His eyes never leave me, yet I know his only thought is of her and how he will keep her safe from me. I'm amused at this male's devotion to the girl; he fancies himself in love with her. As I delve deeper into both their secrets, the picture becomes clear. This is the one who fills the thoughts of the blonde when she lies with her human; his name is the one her mind whispers when she comes. Something deep inside her, something even she does not realize exists, wants this vampire to claim her, body and soul.
This paragraph sums up so well the looks between them in the club. I just love it :)
We circle the blonde; both of us realize she is now the prize one of us will win. I taunt him them both with my words; the vampire becomes angrier and the girl more fearful. Strangely, her fear has become less for herself and more for the vampire named Mick. How delightful - she not only wants him, she has feelings for him. She trusts him completely to take care of her and see her safe from this place and from me. Foolish girl; one such as she should never trust one of us. This vampire, this Mick St. John, trembles inside from the force of his desire to take her. I find it faintly humorous that he hasn't done so yet; from what I can sense of the reporter, she would put up no fight and would let the vampire possess her body.
I also love this paragraph as it highlights the trust shown by Beth in Mick even though he told her very little about him. She trusted him over everything else. Mick was attracted to not only Beth but the trust she had in him.

Thank you for posting this one, I love it :D
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by wpgrace »

Oh, so cool.

I also loved Lola and she could've provided hours of annoyance for both Mick and Josef, if we had had more eps. Poop.

I love her aggressive femininity here. She seems to have had a different history than Coraline... using men but not being used by them to the extent we all assume Cora was. Makes her even more confidant and... cold. She IS like a cat playing with a smaller creature. The unbridled joy in the teasing and taunting is fun to read here. Her sooper snooper ability to smell all that she smells is wonderful... I did get the sense that she was soooo sizing MickBeth up all thru that scene. She pegged em. You pegged her.

Josef trading a million dollars for an orgasm! Hilarious line. I gotta admit, I'm gonna think of that line now when I see him on the show!
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by PNWgal »

coco, thanks! I always thought Beth was over-the-top brave in that scene, being the filling in a vampire sandwich. She did indeed trust Mick; after all, she goes to HIM when she's high on Black Crystal. I always found that interesting. :-)

LOL, grace - I would SO have loved to see more of Lola! I love a strong female character and Lola was strong in a different way than Beth - graceful, powerful with the centuries she'd lived and totally unscrupulous. She preyed on her own kind, played Josef and toyed with Mick's human. And...I just LOVE that scene! (liked that line, did ya? I thought it was appropriately humbling for our Josef)

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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by francis »

You got Lola’s voice down, PNWgal. That’s exactly the arrogant drawl I expected.
She has such a distinction going of „you humans“ and „us“, something Mick would never do and Josef always tones down.
It’s so embarrassing for Josef to hear about his secrets from Lola. Good that he doesn’t know that Lola kisses and tells.
I love how you let Lola rely on her sense of smell mostly to gather information. It was really unnerving how much she picked up from Mick and Beth in their short encounter. Especially for Beth.
And Lola has some truths for Beth that she won’t like to hear. Lola is right in a way, even if her point of view is very cynic. She has so much fun with the game, almost more than we had to watch it. She picks up so much. She knows that Beth will want to be turned, and Mick will not want to do that. And she revels in the irony of that.
Well done, PNW, fantastic story. You really gave Lola a voice and at the same time made us look at Mick and Beth from another POV, and explain all that looks going on in that scene. Brilliant.
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by skyeeblue »

This was spectacular!!!
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by Lilly »

I love this! Lola's voice here is so clear and strong. Her movements in that scene were extremely slow and calculated, but there was so much was ticking away beneath the surface. You've really captured that here. She is completely in control, totally aware, and she loves the power she has over these two.

And, poor Josef -- what you've done to him!
PNWgal wrote:... Josef can tell you many tales of vampire persecution; he'll bore you to tears with the story of a torch-bearing mob that chased him two leagues out of Paris before he slipped them in 1745. To listen to him tell it, he single-handedly took on a group of over 50 pitchfork-wielding peasants and destroyed them all. The truth is, he hid like a mole in an underground root cellar until the humans got hungry and gave up looking for him.
I always suspected he was only telling half of the story. :lol:

Great job!

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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by allegrita »

PNW, this is an awe-inspiring story. I love the way you've given us Lola's thoughts, and shown how much more powerful she is than Mick in her ability to glean information via scenting. We could tell in that scene that there was a TON of subtext, and you've supplied that subtext beautifully.

LOVED Lola's musings over the love triangle between Beth, Josh, and Mick. She knew exactly what was going on, and she was sooooo amused. Your depiction of Lola's contempt for humans is spot-on. Actually, her opinion of most vampires isn't a lot higher. And why should it be? After all, she's outlived most of 'em...with that kind of success comes arrogance.

Oh, and speaking of arrogance-- poooooor Josef. No wonder he doesn't want anyone to find out about Lola and the missing million bucks! Ah, the killer embarrassment. Only Lola could put him into that position and not die for it. (And hmmm.... actually, I guess she did. But of course, Josef hired that done. He's a lover, after all... not a fighter!)

But Lola underestimates Josef.
The luckless vampire told me Josef has employed a vampire private investigator to track me down - a child, barely 50 years old, and that this boy is Josef's closest friend. I scoffed at this tidbit...Josef has no friends and would never let such a juvenile into his inner sanctum.
He's changed since Lola last saw him. And what Lola sees as a weakness is actually Josef's strength. His friendship with Mick is by no means a one-way street--they both benefit from that relationship, and this case is ample evidence of that.

I'd love to read stories about Lola's past. She may not have a future, but she's got a heck of a lot of past to discover! :D
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by PNWgal »

Thanks, francis...you and I are of the same mind when it comes to Lola. I always see the "old" vampires as thinking themselves above not only the humans, but vamps that aren't as old and certainly don't take any American vamp seriously. ;-) Lola's view is indeed cynical, but she's not wrong - Mick's not your typical vampire. Another WOULD leave Beth behind when she got old.

Glad you liked it, skyee!

LOL, Lilly...I couldn't resist a dig or two at Josef in that fic. It was just too much fun not to include! Thanks for the kudos...I find Lola a fascinating character.

Alle! Thank you! I think a study in Lola's past would have been GREAT. And...I'm sure something along the lines I described happened, when Mick says "I don't wanna know" - figured she got that password out of him in SOME devious way.

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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Full on PNWgal. That was great. I love Lola too and think she would have been a great recurring character. You've really captured Lola's amoral view of the world. Of anyone in the series, I think she was probably the truest to the real nature of a vampire.
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by redwinter101 »

Well I guess I'm just going to have to agree with everyone else (and I do hate being unoriginal...) - Lola's voice doesn't just come through loud and clear, it sings, laden with knowledge and knowing, dripping with sex and all about the thrill of existence.

You have made her a creature of wonder.
PNWgal wrote:he traded a million dollars for an orgasm
Poor Josef! It takes real skill to portray someone else's emotions in a first person piece but you've done it. Josef's enchantment with Lola comes through so clearly here.
PNWgal wrote:and an AMERICAN, no less
Well this particular European laughed out loud at that. It's so perfect for Lola.
PNWgal wrote:Before I slip away, I whisper something to the girl. Something I know she will turn over in her mind every time she looks at the vampire before her. Something deep inside her knows she wants to be like us, but hasn't realized it yet. I almost pity St. John when she does come to that realization, as he sees her more than just a pet to be pampered and adored before being cast aside. Her humanity calls to him, makes him long for his own and he will fight to the death to make her keep what he considers a gift of unimaginable worth.

"Remember, darling...half the world is night."
That is a perfect, and terrifying ending. I am left with the horrible impression that she knows both Mick and Beth much, much better than they know themselves or each other.

This was wonderful - and so stunningly original.



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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by PNWgal »

Thanks, Luxe - I'm glad I hit the nail on the head. I think Lola would have been more fun to have around than even Morgan/Coraline. I would especially have loved to watch her and Josef play off each other. BTW, have I ever mentioned how much I adore your avi? 8-)

Red...thank you, my friend. Your feedback is high praise indeed. :-) If Mick is the epitome of everything there is to hate about being vampire, Lola is the exact opposite. She not only enjoys being a creature of the night, she revels in it. And...I think that Josef is correct; with age comes power and I see Lola as having powers only a centuries-old vampire would have.

LOL - I was hoping one of my European readers would pick up on the dis on Mick being American. I totally see Lola as being contemptuous of anything American, especially vampires.

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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by RangerCM »

Delightful look into Lola's world. Especially love the details of her "relationship" with Josef.
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

This is brilliant and my new favorite piece.

Wow. I am so impressed how you were able to completely suck (pun not intended) me into this story, and it focused on third tier character! You are Lola, that is the only explanation for the perfection behind the words.

Love this Lola, and yes, this is how I would imagine her to behave. She is a clever lady with centuries of experience and dalliances to inform her behavior. The fact that she could over"come" (pun intended) Josef speaks to that knowledge! And how you so deftly and sparingly showed that. Not to mention the insight that poured from her concerning Mick and Beth. Made me wonder how much fun she could have dallying with those two.

Damn fine writing that you should be extraordinarily proud of.
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Re: Half the World is Night

Post by mitzie »

I love that you have taken Lola and given her a voice here. Excellent story!!!! She comes through loud and clear. Very realistic! Love it!!!!

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